# Armbian logs for decd7989-926c-4c3c-8750-e97496c5dc56 # Armbian build at Fri Jan 6 11:38:36 NZDT 2023 on spearmint ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ARGs: 'BOARD=orangepi-r1' 'BRANCH=current' 'RELEASE=bullseye' 'BUILD_MINIMAL=yes' 'BUILD_DESKTOP=no' 'KERNEL_ONLY=no' 'KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no' 'CREATE_PATCHES=no' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Last revision: commit f558a285ae21c0be3e0153234cd2852783f48ade (HEAD -> armbian-next, origin/armbian-next) Author: Ricardo Pardini ------------------------ armbian-next END marker ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Git status: On branch armbian-next Your branch is up to date with 'origin/armbian-next'. nothing to commit, working tree clean ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Git changes: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 001.000.entrypoint.log --> 🦋 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🧽 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: cleanup: Add callback as cleanup handler [ trap_handler_cleanup_logging ] --> 🧽 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: cleanup: Add callback as cleanup handler [ trap_handler_reset_output_owner ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 002.000.prepare_host_basic.log --> 🦋 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🐛 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: basic-deps are already installed on host [ nothing to be done ] --> 🦋 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] --> 🐛 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: Executing final CLI command [ build ] --> 🐛 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: Calling run function for command [ build: cli_standard_build_run ] --> 🐛 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: normally logging output [ do_with_conditional_logging ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 003.000.config_early_init.log --> 🦋 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: info: Starting single build process [ orangepi-r1 ] --> 🦋 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] --> 🐛 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: normally logging output [ do_with_conditional_logging ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 004.000.config_source_board_file.log --> 🦋 0: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: info: Sourcing board configuration [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/config/boards/orangepi-r1.conf ] --> 🦋 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ in 1s ] --> 🐛 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: Already set BRANCH, skipping interactive [ current ] --> 🐛 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: normally logging output [ do_with_conditional_logging ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 005.000.config_pre_main.log --> 🦋 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🦋 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] --> 🐛 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: normally logging output [ do_with_conditional_logging ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 006.000.do_main_configuration.log --> 🦋 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: info: Starting main configuration [ ] --> 🐛 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: DEST_LANG... [ DEST_LANG: en_US.UTF-8 ] --> 🐛 1: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: Using host's /etc/timezone for [ TZDATA: Pacific/Auckland ] --> 🐛 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: .deb compression [ DEB_COMPRESS=none ] --> 🌱 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: info: Sourcing family configuration [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/config/sources/families/sun8i.conf ] --> 🌿 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: other: Enabling extension [ sunxi-tools ] --> 🐛 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: Sourcing common arch configuration [ common.conf ] --> 🌱 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: info: Sourcing arch configuration [ armhf.conf ] --> 🐛 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: Initializing EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/extensions-decd7989-926c-4c3c-8750-e97496c5dc56 ] --> 🧽 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: cleanup: Add callback as cleanup handler [ cleanup_handler_extensions ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Initializing EXTENSION_MANAGER [ initializing extension manager ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook point [ build_host_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_pre_sort [ compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id [ 500_compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions (final sorted realnames) [ compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook_point: build_host_tools will run 1 functions [ 1 ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook point [ fetch_sources_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_pre_sort [ sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id [ 500_sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions (final sorted realnames) [ sunxi_tools ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook_point: fetch_sources_tools will run 1 functions [ 1 ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook point [ run_after_build ] --> 🐾 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_pre_sort [ 999_finish_extension_manager ] --> 🐾 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id [ 999_finish_extension_manager ] --> 🐾 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions (final sorted realnames) [ 999_finish_extension_manager ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook_point: run_after_build will run 1 functions [ 1 ] --> 🌱 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: info: Extension manager [ processed 3 Extension Methods calls and 3 Extension Method implementations ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_family_config' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:254 ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_family_config [ hook: post_family_config ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: config_tweaks_post_family_config [ hook: config_tweaks_post_family_config ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_family_config_branch_current' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:262 ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_family_config_branch_current [ hook: post_family_config_branch_current ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'user_config' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:341 ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: user_config [ hook: user_config ] --> 🌱 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: info: Build host OS release [ una ] --> 🚸 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: warn: Using Python 3.9 for [ 'una' has outdated python3, using python3.9 ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'add_host_dependencies' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:349 -> host/prepare-host.sh:258 ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: add_host_dependencies [ hook: add_host_dependencies ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'host_dependencies_known' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:349 -> host/prepare-host.sh:269 ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: host_dependencies_known [ hook: host_dependencies_known ] --> 🐛 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: debug: Extensions: prepare configuration [ extension_prepare_config ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'extension_prepare_config' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:352 ] --> 🎣 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: extension_prepare_config [ hook: extension_prepare_config ] --> 🚸 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: warn: Using '/usr/bin/python3.9' for [ 'una' has outdated python3, using python3.9 ] --> 🐸 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c env -i 'PYTHONUNBUFFERED=yes' 'PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX=/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/pycache' 'LOG_DEBUG=' 'SRC=/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build' 'OUTPUT=/tmp/tmp.rIciovpubR' 'ASSET_LOG_BASE=/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/logs-decd7989-926c-4c3c-8750-e97496c5dc56/006.' 'ARCH=armhf' 'RELEASE=bullseye' 'LINUXFAMILY=sunxi' 'BOARD=orangepi-r1' 'USERPATCHES_PATH=/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/userpatches' 'SELECTED_CONFIGURATION=cli_minimal' 'REMOVE_PACKAGES=' 'REMOVE_PACKAGES_REFS=' 'EXTRA_PACKAGES_ROOTFS=' 'EXTRA_PACKAGES_ROOTFS_REFS=' 'EXTRA_PACKAGES_IMAGE=' 'EXTRA_PACKAGES_IMAGE_REFS=' 'BUILD_DESKTOP=no' 'DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT=' 'DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME=' 'DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED=' 'PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY=' 'PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD=' 'PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD_REMOVE=' 'PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY_REMOVE=' /usr/bin/python3.9 /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/lib/tools/aggregation.py ] env: ‘/usr/bin/python3.9’: No such file or directory --> 🧽 2: 2391286 - 2391286 - 2391286: hBE: trap: main_trap_handler [ ERR and 127 trap_manager_error_handled: short_stack:/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/lib/functions/logging/runners.sh:186 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------