# Armbian logs for bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 # Armbian build at Fri Jan 6 18:26:33 NZDT 2023 on spearmint ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ARGs: 'BOARD=orangepi-r1' 'RELEASE=bullseye' 'SET_OWNER_TO_UID=1000' 'CREATE_PATCHES=no' 'BUILD_MINIMAL=yes' 'SKIP_ARMBIAN_REPO=yes' 'ARMBIAN_RELAUNCHED=yes' 'BUILD_DESKTOP=no' 'KERNEL_ONLY=no' 'BRANCH=current' 'PREFER_DOCKER=no' 'KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Last revision: commit 1173864872510e2c83d46dc61f7acabaf59dc699 (HEAD -> armbian-next, origin/armbian-next) Author: Ricardo Pardini ------------------------ armbian-next END marker ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Git status: On branch armbian-next Your branch is up to date with 'origin/armbian-next'. Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) output.txt nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Git changes: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 001.000.entrypoint.log --> 🦋 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🧽 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: cleanup: Add callback as cleanup handler [ trap_handler_cleanup_logging ] --> 🧽 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: cleanup: Add callback as cleanup handler [ trap_handler_reset_output_owner ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 002.000.prepare_host_basic.log --> 🦋 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🐛 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: basic-deps are already installed on host [ nothing to be done ] --> 🦋 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] --> 🐛 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Executing final CLI command [ build ] --> 🐛 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Calling run function for command [ build: cli_standard_build_run ] --> 🐛 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: normally logging output [ do_with_conditional_logging ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 003.000.config_early_init.log --> 🦋 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Starting single build process [ orangepi-r1 ] --> 🦋 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] --> 🐛 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: normally logging output [ do_with_conditional_logging ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 004.000.config_source_board_file.log --> 🦋 1: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Sourcing board configuration [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/config/boards/orangepi-r1.conf ] --> 🦋 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 1s ] --> 🐛 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Already set BRANCH, skipping interactive [ current ] --> 🐛 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: normally logging output [ do_with_conditional_logging ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 005.000.config_pre_main.log --> 🦋 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🦋 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] --> 🐛 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: normally logging output [ do_with_conditional_logging ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 006.000.do_main_configuration.log --> 🦋 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Starting main configuration [ ] --> 🐛 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: DEST_LANG... [ DEST_LANG: en_US.UTF-8 ] --> 🐛 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Using host's /etc/timezone for [ TZDATA: Pacific/Auckland ] --> 🐛 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: .deb compression [ DEB_COMPRESS=none ] --> 🌱 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Sourcing family configuration [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/config/sources/families/sun8i.conf ] --> 🌿 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Enabling extension [ sunxi-tools ] --> 🐛 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Sourcing common arch configuration [ common.conf ] --> 🌱 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Sourcing arch configuration [ armhf.conf ] --> 🐛 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Initializing EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/extensions-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🧽 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: cleanup: Add callback as cleanup handler [ cleanup_handler_extensions ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Initializing EXTENSION_MANAGER [ initializing extension manager ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook point [ build_host_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_pre_sort [ compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id [ 500_compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions (final sorted realnames) [ compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook_point: build_host_tools will run 1 functions [ 1 ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook point [ fetch_sources_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_pre_sort [ sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id [ 500_sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions (final sorted realnames) [ sunxi_tools ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook_point: fetch_sources_tools will run 1 functions [ 1 ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook point [ run_after_build ] --> 🐾 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_pre_sort [ 999_finish_extension_manager ] --> 🐾 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id [ 999_finish_extension_manager ] --> 🐾 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extensions hook_point_functions (final sorted realnames) [ 999_finish_extension_manager ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extensions hook_point: run_after_build will run 1 functions [ 1 ] --> 🌱 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Extension manager [ processed 3 Extension Methods calls and 3 Extension Method implementations ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_family_config' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:254 ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_family_config [ hook: post_family_config ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: config_tweaks_post_family_config [ hook: config_tweaks_post_family_config ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_family_config_branch_current' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:262 ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_family_config_branch_current [ hook: post_family_config_branch_current ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'user_config' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:341 ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: user_config [ hook: user_config ] --> 🌱 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Build host OS release [ una ] --> 🚸 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: warn: Using Python 3.9 for [ 'una' has outdated python3, using python3.9 ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'add_host_dependencies' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:349 -> host/prepare-host.sh:258 ] --> 🎣 2: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: add_host_dependencies [ hook: add_host_dependencies ] --> 🎣 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'host_dependencies_known' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:349 -> host/prepare-host.sh:269 ] --> 🎣 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: host_dependencies_known [ hook: host_dependencies_known ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Extensions: prepare configuration [ extension_prepare_config ] --> 🎣 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'extension_prepare_config' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:16 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/main-config.sh:352 ] --> 🎣 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: extension_prepare_config [ hook: extension_prepare_config ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Done with main-config.sh [ do_main_configuration ] --> 🦋 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 1s ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: normally logging output [ do_with_conditional_logging ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 007.000.config_post_main.log --> 🦋 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Extensions: finish configuration [ extension_finish_config ] --> 🎣 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'extension_finish_config' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:10 -> main/config-prepare.sh:17 -> logging/logging.sh:138 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> main/config-prepare.sh:169 ] --> 🎣 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: extension_finish_config [ hook: extension_finish_config ] --> 🦋 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] --> 🌱 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Done with prepare_and_config_main_build_single [ orangepi-r1. ] --> 🌱 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Checked directory OK for mount options [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp ('main temporary dir') ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Starting single build, exporting TMPDIR [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/work-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🧽 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: cleanup: Add callback as cleanup handler [ trap_handler_cleanup_workdir ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 008.000.config_summary.log --> 🦋 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Writing build config summary to [ debug log ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Logging to asset [ 008.build.summary.txt ] --> 🐸 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cat ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🦋 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 008.build.summary.txt ## BUILD SCRIPT ENVIRONMENT Repository: Version: Host OS: una Host arch: amd64 Host system: Linux spearmint 5.4.0-135-generic #152-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 23 20:19:22 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Virtualization type: none ## Build script directories Build directory is located on: TARGET SOURCE FSTYPE AVAIL /mnt/data /dev/sdb1 ext4 261.2G Build directory permissions: # file: /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build # owner: kschwart # group: kschwart user::rwx group::rwx other::r-x Temp directory permissions: # file: /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp # owner: kschwart # group: root user::rwx group::r-x other::r-x ## BUILD CONFIGURATION Build target: Board: orangepi-r1 Branch: current Minimal: yes Desktop: no Desktop Environment: Software groups: Kernel configuration: Repository: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git Branch: tag:v5.15.86 Config file: linux-sunxi-current U-boot configuration: Repository: https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git Branch: tag:v2022.07 Config file: orangepi_r1_defconfig Partitioning configuration: msdos offset: 4 Boot partition type: (none) Root partition type: ext4 CPU configuration: 480000 - 1400000 with ondemand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 009.000.prepare_host.log --> 🦋 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Preparing [ host ] --> 🌱 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Build host OS release [ una ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Using local apt cache? [ USE_LOCAL_APT_DEB_CACHE: yes ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: systemctl binary found [ host has systemd installed ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: systemctl reports [ systemd is running ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Host is running systemd [ so we're not running in a container/Docker ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: NOT running in container [ No special provisions for container building ] --> 🌿 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Installing build dependencies [ ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Installing build dependencies [ dependencies during prepare_release ] --> 🐛 3: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: EUID=0, so [ we're already root! ] --> 🌿 4: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Should install package [ python3.9-distutils ] --> 🌱 4: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Updating apt host-side for installing packages [ 1 packages ] --> 🐸 4: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 update ] Hit:1 http://mirror.2degrees.nz/ubuntu focal InRelease Hit:2 http://mirror.2degrees.nz/ubuntu focal-updates InRelease Hit:3 http://mirror.2degrees.nz/ubuntu focal-backports InRelease Ign:4 http://mirror.xnet.co.nz/pub/linuxmint/packages una InRelease Hit:5 http://mirror.xnet.co.nz/pub/linuxmint/packages una Release Get:6 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security InRelease [114 kB] Hit:7 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu focal InRelease Fetched 114 kB in 2s (61.9 kB/s) Reading package lists... -->--> command run successfully after 11 seconds --> 🌱 15: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Installing host-side packages [ python3.9-distutils ] --> 🐸 15: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 --no-install-recommends install python3.9-distutils ] Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... python3-distutils is already the newest version (3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04). 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded. -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🐸 16: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c update-ccache-symlinks ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🎣 16: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'host_dependencies_ready' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:27 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> host/prepare-host.sh:97 -> host/prepare-host.sh:293 ] --> 🎣 16: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: host_dependencies_ready [ hook: host_dependencies_ready ] --> 🐛 16: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: systemctl binary found [ host has systemd installed ] --> 🐛 16: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: systemctl reports [ systemd is running ] --> 🌱 16: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Preparing acng configuration [ apt-cacher-ng ] --> 🐸 16: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl stop apt-cacher-ng ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 16: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl start apt-cacher-ng ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 16: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl status apt-cacher-ng ] ● apt-cacher-ng.service - Apt-Cacher NG software download proxy Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apt-cacher-ng.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-01-06 18:22:49 NZDT; 19ms ago Main PID: 2715642 (apt-cacher-ng) Tasks: 1 (limit: 4525) Memory: 1.6M CGroup: /system.slice/apt-cacher-ng.service └─2715642 /usr/sbin/apt-cacher-ng -c /etc/apt-cacher-ng ForeGround=1 Jan 06 18:22:49 spearmint systemd[1]: Starting Apt-Cacher NG software download proxy... Jan 06 18:22:49 spearmint apt-cacher-ng[2715642]: Loaded 0 backend descriptors Jan 06 18:22:49 spearmint apt-cacher-ng[2715642]: Loaded mappings for 0 hosts and 0 paths Jan 06 18:22:49 spearmint systemd[1]: Started Apt-Cacher NG software download proxy. -->--> command run successfully after 3 seconds --> 🌱 19: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Syncing clock [ host ] --> 🐸 19: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c ntpdate pool.ntp.org ] 6 Jan 18:22:58 ntpdate[2715662]: adjust time server offset -0.001659 sec -->--> command run successfully after 6 seconds --> 🌱 25: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Ignoring toolchains [ SKIP_EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAINS: yes ] --> 🐛 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Cross arch build [ target armhf on host amd64 ] --> 🐛 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: binfmt_misc is already loaded [ binfmt_misc already loaded ] --> 🐛 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: binfmt_misc is already mounted [ binfmt_misc already mounted ] --> 🐛 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: reset_uid_owner: '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/userpatches' will be owner id '1000' [ reset_uid_owner ] --> 🦋 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 23s ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 010.000.aggregate_packages.log --> 🦋 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Aggregating packages [ rootfs ] --> 🌱 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Installing required Python packages [ via pip3 ] --> 🚸 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: warn: Using '/usr/bin/python3.9' for [ 'una' has outdated python3, using python3.9 ] --> 🐸 26: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c /usr/bin/python3.9 /usr/bin/pip3 install unidiff==0.7.4 GitPython==3.1.29 unidecode==1.3.6 coloredlogs==15.0.1 ] WARNING: The directory '/home/kschwart/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned or is not writable by the current user. The cache has been disabled. Check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag. Requirement already satisfied: unidiff==0.7.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (0.7.4) Requirement already satisfied: GitPython==3.1.29 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (3.1.29) Requirement already satisfied: unidecode==1.3.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (1.3.6) Requirement already satisfied: coloredlogs==15.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (15.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: gitdb<5,>=4.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from GitPython==3.1.29) (4.0.10) Requirement already satisfied: humanfriendly>=9.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from coloredlogs==15.0.1) (10.0) Requirement already satisfied: smmap<6,>=3.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from gitdb<5,>=4.0.1->GitPython==3.1.29) (5.0.0) -->--> command run successfully after 6 seconds --> 🚸 32: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: warn: Using '/usr/bin/python3.9' for [ 'una' has outdated python3, using python3.9 ] --> 🐸 32: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c env -i 'PYTHONUNBUFFERED=yes' 'PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX=/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/pycache' 'LOG_DEBUG=' 'SRC=/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build' 'OUTPUT=/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/work-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp.QwLHeDfh54' 'ASSET_LOG_BASE=/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/logs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/010.' 'ARCH=armhf' 'RELEASE=bullseye' 'LINUXFAMILY=sunxi' 'BOARD=orangepi-r1' 'USERPATCHES_PATH=/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/userpatches' 'SELECTED_CONFIGURATION=cli_minimal' 'REMOVE_PACKAGES=' 'REMOVE_PACKAGES_REFS=' 'EXTRA_PACKAGES_ROOTFS=' 'EXTRA_PACKAGES_ROOTFS_REFS=' 'EXTRA_PACKAGES_IMAGE=' 'EXTRA_PACKAGES_IMAGE_REFS=' 'BUILD_DESKTOP=no' 'DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT=' 'DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME=' 'DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED=' 'PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY=' 'PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD=' 'PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD_REMOVE=' 'PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY_REMOVE=' /usr/bin/python3.9 /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/lib/tools/aggregation.py ] Summary: Aggregation: debootstrap: 37; rootfs: 41; image: 0; desktop: 0; apt-sources: 0 -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🐸 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c rm /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/work-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp.QwLHeDfh54 ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🎣 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_aggregate_packages' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:30 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> configuration/aggregation.sh:9 ] --> 🎣 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_aggregate_packages [ hook: post_aggregate_packages ] --> 🎣 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: user_config_post_aggregate_packages [ hook: user_config_post_aggregate_packages ] --> 🦋 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 7s ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 010.aggregation.md
Aggregation: debootstrap: 37; rootfs: 41; image: 0; desktop: 0; apt-sources: 0

### `AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_DEBOOTSTRAP` - `apt-utils`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:1` - `btrfs-progs`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:2` - `bzip2`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:3` - `ca-certificates`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:4` - `console-setup`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:5` - `cpio`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:6` - `crda`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:7` - `cron`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:8` - `dbus`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:9` - `dbus-user-session`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:10` - `debsums`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:11` - `dmsetup`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:12` - `fdisk`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:13` - `gnupg`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:14` - `haveged`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:15` - `ifupdown`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:16` - `init`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:17` - `initramfs-tools`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:18` - `iputils-ping`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:19` - `isc-dhcp-client`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:20` - `kmod`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:21` - `less`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:22` - `libpam-systemd`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:23` - `linux-base`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:24` - `locales`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:25` - `logrotate`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:26` - `netbase`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:27` - `netcat-openbsd`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:28` - `rsync`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:29` - `rsyslog`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:30` - `sudo`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:31` - `systemd`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:32` - `tzdata`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:33` - `ucf`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:34` - `udev`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:35` - `whiptail`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:36` - `wireless-regdb`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/debootstrap/packages:37` ### `AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_ROOTFS` - `bc`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:1` - `chrony`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:2` - `debconf-utils`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:3` - `device-tree-compiler`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:4` - `dialog`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:5` - `fake-hwclock`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:6` - `figlet`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:7` - `fping`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:8` - `ncurses-term`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:9` - `openssh-server`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:10` - `parted`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:11` - `psmisc`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:12` - `python3-apt`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:13` - `smartmontools`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:14` - `sysfsutils`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:15` - `toilet`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:16` - `u-boot-tools`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:17` - `usbutils`: *added* - `initial:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages:18` - `gpiod`: *added* - `initial:config/optional/architectures/armhf/_config/cli/_all_distributions/main/packages:1` - `cpufrequtils`: *added* - `initial:config/optional/architectures/armhf/_config/cli/_all_distributions/main/packages:2` - `mtd-utils`: *added* - `initial:config/optional/architectures/armhf/_config/cli/_all_distributions/main/packages:3` - `nocache`: *added* - `initial:config/optional/architectures/armhf/_config/cli/_all_distributions/main/packages:4` - `cracklib-runtime`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:1` - `curl`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:2` - `htop`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:3` - `i2c-tools`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:4` - `jq`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:5` - `libcrack2`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:6` - `lsof`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:7` - `mc`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:8` - `mmc-utils`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:9` - `nano`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:10` - `net-tools`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:11` - `netplan.io`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:12` - `network-manager`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:13` - `network-manager-openvpn`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:14` - `resolvconf`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:15` - `sysstat`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:16` - `wget`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:17` - `wireless-tools`: *add* - `add:config/cli/bullseye/main/packages.additional:18` - `iozone3`: *add* - `add:config/optional/architectures/armhf/_config/cli/_all_distributions/main/packages.additional:1` ### `AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE` ### `AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_DESKTOP` ### `AGGREGATED_APT_SOURCES`

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 011.000.fetch_and_build_host_tools.log --> 🦋 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🎣 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'fetch_sources_tools' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:69 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> host/host-utils.sh:4 ] --> 🎣 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: fetch_sources_tools [ hook: fetch_sources_tools ] --> 🐾 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension-managed hook starting 'fetch_sources_tools': will run 1 functions [ sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension Method fetch_sources_tools [ 1/1 (ext:sunxi-tools) sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension-managed hook starting 1/1 [ fetch_sources_tools__sunxi_tools ] --> 🔖 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: git: fetch_from_repo [ https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools sunxi-tools branch:master ] --> 🌱 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Getting sources from Git [ sunxi-tools master ] --> 🔖 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: git: Git working dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/sources/sunxi-tools ] --> 🐛 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: git: Marking directory as safe [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/sources/sunxi-tools ] --> 🐸 33: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c git config --global --add safe.directory /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/sources/sunxi-tools ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🔖 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: git: Git local_hash vs remote_hash [ 530adfa1420c1a1a73aa93df5b4d4c39f997f490 vs 530adfa1420c1a1a73aa93df5b4d4c39f997f490 ] --> 🌿 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Fetching updates from remote repository [ sunxi-tools master ] --> 🐸 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /usr/bin/git --no-pager fetch --progress --verbose --recurse-submodules=no --no-tags https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools master ] From https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Checked out revision [ 530adfa1420c1a1a73aa93df5b4d4c39f997f490 ] --> 🔖 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: git: checked_out_revision_mtime set! [ 20221208092851 - 1670444931 ] --> 🐛 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: git checking out revision SHA [ 530adfa1420c1a1a73aa93df5b4d4c39f997f490 ] --> 🐸 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ git --no-pager checkout -f -q 530adfa1420c1a1a73aa93df5b4d4c39f997f490 ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🔖 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: git: git cleaning [ 530adfa1420c1a1a73aa93df5b4d4c39f997f490 ] --> 🐸 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ git --no-pager clean -q -d -f ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐾 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension-managed hook finished 1/1 [ fetch_sources_tools__sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension-managed hook ending 'fetch_sources_tools': completed [ fetch_sources_tools ] --> 🎣 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'build_host_tools' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:69 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> host/host-utils.sh:9 ] --> 🎣 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: build_host_tools [ hook: build_host_tools ] --> 🐾 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension-managed hook starting 'build_host_tools': will run 1 functions [ compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension Method build_host_tools [ 1/1 (ext:sunxi-tools) compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension-managed hook starting 1/1 [ build_host_tools__compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🌱 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Compiling [ sunxi-tools ] --> 🐸 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c make -s clean ] removed 'sunxi-fexc' removed 'sunxi-bootinfo' removed 'sunxi-fel' removed 'sunxi-nand-part' removed 'sunxi-pio' removed 'bin2fex' removed 'fex2bin' removed 'version.h' removed 'nand-part-a10.o' removed 'nand-part-a20.o' removed 'nand-part-main.o' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 34: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c make -s tools ] Setting version information: 530adfa -->--> command run successfully after 3 seconds --> 🐸 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c make install-tools ] install -d /usr/local/bin + install -m0755 sunxi-fexc /usr/local/bin/sunxi-fexc + install -m0755 sunxi-bootinfo /usr/local/bin/sunxi-bootinfo + install -m0755 sunxi-fel /usr/local/bin/sunxi-fel + install -m0755 sunxi-nand-part /usr/local/bin/sunxi-nand-part + install -m0755 sunxi-pio /usr/local/bin/sunxi-pio + ln -nfs sunxi-fexc /usr/local/bin/bin2fex + ln -nfs sunxi-fexc /usr/local/bin/fex2bin install -D -m0644 -t /usr/local/share/man/man1 sunxi-fel.1 -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐾 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension-managed hook finished 1/1 [ build_host_tools__compile_sunxi_tools ] --> 🐾 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensionstrace: Extension-managed hook ending 'build_host_tools': completed [ build_host_tools ] --> 🦋 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 4s ] --> 🐛 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Considering cleaning deprecated mountpoint [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/gitballs ] --> 🐛 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Considering cleaning deprecated mountpoint [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/sources/kernel ] --> 🐛 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Considering cleaning deprecated mountpoint [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/sources/linux-kernel ] --> 🐛 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Considering cleaning deprecated mountpoint [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/sources/u-boot ] --> 🎣 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_determine_cthreads' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:95 -> configuration/compilation-config.sh:22 ] --> 🎣 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_determine_cthreads [ hook: post_determine_cthreads ] --> 🎣 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: config_post_determine_cthreads [ hook: config_post_determine_cthreads ] --> 🌱 37: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Building deb [ armbian-plymouth-theme ] --> 🐛 39: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: reset_uid_owner: '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs' will be owner id '1000' [ reset_uid_owner ] --> 🌿 39: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: target-reached: Kernel build done [ @host ] --> 🌱 39: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Target directory [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/ ] --> 🌱 39: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: File name [ linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] --> 🌿 39: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: target-started: Building image [ orangepi-r1 ] --> 🌱 39: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Checking for rootfs cache [ current orangepi-r1 bullseye yes ] --> 🧽 39: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: cleanup: Add callback as cleanup handler [ trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image ] --> 🐛 39: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Not using tmpfs for rootfs [ RAM available: 1794MiB < 2000MiB estimated ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 012.000.get_or_create_rootfs_cache_chroot_sdcard.log --> 🦋 39: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 43: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Checking cache [ armhf-bullseye-minimal-51809e1d-20230106.tar.zst ] --> 🌱 43: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Extracting armhf-bullseye-minimal-51809e1d-20230106.tar.zst [ 0 days old ] --> 🌱 55: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Adding Armbian repository and authentication key [ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list ] --> 🌱 74: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Disabling Armbian repo due to SKIP_ARMBIAN_REPO=yes [ armhf-bullseye ] --> 🐛 74: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: mount_chroot [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🦋 74: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 35s ] --> 🎣 74: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'pre_install_distribution_specific' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:45 ] --> 🎣 74: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: pre_install_distribution_specific [ hook: pre_install_distribution_specific ] --> 🎣 74: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: config_pre_install_distribution_specific [ hook: config_pre_install_distribution_specific ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 013.000.install_distribution_specific_bullseye.log --> 🦋 74: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 74: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Applying distribution specific tweaks for [ bullseye ] --> 🐸 75: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl disable motd-news.service ] Failed to disable unit, unit motd-news.service does not exist. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 75: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl disable motd-news.timer ] Failed to disable unit, unit motd-news.timer does not exist. -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🦋 76: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 2s ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 014.000.install_distribution_agnostic.log --> 🦋 76: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🐛 76: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Installing distro-agnostic part of rootfs [ install_distribution_agnostic ] Current default time zone: 'Etc/UTC' Local time is now: Fri Jan 6 05:23:51 UTC 2023. Universal Time is now: Fri Jan 6 05:23:51 UTC 2023. --> 🌱 79: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Deploying boot script [ boot-sunxi.cmd ] --> 🐸 79: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/config/bootscripts/boot-sunxi.cmd /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/boot.cmd ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/config/bootscripts/boot-sunxi.cmd' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/boot.cmd' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 79: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/config/bootenv/sunxi.txt /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/armbianEnv.txt ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/config/bootenv/sunxi.txt' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/armbianEnv.txt' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 79: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Adding to armbianEnv.txt [ overlay_prefix=sun8i-h3 ] --> 🐸 79: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c echo overlay_prefix=sun8i-h3 >> /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/armbianEnv.txt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 79: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Adding to armbianEnv.txt [ overlays=usbhost2 usbhost3 ] --> 🐸 79: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c echo overlays=usbhost2 usbhost3 >> /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/armbianEnv.txt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌿 79: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Temporarily disabling [ initramfs-tools hook for kernel ] --> 🐸 79: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c chmod -v -x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools ] mode of '/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools' changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 0644 (rw-r--r--) -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🌿 80: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Updating [ apt package lists ] --> 🐛 80: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: apt-cacher-ng running correctly [ apt-cacher-ng OK ] --> 🐛 80: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache before 'apt-get update' [ 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐸 80: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkdir -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 80: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Mounting local apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 80: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mount --bind /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/aptcache/bullseye-armhf /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 80: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Acquire::http::Proxy="http://localhost:3142" -o Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost="DIRECT" -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 update ] Hit:1 http://security.debian.org bullseye-security InRelease Hit:2 http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye InRelease Hit:3 http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-updates InRelease Hit:4 http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-backports InRelease Reading package lists... -->--> command run successfully after 26 seconds --> 🐛 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache after 'apt-get update' [ 176203305 bytes ] --> 🐛 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size changed after 'apt-get update' [ from 170565473 to 176203305 bytes ] --> 🐛 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c umount /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌿 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debinstall: Installing [ linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] --> 🐛 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: apt-cacher-ng running correctly [ apt-cacher-ng OK ] --> 🐛 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Configuring APT to not clean up the cache [ APT will not clean up the cache ] --> 🐛 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ 176203305 bytes ] --> 🐛 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size unchanged before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ at 176203305 bytes ] --> 🐸 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkdir -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Mounting local apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mount --bind /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/aptcache/bullseye-armhf /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 106: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Acquire::http::Proxy="http://localhost:3142" -o Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost="DIRECT" -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -o APT::Clean-Installed=0 --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... The following NEW packages will be installed: linux-u-boot-orangepi-r1-current 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B/584 kB of archives. After this operation, 1,024 B of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 /root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb linux-u-boot-orangepi-r1-current armhf 23.02.0-trunk [584 kB] Selecting previously unselected package linux-u-boot-orangepi-r1-current. (Reading database ... 20090 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ... Unpacking linux-u-boot-orangepi-r1-current (23.02.0-trunk) ... Setting up linux-u-boot-orangepi-r1-current (23.02.0-trunk) ... -->--> command run successfully after 9 seconds --> 🐛 115: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ 176203461 bytes ] --> 🐛 115: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size changed after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ from 176203305 to 176203461 bytes ] --> 🐛 115: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 115: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c umount /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🎣 115: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'pre_install_kernel_debs' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:54 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> rootfs/distro-agnostic.sh:310 ] --> 🎣 115: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: pre_install_kernel_debs [ hook: pre_install_kernel_debs ] --> 🐛 115: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Parsed kernel version from local package [ 5.15.86 ] --> 🐸 115: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🌿 116: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debinstall: Installing [ linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] --> 🐛 116: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: apt-cacher-ng running correctly [ apt-cacher-ng OK ] --> 🐛 116: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Configuring APT to not clean up the cache [ APT will not clean up the cache ] --> 🐛 116: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ 176203461 bytes ] --> 🐛 116: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size unchanged before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ at 176203461 bytes ] --> 🐸 116: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkdir -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 116: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Mounting local apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 116: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mount --bind /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/aptcache/bullseye-armhf /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 116: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Acquire::http::Proxy="http://localhost:3142" -o Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost="DIRECT" -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -o APT::Clean-Installed=0 --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... The following NEW packages will be installed: linux-image-current-sunxi 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B/69.2 MB of archives. After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 /root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb linux-image-current-sunxi armhf 23.02.0-trunk [69.2 MB] Selecting previously unselected package linux-image-current-sunxi. (Reading database ... 20096 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ... Armbian 'linux-image-current-sunxi' for '5.15.86-sunxi': 'preinst' starting. + export DEB_MAINT_PARAMS=install + DEB_MAINT_PARAMS=install + export INITRD=Yes + INITRD=Yes + test -d /etc/kernel/preinst.d + set +x Armbian 'linux-image-current-sunxi' for '5.15.86-sunxi': 'preinst' finishing. Unpacking linux-image-current-sunxi (23.02.0-trunk) ... Setting up linux-image-current-sunxi (23.02.0-trunk) ... Armbian 'linux-image-current-sunxi' for '5.15.86-sunxi': 'postinst' starting. + export 'DEB_MAINT_PARAMS=configure ' + DEB_MAINT_PARAMS='configure ' + export INITRD=Yes + INITRD=Yes + test -d /etc/kernel/postinst.d + run-parts --arg=5.15.86-sunxi --arg=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.86-sunxi /etc/kernel/postinst.d + echo 'Armbian: update last-installed kernel symlink...' Armbian: update last-installed kernel symlink... + ln -sf vmlinuz-5.15.86-sunxi /boot/Image + touch /boot/.next + set +x Armbian 'linux-image-current-sunxi' for '5.15.86-sunxi': 'postinst' finishing. -->--> command run successfully after 20 seconds --> 🐛 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ 176203605 bytes ] --> 🐛 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size changed after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ from 176203461 to 176203605 bytes ] --> 🐛 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c umount /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌿 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debinstall: Installing [ linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] --> 🐛 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: apt-cacher-ng running correctly [ apt-cacher-ng OK ] --> 🐛 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Configuring APT to not clean up the cache [ APT will not clean up the cache ] --> 🐛 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ 176203605 bytes ] --> 🐛 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size unchanged before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ at 176203605 bytes ] --> 🐸 136: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkdir -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🐛 137: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Mounting local apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 137: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mount --bind /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/aptcache/bullseye-armhf /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 137: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Acquire::http::Proxy="http://localhost:3142" -o Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost="DIRECT" -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -o APT::Clean-Installed=0 --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... The following NEW packages will be installed: linux-dtb-current-sunxi 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B/5,171 kB of archives. After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 /root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb linux-dtb-current-sunxi armhf 23.02.0-trunk [5,171 kB] Selecting previously unselected package linux-dtb-current-sunxi. (Reading database ... 23811 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ... Armbian 'linux-dtb-current-sunxi' for '5.15.86-sunxi': 'preinst' starting. + rm -rf /boot/dtb + rm -rf /boot/dtb-5.15.86-sunxi + set +x Armbian 'linux-dtb-current-sunxi' for '5.15.86-sunxi': 'preinst' finishing. Unpacking linux-dtb-current-sunxi (23.02.0-trunk) ... Setting up linux-dtb-current-sunxi (23.02.0-trunk) ... Armbian 'linux-dtb-current-sunxi' for '5.15.86-sunxi': 'postinst' starting. + cd /boot + ln -sfT dtb-5.15.86-sunxi dtb + set +x Armbian 'linux-dtb-current-sunxi' for '5.15.86-sunxi': 'postinst' finishing. -->--> command run successfully after 10 seconds --> 🐛 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ 176203705 bytes ] --> 🐛 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size changed after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ from 176203605 to 176203705 bytes ] --> 🐛 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c umount /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🎣 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_install_kernel_debs' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:54 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> rootfs/distro-agnostic.sh:345 ] --> 🎣 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_install_kernel_debs [ hook: post_install_kernel_debs ] --> 🐸 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌿 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debinstall: Installing [ armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] --> 🐛 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: apt-cacher-ng running correctly [ apt-cacher-ng OK ] --> 🐛 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Configuring APT to not clean up the cache [ APT will not clean up the cache ] --> 🐛 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ 176203705 bytes ] --> 🐛 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size unchanged before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ at 176203705 bytes ] --> 🐸 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkdir -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Mounting local apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mount --bind /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/aptcache/bullseye-armhf /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 147: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Acquire::http::Proxy="http://localhost:3142" -o Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost="DIRECT" -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -o APT::Clean-Installed=0 --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... The following additional packages will be installed: lsb-release Suggested packages: armbian-config The following NEW packages will be installed: armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1 lsb-release 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B/1,574 kB of archives. After this operation, 65.5 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 /root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1 armhf 23.02.0-trunk [1,546 kB] Selecting previously unselected package lsb-release. (Reading database ... 24053 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../lsb-release_11.1.0_all.deb ... Unpacking lsb-release (11.1.0) ... Selecting previously unselected package armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1. Preparing to unpack .../armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ... Unpacking armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1 (23.02.0-trunk) ... Setting up lsb-release (11.1.0) ... Setting up armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1 (23.02.0-trunk) ... Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.140) ... -->--> command run successfully after 13 seconds --> 🐛 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ 176203977 bytes ] --> 🐛 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size changed after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' [ from 176203705 to 176203977 bytes ] --> 🐛 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c umount /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/output/debs/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌿 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debinstall: Installing [ armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb ] --> 🐛 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: apt-cacher-ng running correctly [ apt-cacher-ng OK ] --> 🐛 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Configuring APT to not clean up the cache [ APT will not clean up the cache ] --> 🐛 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb' [ 176203977 bytes ] --> 🐛 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size unchanged before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb' [ at 176203977 bytes ] --> 🐸 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkdir -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Mounting local apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mount --bind /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/aptcache/bullseye-armhf /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 160: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Acquire::http::Proxy="http://localhost:3142" -o Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost="DIRECT" -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -o APT::Clean-Installed=0 --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb ] Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... The following NEW packages will be installed: armbian-firmware 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B/56.6 MB of archives. After this operation, 1,024 B of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 /root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb armbian-firmware all 23.02.0-trunk [56.6 MB] Selecting previously unselected package armbian-firmware. (Reading database ... 24192 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb ... Unpacking armbian-firmware (23.02.0-trunk) ... Setting up armbian-firmware (23.02.0-trunk) ... -->--> command run successfully after 28 seconds --> 🐛 188: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb' [ 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐛 188: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size changed after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install /root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb' [ from 176203977 to 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐛 188: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c umount /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌿 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debinstall: Installing from repository [ wireguard-tools ] --> 🐛 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: apt-cacher-ng running correctly [ apt-cacher-ng OK ] --> 🐛 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Configuring APT to not clean up the cache [ APT will not clean up the cache ] --> 🐛 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install wireguard-tools' [ 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐛 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size unchanged before 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install wireguard-tools' [ at 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐸 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkdir -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Mounting local apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mount --bind /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/aptcache/bullseye-armhf /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 189: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Acquire::http::Proxy="http://localhost:3142" -o Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost="DIRECT" -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -o APT::Clean-Installed=0 --no-install-recommends install wireguard-tools ] Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... Recommended packages: nftables | iptables wireguard-modules | wireguard-dkms The following NEW packages will be installed: wireguard-tools 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B/78.1 kB of archives. After this operation, 276 kB of additional disk space will be used. Selecting previously unselected package wireguard-tools. (Reading database ... 24612 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../wireguard-tools_1.0.20210223-1_armhf.deb ... Unpacking wireguard-tools (1.0.20210223-1) ... Setting up wireguard-tools (1.0.20210223-1) ... -->--> command run successfully after 14 seconds --> 🐛 203: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install wireguard-tools' [ 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐛 203: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size unchanged after 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install wireguard-tools' [ at 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐛 203: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 203: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c umount /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 203: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c rm -fv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb ] removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/armbian-firmware_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb' removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-dtb-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-image-current-sunxi_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/root/linux-u-boot-current-orangepi-r1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb' -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🐸 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -v /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/packages/blobs/splash/armbian-u-boot.bmp /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/boot.bmp ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/packages/blobs/splash/armbian-u-boot.bmp' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/boot.bmp' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌿 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Applying family [ tweaks: orangepi-r1 :: sunxi ] --> 🐛 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Done with family_tweaks [ orangepi-r1 :: sunxi ] --> 🎣 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_family_tweaks' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:54 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> rootfs/distro-agnostic.sh:450 ] --> 🎣 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_family_tweaks [ hook: post_family_tweaks ] --> 🌱 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Enabling Armbian services [ systemd ] --> 🐸 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-firstrun.service ] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/armbian-firstrun.service → /lib/systemd/system/armbian-firstrun.service. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-firstrun-config.service ] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/armbian-firstrun-config.service → /lib/systemd/system/armbian-firstrun-config.service. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-zram-config.service ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-hardware-optimize.service ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-ramlog.service ] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants/armbian-ramlog.service → /lib/systemd/system/armbian-ramlog.service. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-resize-filesystem.service ] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/basic.target.wants/armbian-resize-filesystem.service → /lib/systemd/system/armbian-resize-filesystem.service. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 204: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-hardware-monitor.service ] -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🐸 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-led-state.service ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -v /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/packages/bsp/armbian_first_run.txt.template /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/armbian_first_run.txt.template ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/packages/bsp/armbian_first_run.txt.template' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/armbian_first_run.txt.template' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c chown root:messagebus /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c chmod u+s /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --quiet disable nmbd ] Failed to disable unit, unit nmbd.service does not exist. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌱 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Enabling serial console [ ttyS0 ] --> 🐸 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl daemon-reload ] Running in chroot, ignoring command 'daemon-reload' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable serial-getty@ttyS0.service ] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/serial-getty@ttyS0.service → /lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌱 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Enabling serial console [ ttyGS0 ] --> 🐸 205: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl daemon-reload ] Running in chroot, ignoring command 'daemon-reload' -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🐸 206: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl --no-reload enable serial-getty@ttyGS0.service ] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/serial-getty@ttyGS0.service → /lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 206: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl mask systemd-networkd.service ] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service → /dev/null. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 206: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service ] Removed /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/NetworkManager-wait-online.service. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌱 206: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Building kernel splash logo [ bullseye ] --> 🐛 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Not using qemu for running x86 binary on x86_64 [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/packages/blobs/splash/bootsplash-packer (ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64) ] --> 🐸 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/packages/blobs/splash/bootsplash-packer --bg_red 0x00 --bg_green 0x00 --bg_blue 0x00 --frame_ms 48 --picture --pic_width 185 --pic_height 78 --pic_position 0 --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/logo.rgb --picture --pic_width 48 --pic_height 48 --pic_position 0x05 --pic_position_offset 200 --pic_anim_type 1 --pic_anim_loop 0 --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber00.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber01.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber02.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber03.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber04.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber05.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber06.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber07.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber08.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber09.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber10.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber11.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber12.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber13.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber14.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber15.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber16.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber17.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber18.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber19.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber20.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber21.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber22.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber23.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber24.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber25.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber26.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber27.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber28.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber29.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber30.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber31.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber32.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber33.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber34.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber35.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber36.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber37.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber38.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber39.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber40.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber41.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber42.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber43.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber44.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber45.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber46.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber47.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber48.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber49.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber50.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber51.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber52.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber53.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber54.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber55.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber56.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber57.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber58.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber59.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber60.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber61.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber62.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber63.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber64.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber65.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber66.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber67.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber68.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber69.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber70.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber71.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber72.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber73.rgb --blob /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/tmp/throbber74.rgb /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/lib/firmware/bootsplash.armbian | grep --line-buffered -v -e 'File header' -e 'Picture header' -e 'Blob header' -e 'length:' -e 'type:' -e 'picture_id:' -e 'bg_' -e 'num_' -e '^$' ] version: 55561 frame_ms: 48 width: 185 height: 78 position: 03x position_offset: 0 anim_loop: 0 width: 48 height: 48 position: 53x position_offset: 200 anim_loop: 0 Writing splash to file: /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/lib/firmware/bootsplash.armbian -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🦋 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 131s ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 015.000.customize_image.log --> 🦋 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🎣 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'pre_customize_image' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:66 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> rootfs/customize.sh:7 ] --> 🎣 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: pre_customize_image [ hook: pre_customize_image ] --> 🎣 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: image_tweaks_pre_customize [ hook: image_tweaks_pre_customize ] --> 🌱 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Calling image customization script [ customize-image.sh ] --> 🐸 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: hBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c /tmp/customize-image.sh bullseye sunxi orangepi-r1 no armhf ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🎣 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_customize_image' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:66 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> rootfs/customize.sh:32 ] --> 🎣 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_customize_image [ hook: post_customize_image ] --> 🎣 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: image_tweaks_post_customize [ hook: image_tweaks_post_customize ] --> 🦋 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 016.000.apt_purge_unneeded_packages.log --> 🦋 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: No longer needed packages [ purge ] --> 🐛 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: apt-cacher-ng running correctly [ apt-cacher-ng OK ] --> 🐛 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache before 'apt-get autoremove' [ 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐛 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size unchanged before 'apt-get autoremove' [ at 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐸 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkdir -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Mounting local apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mount --bind /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/aptcache/bullseye-armhf /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 207: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Acquire::http::Proxy="http://localhost:3142" -o Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost="DIRECT" -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 autoremove ] Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. -->--> command run successfully after 3 seconds --> 🐛 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Size of apt/deb cache after 'apt-get autoremove' [ 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐛 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Local apt cache size unchanged after 'apt-get autoremove' [ at 170565473 bytes ] --> 🐛 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting apt cache dir [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] --> 🐸 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c umount /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/var/cache/apt ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🦋 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 3s ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 017.000.list_installed_packages.log --> 🦋 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🐛 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Recording list of installed packages [ asset log ] --> 🐛 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Logging to asset [ 017.installed_packages.txt ] --> 🐸 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | awk '{print $1}' | cut -f1 -d':' ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🦋 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 0s ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 017.installed_packages.txt adduser apt apt-utils armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi-r1 armbian-firmware base-files base-passwd bash bc bsdutils btrfs-progs bzip2 ca-certificates chrony console-setup console-setup-linux coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cracklib-runtime crda cron curl dash dbus dbus-user-session debconf debconf-utils debian-archive-keyring debianutils debsums device-tree-compiler dialog diffutils dirmngr distro-info-data dmsetup dpkg e2fsprogs fake-hwclock fdisk figlet file findutils fping gcc-10-base gcc-9-base gnupg gnupg-l10n gnupg-utils gpg gpg-agent gpg-wks-client gpg-wks-server gpgconf gpgsm gpgv gpiod grep gzip haveged hostname htop i2c-tools ifupdown init init-system-helpers initramfs-tools initramfs-tools-core iozone3 iproute2 iputils-ping isc-dhcp-client iw jq kbd keyboard-configuration klibc-utils kmod less libacl1 libapparmor1 libapt-pkg6.0 libargon2-1 libassuan0 libattr1 libaudit-common libaudit1 libblkid1 libbluetooth3 libbpf0 libbrotli1 libbsd0 libbz2-1.0 libc-bin libc-l10n libc6 libcaca0 libcap-ng0 libcap2 libcap2-bin libcbor0 libcom-err2 libcpufreq0 libcrack2 libcrypt1 libcryptsetup12 libcurl3-gnutls libcurl4 libdb5.3 libdbus-1-3 libdebconfclient0 libdevmapper1.02.1 libdns-export1110 libdpkg-perl libedit2 libelf1 libestr0 libexpat1 libext2fs2 libfastjson4 libfdisk1 libfdt1 libffi7 libfido2-1 libfile-fnmatch-perl libgcc-s1 libgcrypt20 libgdbm-compat4 libgdbm6 libglib2.0-0 libgmp10 libgnutls30 libgpg-error0 libgpiod2 libgpm2 libgssapi-krb5-2 libhavege2 libhogweed6 libi2c0 libidn2-0 libiniparser1 libip4tc2 libisc-export1105 libiw30 libjansson4 libjq1 libjson-c5 libk5crypto3 libkeyutils1 libklibc libkmod2 libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0 libksba8 libldap-2.4-2 liblocale-gettext-perl liblognorm5 liblz4-1 liblzma5 liblzo2-2 libmagic-mgc libmagic1 libmd0 libmm-glib0 libmnl0 libmount1 libmpdec3 libncurses6 libncursesw6 libndp0 libnetplan0 libnettle8 libnewt0.52 libnghttp2-14 libnl-3-200 libnl-genl-3-200 libnl-route-3-200 libnm0 libnpth0 libnsl2 libonig5 libp11-kit0 libpam-modules libpam-modules-bin libpam-runtime libpam-systemd libpam0g libparted2 libpcre2-8-0 libpcre3 libpcsclite1 libperl5.32 libpkcs11-helper1 libpolkit-agent-1-0 libpolkit-gobject-1-0 libpopt0 libprocps8 libpsl5 libpython3-stdlib libpython3.9-minimal libpython3.9-stdlib libreadline8 librtmp1 libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules-db libseccomp2 libselinux1 libsemanage-common libsemanage1 libsensors-config libsensors5 libsepol1 libslang2 libsmartcols1 libsqlite3-0 libss2 libssh2-1 libssl1.1 libstdc++6 libsysfs2 libsystemd0 libtasn1-6 libteamdctl0 libtinfo6 libtirpc-common libtirpc3 libudev1 libunistring2 libusb-1.0-0 libuuid1 libwrap0 libxtables12 libxxhash0 libyaml-0-2 libzstd1 linux-base linux-dtb-current-sunxi linux-image-current-sunxi linux-u-boot-orangepi-r1-current locales login logrotate logsave lsb-base lsb-release lsof mawk mc mc-data media-types mmc-utils mount mtd-utils nano ncurses-base ncurses-bin ncurses-term net-tools netbase netcat-openbsd netplan.io network-manager network-manager-openvpn nocache openssh-client openssh-server openssh-sftp-server openssl openvpn parted passwd pci.ids perl perl-base perl-modules-5.32 pinentry-curses policykit-1 procps psmisc python-apt-common python3 python3-apt python3-minimal python3-netifaces python3-yaml python3.9 python3.9-minimal readline-common resolvconf rsync rsyslog runit-helper sed sensible-utils smartmontools sudo sysfsutils sysstat systemd systemd-sysv sysvinit-utils tar toilet toilet-fonts tzdata u-boot-tools ucf udev usbutils util-linux wget whiptail wireguard-tools wireless-regdb wireless-tools wpasupplicant xkb-data xz-utils zlib1g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 018.000.post_debootstrap_tweaks.log --> 🦋 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🐛 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Applying post-tweaks [ post_debootstrap_tweaks ] --> 🐸 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c rm -fv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/sbin/initctl /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/sbin/start-stop-daemon ] removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/sbin/initctl' removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/sbin/start-stop-daemon' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c dpkg-divert --quiet --local --rename --remove /sbin/initctl ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c dpkg-divert --quiet --local --rename --remove /sbin/start-stop-daemon ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c rm -fv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d ] removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Removing qemu-user-static binary from chroot [ qemu-arm-static ] --> 🐸 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c rm -fv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static ] removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🎣 210: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_post_debootstrap_tweaks' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:74 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> rootfs/post-tweaks.sh:24 ] --> 🎣 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_post_debootstrap_tweaks [ hook: post_post_debootstrap_tweaks ] --> 🎣 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: config_post_debootstrap_tweaks [ hook: config_post_debootstrap_tweaks ] --> 🦋 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 1s ] --> 🌱 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Unmounting [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🐛 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting... [ target: /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🐸 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c grep -E '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/(dev|proc|sys|tmp)' /proc/mounts || true ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 019.000.prepare_partitions.log --> 🦋 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🌱 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Preparing image file for rootfs [ orangepi-r1 bullseye ] --> 🎣 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'pre_prepare_partitions' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:88 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> image/partitioning.sh:77 ] --> 🎣 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: pre_prepare_partitions [ hook: pre_prepare_partitions ] --> 🎣 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: prepare_partitions_custom [ hook: prepare_partitions_custom ] --> 🐛 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: calculated rootpart [ rootpart: 1 ] --> 🌱 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Current rootfs size [ 676 MiB ] --> 🎣 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'prepare_image_size' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:88 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> image/partitioning.sh:108 ] --> 🎣 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: prepare_image_size [ hook: prepare_image_size ] --> 🎣 211: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: config_prepare_image_size [ hook: config_prepare_image_size ] --> 🌱 212: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Creating blank image for rootfs [ truncate: 888 MiB ] --> 🐸 212: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c truncate --size=888M /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4.raw ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 212: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c sync ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌱 212: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Creating partitions [ root: ext4 ] --> 🐸 212: 2714267 - 2719297 - 2719297: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c sfdisk /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4.raw ] Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ... OK Disk /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4.raw: 888 MiB, 931135488 bytes, 1818624 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes >>> Script header accepted. >>> Created a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0xd5c27c18. /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4.raw1: Created a new partition 1 of type 'Linux' and of size 884 MiB. /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4.raw2: Done. New situation: Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0xd5c27c18 Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4.raw1 8192 1818623 1810432 884M 83 Linux The partition table has been altered. Syncing disks. -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🎣 212: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'post_create_partitions' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:88 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> image/partitioning.sh:195 ] --> 🎣 212: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: post_create_partitions [ hook: post_create_partitions ] --> 🌿 212: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Allocated loop device [ LOOP=/dev/loop0 ] --> 🐛 212: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Checking look device [ /dev/loop0 ] --> 🐸 212: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c losetup /dev/loop0 /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4.raw ] -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🐛 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Running partprobe [ /dev/loop0 ] --> 🐸 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c partprobe /dev/loop0 ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Checking again after partprobe [ /dev/loop0 ] --> 🐛 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Checking look device [ /dev/loop0 ] --> 🐛 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Device node size [ /dev/loop0: 931135488 ] --> 🐛 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Checking look device [ /dev/loop0p1 ] --> 🐛 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Device node size [ /dev/loop0p1: 926941184 ] --> 🌿 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Creating rootfs [ ext4 on /dev/loop0p1 ] --> 🐸 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkfs.ext4 -L armbi_root /dev/loop0p1 ] mke2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020) Discarding device blocks: 4096/226304 done Creating filesystem with 226304 4k blocks and 56672 inodes Filesystem UUID: abbd4aed-13b3-4c12-83c2-1d98a2b1ab7e Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840 Allocating group tables: 0/7 done Writing inode tables: 0/7 done Creating journal (4096 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: 0/7 done -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 213: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback /dev/loop0p1 ] tune2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020) -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌿 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Mounting rootfs [ /dev/loop0p1 ] --> 🐸 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/ ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🎣 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'format_partitions' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:88 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> image/partitioning.sh:278 ] --> 🎣 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: format_partitions [ hook: format_partitions ] --> 🐛 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Found armbianEnv.txt [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/armbianEnv.txt ] --> 🐛 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Compiling boot.scr [ boot/boot.scr ARM ] --> 🐸 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/boot.cmd /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/boot.scr ] Image Name: Created: Fri Jan 6 18:26:07 2023 Image Type: ARM Linux Script (uncompressed) Data Size: 4013 Bytes = 3.92 KiB = 0.00 MiB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Contents: Image 0: 4005 Bytes = 3.91 KiB = 0.00 MiB -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🦋 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ in 3s ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 020.000.create_image_from_sdcard_rootfs.log --> 🦋 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: group: [ ] --> 🧽 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: cleanup: Add callback as cleanup handler [ trap_handler_cleanup_destimg ] --> 🌿 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Copying files via rsync to [ / at /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🐸 214: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c rsync -aHWXh --exclude=/boot/* --exclude=/dev/* --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/run/* --exclude=/tmp/* --exclude=/sys/* --info=progress0,stats1 /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/ ] sent 616.14M bytes received 441.87K bytes 42.52M bytes/sec total size is 617.31M speedup is 1.00 -->--> command run successfully after 14 seconds --> 🌿 228: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Copying files to [ /boot at /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🐸 228: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c rsync -aHWXh --info=progress0,stats1 /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/rootfs-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] sent 28.18M bytes received 4.74K bytes 18.79M bytes/sec total size is 28.15M speedup is 1.00 -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🎣 229: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method 'pre_update_initramfs' being called from [ cli/entrypoint.sh:155 -> cli/utils-cli.sh:126 -> cli/cli-build.sh:13 -> main/default-build.sh:212 -> main/rootfs-image.sh:89 -> logging/logging.sh:112 -> image/rootfs-to-image.sh:49 ] --> 🎣 229: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: pre_update_initramfs [ hook: pre_update_initramfs ] --> 🎣 229: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: extensions: Extension Method being called: config_pre_update_initramfs [ hook: config_pre_update_initramfs ] --> 🐛 229: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: computing initrd cache hash [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🐛 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: initrd cache hash [ 70e7928a7e5d844e25ae492183bbc89d ] --> 🐛 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Mounting chroot for update-initramfs [ update-initramfs ] --> 🐛 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Deploying qemu-user-static binary to chroot [ qemu-arm-static ] --> 🐸 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -pv /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/usr/bin/ ] '/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: mount_chroot [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 💖 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: cachehit: initrd cache hit [ initrd.img-5.15.86-sunxi-70e7928a7e5d844e25ae492183bbc89d ] --> 🐸 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c cp -pv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/initrd/initrd.img-5.15.86-sunxi-70e7928a7e5d844e25ae492183bbc89d /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/initrd.img-5.15.86-sunxi ] '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/cache/initrd/initrd.img-5.15.86-sunxi-70e7928a7e5d844e25ae492183bbc89d' -> '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/boot/initrd.img-5.15.86-sunxi' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐸 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c /etc/initramfs/post-update.d/99-uboot 5.15.86-sunxi /boot/initrd.img-5.15.86-sunxi ] update-initramfs: Converting to u-boot format -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🌿 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: other: Re-enabling [ initramfs-tools hook for kernel ] --> 🐸 236: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ chroot /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c chmod -v +x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools ] mode of '/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools' changed from 0644 (rw-r--r--) to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) -->--> command run successfully after 1 seconds --> 🐛 237: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting chroot [ update-initramfs ] --> 🌱 237: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: info: Unmounting [ /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🐛 237: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Unmounting... [ target: /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4 ] --> 🐸 237: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c grep -E '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/(dev|proc|sys|tmp)' /proc/mounts || true ] -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🐛 237: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: debug: Removing qemu-user-static binary from chroot [ qemu-arm-static ] --> 🐸 237: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: command: Command debug [ /bin/bash -e -o pipefail -c rm -fv /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static ] removed '/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/.tmp/mount-bb4a34a2-99b3-43a0-bde9-afa12d894fe4/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static' -->--> command run successfully after 0 seconds --> 🧽 237: 2714267 - 2719514 - 2719514: hBE: trap: main_trap_handler [ ERR and 1 trap_manager_error_handled: short_stack:/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/lib/functions/image/rootfs-to-image.sh:61 ] --> 💥 237: 2714267 - 2719514 - 2719514: hBE: err: Error occurred in SUBSHELL [ SUBSHELL: code 1 at /mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/lib/functions/image/rootfs-to-image.sh:61 ] --> 🧽 237: 2714267 - 2714267 - 2714267: ehBE: trap: main_trap_handler [ ERR and 1 trap_manager_error_handled: short_stack:/mnt/data/build-armbian/armbian-next/build/lib/functions/image/rootfs-to-image.sh:61 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------