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  1. Thank you, for my use (currently ubuntu 22.04 gnome with home assistant core, nodered, mosquitto, more than 20 Firefox and Chrome tabs open...) the static cooling provided by the aluminum case is more than sufficient...
  2. Dear All, I have a Beelink s905 box with Armbian (Ubuntu 19.10). I have problems to install Mosquitto as it is required a package which i don't know how to install: The following packages have unmet dependencies: mosquitto:armhf : Depends: libwebsockets8:armhf (>= 1.6.0) but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. I am okay to use another type of Mqtt broker but couldn't find a solution I am searching for hours now.. Somebody has any ideas? Thank you in advance
  3. Please help me to understand. When you install, it references incorrect versions of packages. How can this be corrected? info
  4. For those of you who are interested in using a OPI zero as a small IoT-Server. I have some hints to get it working. It's more or less a lmgtfy How To plus some arduino code to test if it works. Hardware: OrangePi 0 with Armbian 5.25 connected over lan to my router DHT11 Module on a Wemos D1 mini (a small cheap wlan MCU for ~3$ which can be programmed via the Arduino IDE) Installation: First of all we install node-red on the OPI. Instead of rewrite how to do that again I just give you the link who to do that: Node-Red on armbian Second we install Mosquitto as a mqtt broker. If I have it right in mind I followed this instructable (I'm not shure, it's more than 2 weeks ago and I didn't save the link then): Mosquitto To represent the data of our DHT sensor-node graphically we install the node red dashboard module in: /usr/lib/node_modules/ with npm i node-red-dashboard If everything goes right you should have access to node-red via browser on port 1880: 192.168.1.xx:1880 and to the UI of dashboard: 192.168.1.xx:1880/ui/ Setting up everything: Now we're setting up the Wemos D1 mini. DHT11 wiring (DHT-->Wemos): VCC -->3.3V Signal --> D4 GND -->GND Some of the Wemos pins are capable for 5V (A0 definitly not!) but the DHT readings gets noisier when the device is powered through 5V (don't ask me why, I'm not en electronic engineer...) For the testprogramm we need two libraries which can be installed via the arduino IDE lib manager (+ ESP8266WiFi.h which comes when adding the generic ESP8266 board via Boardmanager): PubSubClient.h (PubSubClient by Nick O'Leary) DHT.h (DHT sensor library by Adafruit) And here comes the simplyfied code publishing to the mqtt broker: The code is more or less a combination of the examples which comes with the PubSubClient & DHT libraries + throw away all the stuff that we don't need (I had also a version of code where the Wemos D1 mini subscribe to the mqtt broker and gets a timestamp injected from node-red which was then added to the published sensor data). Humidity data is stored in the "hum" topic, temperature in "temp". Keep in mind that if you plan use more than one senor-node, you should name the topics properly (see: MQTT topics best practices for more information about proper topic nameing) We can now generate our test-flow on the node-red webpage (See printscreen). Subscribe to the mqtt topics and publish it on the chart and gauge (more information about Dashboard can be found on: Node-Red & Dashboard). Powering the Wemos and deploy the created flow shoud show us the graphs on 192.168.1.xx:1880/ui/ (see picture) To call me an IoT expert is like someone calling tkaiser a fan of micro USB powered SBCs. According to the MIT licence this HowTo is provided "as is", without warranty etc.
  5. Hi form germany, i have problemes with my M1. The system hangs and only ping is working here the last timestamps: do, 14.04. 18:00 so, 01.05. 2:45 do, 05.05. 3:00 mo, 09.05. 15:22 i use Armbian 22.02.1 Focal with Linux 5.15.25-sunxi homeassistant + portainer (docker) mosquitto samba with sata 500gb ssd do we need some other logs? thanks to this nice work 🙂
  6. hi there, i was wondering if there a away to compile mosquitto 1.4. successfully the current version is 1.3.3 ( or something like that) when I try to compile it it seams to compile correctly and it seams to install correctly. the broker portion works fine but the client side does not. when you try to publish or subscribe it complains a file is missing. I needed it for websockets to compile id did this wget https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets/archive/v1.3-chrome37-firefox30.tar.gz tar xvzf v1.3-chrome37-firefox30.tar.gz cd v1.3-chrome37-firefox30 mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libwebsockets.so.4.0.0 /usr/lib/libwebsockets.so.4.0.0 wget http://mosquitto.org/files/source/mosquitto-1.4.tar.gz tar xvzf mosquitto-1.4.tar.gz cd mosquitto-1.4 nano config.mk --- change it to read, "WITH_WEBSOCKETS:= yes". make sudo make install the broker seams to work but not the clients it complains about /usr/lib/libmosquitto.so.1: version `MOSQ_1.4' not found does anyone have an idea where I might be going wrong
  7. dear community, let me express that i am very very lucky to be here - to be here and being a part of this great and awesome community. had good times working on Banana-Pi with some stuff like NAS things. But now i want to put on Raspi things that are parts of a IoT-Server. Therefore i am planning a headstart into docker! Docker is a tool that allows you to deploy applications inside of software containers. With Docker, images are used to configure the operating system and install an application's dependencies. Then from the image, containers are created to run the application. Well - running Docker on the Banana Pi seems to be very helpful and useful. It gives me options to run various applications with very little overhead. i am planing to run a pi Server which should be grounded and based on Docker: it is aimed to run it with (for example the following things and ingredients ( of let us say a IoT-server) - see my whishlist: - VPN, - Dropbox backup, - Influx-database, - Grafana, - mosquitto... and so forth ... which are some of the ingredients of a iot-server i guess that docker helps me to solve the issues and mess with all the dependecies of the above mentioned stuff. I want to manage the fuzz of having all the dependncies _ i want to use docker-containers. The apps are difficult to install and come with a bunch of dependencies. in earlier times i install the applications into the filesystem of my Banana-Pi. But this drives me nuts sometime. so i decided to go ahead and to work (in future) with docker-containers. The dockercontainers hide all the things inside and the outside of dockers are standardized. That said - i hope that the the system can handle all the containers (which themselves hold all the preconfigured and prefabricated apps like Dropbox-backup, Grafana and so forth) With the docker from docker-hub i hope to be fine - dockerhub gives me the option to automatically refresh all my applications. for example Where the container stores its configuratons, datas and the logfiles. but wait: these configuration-data are stored inside the containers. The bad thing is - we cannot access these data from the outside. well how to go round this. How to do a workaround What if, i am willing to access the data from the outside? So the question is: Is there a way to map the data from the containers to our standard Raspberry-pi system!? all i want is to do keep the setup of the installation separated from the other data. How to do that - how to achieve this setup!? i really look foward to hear from you regards Malaga
  8. "i am not so familiar with MQTT - protocolls." MQTT is the most simplistic protocol that can exist : you say you want to send (publish) or receive (subscribe), about what (topic) and what (message). The only problem you can encounter in python is to provide an event loop for receiving messages. Messages are handled by a function defined as a handler. You just need to call "client.loop_forever()" or "client.loop_start()" at interval in another loop if you want to do other stuff in a subscribing client. The protocols that handle sensors are much more problematic : they need precise timing to send receive/receive data on gpio, which is not so easy in "not real time" OS and then with SBC. So microcontrollers are great for sensor driver and MQTT publisher. SBC are great for broker because you will want a log to see connection / disconnection events and you need storage if you want persistent messages (*). But the most basic SBC do the trick : my brocker run on a tiny H3 nanopi which handles all communication functions (firewall, http proxy and filter, mail relay, DNS, NTP server ...) Mosquitto is perhaps the more easy to install and reliable server I have ever used. The fun resides in MQTT subscriber : you can analyse data, command electrical circuits with 2N7000 Mosfet and arduino relay boards, drive LED strips with PWM, stepper motors or anything you want for a couple of bucks, a soldering iron and a lot of time ... Of course, SBC are more suitable for data analysis and microcontrollers for hardware interfacing. All in all, I spend 5 more time for hardware than for software and 5 more time for software than for design. And no time for "protocols" because they are implemented in drivers or libraries. So don't dwell on it but go for it ! (*) there are just 2 options in MQTT 3.11 : persistent messages keep messages and deliver them to new clients that connect and subscribe after publication, qos indicates whether you can afford to drop a message in case of delivery failure, accept duplication or want a unique delivery. And one more option to adjust the "keep alive" / disconnect time (an "integrated ping" between client and broker that I never bothered to change).
  9. I don't understand your point. The problem when designing a distributed system is to ensure reliability when systems crash, reboot or the network disconnects. For systems like SBC or microcontrollers, you have to detect crash and assure recovery, maintenance and debugging on system without screen and keyboard - and avoid corrupted storage problems. For network, you must provide reconnect procedures (witch also suppose that the disconnection has been detected), frequents with over-the-air networks, or in case of peer restart. I use (and you were aiming to do so ?) MQTT with a local broker for that reason. I first so that others used it on this forum and initially thought I didn't need it. But I changed my mind : MQTT allows to deploy a multiple "publisher" / "subscriber" loosely connected network with a trivial message protocol and some option to control reliability of message delivery. Even with that, you will have to carefully design your agents to handle crash, disconnections, sensor errors or network failures. At least, I have found that the Eclipse MQTT broker "mosquitto" is reliable. Basically you can handle MQTT disconnects at application level with a 15 lines of python code MQTT client (if you don't bother to have some samples lost). Sensors error handling is more difficult (often needs reboot). Wifi problems depends on drivers and hardware (so carefully choose the SBC and wifi controller). To ensure reliability of unattended systems connected by wifi is even more difficult in particular with SD cards, rw root fs and OS targeted at graphical UI use case ... I am not sure smtp is a good idea for IoT. It is reliable but slow. MQTT is a messaging protocol with open subscription (no recipient list) and 1 second latency if you implement your broker. Much more like a "software bus". Ideal in a local network behind a firewall were you don't even need to bother with credentials. If you like complex and heavy solutions or like to be worked up, try Nodered in a Docker container. Well, that is just my point of view ... but I have lost track of the number of agents at my home for a long time. Fortunately, bugs (hardware, software or design) remind me of some regularly.
  10. Well, for once he has a chance to implicate some other armbian SBC as a client ... And in response to the "question", I have been doing this for 4 years with mosquitto (compiled without websocket) and MQTT clients in python, tcl, C, golang ... on raspbian, armbian, debian, RTOS ... So I think it **may** work, as it is designed to do so.
  11. something is really strange here. I kept my "working armbian 21.0.2" test image on an sdcard with U-Boot 2021.01 on it. Last time, I checked, it worked great, eth0 active on each boot, no apparent issue. Because I've haven't configured all things on it (I have FHEM, mosquitto, a webserver, cellular dongle, wifi ap etc) I'm still running the old armbian with kernel 4.19.69-meson64 as a daily driver, which is rock solid. Now, in order to test the latest U-boot version, I've put the 21.0.2 test image card back in and guess what : eth0 doesn't work anymore. I've changed anything to this image since last time I checked. So I put the latest U-boot 2021.04-rc3 in it : same thing, still no eth0. I then put back my old sd with kernel 4.19.69-meson64 : all works as it should. The main difference I see is that the old image is using "legacy boot" so to speak as it's refered in boot.cmd vs modern boot in latest armbian. Also, the old armbian doesn't output anything on connected hdmi screen before kernel is booted while latest armbian show U-boot messages. But this different boot method doesn't explain why it worked before and not anymore. @guidol : it's possible, while, I'm not sure of it, that it work for you because you're on a 100Mbps link ? I've heard some reports that eth0 used to work on 100M but not on 1G in the past. Or it could be the environnement, connected usb device at boot, power supply. I don't recall also if your using an emmc or an sdcard ?
  12. Did you try to sudo apt update -y && apt upgrade -y before you install mosquitto? For the "broken packages" try sudo dpkg –configure -a or sudo apt -f install
  13. Interesting, I guess this could be it, I'll try to narrow down if there is something I'm doing that is breaking the build process. I'm really only doing a couple fairly simple things, though: installing some packages using apt echoing a couple things to /boot/armbianEnv.txt and /etc/rc.local adding a user copying a couple files adding a systemctl service A coworker is borrowing my board for a while, but I'll loop back when I can. For those interested, this is my customize-image.sh: #!/bin/bash # arguments: $RELEASE $LINUXFAMILY $BOARD $BUILD_DESKTOP # # This is the image customization script # NOTE: It is copied to /tmp directory inside the image # and executed there inside chroot environment # so don't reference any files that are not already installed # NOTE: If you want to transfer files between chroot and host # userpatches/overlay directory on host is bind-mounted to /tmp/overlay in chroot # The sd card's root path is accessible via $SDCARD variable. RELEASE=$1 LINUXFAMILY=$2 BOARD=$3 BUILD_DESKTOP=$4 Main() { # install packages apt update apt install -y git make mosquitto python3 python3-boto3 python3-paho-mqtt python3-requests python3-serial vim # enable UART echo "overlays=uart1" >> /boot/armbianEnv.txt # free up space apt purge -y iozone3 iw wireless-regdb rm -rf /usr/share/doc /usr/share/info /usr/share/man apt autoremove -y apt clean # add user account useradd -p $(echo mypassword | openssl passwd -1 -stdin) -m -G sudo -s /bin/bash myuser # set up ssh key and known_hosts mkdir -p /root/.ssh cp /tmp/overlay/ssh/* /root/.ssh/ chmod -R 700 /root/.ssh # startup commands echo "timedatectl set-timezone America/Denver" >> /etc/rc.local echo "apt clean" >> /etc/rc.local echo "chmod o+rw /dev/ttyS1" >> /etc/rc.local # install service to update gateway mkdir -p /home/myuser/bin cp /tmp/overlay/myservice/myservice.service /etc/systemd/system cp /tmp/overlay/myservice/myservice.sh /home/myuser/bin chmod +x /home/myuser/bin/myservice.sh systemctl enable myservice } # Main Main "$@"
  14. Hi, Only thing needed is an HDMI screen, a working MQTT broker (Mosquitto, ...) and I can wrote some fake mqtt provider if needed. All the other thing is totally open-source. I can also provide in compiled form. A Lemaker's BananaPI or M1 is working as well. I duno about the DTS, but the FEX was exactly the same b/w BananaPI and BananaPro with only a small setting for a (normally unused) UART and obviously the WiFi adapter. It the first time I"m using this board and Armbian : previously, it was a BananaPI under Gentoo. I switched 2 weeks back as I lost my ADSL connection and BananaPro WiFi was useful to bridge with my Phone. So I duno what should be "stable image" or even the stable DTS (potentially the bPI one but I didn't tested yet). I may try with my bPI's Gentoo image to see if it's working (which will be a proof the DTS are almost the same but the WiFi) and takes it's DTS. Now I'm not sure it evolved since I installed my previous system. Ok, I'll try. Bye, have a nice W.E.
  15. Did an "apt-get install mosquitto" and while "Setting up mosquitto" it said "Killed" Dmesg gives me: Oct 12 11:31:32 etj-55555555 systemd[1]: Reloading. Oct 12 11:31:33 etj-55555555 systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service:8: PIDFile= references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/nginx.pid → /run/nginx.pid; please update the unit file accordingly. Oct 12 11:31:34 etj-55555555 systemd[1]: Reloading. Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711235] systemd-bless-b invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x40cc0(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_COMP), order=2, oom_score_adj=0 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711260] CPU: 1 PID: 5174 Comm: systemd-bless-b Not tainted 5.4.8-sunxi #19.11.6 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711265] Hardware name: Allwinner sun8i Family Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711308] [<c010da8d>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c010a0b1>] (show_stack+0x11/0x14) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711326] [<c010a0b1>] (show_stack) from [<c093634f>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711345] [<c093634f>] (dump_stack) from [<c01fc515>] (dump_header+0x41/0x172) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711359] [<c01fc515>] (dump_header) from [<c01fbcfb>] (oom_kill_process+0xfb/0x104) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711369] [<c01fbcfb>] (oom_kill_process) from [<c01fc3f7>] (out_of_memory+0x19f/0x228) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711383] [<c01fc3f7>] (out_of_memory) from [<c022eb0f>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask+0xaff/0xc9c) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711400] [<c022eb0f>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask) from [<c0213e95>] (kmalloc_order+0x19/0x38) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711412] [<c0213e95>] (kmalloc_order) from [<c0213ecd>] (kmalloc_order_trace+0x19/0x94) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711430] [<c0213ecd>] (kmalloc_order_trace) from [<c015d37b>] (devkmsg_open+0x3f/0xc0) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711445] [<c015d37b>] (devkmsg_open) from [<c0256975>] (chrdev_open+0x91/0x11c) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711459] [<c0256975>] (chrdev_open) from [<c0250051>] (do_dentry_open+0xd5/0x2e8) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711477] [<c0250051>] (do_dentry_open) from [<c025e2b5>] (path_openat+0x1ed/0xe14) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711487] [<c025e2b5>] (path_openat) from [<c025fabf>] (do_filp_open+0x4f/0x90) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711500] [<c025fabf>] (do_filp_open) from [<c0251081>] (do_sys_open+0x125/0x194) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711513] [<c0251081>] (do_sys_open) from [<c0101001>] (ret_fast_syscall+0x1/0x62) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711518] Exception stack(0xc0e91fa8 to 0xc0e91ff0) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711529] 1fa0: b6edd000 b6f09968 ffffff9c b6d7385c 000a0101 00000000 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711539] 1fc0: b6edd000 b6f09968 bef46ce4 00000142 00000000 00000000 0044af8c 00000000 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711545] 1fe0: 00000142 bef46b00 b6e7525d b6dfe746 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711550] Mem-Info: Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711572] active_anon:1329 inactive_anon:1532 isolated_anon:85 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711572] active_file:1404 inactive_file:1017 isolated_file:22 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711572] unevictable:4 dirty:0 writeback:0 unstable:0 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711572] slab_reclaimable:4526 slab_unreclaimable:8663 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711572] mapped:1787 shmem:53 pagetables:528 bounce:0 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711572] free:32149 free_pcp:51 free_cma:31941 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711586] Node 0 active_anon:5316kB inactive_anon:6128kB active_file:5616kB inactive_file:4068kB unevictable:16kB isolated(anon):340kB isolated(file):88kB mapped:7148kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB shmem:212kB writeback_tmp:0kB unstable:0kB all_unreclaimable? no Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711613] Normal free:128596kB min:5388kB low:5708kB high:6028kB active_anon:5288kB inactive_anon:6144kB active_file:5556kB inactive_file:4152kB unevictable:16kB writepending:0kB present:262144kB managed:243968kB mlocked:16kB kernel_stack:1304kB pagetables:2112kB bounce:0kB free_pcp:212kB local_pcp:0kB free_cma:127764kB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711616] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 0 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711625] Normal: 149*4kB (UMEC) 74*8kB (UMEC) 6*16kB (C) 5*32kB (C) 6*64kB (C) 4*128kB (C) 2*256kB (C) 2*512kB (C) 2*1024kB (C) 2*2048kB (C) 29*4096kB (C) = 128804kB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711663] 2545 total pagecache pages Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711669] 60 pages in swap cache Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711675] Swap cache stats: add 270671, delete 270604, find 8999/242120 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711678] Free swap = 74584kB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711681] Total swap = 121980kB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711684] 65536 pages RAM Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711687] 0 pages HighMem/MovableOnly Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711690] 4544 pages reserved Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711693] 32768 pages cma reserved Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711699] Unreclaimable slab info: Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.711702] Name Used Total Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712107] zs_handle 179KB 204KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712187] RAWv6 47KB 47KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712193] UDPv6 35KB 35KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712216] TCPv6 63KB 63KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712227] sgpool-128 30KB 30KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712236] sgpool-64 31KB 31KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712245] sgpool-32 15KB 15KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712254] sgpool-16 7KB 7KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712259] mqueue_inode_cache 15KB 15KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712281] jfs_mp 3KB 3KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712299] jbd2_inode 15KB 15KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712316] kioctx 7KB 7KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712334] rpc_buffers 32KB 32KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712343] RAW 31KB 31KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712351] UDP 61KB 61KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712359] request_sock_TCP 3KB 3KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712369] TCP 126KB 126KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712383] eventpoll_pwq 15KB 15KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712394] inotify_inode_mark 15KB 15KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712406] request_queue 125KB 125KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712413] blkdev_ioc 16KB 16KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712422] biovec-max 453KB 453KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712432] biovec-128 126KB 126KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712439] biovec-64 63KB 63KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712450] dmaengine-unmap-256 31KB 31KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712457] dmaengine-unmap-128 47KB 47KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712465] audit_buffer 4KB 4KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712473] skbuff_fclone_cache 31KB 31KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712484] skbuff_head_cache 173KB 173KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712492] configfs_dir_cache 7KB 7KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712503] file_lock_cache 16KB 16KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712523] fsnotify_mark_connector 15KB 15KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712545] net_namespace 60KB 60KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712553] task_delay_info 19KB 19KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712564] taskstats 30KB 30KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712574] proc_dir_entry 88KB 88KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712580] pde_opener 15KB 15KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712591] seq_file 15KB 15KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712604] shmem_inode_cache 267KB 267KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712619] kernfs_iattrs_cache 15KB 15KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712635] kernfs_node_cache 2051KB 2051KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712654] filp 409KB 437KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712674] names_cache 180KB 192KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712700] key_jar 141KB 192KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712720] vm_area_struct 154KB 189KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712737] mm_struct 32KB 32KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712745] files_cache 20KB 20KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712754] signal_cache 157KB 157KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712762] sighand_cache 252KB 252KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712769] task_struct 334KB 334KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712777] cred_jar 40KB 40KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712785] anon_vma_chain 220KB 220KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712793] anon_vma 163KB 163KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712798] pid 20KB 20KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712803] trace_event_file 99KB 99KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712812] pool_workqueue 16KB 16KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712833] vmap_area 364KB 436KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712846] kmalloc-8k 984KB 1088KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712851] kmalloc-4k 356KB 356KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712856] kmalloc-2k 480KB 480KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712868] kmalloc-1k 850KB 864KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712881] kmalloc-512 598KB 656KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712886] kmalloc-256 132KB 132KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712891] kmalloc-192 173KB 173KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712896] kmalloc-128 292KB 292KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712903] kmalloc-64 1650KB 1652KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712908] kmem_cache_node 68KB 68KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712913] kmem_cache 251KB 252KB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712916] Tasks state (memory values in pages): Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712920] [ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712970] [ 295] 0 295 7021 358 59392 189 0 systemd-journal Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712981] [ 326] 0 326 4060 163 16384 154 -1000 systemd-udevd Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.712995] [ 456] 0 456 1812 2 14336 768 0 haveged Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713005] [ 579] 0 579 2657 336 20480 129 0 systemd-logind Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713014] [ 584] 0 584 1830 157 14336 52 0 cron Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713024] [ 592] 104 592 1371 284 16384 74 -900 dbus-daemon Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713046] [ 599] 0 599 6796 0 16384 34 0 rngd Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713063] [ 604] 0 604 2183 17 18432 101 0 wpa_supplicant Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713078] [ 606] 0 606 6197 211 22528 188 0 rsyslogd Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713097] [ 609] 0 609 5583 2 26624 1230 0 networkd-dispat Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713111] [ 615] 0 615 15327 194 45056 387 0 NetworkManager Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713125] [ 808] 0 808 8738 0 36864 1290 0 unattended-upgr Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713145] [ 832] 105 832 2753 133 12288 57 0 chronyd Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713160] [ 838] 105 838 806 0 12288 61 0 chronyd Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713176] [ 862] 0 862 2220 2 16384 143 -1000 sshd Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713194] [ 936] 0 936 8994 53 24576 144 0 polkitd Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713212] [ 943] 0 943 1561 2 14336 212 0 dhclient Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713226] [ 1178] 0 1178 1536 0 16384 29 0 agetty Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713243] [ 1182] 0 1182 959 0 10240 24 0 agetty Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713262] [ 1184] 0 1184 1536 0 14336 28 0 agetty Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713277] [ 1264] 0 1264 2557 184 16384 174 0 sshd Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713292] [ 1267] 0 1267 2987 0 20480 220 0 systemd Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713308] [ 1268] 0 1268 8105 0 30720 410 0 (sd-pam) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713319] [ 1361] 0 1361 1957 210 14336 247 0 bash Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713332] [ 1369] 0 1369 1957 2 16384 233 0 bash Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713345] [ 1452] 0 1452 1688 319 14336 14 0 watch Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713361] [ 1671] 111 1671 1171 78 14336 80 0 avahi-daemon Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713376] [ 1672] 111 1672 1171 0 12288 60 0 avahi-daemon Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713405] [ 5006] 0 5006 47314 298 45056 558 0 php-fpm7.3 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713416] [ 5010] 33 5010 47314 101 38912 571 0 php-fpm7.3 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713425] [ 5011] 33 5011 47314 101 38912 571 0 php-fpm7.3 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713436] [ 5083] 0 5083 14172 798 65536 2688 0 apt-get Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713453] [ 5137] 0 5137 2295 241 14336 373 0 dpkg Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713467] [ 5138] 0 5138 368 241 8192 13 0 mosquitto.posti Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713489] [ 5168] 0 5168 368 262 10240 0 0 invoke-rc.d Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713504] [ 5172] 0 5172 2247 621 18432 0 0 systemctl Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713515] [ 5173] 0 5173 8033 371 28672 340 0 (sd-executor) Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713529] [ 5174] 0 5174 2592 645 18432 0 0 systemd-bless-b Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713541] [ 5175] 0 5175 2595 1058 18432 0 0 systemd-cryptse Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713556] [ 5176] 0 5176 2593 1035 20480 0 0 systemd-debug-g Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713569] [ 5178] 0 5178 2596 1120 20480 0 0 systemd-fstab-g Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713583] [ 5180] 0 5180 2593 662 18432 0 0 systemd-getty-g Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713596] [ 5181] 0 5181 2596 1062 20480 0 0 systemd-gpt-aut Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713606] [ 5182] 0 5182 2593 1064 18432 0 0 systemd-hiberna Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713614] [ 5183] 0 5183 2593 1110 18432 0 0 systemd-rc-loca Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713623] [ 5184] 0 5184 2593 817 18432 0 0 systemd-run-gen Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713631] [ 5186] 0 5186 2593 1081 18432 0 0 systemd-system- Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713640] [ 5187] 0 5187 2596 669 18432 0 0 systemd-sysv-ge Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713662] [ 5188] 0 5188 2593 861 18432 0 0 systemd-veritys Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713675] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/user.slice/user-0.slice/session-3.scope,task=apt-get,pid=5083,uid=0 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.713779] Out of memory: Killed process 5083 (apt-get) total-vm:56688kB, anon-rss:2096kB, file-rss:1096kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:0 pgtables:65536kB oom_score_adj:0 Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 kernel: [ 1361.730340] oom_reaper: reaped process 5083 (apt-get), now anon-rss:0kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB Oct 12 11:31:35 etj-55555555 systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service:8: PIDFile= references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/nginx.pid → /run/nginx.pid; please update the unit file accordingly. Oct 12 11:31:36 etj-55555555 systemd[1]: Starting Mosquitto MQTT v3.1/v3.1.1 Broker... Oct 12 11:31:36 etj-55555555 systemd[1]: Started Mosquitto MQTT v3.1/v3.1.1 Broker. Oct 12 11:31:38 etj-55555555 systemd[1]: Reloading.
  16. @5kft You could try to do some apt-get install commands. For example: apt-get install php7.3-fpm, apt-get install mosquitto Then purge again. And look if your swap gets used... Maybe this is only orange pi zero specific. But it is 99.99% NOT a hardware issue. It must be a software issue. Something in the kernel, or a driver is eating up memory or the swap usage isn't configured correctly.
  17. Next run - this time with zram = 50% After reboot: total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 238Mi 72Mi 127Mi 0.0Ki 37Mi 159Mi Swap: 119Mi 9.0Mi 109Mi While "apt-get purge mosquitto" - it got stuck multiple times for a couple of minutes (=system unresponsive) The whole process took waaaaay too long for just purging a package. total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 238Mi 94Mi 122Mi 0.0Ki 20Mi 137Mi Swap: 119Mi 79Mi 39Mi
  18. Hi there, this is continuation of my previous thread about problems with my OPiPC+. 1). "OOB" Armbian Buster, looks working OK, not "ported" all soft / configs from another one. 2). Armbian Jessie upgraded up to Buster, mainly for mosquitto, OpenHAB2, PostgreSQL 11 (for logical replication). Now I have copied everything (only different UUIDS) from working /boot directory to the one with problems. (kernel, initrd, etc). What I do not understand, is fact, that on "good" HTOP shows 4 cores, on "bad" one only 1 core, performance is horrible (OpenHAB startup in minutes). OpenHab (I suspect) can cause whole system to hang - ping works but no even ssh / www. What am I missing? This is mainly to understand "why", more than solve (as I can copy uSD from working one as soon as I migrate services to "new" one).
  19. Hi there, I have 2 OPi PC+, one was with Jessie, then upgraded to Stretch, Working almost fine, only one issue was "systemctl start postgresql.service" not working. I used a workaround, "su - postgres -c 'pg_ctl start'". Postgres not from repo (previously was from repo) but compiled from source, as I need at least version 10 for "logical replication". Not at some point of time, I noticed message, that kernel package is to upgrade (3.4.112 to 3.4.113). After reboot graphics don't start. "No screens found". Ok, so I tried to upgrade (apt update, apt upgrade, apt dist-upgrade after changing name in /etc/apt/ files). Now it's almost crash: - graphics starts no more, same error, BUT kernel is STILL 3.4.113, not 5.4.20 as in Buster "OOB" (*.img file). - several services doesn't start, including network config. Problem (at least) is in fact, that journal service refuses to start. How to diagnose / repair situation? (as there is no package "journald / systemd-journal" to reinstall). I have "some" software installed / configured on this machine, so I don't want to install from scratch. (openhub2, mosquitto, nginx, postgres - there is minor problem, I need to compile PgAdmin 4 (v3 does work with up to 9.6 version of database), but this in separate thread). Laurent.
  20. [90168.831830] sysrq: HELP : loglevel(0-9) reboot(b) crash(c) terminate-all-tasks(e) memory-full-oom-kill(f) kill-all-tasks(i) thaw-filesystems(j) sak(k) show-backtrace-all-active-cpus(l) show-memory-usage(m) nice-all-RT-tasks(n) poweroff(o) show-registers(p) show-all-timers(q) unraw(r) sync(s) show-task-states(t) unmount(u) show-blocked-tasks(w) dump-ftrace-buffer(z) [90168.900318] systemd-journald[308]: Failed to write entry (9 items, 571 bytes), ignoring: Bad message [90176.653599] sysrq: Show Memory [90176.656679] Mem-Info: [90176.658969] active_anon:180246 inactive_anon:6395 isolated_anon:7 [90176.658969] active_file:57944 inactive_file:105719 isolated_file:19 [90176.658969] unevictable:4 dirty:697 writeback:0 unstable:0 [90176.658969] slab_reclaimable:9459 slab_unreclaimable:12483 [90176.658969] mapped:31837 shmem:7552 pagetables:1439 bounce:0 [90176.658969] free:130804 free_pcp:1325 free_cma:434 [90176.693108] Node 0 active_anon:720984kB inactive_anon:25580kB active_file:231776kB inactive_file:422876kB unevictable:16kB isolated(anon):28kB isolated(file):76kB mapped:127348kB dirty:2788kB writeback:0kB shmem:30208kB writeback_tmp:0kB unstable:0kB all_unreclaimable? no [90176.717181] Normal free:521376kB min:3444kB low:4304kB high:5164kB active_anon:23644kB inactive_anon:2376kB active_file:94316kB inactive_file:2672kB unevictable:0kB writepending:448kB present:786432kB managed:750024kB mlocked:0kB kernel_stack:3504kB pagetables:148kB bounce:0kB free_pcp:3580kB local_pcp:448kB free_cma:0kB [90176.745579] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 10239 10239 [90176.749783] HighMem free:1840kB min:512kB low:1876kB high:3240kB active_anon:697388kB inactive_anon:22864kB active_file:137912kB inactive_file:420084kB unevictable:16kB writepending:2532kB present:1310720kB managed:1310708kB mlocked:16kB kernel_stack:0kB pagetables:5608kB bounce:0kB free_pcp:1716kB local_pcp:472kB free_cma:1736kB [90176.778963] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 0 [90176.782459] Normal: 66*4kB (UME) 57*8kB (UME) 13*16kB (ME) 7*32kB (UME) 3*64kB (E) 1*128kB (E) 1*256kB (E) 1*512kB (E) 17*1024kB (UME) 13*2048kB (M) 116*4096kB (UM) = 521408kB [90176.798133] HighMem: 2*4kB (UC) 2*8kB (UC) 1*16kB (U) 1*32kB (U) 1*64kB (C) 0*128kB 0*256kB 1*512kB (C) 1*1024kB (C) 0*2048kB 0*4096kB = 1672kB [90176.811025] 131421 total pagecache pages [90176.814953] 0 pages in swap cache [90176.818271] Swap cache stats: add 0, delete 0, find 0/0 [90176.823495] Free swap = 1030364kB [90176.826897] Total swap = 1030364kB [90176.830300] 524288 pages RAM [90176.833181] 327680 pages HighMem/MovableOnly [90176.837450] 9105 pages reserved [90176.840592] 32768 pages cma reserved [90176.852271] systemd-journald[308]: /run/log/journal/8bab028404e645a0bf4b94dd4466c7b9/system.journal: Journal file corrupted, rotating. [90177.098022] systemd-journald[308]: Failed to write entry (9 items, 233 bytes) despite vacuuming, ignoring: Bad message [90177.237379] systemd-journald[308]: /run/log/journal/8bab028404e645a0bf4b94dd4466c7b9/system.journal: Journal file corrupted, rotating. [90177.382613] systemd-journald[308]: Failed to write entry (9 items, 224 bytes) despite vacuuming, ignoring: Bad message [90177.564397] systemd-journald[308]: /run/log/journal/8bab028404e645a0bf4b94dd4466c7b9/system.journal: Journal file corrupted, rotating. [90177.914675] systemd-journald[308]: Failed to write entry (9 items, 511 bytes) despite vacuuming, ignoring: Bad message [90178.241798] systemd-journald[308]: /run/log/journal/8bab028404e645a0bf4b94dd4466c7b9/system.journal: Journal file corrupted, rotating. [90178.580154] systemd-journald[308]: Failed to write entry (9 items, 475 bytes) despite vacuuming, ignoring: Bad message [90218.516882] sysrq: Show Blocked State [90218.520564] task PC stack pid father [90376.753637] sysrq: Emergency Remount R/O [90378.026930] EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p1): re-mounted. Opts: (null) [90379.724574] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: (null) [90381.617976] EXT4-fs (zram0): re-mounted. Opts: (null) [90381.623242] Emergency Remount complete [ ... show tasks ...] [.....] [90448.856371] cron S 0 23942 1446 0x00000000 [90448.861886] [<c0947777>] (__schedule) from [<c0947b95>] (schedule+0x35/0x84) [90448.868940] [<c0947b95>] (schedule) from [<c094a87f>] (schedule_timeout+0x16f/0x234) [90448.876691] [<c094a87f>] (schedule_timeout) from [<c07e72af>] (sock_alloc_send_pskb+0x103/0x19c) [90448.885483] [<c07e72af>] (sock_alloc_send_pskb) from [<c08b288d>] (unix_dgram_sendmsg+0xe1/0x48c) [90448.894361] [<c08b288d>] (unix_dgram_sendmsg) from [<c07e517f>] (__sys_sendto+0x83/0xb4) [90448.902456] [<c07e517f>] (__sys_sendto) from [<c07e51d1>] (sys_send+0x15/0x18) [90448.909683] [<c07e51d1>] (sys_send) from [<c0101001>] (ret_fast_syscall+0x1/0x62) [90448.917157] Exception stack(0xe9eb9fa8 to 0xe9eb9ff0) [90448.922209] 9fa0: 00000000 00000074 00000004 023fb7f8 00000068 00004000 [90448.930386] 9fc0: 00000000 00000074 00000014 00000121 b6f376e0 00000001 b6f09158 beed1184 [90448.938559] 9fe0: 00000121 beed1090 b6e78495 b6df4746 [90448.943610] kworker/0:3H I 0 23975 2 0x00000000 [90448.949109] Workqueue: 0x0 (mmc_complete) [90448.953221] [<c0947777>] (__schedule) from [<c0947b95>] (schedule+0x35/0x84) [90448.960276] [<c0947b95>] (schedule) from [<c012f9ed>] (worker_thread+0x181/0x410) [90448.967767] [<c012f9ed>] (worker_thread) from [<c0133fe5>] (kthread+0x109/0x10c) [90448.975172] [<c0133fe5>] (kthread) from [<c01010f9>] (ret_from_fork+0x11/0x38) [90448.982393] Exception stack(0xe3fdbfb0 to 0xe3fdbff8) [90448.987445] bfa0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [90448.995621] bfc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [90449.003797] bfe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000 [90449.010413] Sched Debug Version: v0.11, 5.4.12-sunxi # [90449.016505] ktime : 3002399037582.285105 [90449.023375] sched_clk : 90449010.408284 [90449.029813] cpu_clk : 90449010.408409 [90449.036251] jiffies : 3275374899 [90449.042254] sysctl_sched [90449.044790] .sysctl_sched_latency : 18.000000 [90449.050967] .sysctl_sched_min_granularity : 2.250000 [90449.057057] .sysctl_sched_wakeup_granularity : 3.000000 [90449.063148] .sysctl_sched_child_runs_first : 0 [90449.068629] .sysctl_sched_features : 2059067 [90449.074633] .sysctl_sched_tunable_scaling : 1 (logarithmic) [90449.081330] cpu#0 [90449.083257] .nr_running : 28 [90449.087959] .nr_switches : 162189168 [90449.093269] .nr_load_updates : 0 [90449.097884] .nr_uninterruptible : -2745 [90449.102847] .next_balance : 18.989401 [90449.108156] .curr->pid : 1860 [90449.113030] .clock : 90419119.385190 [90449.118860] .clock_task : 90419119.385190 [90449.124689] .avg_idle : 11552273 [90449.129911] .max_idle_balance_cost : -12583 [90449.134963] cfs_rq[0]:/ [90449.137410] .exec_clock : 0.000000 [90449.142635] .MIN_vruntime : 5241356.457041 [90449.148378] .min_vruntime : 5241365.457041 [90449.154122] .max_vruntime : 5241372.489382 [90449.159866] .spread : 16.032341 [90449.165176] .spread0 : 0.000000 [90449.170396] .nr_spread_over : 0 [90449.175011] .nr_running : 28 [90449.087959] .nr_switches : 162189168 [90449.093269] .nr_load_updates : 0 [90449.097884] .nr_uninterruptible : -2745 [90449.102847] .next_balance : 18.989401 [90449.108156] .curr->pid : 1860 [90449.113030] .clock : 90419119.385190 [90449.118860] .clock_task : 90419119.385190 [90449.124689] .avg_idle : 11552273 [90449.129911] .max_idle_balance_cost : -12583 [90449.134963] cfs_rq[0]:/ [90449.137410] .exec_clock : 0.000000 [90449.142635] .MIN_vruntime : 5241356.457041 [90449.148378] .min_vruntime : 5241365.457041 [90449.154122] .max_vruntime : 5241372.489382 [90449.159866] .spread : 16.032341 [90449.165176] .spread0 : 0.000000 [90449.170396] .nr_spread_over : 0 [90449.175011] .nr_running : 28 [90449.179712] .load : 28672 [90449.184673] .runnable_weight : 28672 [90449.189635] .load_avg : 27648 [90449.194595] .runnable_load_avg : 27648 [90449.199557] .util_avg : 1024 [90449.204432] .util_est_enqueued : 1154 [90449.209307] .removed.load_avg : 0 [90449.213922] .removed.util_avg : 0 [90449.218536] .removed.runnable_sum : 0 [90449.223152] .tg_load_avg_contrib : 0 [90449.227767] .tg_load_avg : 0 [90449.232382] .throttled : 0 [90449.236996] .throttle_count : 0 [90449.241614] rt_rq[0]:/ [90449.243975] .rt_nr_running : 0 [90449.248589] .rt_nr_migratory : 0 [90449.253204] .rt_throttled : 0 [90449.257819] .rt_time : 0.000000 [90449.263042] .rt_runtime : 950.000000 [90449.268439] dl_rq[0]: [90449.270712] .dl_nr_running : 0 [90449.275326] .dl_nr_migratory : 0 [90449.279943] .dl_bw->bw : 996147 [90449.284991] .dl_bw->total_bw : 0 [90449.289605] runnable tasks: [90449.292398] S task PID tree-key switches prio wait-time sum-exec sum-sleep [90449.303257] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [90449.314032] S kthreadd 2 5239056.627189 1575 120 0.000000 1131.204244 0.000000 / [90449.324993] I rcu_gp 3 8.053699 2 100 0.000000 0.020792 0.000000 / [90449.335950] I rcu_par_gp 4 10.056773 2 100 0.000000 0.013542 0.000000 / [90449.346910] S ksoftirqd/0 9 5241095.970579 307739 120 0.000000 28528.711977 0.000000 / [90449.357872] S migration/0 11 0.000000 4906 0 0.000000 1282.698525 0.000000 / [90449.368831] S cpuhp/0 12 2950.649148 8 120 0.000000 0.163541 0.000000 / [90449.379810] I blkcg_punt_bio 141 141.900698 2 100 0.000000 0.028917 0.000000 / [90449.390772] S watchdogd 145 0.000000 2 0 0.000000 0.049917 0.000000 / [90449.401732] I kworker/u9:0 148 13581.997821 5 100 0.000000 0.122917 0.000000 / [90449.412694] S jfsIO 152 165.973115 2 120 0.000000 0.041083 0.000000 / [90449.423653] S jfsCommit 154 174.996859 2 120 0.000000 0.023749 0.000000 / [90449.434618] I kthrotld 162 203.488194 2 100 0.000000 0.027583 0.000000 / [90449.445577] Sirq/37-1ee0000. 163 0.000000 3 49 0.000000 0.067250 0.000000 / [90449.456535] Sirq/24-sunxi-mm 164 0.000000 3 49 0.000000 0.065167 0.000000 / [90449.467494] Sirq/26-sunxi-mm 166 0.000000 3 49 0.000000 0.049624 0.000000 / [90449.478457] I scsi_tmf_0 230 471.756667 2 100 0.000000 0.061666 0.000000 / [90449.489418] S usb-storage 231 5239140.218190 536 120 0.000000 17.342195 0.000000 / [90449.500377] Sirq/25-sunxi-mm 239 0.000000 3 49 0.000000 0.066708 0.000000 / [90449.511334] Sjbd2/mmcblk1p1- 257 5239061.716237 248837 120 0.000000 31567.586599 0.000000 / [90449.522293] I cfg80211 327 1044.715881 2 100 0.000000 0.063626 0.000000 / [90449.533252] S irq/51-ths 382 0.000000 359005 49 0.000000 36433.054328 0.000000 / [90449.544215] Sirq/37-dw-hdmi- 389 0.000000 3 49 0.000000 0.091043 0.000000 / [90449.555174] S rc1 398 1589.077630 2 120 0.000000 0.087333 0.000000 / [90449.566132] S jbd2/sda1-8 423 1712.252023 2 120 0.000000 0.031250 0.000000 / [90449.577093] S rpc.idmapd 443 4396373.432570 54 120 0.000000 3.372078 0.000000 / [90449.588067] S gdbus 878 4309635.074597 43 120 0.000000 19.036792 0.000000 / [90449.599030] RVM Periodic Tas 1569 5241368.319033 3512865 120 0.000000 933079.138828 0.000000 / [90449.609989] SFramework Event 1639 57877.019951 542 120 0.000000 142.527263 0.000000 / [90449.620945] SBundle File Clo 1640 4429105.658411 3110 120 0.000000 522.574168 0.000000 / [90449.631903] RKaraf Lock Moni 1642 5241365.903007 359611 120 0.000000 472069.653982 0.000000 / [90449.642863] SEventAdminAsync 1661 5241310.440693 307856 120 0.000000 99500.890137 0.000000 / [90449.653821] SEventAdminAsync 1662 5241310.086148 314111 120 0.000000 99091.920941 0.000000 / [90449.664778] S Thread-16 1666 22857.742771 4 120 0.000000 1.239875 0.000000 / [90449.675740] Rsshd-SshServer[ 1683 5241372.359689 406737 120 0.000000 479416.850872 0.000000 / [90449.686698] S Thread-23 1686 51602.492427 18 120 0.000000 8.512126 0.000000 / [90449.697657] S Dir Watcher 1687 27964.461668 2 120 0.000000 0.645501 0.000000 / [90449.708615] R CalDav Loader 1688 5241369.118106 369362 120 0.000000 449518.363540 0.000000 / [90449.719573] RopenHAB-job-sch 1689 5241366.213400 460592 120 0.000000 480881.169168 0.000000 / [90449.730532] RopenHAB-job-sch 1694 5241366.566776 465657 120 0.000000 479676.935636 0.000000 / [90449.741491] RopenHAB-job-sch 1698 5241368.385299 482863 120 0.000000 480507.618037 0.000000 / [90449.752450] S qtp8296889-79 1707 30196.134753 4 120 0.000000 10.680918 0.000000 / [90449.763410] Sqtp8296889-85-a 1715 2423389.338235 45 120 0.000000 42.623586 0.000000 / [90449.774368] SResourcePublish 1721 58169.469317 8775 120 0.000000 16481.497537 0.000000 / [90449.785330] Spool-15-thread- 1746 5241295.260092 103183 120 0.000000 77613.085618 0.000000 / [90449.796298] Rjupnp-jetty-cli 1783 5241368.966689 334762 120 0.000000 463171.930647 0.000000 / [90449.807256] Sjupnp-jetty-cli 1786 4429189.917102 286 120 0.000000 269.661038 0.000000 / [90449.818215] SHttpClient@1f3b 1810 4429289.018223 83 120 0.000000 161.974457 0.000000 / [90449.829175] SESH-httpClient- 1814 45868.538752 7 120 0.000000 1.028376 0.000000 / [90449.840135] RESH-httpClient- 1818 5241365.596257 244527 120 0.000000 320524.830088 0.000000 / [90449.851092] RESH-httpClient- 1819 5241367.827259 294201 120 0.000000 410889.835886 0.000000 / [90449.862051] Rjupnp-jetty-cli 1824 5241372.489382 334849 120 0.000000 461032.298709 0.000000 / [90449.873008] >RHttpClient@1fe5 1860 5243803.322304 364663 120 0.000000 467107.442706 0.000000 / [90449.883966] RRxSchedulerPurg 1870 5241365.550567 406372 120 0.000000 494836.710638 0.000000 / [90449.894924] RRxCachedWorkerP 1871 5241365.779275 334376 120 0.000000 460787.134582 0.000000 / [90449.905882] RRxComputationTh 1881 5241365.485773 360614 120 0.000000 518366.135519 0.000000 / [90449.916841] Spool-32-thread- 1977 4440503.094308 558283 120 0.000000 1710239.698717 0.000000 / [90449.927801] Spool-33-thread- 2927 3772411.737673 10678 120 0.000000 22881.017021 0.000000 / [90449.938757] SConnector-Sched 5473 2428450.624498 209 120 0.000000 117.025296 0.000000 / [90449.949716] RglobalEventExec 10974 5241368.812814 325082 120 0.000000 460875.809755 0.000000 / [90449.960676] ROH-thingLinkMan 22303 5241367.136691 35396 120 0.000000 56146.062496 0.000000 / [90449.971633] ROH-thingLinkMan 22304 5241367.002066 40492 120 0.000000 56045.672739 0.000000 / [90449.982591] R items-8475 22361 5241367.959888 50663 120 0.000000 61054.294130 0.000000 / [90449.993551] R items-8477 22375 5241368.709633 50023 120 0.000000 61505.611791 0.000000 / [90450.004510] ROH-scheduler-26 22478 5241365.713027 38837 120 0.000000 56236.110359 0.000000 / [90450.015474] ROH-discovery-24 23836 5241365.977095 6357 120 0.000000 6403.687588 0.000000 / [90450.026454] R items-queue 23997 5241368.539607 41 120 0.000000 97.958918 0.000000 / [90450.037428] S mysqld 1383 5241339.991998 193986 120 0.000000 18842.189796 0.000000 / [90450.048389] S mysqld 1388 5241345.822284 681837 120 0.000000 27019.039914 0.000000 / [90450.059347] S mysqld 1389 5241349.544227 449285 120 0.000000 23828.428747 0.000000 / [90450.070304] S mysqld 1390 5241356.130190 508130 120 0.000000 24020.064596 0.000000 / [90450.081261] S mysqld 1391 5241345.805241 493804 120 0.000000 24156.790484 0.000000 / [90450.092218] R mysqld 1392 5241365.491190 37642898 120 0.000000 846668.051276 0.000000 / [90450.103176] R mysqld 1400 5241365.550481 17974540 120 0.000000 833651.978959 0.000000 / [90450.114135] R mysqld 1403 5241365.457041 42053250 120 0.000000 814556.375410 0.000000 / [90450.125092] S mysqld 1411 5241338.156565 185542 120 0.000000 16091.488294 0.000000 / [90450.136050] S mysqld 1412 5240239.042920 117638 120 0.000000 17702.548769 0.000000 / [90450.147009] S mysqld 1417 14490.522573 676 120 0.000000 201.999668 0.000000 / [90450.157967] S mysqld 1420 14177.081061 1 120 0.000000 0.207666 0.000000 / [90450.168929] I kworker/u9:1 1341 13590.027150 40 100 0.000000 1.224081 0.000000 / [90450.179891] S nginx 1376 5240311.259572 6535 120 0.000000 8948.557690 0.000000 / [90450.190857] S nfsd 1438 4236981.709640 23 120 0.000000 2.799251 0.000000 / [90450.201830] S rngd 1461 5227891.618707 39 120 0.000000 13.940915 0.000000 / [90450.212789] S rngd 1462 5227893.172916 42 120 0.000000 109.423127 0.000000 / [90450.223748] R rngd 1463 5241356.457041 1260823 120 0.000000 32895.906452 0.000000 / [90450.234712] S bash 9927 5226742.053065 27 120 0.000000 113.212830 0.000000 / [90450.245677] I kworker/0:2H 9732 5239056.534156 2852828 100 0.000000 21885.314934 0.000000 / [90450.256637] R kworker/u8:2 10420 5241356.457041 6654 120 0.000000 372.631225 0.000000 / [90450.267597] I kworker/0:0 10427 5241285.707150 260041 120 0.000000 35860.230691 0.000000 / [90450.278557] I kworker/0:1H 10434 5239057.151610 25 100 0.000000 0.571248 0.000000 / [90450.289521] I kworker/0:1 10629 4568300.082793 90 120 0.000000 78.444043 0.000000 / [90450.300483] I kworker/0:0H 10793 5239056.739744 1273 100 0.000000 7.815223 0.000000 / [90450.311444] I kworker/0:2 10797 5241356.295230 238997 120 0.000000 27791.547999 0.000000 / [90450.322405] I kworker/u8:1 10875 5239201.922956 3 120 0.000000 0.044167 0.000000 / [90450.333367] Z sessionclean 10888 4429275.867895 365 120 0.000000 51.292450 0.000000 / [90450.344327] I kworker/0:3 13056 4802103.163583 4 120 0.000000 1.486459 0.000000 / [90450.355294] S cron 19375 4947253.250307 2 120 0.000000 7.416708 0.000000 / [90450.366258] S cron 20183 4996886.383366 2 120 0.000000 7.312625 0.000000 / [90450.377218] S cron 20184 4996886.500283 3 120 0.000000 7.429542 0.000000 / [90450.388187] S cron 21664 5096726.668426 3 120 0.000000 9.604792 0.000000 / [90450.399166] I kworker/0:3H 23975 5241095.907353 716 100 0.000000 10.046203 0.000000 / [90450.410127] cpu#1 [90450.412055] .nr_running : 3 [90450.416670] .nr_switches : 213425371 [90450.421979] .nr_load_updates : 0 [90450.426593] .nr_uninterruptible : 519 [90450.431382] .next_balance : 3271.728658 [90450.436864] .curr->pid : 1355 [90450.441741] .clock : 90450441.734987 [90450.447570] .clock_task : 90450447.559570 [90450.453398] .avg_idle : 24144126 [90450.458619] .max_idle_balance_cost : 52414900476398442 [90450.464624] cfs_rq[1]:/ [90450.467071] .exec_clock : 0.000000 [90450.472295] .MIN_vruntime : 5238004.678560 [90450.478038] .min_vruntime : 5238004.665180 [90450.483781] .max_vruntime : 5238004.680655 [90450.489524] .spread : 0.002095 [90450.494746] .spread0 : -3360.791861 [90450.500314] .nr_spread_over : 0 [90450.504929] .nr_running : 4 [90450.509544] .load : 3072 [90450.514418] .runnable_weight : 4096 [90450.519293] .load_avg : 3771 [90450.524167] .runnable_load_avg : 2830 [90450.529042] .util_avg : 1024 [90450.533918] .util_est_enqueued : 1028 [90450.538794] .removed.load_avg : 0 [90450.543409] .removed.util_avg : 0 [90450.548024] .removed.runnable_sum : 0 [90450.552637] .tg_load_avg_contrib : 0 [90450.557253] .tg_load_avg : 0 [90450.561868] .throttled : 0 [90450.566482] .throttle_count : 0 [90450.571100] rt_rq[1]:/ [90450.573460] .rt_nr_running : 0 [90450.578075] .rt_nr_migratory : 0 [90450.582689] .rt_throttled : 0 [90450.587304] .rt_time : 0.000000 [90450.592526] .rt_runtime : 950.000000 [90450.597922] dl_rq[1]: [90450.600195] .dl_nr_running : 0 [90450.604810] .dl_nr_migratory : 0 [90450.609424] .dl_bw->bw : 996147 [90450.614473] .dl_bw->total_bw : 0 [90450.619087] runnable tasks: [90450.621879] S task PID tree-key switches prio wait-time sum-exec sum-sleep [90450.632740] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [90450.643518] I mm_percpu_wq 8 2166132.077032 4 100 0.000000 1.516666 0.000000 / [90450.654482] S cpuhp/1 13 4535.199916 7 120 0.000000 0.159833 0.000000 / [90450.665439] S migration/1 14 0.000000 5015 0 0.000000 491.864056 0.000000 / [90450.676399] S ksoftirqd/1 15 5229502.870173 43516 120 0.000000 4855.404606 0.000000 / [90450.687366] I netns 29 7.985024 2 100 0.000000 0.042625 0.000000 / [90450.698328] S kcompactd0 35 5161188.268836 11 120 0.000000 41.894540 0.000000 / [90450.709290] I kblockd 140 71.337795 2 100 0.000000 0.022916 0.000000 / [90450.720252] I rpciod 147 1988.787387 2 100 0.000000 0.037666 0.000000 / [90450.731215] S jfsCommit 153 2006.850043 2 120 0.000000 0.027125 0.000000 / [90450.742178] S jfsSync 157 2015.873829 2 120 0.000000 0.023791 0.000000 / [90450.753138] I xfs_mru_cache 159 2024.893283 2 100 0.000000 0.019459 0.000000 / [90450.764104] I mmc_complete 185 2202.975542 2 100 0.000000 0.026375 0.000000 / [90450.775072] S blkmapd 326 3018.836312 10 120 0.000000 7.539833 0.000000 / [90450.786041] Iext4-rsv-conver 424 3975.267503 2 100 0.000000 0.032458 0.000000 / [90450.797003] Iext4-rsv-conver 558 4761.142751 2 100 0.000000 0.028209 0.000000 / [90450.807965] S avahi-daemon 620 5230613.927412 15814 120 0.000000 10899.992074 0.000000 / [90450.818926] S in:imuxsock 651 4437448.072495 3815 120 0.000000 660.580388 0.000000 / [90450.829888] S avahi-daemon 635 6596.975801 3 120 0.000000 1.378000 0.000000 / [90450.840847] S polkitd 875 4312280.817215 69 120 0.000000 48.204045 0.000000 / [90450.851808] S java 1172 50952.690451 92 120 0.000000 47.950378 0.000000 / [90450.862769] SSignal Dispatch 1565 51295.718674 3 120 0.000000 0.240167 0.000000 / [90450.873727] S Service Thread 1568 51313.998000 3 120 0.000000 0.327750 0.000000 / [90450.884692] SActive Thread: 1638 5229917.638174 393171 120 0.000000 482949.726914 0.000000 / [90450.895673] Sencryption-1-th 1670 5229915.771169 395923 120 0.000000 472970.614842 0.000000 / [90450.906635] SopenHAB-job-sch 1690 5229914.753537 462963 120 0.000000 478684.545117 0.000000 / [90450.917594] SopenHAB-job-sch 1691 5229914.689297 470398 120 0.000000 486220.881336 0.000000 / [90450.928554] SopenHAB-job-sch 1695 5229914.972115 473631 120 0.000000 482178.470681 0.000000 / [90450.939511] SopenHAB-job-sch 1696 5229914.960256 459594 120 0.000000 479580.300319 0.000000 / [90450.950467] SopenHAB-job-sch 1697 5229917.110108 466976 120 0.000000 479104.305056 0.000000 / [90450.961428] S qtp8296889-80 1708 67723.120989 3 120 0.000000 0.593668 0.000000 / [90450.972388] Sqtp8296889-82-a 1712 67743.181942 2 120 0.000000 2.325667 0.000000 / [90450.983348] Spool-10-thread- 1731 5229917.845236 349419 120 0.000000 465981.558208 0.000000 / [90450.994306] Scom.google.inje 1733 72579.428437 3 120 0.000000 0.564667 0.000000 / [90451.005266] Spool-13-thread- 1744 5229809.061861 92625 120 0.000000 78388.941253 0.000000 / [90451.016223] Spool-14-thread- 1745 101028.150901 29 120 0.000000 5.337957 0.000000 / [90451.027182] S lsp-1 1753 84075.894329 2 120 0.000000 4.015125 0.000000 / [90451.038144] SServletModel-12 1765 5229918.206237 340894 120 0.000000 460579.073018 0.000000 / [90451.049101] SServletModel-12 1766 5229916.272251 327740 120 0.000000 459924.365383 0.000000 / [90451.060062] SESH-httpClient- 1811 5229920.189166 220475 120 0.000000 313262.097826 0.000000 / [90451.071023] SESH-httpClient- 1820 5228955.024105 244483 120 0.000000 337454.144631 0.000000 / [90451.081980] Sjupnp-jetty-cli 1823 5229916.718447 326943 120 0.000000 459423.962114 0.000000 / [90451.092943] SRxComputationTh 1875 5228301.457765 56397 120 0.000000 65026.566121 0.000000 / [90451.103899] Spool-25-thread- 1877 5229919.066047 1190901 120 0.000000 798387.832989 0.000000 / [90451.114858] SRxComputationTh 1882 5224990.410344 24064 120 0.000000 50904.518711 0.000000 / [90451.125814] SRxComputationTh 1883 5225065.947042 48553 120 0.000000 93977.798906 0.000000 / [90451.136772] S weakref reaper 1911 110455.909381 2 120 0.000000 0.455457 0.000000 / [90451.147732] Spool-35-thread- 1980 4455623.995782 18987 120 0.000000 25123.155894 0.000000 / [90451.158694] SOH-thingLinkMan 22299 5229914.782377 44164 120 0.000000 56982.727715 0.000000 / [90451.169652] SOH-thingLinkMan 22300 5229915.578089 44964 120 0.000000 56283.927311 0.000000 / [90451.180610] SOH-thingLinkMan 22301 5229914.726588 41273 120 0.000000 57883.203596 0.000000 / [90451.191569] S items-8478 22376 5229918.204544 40167 120 0.000000 60874.150801 0.000000 / [90451.202529] SOH-thingManager 23500 5229914.738040 15253 120 0.000000 17531.430800 0.000000 / [90451.213487] SOH-thingHandler 23555 5229914.721459 10087 120 0.000000 13977.242042 0.000000 / [90451.224444] SOH-ruleEngine-3 23935 5229917.858109 1066 120 0.000000 2012.917967 0.000000 / [90451.235401] SOH-ruleEngine-3 23936 5229918.590627 1918 120 0.000000 1921.622403 0.000000 / [90451.246359] SOH-discovery-24 23938 5229914.774111 1089 120 0.000000 1886.895241 0.000000 / [90451.257316] SOH-discovery-24 23941 5229916.362695 728 120 0.000000 1674.209953 0.000000 / [90451.268274] SOH-thingHandler 23980 5229917.353794 755 120 0.000000 1279.589560 0.000000 / [90451.279230] SOH-thingManager 23982 5229916.269337 1028 120 0.000000 946.141834 0.000000 / [90451.290188] SOH-discovery-24 23993 5229915.480294 562 120 0.000000 806.628889 0.000000 / [90451.301144] SOH-scheduler-27 23994 5229914.770213 783 120 0.000000 652.838921 0.000000 / [90451.312108] S influxd 1366 82097.803042 3925 120 0.000000 3108.408822 0.000000 / [90451.323067] S influxd 1740 4454500.368014 339635 120 0.000000 693438.084401 0.000000 / [90451.334024] S influxd 1751 82106.733000 1 120 0.000000 0.094792 0.000000 / [90451.344990] S mysqld 1315 5228569.045719 3643 120 0.000000 1238.732749 0.000000 / [90451.355947] R mysqld 1355 5238225.461407 47475812 120 0.000000 783734.060978 0.000000 / [90451.366904] R mysqld 1373 5238228.201057 44433421 120 0.000000 784065.058989 0.000000 / [90451.377867] R mysqld 1399 5238230.931870 45360761 120 0.000000 792654.084161 0.000000 / [90451.388825] R mysqld 1401 5238233.672710 43003792 120 0.000000 785636.359488 0.000000 / [90451.399784] S mysqld 1413 5228805.378177 109162 120 0.000000 6015.174615 0.000000 / [90451.410752] S sshd 1346 45787.498768 43 120 0.000000 46.933040 0.000000 / [90451.421712] S nginx 1377 1841141.357006 3 120 0.000000 3.018083 0.000000 / [90451.432671] S nginx 1378 4451124.902238 1843 120 0.000000 2255.666831 0.000000 / [90451.443628] S nginx 1379 1841141.333881 3 120 0.000000 2.878415 0.000000 / [90451.454586] S nfsd 1436 4251472.123761 23 120 0.000000 3.292748 0.000000 / [90451.465547] S nfsd 1439 4449951.104334 24 120 0.000000 2.852375 0.000000 / [90451.476506] S nfsd 1440 4316993.596187 29 120 0.000000 1.875958 0.000000 / [90451.487476] D cron 1446 5231432.407569 2209 120 0.000000 1280.124091 0.000000 / [90451.498439] S agetty 1477 51041.783068 26 120 0.000000 13.490376 0.000000 / [90451.509399] S (sd-pam) 9902 1054057.147760 1 120 0.000000 1.047042 0.000000 / [90451.520364] S php-fpm7.3 22720 5227179.463700 188052 120 0.000000 387852.203700 0.000000 / [90451.531324] S php-fpm7.3 5762 5227733.238596 255499 120 0.000000 305160.803350 0.000000 / [90451.542284] I kworker/1:1H 9586 5228810.513102 38380 100 0.000000 585.888690 0.000000 / [90451.553242] I kworker/u8:0 9667 4449954.802746 10956 120 0.000000 421.154773 0.000000 / [90451.564208] I kworker/1:0 10622 5238250.304071 309972 120 0.000000 18643.063622 0.000000 / [90451.575168] I kworker/1:0H 10697 4438563.868108 4 100 0.000000 0.069667 0.000000 / [90451.586129] I kworker/1:2 10795 4438852.779129 9 120 0.000000 3.079916 0.000000 / [90451.597093] S php-fpm7.3 10880 5228893.867600 444083 120 0.000000 84389.196003 0.000000 / [90451.608057] S cron 18643 4903520.642238 3 120 0.000000 7.543667 0.000000 / [90451.619014] S cron 18644 4903519.662488 2 120 0.000000 6.563917 0.000000 / [90451.629975] S cron 19143 4934237.859208 3 120 0.000000 8.667000 0.000000 / [90451.640939] S cron 19776 4969786.822376 4 120 0.000000 8.984459 0.000000 / [90451.651905] S cron 20944 5038993.877447 3 120 0.000000 9.971832 0.000000 / [90451.662866] S cron 21416 5070293.448533 3 120 0.000000 9.357084 0.000000 / [90451.673825] S cron 21663 5085204.837375 3 120 0.000000 10.574875 0.000000 / [90451.684784] S cron 21920 5100475.442665 2 120 0.000000 8.864541 0.000000 / [90451.695744] S cron 22173 5115315.452587 3 120 0.000000 7.192458 0.000000 / [90451.706703] S cron 22174 5115315.756495 3 120 0.000000 7.496374 0.000000 / [90451.717664] S cron 22646 5147209.562572 3 120 0.000000 8.015167 0.000000 / [90451.728623] S cron 22745 5154093.687265 2 120 0.000000 8.127042 0.000000 / [90451.739585] S cron 23395 5195122.112838 3 120 0.000000 7.391375 0.000000 / [90451.750544] S cron 23396 5195122.222922 3 120 0.000000 7.501459 0.000000 / [90451.761503] S cron 23678 5211210.684467 2 120 0.000000 7.823000 0.000000 / [90451.772461] S cron 23679 5211212.036515 3 120 0.000000 9.175042 0.000000 / [90451.783426] cpu#2 [90451.785352] .nr_running : 4 [90451.789967] .nr_switches : 146985471 [90451.795277] .nr_load_updates : 0 [90451.799892] .nr_uninterruptible : 958 [90451.804681] .next_balance : 3271.728658 [90451.810163] .curr->pid : 1578 [90451.815039] .clock : 90451814.952107 [90451.820868] .clock_task : 90451820.864273 [90451.826698] .avg_idle : 1044741 [90451.831833] .max_idle_balance_cost : 583626 [90451.836883] cfs_rq[2]:/ [90451.839330] .exec_clock : 0.000000 [90451.844555] .MIN_vruntime : 4991526.244809 [90451.850297] .min_vruntime : 4991529.244414 [90451.856041] .max_vruntime : 4991529.524297 [90451.861784] .spread : 3.279488 [90451.867006] .spread0 : -249836.212627 [90451.872747] .nr_spread_over : 0 [90451.877362] .nr_running : 4 [90451.881977] .load : 4096 [90451.886852] .runnable_weight : 4096 [90451.891727] .load_avg : 4281 [90451.896601] .runnable_load_avg : 4160 [90451.901476] .util_avg : 1024 [90451.906351] .util_est_enqueued : 1153 [90451.911225] .removed.load_avg : 0 [90451.915841] .removed.util_avg : 0 [90451.920456] .removed.runnable_sum : 0 [90451.925071] .tg_load_avg_contrib : 0 [90451.929686] .tg_load_avg : 0 [90451.934300] .throttled : 0 [90451.938915] .throttle_count : 0 [90451.943534] rt_rq[2]:/ [90451.945894] .rt_nr_running : 0 [90451.950509] .rt_nr_migratory : 0 [90451.955123] .rt_throttled : 0 [90451.959738] .rt_time : 0.000000 [90451.964960] .rt_runtime : 950.000000 [90451.970356] dl_rq[2]: [90451.972628] .dl_nr_running : 0 [90451.977244] .dl_nr_migratory : 0 [90451.981859] .dl_bw->bw : 996147 [90451.986907] .dl_bw->total_bw : 0 [90451.991520] runnable tasks: [90451.994312] S task PID tree-key switches prio wait-time sum-exec sum-sleep [90452.005171] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [90452.015957] S cpuhp/2 18 2597.156776 7 120 0.000000 0.156873 0.000000 / [90452.026917] S migration/2 19 0.000000 5039 0 0.000000 1292.701716 0.000000 / [90452.037876] S ksoftirqd/2 20 4985052.626057 320056 120 0.000000 27136.346496 0.000000 / [90452.048842] S kauditd 31 26.200076 3 120 0.000000 0.046083 0.000000 / [90452.059801] S oom_reaper 33 44.228024 2 120 0.000000 0.019833 0.000000 / [90452.070760] I writeback 34 53.242793 2 100 0.000000 0.023959 0.000000 / [90452.081724] I ata_sff 143 71.293235 2 100 0.000000 0.031208 0.000000 / [90452.092686] I xprtiod 149 85.030115 2 100 0.000000 0.022291 0.000000 / [90452.103643] S kswapd0 150 4921255.112355 370 120 0.000000 35.924756 0.000000 / [90452.114601] I nfsiod 151 94.063203 2 100 0.000000 0.041125 0.000000 / [90452.125571] I ipv6_addrconf 167 141.322238 2 100 0.000000 0.040417 0.000000 / [90452.136531] I stmmac_wq 188 169.781959 2 100 0.000000 0.037250 0.000000 / [90452.147502] S gp 384 -8.977500 2 98 0.000000 0.086291 0.000000 / [90452.158462] S pp 388 0.000000 2 98 0.000000 0.073874 0.000000 / [90452.169431] S gmain 690 4247038.216536 19344 120 0.000000 4921.875992 0.000000 / [90452.180396] S systemd-logind 628 4991579.521209 1227405 120 0.000000 380212.856253 0.000000 / [90452.191356] S gmain 876 5683.487438 3 120 0.000000 0.564124 0.000000 / [90452.202316] SReference Handl 1559 4984778.120197 6471 120 0.000000 9406.554571 0.000000 / [90452.213274] S Finalizer 1560 4984820.312523 11023 120 0.000000 14294.757733 0.000000 / [90452.224234] SC1 CompilerThre 1566 4985123.955597 1222128 120 0.000000 1736847.519892 0.000000 / [90452.235195] SStart Level: Eq 1641 79905.939102 26430 120 0.000000 51163.123611 0.000000 / [90452.246154] SCM Configuratio 1655 71497.229810 1292 120 0.000000 3219.548812 0.000000 / [90452.257111] SCM Event Dispat 1656 45194.358352 53 120 0.000000 42.976499 0.000000 / [90452.268068] S Thread-12 1657 3689787.429785 21 120 0.000000 9.335335 0.000000 / [90452.279031] S Thread-17 1673 45193.078977 8 120 0.000000 1.322794 0.000000 / [90452.289990] S Thread-20 1682 39736.061249 7 120 0.000000 3.415623 0.000000 / [90452.300952] SopenHAB-job-sch 1692 4985122.122124 470155 120 0.000000 479254.162065 0.000000 / [90452.311914] SOH-OSGiEventMan 1702 4985123.355475 763539 120 0.000000 780654.763897 0.000000 / [90452.322871] SServletEventDis 1705 79873.907560 50 120 0.000000 23.473834 0.000000 / [90452.333828] SServletEventDis 1706 79873.920267 49 120 0.000000 4.907208 0.000000 / [90452.344787] SSession-HouseKe 1711 4985124.213395 315844 120 0.000000 460855.448239 0.000000 / [90452.355747] SSocketListener( 1734 4985385.291344 11662 120 0.000000 31310.307655 0.000000 / [90452.366704] SJmDNS(JmDNS-/19 1736 4985122.178595 332826 120 0.000000 458239.167922 0.000000 / [90452.377661] SOH-EventHandler 1741 4985015.854627 683022 120 0.000000 478330.033520 0.000000 / [90452.388618] SOH-EventHandler 1742 4985123.887485 808384 120 0.000000 411389.290182 0.000000 / [90452.399577] S Timer-1 1747 4199479.977803 423 120 0.000000 337.206707 0.000000 / [90452.410538] S Timer-6 1757 4247165.519196 1417 120 0.000000 2200.139368 0.000000 / [90452.421498] SServletModel-12 1762 62253.571297 4 120 0.000000 0.539207 0.000000 / [90452.432456] SServletModel-12 1763 4985120.856207 324596 120 0.000000 459696.433626 0.000000 / [90452.443416] S upnp-main-1 1778 4985124.103659 374062 120 0.000000 467551.755269 0.000000 / [90452.454376] S upnp-main-4 1781 74390.211488 163 120 0.000000 213.608326 0.000000 / [90452.465337] SESH-httpClient- 1813 64362.379864 5 120 0.000000 0.910249 0.000000 / [90452.476297] SESH-httpClient- 1815 4985124.023637 267153 120 0.000000 351654.750011 0.000000 / [90452.487254] SESH-httpClient- 1816 4985122.291937 284032 120 0.000000 368174.116916 0.000000 / [90452.498212] SESH-httpClient- 1817 4985122.166955 294564 120 0.000000 408764.724068 0.000000 / [90452.509172] S Timer-10 1859 67783.210370 3 120 0.000000 0.393584 0.000000 / [90452.520130] Spool-18-thread- 1861 4985121.697003 350212 120 0.000000 593107.572109 0.000000 / [90452.531087] SESH-usb-serial- 1868 4985123.739633 420503 120 0.000000 670749.241682 0.000000 / [90452.542046] Spool-24-thread- 1874 4985123.363220 332450 120 0.000000 474208.459425 0.000000 / [90452.553006] Spool-31-thread- 1978 4984364.046566 95406 120 0.000000 226509.482751 0.000000 / [90452.563965] Spool-34-thread- 2002 4244203.376216 18542 120 0.000000 57462.284523 0.000000 / [90452.574922] Sqtp8296889-1904 23806 2414277.684597 218 120 0.000000 416.285695 0.000000 / [90452.585879] Sqtp8296889-1905 23811 2415389.677705 68 120 0.000000 53.470244 0.000000 / [90452.596836] S OH-common-1527 10868 4985121.877270 301786 120 0.000000 459427.278914 0.000000 / [90452.607796] SESH-httpClient- 11012 4984870.506437 266358 120 0.000000 372280.902807 0.000000 / [90452.618756] S items-8476 22362 4985120.953767 42152 120 0.000000 61615.239705 0.000000 / [90452.629716] S items-8479 22377 4985125.254238 43434 120 0.000000 60950.282779 0.000000 / [90452.640676] ROH-thingHandler 23884 4991676.159970 85179 120 0.000000 10650.720985 0.000000 / [90452.651633] SOH-ruleEngine-3 23934 4985121.840263 1383 120 0.000000 1925.374638 0.000000 / [90452.662598] S influxd 1200 21933.779194 6 120 0.000000 0.220667 0.000000 / [90452.673560] S influxd 1912 4265009.594748 226491 120 0.000000 461438.114279 0.000000 / [90452.684521] S mosquitto 1176 4991667.356428 1087727 120 0.000000 189908.339572 0.000000 / [90452.695481] S chronyd 1179 4963713.562227 1352 120 0.000000 838.452816 0.000000 / [90452.706441] S rpc.mountd 1237 4211815.514082 58 120 0.000000 105.911665 0.000000 / [90452.717401] S mysqld 1382 4991614.771006 183090 120 0.000000 17266.643553 0.000000 / [90452.728360] S mysqld 1384 4991614.766297 183140 120 0.000000 17388.115826 0.000000 / [90452.739317] S mysqld 1385 4991614.771965 183105 120 0.000000 17184.320301 0.000000 / [90452.750277] S mysqld 1386 4991649.702511 183118 120 0.000000 17186.163251 0.000000 / [90452.761233] S mysqld 1387 4991614.770922 181993 120 0.000000 17175.428814 0.000000 / [90452.772194] R mysqld 1402 4991698.446913 53121710 120 0.000000 746776.833213 0.000000 / [90452.783153] S mysqld 1414 4984081.044763 103559 120 0.000000 3895.408591 0.000000 / [90452.794110] S mysqld 1415 4984081.038722 85160 120 0.000000 3119.968823 0.000000 / [90452.805067] S mysqld 1418 4991563.504251 91539 120 0.000000 6452.468185 0.000000 / [90452.816032] S lockd 1342 24244.121908 3 120 0.000000 0.095334 0.000000 / [90452.826999] S nfsd 1434 4074276.643611 23 120 0.000000 3.117330 0.000000 / [90452.837962] S nfsd 1441 4984827.474643 746 120 0.000000 32.777544 0.000000 / [90452.848921] S nfsd 1442 4984827.693018 788 120 0.000000 255.266526 0.000000 / [90452.859878] S grafana-server 1443 4991074.833908 2253925 120 0.000000 111380.357521 0.000000 / [90452.870838] S grafana-server 1469 4990268.948567 4718413 120 0.000000 178153.884568 0.000000 / [90452.881799] S grafana-server 1506 26760.468385 67 120 0.000000 2.542049 0.000000 / [90452.892758] S grafana-server 1540 4975923.528821 4689918 120 0.000000 178272.812753 0.000000 / [90452.903718] S grafana-server 1555 4990268.457262 4362599 120 0.000000 165097.956118 0.000000 / [90452.914678] S grafana-server 1556 4990265.270686 2830820 120 0.000000 129618.180720 0.000000 / [90452.925638] S grafana-server 1573 4991716.445901 2648098 120 0.000000 124392.760467 0.000000 / [90452.936596] S grafana-server 1574 4247064.689320 54494 120 0.000000 18182.306144 0.000000 / [90452.947555] S grafana-server 1575 4990247.400310 5329710 120 0.000000 181000.099641 0.000000 / [90452.958514] R grafana-server 1577 4991735.151148 4904972 120 0.000000 177545.509577 0.000000 / [90452.969472] S grafana-server 1578 4991726.697642 3657136 120 0.000000 141332.168186 0.000000 / [90452.980430] S grafana-server 10883 4991549.132267 4756641 120 0.000000 165746.885304 0.000000 / [90452.991393] S login 1474 999451.802387 124 120 0.000000 303.073420 0.000000 / [90453.002352] R systemd 9901 4991745.421367 6244721 120 0.000000 744928.842664 0.000000 / [90453.013315] I kworker/2:2H 20009 4984110.980835 278412 100 0.000000 4403.050997 0.000000 / [90453.024277] S php-fpm7.3 5765 4981096.066347 288309 120 0.000000 294684.586984 0.000000 / [90453.035243] I kworker/2:1 10483 4242615.955253 17173 120 0.000000 5413.784274 0.000000 / [90453.046209] I kworker/2:1H 10721 4217706.119532 3 100 0.000000 0.031833 0.000000 / [90453.057170] I kworker/2:0 10798 4991741.899168 243330 120 0.000000 12472.763888 0.000000 / [90453.068132] S php-fpm7.3 10881 4980759.204074 340361 120 0.000000 87497.692949 0.000000 / [90453.079112] S cron 20449 4781329.736524 20 120 0.000000 7.457833 0.000000 / [90453.090073] S cron 20679 4795508.048109 46 120 0.000000 8.661547 0.000000 / [90453.101032] S cron 20680 4795507.455211 52 120 0.000000 7.733455 0.000000 / [90453.112003] S cron 22365 4890911.896969 72 120 0.000000 7.860334 0.000000 / [90453.122963] S cron 22418 4893905.915993 5 120 0.000000 8.178083 0.000000 / [90453.133923] S cron 22645 4908812.074480 2 120 0.000000 6.758959 0.000000 / [90453.144883] S cron 22647 4908812.601726 2 120 0.000000 7.286208 0.000000 / [90453.155842] S cron 22905 4924044.189552 9 120 0.000000 9.085832 0.000000 / [90453.166807] S cron 23942 4982523.640857 57 120 0.000000 9.630705 0.000000 / [90453.177770] cpu#3 [90453.179697] .nr_running : 3 [90453.184313] .nr_switches : 48813974 [90453.189533] .nr_load_updates : 0 [90453.194148] .nr_uninterruptible : 1271 [90453.199024] .next_balance : 3271.728658 [90453.204507] .curr->pid : 308 [90453.209295] .clock : 90453209.166101 [90453.215123] .clock_task : 90453215.035810 [90453.220953] .avg_idle : 18316371 [90453.226174] .max_idle_balance_cost : 6661281362466 [90453.231830] cfs_rq[3]:/ [90453.234278] .exec_clock : 0.000000 [90453.239501] .MIN_vruntime : 4812303.542404 [90453.245245] .min_vruntime : 4812303.542404 [90453.250989] .max_vruntime : 4812306.823586 [90453.256731] .spread : 3.281182 [90453.261953] .spread0 : -429061.914637 [90453.267695] .nr_spread_over : 0 [90453.272310] .nr_running : 3 [90453.276924] .load : 3072 [90453.281799] .runnable_weight : 4096 [90453.286674] .load_avg : 3171 [90453.291550] .runnable_load_avg : 3073 [90453.296426] .util_avg : 1024 [90453.301300] .util_est_enqueued : 403 [90453.306088] .removed.load_avg : 0 [90453.310702] .removed.util_avg : 0 [90453.315317] .removed.runnable_sum : 0 [90453.319932] .tg_load_avg_contrib : 0 [90453.324546] .tg_load_avg : 0 [90453.329160] .throttled : 0 [90453.333775] .throttle_count : 0 [90453.338391] rt_rq[3]:/ [90453.340752] .rt_nr_running : 0 [90453.345366] .rt_nr_migratory : 0 [90453.349982] .rt_throttled : 0 [90453.354597] .rt_time : 0.098209 [90453.359819] .rt_runtime : 950.000000 [90453.365215] dl_rq[3]: [90453.367488] .dl_nr_running : 0 [90453.372104] .dl_nr_migratory : 0 [90453.376719] .dl_bw->bw : 996147 [90453.381768] .dl_bw->total_bw : 0 [90453.386381] runnable tasks: [90453.389174] S task PID tree-key switches prio wait-time sum-exec sum-sleep [90453.400033] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [90453.410806] >R systemd 1 4812358.692495 2911155 120 0.000000 846223.526578 0.000000 / [90453.421768] I rcu_sched 10 4811899.469898 1825709 120 0.000000 75911.190951 0.000000 / [90453.432736] S cpuhp/3 23 3687.509200 7 120 0.000000 0.136832 0.000000 / [90453.443694] S migration/3 24 0.000000 5019 0 0.000000 1186.662442 0.000000 / [90453.454655] S ksoftirqd/3 25 4812259.725816 1686437 120 0.000000 57605.640464 0.000000 / [90453.465614] I kworker/3:0H 27 4476030.808234 549984 100 0.000000 8286.997802 0.000000 / [90453.476573] S kdevtmpfs 28 3447.036488 167 120 0.000000 7.619418 0.000000 / [90453.487538] S ksmd 36 176.176751 2 125 0.000000 0.030791 0.000000 / [90453.498496] I kintegrityd 139 1062.326814 2 100 0.000000 0.025666 0.000000 / [90453.509457] I devfreq_wq 144 1071.344871 2 100 0.000000 0.023375 0.000000 / [90453.520425] S jfsCommit 155 1481.155986 2 120 0.000000 0.025208 0.000000 / [90453.531385] S jfsCommit 156 1490.178231 2 120 0.000000 0.022250 0.000000 / [90453.542345] I xfsalloc 158 1499.197993 2 100 0.000000 0.028457 0.000000 / [90453.553309] I kstrp 178 1632.462696 2 100 0.000000 0.028667 0.000000 / [90453.564270] S scsi_eh_0 229 1950.565184 2 120 0.000000 0.015167 0.000000 / [90453.575234] Iext4-rsv-conver 258 2090.366066 2 100 0.000000 0.024917 0.000000 / [90453.586192] Rsystemd-journal 308 4812415.189233 581008 120 0.000000 827766.563064 0.000000 / [90453.597151] S ksdioirqd/mmc2 341 -3.280587 5203352 98 0.000000 314723.515681 0.000000 / [90453.608110] S systemd-udevd 346 4812406.514480 2206186 120 0.000000 264705.432332 0.000000 / [90453.619070] S cec-dw_hdmi 387 2993.295293 2 120 0.000000 0.060375 0.000000 / [90453.630035] S haveged 447 4812259.740692 1495408 120 0.000000 27524.077560 0.000000 / [90453.640993] S rpcbind 449 4805570.448103 3192 120 0.000000 356.902051 0.000000 / [90453.651952] S dhclient 522 3992719.176094 187 120 0.000000 108.932797 0.000000 / [90453.662911] S dbus-daemon 604 3992795.396887 9483 120 0.000000 15504.672665 0.000000 / [90453.673872] S NetworkManager 617 3992719.217761 1308 120 0.000000 714.285253 0.000000 / [90453.684832] S gdbus 704 3948300.277836 826 120 0.000000 149.338757 0.000000 / [90453.695791] S rsyslogd 626 4800297.438025 204 120 0.000000 59.641129 0.000000 / [90453.706750] S in:imklog 652 4800297.442151 63 120 0.000000 12.020998 0.000000 / [90453.717710] S rs:main Q:Reg 653 4800297.991026 3866 120 0.000000 887.620571 0.000000 / [90453.728669] S wpa_supplicant 627 3992719.170386 7802 120 0.000000 1232.358153 0.000000 / [90453.739632] S php-fpm7.3 1170 3992719.143218 85309 120 0.000000 13160.495371 0.000000 / [90453.750595] S java 1551 52440.683109 3755 120 0.000000 5657.975706 0.000000 / [90453.761553] >R VM Thread 1557 4812460.735809 4483669 120 0.000000 1523645.410187 0.000000 / [90453.772517] SKaraf Shutdown 1643 52458.086187 10 120 0.000000 5.922624 0.000000 / [90453.783475] SCoordination Ti 1654 53088.934900 2 120 0.000000 0.378750 0.000000 / [90453.794433] Sfileinstall-/va 1658 4802819.540061 502358 120 0.000000 559726.579931 0.000000 / [90453.805392] Sfileinstall-/us 1667 4802822.506970 468270 120 0.000000 521400.512200 0.000000 / [90453.816349] SSCR Component A 1668 56547.884840 3 120 0.000000 0.856042 0.000000 / [90453.827308] Sencryption-3-th 1674 4802824.947460 407684 120 0.000000 474244.647216 0.000000 / [90453.838265] S Thread-19 1675 67144.481278 12 120 0.000000 1.468541 0.000000 / [90453.849229] SopenHAB-job-sch 1693 4802821.889222 480891 120 0.000000 481600.775452 0.000000 / [90453.860191] SopenHAB-job-sch 1699 4802821.819557 439869 120 0.000000 548448.114333 0.000000 / [90453.871147] SEMF Reference C 1700 81859.474587 357 120 0.000000 50.646003 0.000000 / [90453.882105] SServletEventDis 1704 99623.092971 52 120 0.000000 25.028707 0.000000 / [90453.893068] SJmDNS(JmDNS-/19 1735 4802822.448022 335446 120 0.000000 467921.972767 0.000000 / [90453.904028] Spool-5-thread-1 1743 4802663.522894 373082 120 0.000000 42651.272151 0.000000 / [90453.914987] S Timer-2 1748 79651.597399 2 120 0.000000 0.395083 0.000000 / [90453.925944] S Timer-3 1749 79661.067644 2 120 0.000000 0.470250 0.000000 / [90453.936901] S Timer-4 1750 4802440.772293 88241 120 0.000000 97520.868789 0.000000 / [90453.947859] S Timer-5 1755 81365.209753 2 120 0.000000 0.343834 0.000000 / [90453.958817] S Timer-7 1760 81927.973990 2 120 0.000000 0.365376 0.000000 / [90453.969774] SServletModel-12 1761 82034.678105 4 120 0.000000 0.891126 0.000000 / [90453.980732] SServletModel-12 1764 4802820.692271 322174 120 0.000000 459446.062081 0.000000 / [90453.991690] SServletModel-12 1767 4802819.711609 330711 120 0.000000 461953.486286 0.000000 / [90454.002648] SServletModel-12 1768 4802826.101059 325329 120 0.000000 460256.173523 0.000000 / [90454.013605] S upnp-main-2 1779 4808103.374451 60497 120 0.000000 98375.180869 0.000000 / [90454.024567] SESH-httpClient- 1812 4802822.188510 285722 120 0.000000 401423.395996 0.000000 / [90454.035530] Sjupnp-jetty-cli 1821 3993292.910073 1473 120 0.000000 582.009687 0.000000 / [90454.046487] S Timer-9 1855 85902.398030 2 120 0.000000 0.433000 0.000000 / [90454.057453] Spool-1-thread-1 1982 3995107.607779 7000 120 0.000000 2313.189696 0.000000 / [90454.068415] Spool-21-thread- 10949 4802820.137184 355697 120 0.000000 462218.298250 0.000000 / [90454.079382] SOH-ruleEngine-3 23937 4802822.528393 1632 120 0.000000 2040.192093 0.000000 / [90454.090340] SOH-thingHandler 23957 4802820.603601 1004 120 0.000000 1820.960113 0.000000 / [90454.101308] SOH-ruleEngine-3 23996 4802822.314979 255 120 0.000000 412.462550 0.000000 / [90454.112286] S influxd 1173 4812475.211394 458617 120 0.000000 794398.169375 0.000000 / [90454.123258] S influxd 1198 4812475.144894 6496366 120 0.000000 265925.631409 0.000000 / [90454.134216] S influxd 1199 4812475.129602 472831 120 0.000000 823382.424813 0.000000 / [90454.145181] S influxd 1201 4812475.123478 468078 120 0.000000 817525.920798 0.000000 / [90454.156151] S influxd 1250 4812418.981022 385415 120 0.000000 636086.086264 0.000000 / [90454.167109] S influxd 1482 4799521.752910 390820 120 0.000000 645400.726672 0.000000 / [90454.178068] S influxd 1738 4812475.437353 464637 120 0.000000 806893.993051 0.000000 / [90454.189025] S influxd 1739 4812434.873192 475747 120 0.000000 808319.206724 0.000000 / [90454.199984] S influxd 1752 4812475.145770 436184 120 0.000000 738723.421325 0.000000 / [90454.210949] S influxd 3040 4812475.125728 397087 120 0.000000 729068.767389 0.000000 / [90454.221923] S influxd 10882 4319493.652831 53072 120 0.000000 44163.328041 0.000000 / [90454.232892] S chronyd 1183 32182.009481 12 120 0.000000 6.554416 0.000000 / [90454.243877] S mysqld 1419 46592.577661 2 120 0.000000 0.057833 0.000000 / [90454.254843] S mysqld 1421 46601.903739 3 120 0.000000 0.326083 0.000000 / [90454.265821] S mysqld 1424 46626.779394 6 120 0.000000 3.051040 0.000000 / [90454.276797] DRTW_XMIT_THREAD 1338 4803042.453091 4117472 120 0.000000 90207.794406 0.000000 / [90454.287770] D RTW_CMD_THREAD 1339 4803042.505508 5066953 120 0.000000 182494.585849 0.000000 / [90454.298729] S RTWHALXT 1340 4803042.492549 563748 120 0.000000 78564.322704 0.000000 / [90454.309691] S hostapd 1344 4730141.305901 10142 120 0.000000 3929.258593 0.000000 / [90454.320658] S nginx 1375 1552783.249484 4 120 0.000000 7.989625 0.000000 / [90454.331646] S nfsd 1437 3836356.002646 23 120 0.000000 3.677419 0.000000 / [90454.342629] S grafana-server 1468 4812624.718984 4004169 120 0.000000 96201.888446 0.000000 / [90454.353600] S grafana-server 1470 3992729.990100 58733 120 0.000000 19003.032228 0.000000 / [90454.364560] S grafana-server 1471 46946.678513 2 120 0.000000 0.294833 0.000000 / [90454.375519] S grafana-server 1490 46983.204673 6 120 0.000000 0.361707 0.000000 / [90454.386484] S rngd 1460 4793612.179048 32 120 0.000000 28.083999 0.000000 / [90454.397450] S bash 9912 975366.133204 124 120 0.000000 274.190742 0.000000 / [90454.408409] S sudo 9926 975488.056040 71 120 0.000000 150.302879 0.000000 / [90454.419385] I kworker/3:1H 10585 3965918.669134 6 100 0.000000 0.038709 0.000000 / [90454.430357] I kworker/3:0 10616 4812625.690900 447410 120 0.000000 21724.344736 0.000000 / [90454.441320] I kworker/3:2 10687 3988309.380955 6474 120 0.000000 1863.884145 0.000000 / [90454.452294] I kworker/3:1 10876 3988318.339955 2 120 0.000000 0.013458 0.000000 / [90454.463276] S cron 18404 4440677.649644 7 120 0.000000 14.680834 0.000000 / [90454.474253] S cron 18885 4473055.378409 3 120 0.000000 8.288124 0.000000 / [90454.485222] S cron 18886 4473056.066784 3 120 0.000000 8.976499 0.000000 / [90454.496180] S cron 19142 4489829.730713 10 120 0.000000 8.615500 0.000000 / [90454.507144] S cron 19315 4502250.542850 6 120 0.000000 8.279501 0.000000 / [90454.518116] S cron 19665 4520720.139575 18 120 0.000000 8.011749 0.000000 / [90454.529080] S cron 19666 4520719.666992 3 120 0.000000 7.539166 0.000000 / [90454.540059] S cron 19667 4520719.091743 5 120 0.000000 6.963917 0.000000 / [90454.551038] S cron 19944 4535998.126926 5 120 0.000000 8.743043 0.000000 / [90454.561998] S cron 20448 4566536.974322 3 120 0.000000 8.558166 0.000000 / [90454.572959] S cron 20889 4597276.595184 3 120 0.000000 7.235790 0.000000 / [90454.583923] S cron 21194 4618140.872639 2 120 0.000000 7.226417 0.000000 / [90454.594903] S cron 21195 4618141.448138 5 120 0.000000 7.801916 0.000000 / [90454.605875] S cron 21196 4618140.353972 2 120 0.000000 6.707750 0.000000 / [90454.616845] S cron 21921 4665858.632058 6 120 0.000000 7.410749 0.000000 / [90454.627832] S cron 23176 4749440.123446 4 120 0.000000 7.553375 0.000000 / [90454.638813] S cron 23177 4749439.576737 3 120 0.000000 7.006666 0.000000 / [90454.649795] S cron 23917 4796018.133531 5 120 0.000000 7.359165 0.000000 / [90454.660772] Showing busy workqueues and worker pools: [90454.665825] workqueue events_unbound: flags=0x2 [90454.670353] pwq 8: cpus=0-3 flags=0x4 nice=0 active=1/512 refcnt=3 [90454.676717] pending: flush_to_ldisc [90454.680704] rcu: INFO: rcu_sched self-detected stall on CPU [90454.686304] rcu: 0-....: (1 ticks this GP) idle=b9e/1/0x40000004 softirq=2531178/2531178 fqs=21 [90454.695190] (t=10296 jiffies g=5609401 q=511678) [90454.699911] NMI backtrace for cpu 0 [90454.703424] CPU: 0 PID: 1860 Comm: HttpClient@1fe5 Tainted: G C 5.4.12-sunxi # [90454.712914] Hardware name: Allwinner sun8i Family [90454.717660] [<c010da8d>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c010a0ad>] (show_stack+0x11/0x14) [90454.725434] [<c010a0ad>] (show_stack) from [<c0936c6f>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c) [90454.732686] [<c0936c6f>] (dump_stack) from [<c093b1db>] (nmi_cpu_backtrace+0x6b/0x94) [90454.740549] [<c093b1db>] (nmi_cpu_backtrace) from [<c093b2d5>] (nmi_trigger_cpumask_backtrace+0xd1/0xdc) [90454.750065] [<c093b2d5>] (nmi_trigger_cpumask_backtrace) from [<c016e041>] (rcu_dump_cpu_stacks+0x7f/0x9c) [90454.759740] [<c016e041>] (rcu_dump_cpu_stacks) from [<c016d3cd>] (rcu_sched_clock_irq+0x5a5/0x71c) [90454.768719] [<c016d3cd>] (rcu_sched_clock_irq) from [<c01733f9>] (update_process_times+0x29/0x50) [90454.777613] [<c01733f9>] (update_process_times) from [<c0181837>] (tick_sched_timer+0x37/0x74) [90454.786254] [<c0181837>] (tick_sched_timer) from [<c0173e27>] (__hrtimer_run_queues+0xff/0x258) [90454.794981] [<c0173e27>] (__hrtimer_run_queues) from [<c01747f9>] (hrtimer_interrupt+0xd1/0x200) [90454.803798] [<c01747f9>] (hrtimer_interrupt) from [<c07c58a3>] (arch_timer_handler_phys+0x27/0x2c) [90454.812793] [<c07c58a3>] (arch_timer_handler_phys) from [<c016401b>] (handle_percpu_devid_irq+0x57/0x1a0) [90454.822391] [<c016401b>] (handle_percpu_devid_irq) from [<c015fcbd>] (generic_handle_irq+0x1d/0x28) [90454.831465] [<c015fcbd>] (generic_handle_irq) from [<c0160177>] (__handle_domain_irq+0x43/0x84) [90454.840196] [<c0160177>] (__handle_domain_irq) from [<c05ca5b9>] (gic_handle_irq+0x39/0x6c) [90454.848581] [<c05ca5b9>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c0101ae5>] (__irq_svc+0x65/0x94) [90454.856078] Exception stack(0xe9db9ec0 to 0xe9db9f08) [90454.861140] 9ec0: 2dedc000 00000000 2dedc000 c0ec32c0 00400040 00400040 00000000 00000008 [90454.869328] 9ee0: ffffe000 00000185 c0f03080 9aaaebd4 c0f10f80 e9db9f10 c0120267 c010229e [90454.877521] 9f00: 40070133 ffffffff [90454.881040] [<c0101ae5>] (__irq_svc) from [<c010229e>] (__do_softirq+0x86/0x288) [90454.888465] [<c010229e>] (__do_softirq) from [<c0120267>] (irq_exit+0x7b/0x90) [90454.895714] [<c0120267>] (irq_exit) from [<c010c88f>] (handle_IPI+0x16f/0x2bc) [90454.902966] [<c010c88f>] (handle_IPI) from [<c05ca5e9>] (gic_handle_irq+0x69/0x6c) [90454.910568] [<c05ca5e9>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c0101ec1>] (__irq_usr+0x61/0x80) [90454.918071] Exception stack(0xe9db9fb0 to 0xe9db9ff8) [90454.923139] 9fa0: abe94850 00000001 9fb62b18 00000004 [90454.931324] 9fc0: a8282d80 ee0fdffc 00000000 abe94850 a3e5d000 00000185 a2f65400 9aaaebd4 [90454.939500] 9fe0: 9aaaa950 9aaae950 b48504e8 b46cbc98 60070010 ffffffff [90454.948259] ttyS ttyS0: 1 input overrun(s) Is there anything I can do to find the root cause of the freeze?
  21. Since update to 5.5.0 kernel (-rc2) my Orange PI often freezed after uptime of several hours up to 3 days (usually less than 24 hours). Since downgrade to 5.4.10 it seems to be stable again (1 day for now, so I still keep my fingers crossed). (Before upgrade to 5.5. it was up for several weeks - and I don't remember any unplanned reboot). Unfortunately I have no logs (it logs to ram), but in one case if was connected via ssh and had "htop" running - it showed nothing special at freeze time (CPU temperature around 50°C, no high load (around 0,5 load avg, only one CPU cure with a CPU % > 50% (still < 80%)). When I noticed the frozen system, I noticed that CPU cooler was quite hot (around 70°C, so hotter than in usual operation). The freeze was NOT complete - the network routing (Wifi access point and bridge with wlan and eth was still working fine - but most user space programms seemed to stop working. ssh login was not possible - and also the "heatbeat" led stopped working. Besides the Wifi access point it runs an openhab and mosquitto and also an NextCloud on nginx. A cron job performs daily backups to an external hdd.
  22. For what it's worth, I've been running 5.5.0-rc2 on a number of NanoPi boards (NEO 2s and NEO 2 Blacks) for several weeks now, including one running mosquitto+Influx+Grafana+nginx+a lot of Python processes, and they've all worked flawlessly.
  23. Hi, I have the same configuration like you: OrangePi OnePlus, I run on my one: Domoticz, Mosquitto, Apache, traccar, PiHole, MariaDB and it runs all fast and stable! I use it with this power supply from Aliexpress. I thought that when i used it with the USB-DC 5V cable with a lot of adapters i also has strange freezes. I recommend a real 5v power supply. :) Beside the powersupply did i also has a lot of problems with a few SanDisk SD cards. Now i run a few Samsung SD card cards and no corrupted SD cards. I need to say that Igor als has broken Samsung cards but i think he use it a little bit (a lot!!) more than i do. :) So maybe try a real 5v power supply or a another SD card? :)
  24. Maybe people looking to run a stable system should just stop chasing the very latest of everything! This uptime of 42 days is only because of a local power outage, otherwise it's absolutely rock solid running snapd, nextcloud, mosquitto, node-red, grafana, .....
  25. Hi, we experience change in owner:group in /var/log. Eg. mosquitto folder requires mosquitto:mosquitto and is changed to root:root. After this change mosquitto service is down. Any pointers are very much appreciated. Many thanks. Rostislav
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