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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Yep, it works properly. Now we only need a patch for legacy and we can rely on this parameter
  2. Battery reading works properly [tested on Olimex Lime]... but the bug present in legacy is here too /sys/power/axp_pmu/status_battery_connected is 1 even there is no battery connected.
  3. Both ways should work. If you are changing and tweaking things around double check if kernel installation was done properly after you done that.
  4. I just try with fresh Debian Jessie 4.5. 1. Download 2. Install to NAND 3. apt-get update & upgrade 4. working normally Upgrade might fail if you change some (critical) things, if you ran out of space, ...
  5. Possible if you are using SD boot, not possible if you use NAND. You need to install at least: uboot , kernel and dtb files http://www.armbian.com/kernel/
  6. That's normal. The only diff between micro and lime is a config. Check where your /boot/script.bin points to ... if it's not pointing to proper one, change. So you get nothing on the screen but you can login via SSH?
  7. https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/tree/master/scripts/update-motd.d I also did some rework based on those ideas. Battery info is also included, but need further testing. One full charge / discharge cycle is needed for auto calibration. - info that is not needed is hidden: if no updates available, if there is only one user logged, if there is no temperature readings, .... - each info has it's own configurable red point Not included anywhere ... yet. Only testing.
  8. I just figured out there is something else ... need to look further. I just built 4.4 for CT and try USB install. It does not work ... CONFIG_CHR_DEV_SG=y Edit: SATA install works fine.
  9. @zador https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/commit/7c1f7c548007d3238a6111f35750b795b4d94c38 boot-next.cmd fell out by mistake? I recreate it in next commit ...
  10. Module has been changed some time ago .. to ap6210.
  11. I read the post too quickly and haven't realized that you were upgrading the kernel too and ... The issue here is, that it has been months since last images build and we are only updating since. Before, we never had this much old images so upgrade time might become a problem. Still, this is completely normal on a PC or any other distro! First you install, than you issue update which can take hours ... if HW is on the level of Cubietruck.
  12. Kernel upgrade can take 10+ minutes, that's somehow normal. It's a lot of files ... there are modules and headers, so it take some time.
  13. ... or ADSL to fiber and you are protected against storm
  14. 17 min is way too much. Some speed decrease could happen if you had terrible bad luck and httpredir choose some mirror that is broken or our servers very in trouble ... but they are working fine. Fastest card. Can you measure r/w speed within Linux. What is your download speed? How many files are downloaded. Can you post a upgrade log?
  15. @Rabeeh Thanks, will check up first thing in the morning!
  16. Not an typical error so without logs it's very hard to say anything. I'll try building part later on.
  17. Change loglevel=1 to loglevel=7, recompile boot script and do it again.
  18. root@armada:~# sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run --num-threads=2 sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark Running the test with following options: Number of threads: 2 Doing CPU performance benchmark Threads started! Done. Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 20000 Test execution summary: total time: 187.9687s total number of events: 10000 total time taken by event execution: 375.9061 per-request statistics: min: 37.49ms avg: 37.59ms max: 37.90ms approx. 95 percentile: 37.64ms Threads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 5000.0000/2.00 execution time (avg/stddev): 187.9531/0.01 I don't have troubles with header but modules ... I rather DIY . Header is O.K., most important stuff is here.
  19. Nope. I'll skip this part ... Not fan of such solutions. Yes, UART is "plug and play"
  20. If you have only one single USB drive and no SATA attached, your USB drive should be /dev/sda ... of course you need to reboot with USB attached. There is one problem which is related to U-boot. It might stop booting if it detects some (strange) device on USB. In my case it stops if USB keyboard is attached. Are you facing such issue? Where the booting stops? Can you provide some logs?
  21. For OTG you need to go for 4.4.something. 4.3.3 have only host mode ... which is tested by me, with OTG i haven't done anything ... .try this: apt-get install linux-image-dev-sunxi linux-dtb-dev-sunxi ... or build latest.
  22. I stop to deal with this since it's too complex to get it working properly and if you made an upgrade it broke ... alfa stage BSP while my moto is stability and CLI / server base. It does not fit, so it was removed from build. It was done only for Wheezy I think.
  23. FireWRT looks like a dead project. https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?pid=283363#p283363
  24. I do have mSATA drive around but according to Solid-run staff: "If you want to replace the mini pcie with msata then you can do it and it will work with some tweaks in u-boot. The pcie port can be configured to becomes sata without adding any extra hardware." I don't have that info yet, neither M2 drive, ... I'll make better photos tomorrow on day light.
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