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Posts posted by c0rnelius

  1. Kali is in a lot of ways a polished SID with all of their own custom bits added. It can be debootstrap'd just like Debian, Devuan and Ubuntu. I did find some services didn't work on boot; 'ssh avahi bluetooth ntp'. But there could be some option they have I'm not aware of to allow those services to start out of the box. Creating a custom service to start those does the trick though.


    I would think adding this as an option could be doable, but the question then becomes who wants to handle the support required to maintain it?


  2. The 6.6.y kernel for reasons I have yet to figure out reads the MEM wrong. 6.7 and up is not affected by this. Nor is 6.1 to 6.5.


    I would have thought after so many REVS this would have been resolved, but I have yet to see it come up as a topic of discussion. This in my experience is also not PLATFORM specific. It happens on all my boards regardless of SoC and PLATFORM.

  3. I suspect it has to do with the devfreq driver for the MBUS/DRAM controller.



    In my personal experience this introduces instability into the a64/h5. You could try blacklisting the driver and see if it solves the issue. I personally remove the entry from the DTS and create an overlay to add it back if for some reason I need it.


    The main issue you reported `Kernel panics with headless boot` in my mind points to it being the driver.

  4. firefox-esr --kiosk --private-window http://armbian.com


    I think chromium is better for this, but I suppose it depends on what you are trying to load.


    If using Xfce4 you could use Settings > Session and Startup.


    I prefer using Openbox my self, as editing a file `.config/openbox/autostart` is more straight forward and makes it easier to load only the services you want.


    cat .config/openbox/autostart
    # Daemon
    xfsettingsd &
    # Display
    xset s off &
    xset -dpms &
    xset s noblank &
    unclutter &
    # Background
    feh --bg-fill /home/username/.background.png &
    # Clean
    rm -fdr ~/.cache/chromium &
    rm -fdr ~/.config/chromium &
    # Kiosk
    sleep 5s
    chromium --noerrdialogs --incognito --kiosk --force-device-scale-factor=1 --disk-cache-dir=/tmp/null --enable-features=WebUIDarkMode --force-dark-mode http://yourwebsite.whatever &


  5. If its completely bricked you should be able to short the unit and force it into USB mode. From there you can use either Linux or Windows to re-flash the vendor firmware. I would google the box you have and see if someone else has already done this and if nothing found, do a general search for ideas of where to look. "tvbox short emmc pins"






    Tin foil seems to work best, but a small flat head will also do the trick.

  6. This works for me. Edit it to fit the commands you want to be able to run.

    sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/010_$USER-nopasswd <<EOF
    ${USER} ${HOSTNAME} = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown
    ${USER} ${HOSTNAME} = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff
    ${USER} ${HOSTNAME} = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot


  7. I'm using overlay meson-g12a-radxa-zero-i2c-ee-m1-gpiox-10-gpiox-11.dtbo

    sudo i2cdetect -y 1
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
    00:                         -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
    10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
    20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
    30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3c -- -- -- 
    40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
    50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
    60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
    70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                        

    Overlay meson-g12a-radxa-zero-i2c-ee-m3-gpioa-14-gpioa-15.dtbo works for me as well.


  8. Or temporarily patch the driver until a better solution presents its self.


    diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/uwe5622/unisocwifi/tx_msg.c b/drivers/net/wireless/uwe5622/unisocwifi/tx_msg.c
    index 40d51a7130d9..f1c356306c80 100644
    --- a/drivers/net/wireless/uwe5622/unisocwifi/tx_msg.c
    +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/uwe5622/unisocwifi/tx_msg.c
    @@ -317,7 +317,15 @@ void sprdwl_dequeue_data_list(struct mbuf_t *head, int num)
     /* seam for tx_thread */
     void tx_down(struct sprdwl_tx_msg *tx_msg)
    -	wait_for_completion(&tx_msg->tx_completed);
    +	int ret;
    +	while (1) {
    +		ret = wait_for_completion_interruptible(&tx_msg->tx_completed);
    +		if (ret == -ERESTARTSYS) {
    +			continue;
    +		}
    +		return;
    +	}
     void tx_up(struct sprdwl_tx_msg *tx_msg)




  9. This should correct the audio issue.


    Run as root `sudo su` and only choose one.

    # ANALOG
    amixer -c 0 set 'TOACODEC OUT EN' 'on'
    amixer -c 0 set 'TOACODEC SRC' 'I2S B'
    amixer -c 0 set 'TDMOUT_B SRC SEL' 'IN 0'
    amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SRC 2 EN' 'on'
    amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 0'
    amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 2 SEL' 'OUT 1'
    amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 3 SEL' 'OUT 2'
    amixer -c 0 set 'ACODEC' '85%'
    alsactl store
    # HDMI
    amixer -c 0 set 'TOHDMITX' 'on'
    amixer -c 0 set 'TOHDMITX I2S SRC' 'I2S B'
    amixer -c 0 set 'TDMOUT_B SRC SEL' 'IN 0'
    amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SRC 2 EN' 'on'
    amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 0'
    amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 2 SEL' 'OUT 1'
    amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 3 SEL' 'OUT 2'
    amixer -c 0 set 'ACODEC' '85%'
    alsactl store


  10. Try these: https://github.com/pyavitz/debian-image-builder/tree/feature/patches/overlays/arm64


    As for them showing up under /dev correctly, I believe we would need to do a PR to add the aliases to the DTS.


     	aliases {
     		serial0 = &uart_AO;
    +		serial1 = &uart_AO_B;
    +		serial2 = &uart_A;
    +		serial3 = &uart_B;
    +		serial4 = &uart_C;
    +		i2c0 = &i2c0;
    +		i2c1 = &i2c1;
    +		i2c2 = &i2c2;
    +		i2c3 = &i2c3;
    +		i2c4 = &i2c_AO;
    +		spi0 = &spicc0;
    +		spi1 = &spicc1;
    +		spi2 = &spifc;


    radxazero: ~  $ ls /dev
    autofs           initctl       ram0    snd     tty23  tty42  tty61    vcs6
    block            input         ram1    stderr  tty24  tty43  tty62    vcsa
    btrfs-control    kmsg          ram10   stdin   tty25  tty44  tty63    vcsa1
    bus              kvm           ram11   stdout  tty26  tty45  tty7     vcsa2
    cachefiles       log           ram12   tty     tty27  tty46  tty8     vcsa3
    cec0             loop-control  ram13   tty0    tty28  tty47  tty9     vcsa4
    char             mapper        ram14   tty1    tty29  tty48  ttyAML0  vcsa5
    console          mem           ram15   tty10   tty3   tty49  ttyAML1  vcsa6
    cpu_dma_latency  mmcblk1       ram2    tty11   tty30  tty5   ttyAML4  vcsu
    disk             mmcblk1boot0  ram3    tty12   tty31  tty50  udmabuf  vcsu1
    dma_heap         mmcblk1boot1  ram4    tty13   tty32  tty51  uhid     vcsu2
    dri              mmcblk1p1     ram5    tty14   tty33  tty52  uinput   vcsu3
    fb0              mmcblk1p2     ram6    tty15   tty34  tty53  urandom  vcsu4
    fd               mmcblk1rpmb   ram7    tty16   tty35  tty54  userio   vcsu5
    full             mqueue        ram8    tty17   tty36  tty55  v4l      vcsu6
    fuse             net           ram9    tty18   tty37  tty56  vcs      vga_arbiter
    gpiochip0        null          random  tty19   tty38  tty57  vcs1     video0
    gpiochip1        port          rfkill  tty2    tty39  tty58  vcs2     watchdog
    hwrng            ppp           rtc     tty20   tty4   tty59  vcs3     watchdog0
    i2c-3            ptmx          rtc0    tty21   tty40  tty6   vcs4     zero
    i2c-5            pts           shm     tty22   tty41  tty60  vcs5     zram0
    radxazero: ~  $ cat /boot/ext*/ext*
    label default
    	kernel ../Image
    	initrd ../uInitrd
    	fdtdir ../amlogic/
    	fdt ../amlogic/meson-g12a-radxa-zero.dtb
    	fdtoverlays ../amlogic/overlays/meson-g12a-radxa-zero-gpio-8-led.dtbo ../amlogic/overlays/meson-g12-gxl-cma-pool-896MB.dtbo ../amlogic/overlays/meson-g12a-radxa-zero-uart-ee-c.dtbo ../amlogic/overlays/meson-g12a-radxa-zero-uart-ao-b-on-gpioao-8-gpioao-9.dtbo
    	append earlyprintk console=tty1 console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=both rw root=PARTUUID=2c552180-02 rootwait rootfstype=xfs fsck.repair=yes loglevel=1 net.ifnames=0 no_console_suspend init=/sbin/init


  11. These are my available options / resolutions with the current display I have plugged into it.


    cat /sys/class/drm/card1-HDMI-A-1/modes


    See what you have available.

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