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Posts posted by ayaromenok

  1. 20 hours ago, jerryn said:

    EGL belongs with Android, I want OpenGL 3+ on ARM.

    it does not belong to anything specific - it's just a glue to window system (like GLX,WGL,AGL,etx).

    and it's up to vendor to support it or no, as well as Desktop OpenGL.


    If you want OpenGL 3(or higher) on ARM - only NVidia Tegra and their Jetson boards have full support of both OpenGL for Desktop and for Embeded Systems(aka ES) on Linux/arm, as well as GLX and EGL window glue. And it's hard to believe, that ARM proprietary drivers or Biforst/Mesa will have similar to Nvidia level of OpenGL support under Linux/Android (and yes, you can use Desktop OpenGL on Nvidia android tablet/tv box too ;) ).

  2. 18 hours ago, JulesThuillier said:

    I had to change the gcc g++ toolchain path in the file and set LIB64 to FALSE first.

    gcc\g++ - correct. don't need to do anything with IS_LIB64 - since it's only selection for if. maybe need to set --prefix for autogen.sh to something like /usr/local instead of local dir.


    libcam_engine_cifisp.so/libcam_ia.so is normal ELF 64-bit LSB objects, ARM aarch64 (you can check it with file utility)


    PS: camera already working 12+ hours with gstreamer/opencv. with warnings\errors in dmesg, but without memory leaks :)

    PPS: just in case - 64bit SO in attachment



  3. On 3/9/2019 at 12:38 AM, JulesThuillier said:

    Back to the testing !

    thanks to returning me to this thread :)


    original FriendlyElec distro use gstreamer-camera  instead of   gstreamer-plugins/extra - which I expect - thats a trick :) 

    ( from github.com/rockchip-linux/ repos)


    never get more than 20 minutes with camera\OpenCV with FriendlyElec distro, but with Armbian already 1.5+ hour and looks like no so big memory leaks.

    continue testing :)

    upd: 1.7h with opencv/canny - it's a not bad result, but not exactly what I need ;)

    RKISP continue to drops warning/errors due to FIFO overflow.

  4. Only FriendyArm dist(Desktop, Core) from 201812 support 13/4MPix cameras for now.


    in armbian(with 4.4 kernel) you need:

     - build and install a kernel with ov13xx driver(it's disabled now, also it missed a camera config) and rockchip ISP driver enabled;

     - install rkisp gstreamer driver to get accelerated access to Rk3399 ISP(Image Signal Processor - where CSI cameras connected, );

     - maybe few more things;


    new 4.20 kernel(you can install it from armbian-config) create a /dev/video0 - it's not correct device for camera.


    in next few days I will make some test, so will share some info here :)

  5. 10 hours ago, JMCC said:

    Does it also happen if you flash a fresh Armbian_5.69_Nanopim4 image, or only when you upgrade through apt?

    only when upgrade through apt update/upgrade.

    just check once again - can confirm freeze on this particular board(Friendlyarm NanoPI M4).

    in upgrade its already

    armbian-bionic-desktop/bionic,bionic 5.70 all [upgradable from: 5.69]

    complete list of upgrade in attached file.


  6. It looks like system update of Armbian_5.69_Nanopim4_Ubuntu_bionic_default_4.4.167_desktop.img make it freeze(when X11 already loaded, but XFCE not yet appear). Board is Friendlyarm NanoPi M4/2GB/SD.

    without update everything is OK.

    does anybody have similar behavior?

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