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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Don't know yet, we need to see the configuration and verify. I looked at the log, it seems that the dtb is not suitable. I was collected in the form as You sent. Most likely it is necessary to rule under a new data format.
  2. You copied the file to nexbox catalog dtb in root media ?
  3. From Mali T830 GPU (s912) Linux for Amlogic is not licensed , so it is not freely available.
  4. 1. There are plans, but there is no time. 2. Not quite understand the question ? What is meant by acceleration ?
  5. I added the dtb to Nexbox in the kernel and updated the images 20170323 (no other changes).
  6. 1. Already have version 5.27 , it is better to try it. 2. To measure the resolution need edit file /boot/amlogics905x_init.sh. It was discussed many times, look in this thread or the topic s905\s905x. 3. to monitor temperature You can use the command "armbianmonitor -m"
  7. Update images (20170322). Fixed "poweroff". Added all the images support WiFi. Removed from the images are not working dtb. Updated part of the packages from online repositories.
  8. Wired network works ? You have a 100 MB network ? Wi-Fi did not try to include ? BT is not yet working in almost all the images for s8xxx and s9xxx. BT for me it is not the most important thing you need to spend scarce time, which is not enough. If there are users who will deal with this question and give me a solution - I will include this solution in all the images.
  9. My sources partially used data from different sources source, including from sources Kszaq. Version mali as "combined".
  10. Yes, there is such a bug. But while it's easier once to poke the delete button than to spend time Troubleshooting.
  11. A test version of kernel file to use when installed in NAND memory. Do not download new images, you can replace one file "linux.img" in the first FAT partition and try to install to the internal memory. BEFORE installation we strongly recommend to perform a backup of the partitions that will be overwritten (boot and data). You can use the two new script "ddbr_backup_nand" and "ddbr_restore_nand". These scripts perform backup and restore only two partitions and boot data from NAND. Note that the backup script dd_backup_x does not work with NAND. By the way, there is a suggestion to the author, to simplify entering the command, rename it to just "ddbr" ? https://yadi.sk/d/QLdqICJL3G8YyB
  12. Pay attention all if no existing media file "dtb.img", dtb data in the internal memory remain unchanged. The internal memory is written only to the system itself and is replaced by the kernel (boot.img).
  13. Updated version Armbian 5.27 for s802\s812. Running a wired network. For network card you need to use the right dtb file prefix for 1000 is a Gigabit network card. Tested on Tronsmart MIII Plus. https://yadi.sk/d/QCGU0PIv3G5kEa Update The dtb files MIII_Plus M8S_Plus is NOT working. To use the WiFi on the Ubuntu Mate (until I have time to add support for Wi-Fi only in this way). Connect the dhd module or other suitable part of the image. On Tronsmart MIII Plus the Wifi network (after activation of the module dhd) works.
  14. Don't hesitate to periodically remind me that I can miss important moments, which promised (a lot of things you have to keep in mind).
  15. I made a mistake in the build script (lost the third element dtb). Therefore, the kernel file (linux.img) had minimal data dtb and the kernel fell as erroneous. Updated the images on the website (test 20170316). This hotfix installation functions to the internal memory eMMC.
  16. To repair installation errors in the internal memory, replace the first partition (/boot) file "linux.img" on it. https://yadi.sk/d/i8mKgFEi3BW24i
  17. Wait not a lot, I found the cause, now working on a solution.
  18. Perhaps the reason is not the correct file linux.img (which is automatically generated when you build the image, it is possible to rebuild manually and overwrite). I need time to check it out. I think You have the system does not start due to the fact that the team is the u-boot bootloader (bootm) can only run "old" versions of the kernel (processed with mkimage command or mkbootimg), and the eMMC will get the option to use booti command.
  19. I meant that after installing, restart TV box (with a connected SD card). To run the command fw_printenv. Something to watch, fixed the result of a change in ENV. UPDATE Show more the log output from UART when system starts with external media. UPDATE2 I don't see in the log of boot from UART, that would be before the kernel is running from internal memory load dtb data from the internal memory. You can try hands prescribe the right option to ENV (using the console UART).
  20. Try to remove the output of fw_printenv after installation (after running the script install.sh) and system restart without pulling out the SD card. What would the system starts from the external media immediately after installation.
  21. Without UART it is difficult to understand where start the problem. If possible, it is useful to see the output of fw_printenv from running from external media system.
  22. Do not use versions of images from Odroid without special manual adjustments, You can turn TV box into a brick.
  23. Maybe I'm wrong and don't understand much. But I think it's time to optimize the entire structure of an Assembly of images. To make all the specific and associated with the characteristics of the particular iron personal\standard (model-specific) configuration files. That would, in themselves, the build scripts were (possibly) only specify those variables (which will go to lookup from config file). The upper level describe motherboard or family close models. This is a directory with the same name. Inside the directory can be a subdirectory with the description of specific models. Configuration files can be placed in the General catalogue of the family (the parameters of these files are used first). Next comes refinement (overriding) parameters , if they occur in the file (if the file is in lower subdirectories). In the beginning it will mean more work for the formation of configuration files for each model, but will greatly facilitate the support of most Assembly systems and subsequent maintenance and adding new models. In the catalog settings model you can place all that relates to the features of the model - drivers, firmware, scripts, binaries, etc. --- Продублирую текст, а то при переводе часто меняется смысл информации. Возможно я ошибаюсь и многого не понимаю. Но я думаю, что пришло время оптимизировать всю структуру сборки образов. Вынести всё специфичное и связанное с особенностями конкретного железа в персональные\типовые (по конкретным моделям) настроечные файлы. Что-бы в самих сборочных скриптах были (по возможности) только указания на переменные (в которые будет идти подстановка из конфиг файлов). Верхний уровень описания платы или семейства близких моделей. Это каталог с таким же именем. Внутри каталога могут быть подкаталоги с описанием конкретных моделей. Настроечные файлы могут размещаться в общем каталоге семейства (параметры из этих файлов используются первыми). Далее идёт уточнение (переопределение) парметров , если они встречаются в файлах (если такие файлы есть в нижних подкаталогах). В начале это добавит работы по формированию файлов настроек для каждой модели, но существенно облегчит сопровождение самой сборочной системы и последующее поддержание и добавление новых моделей. В каталоге настроек по моделям можно размещать всё , что касается особенностей модели - драйвера, фирмваре, скрипты бинарные файлы и т.д.
  24. File /boot/amlogics905x_init.sh common to the entire line of devices s9xxx.
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