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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. There don't seem to be any errors. For today, there are no ideas yet, except for the failure of the media (it's time to sleep). When the HK screen is displayed, the USB indicator should be flashing actively.
  2. This can be deleted Show the file contents (boot.ini)
  3. Show the file contents (uEnv.txt) on a USB flash drive
  4. By the way, for today, I have already turned on and rebooted the system more than 30 times in Android on the SD card and in different systems on USB, everything works without errors, the file (boot.ini) is not overwritten and saves the added settings.
  5. either you need to add more lines to poll all USB ports (you can do this via the "for" loop, or just add more lines with a direct number). DROIDC2-UBOOT-CONFIG usb start fatload usb 0 1020000 s905_autoscript autoscr 1020000 fatload usb 1 1020000 s905_autoscript autoscr 1020000 fatload usb 2 1020000 s905_autoscript autoscr 1020000 fatload usb 4 1020000 s905_autoscript autoscr 1020000
  6. Did I understand correctly that only the SD card is connected (eMMC is disabled) and the USB flash drive ?
  7. Pay attention to one more nuance - the order of connected USB devices. In this change, the system is searched for on USB 0. If there are other devices, the number may change.
  8. To fix the sound on s905 without stuttering, you need to add a parameter to the sound settings file. rate 48000 (the fix will be included in the next version of images).
  9. What is the contents of the file (boot.ini) on eMMC ? I hope you didn't forget to make the settings in (uEnv.txt) the correct dtb and startup strings are correct ?
  10. By the way, the sound in Armbian not stutter much. I haven't found a way to fix it yet. In LE, this is solved by switching the sound setting to fixed mode and in LE, the sound works cleanly.
  11. It must be run from SD without an USB stick. try DROIDC2-UBOOT-CONFIG usb start fatload usb 0 1020000 s905_autoscript autoscr 1020000 mmcinfo fatload mmc 1 1020000 boot-emmc.scr.aw autoscr 1020000
  12. By the way, I dug out my sample Odroid C2 and checked the launch of the latest version of Armbian 20.05.4. Recorded to the Android SD card. Added lines to (boot.ini), wrote Armbian to a USB flash drive, and configured (uEnv.txt). Everything starts normally from USB and you can configure the system without ssh. In the same mode, I checked the launch of Libreelec from USB, everything works. I don't have eMMC for C2, so I can't test working with SD+eMMC.
  13. Try DROIDC2-UBOOT-CONFIG usb start fatload usb 0 1020000 s905_autoscript autoscr 1020000 mmcinfo fatload mmc 1 1020000 boot.scr autoscr 1020000
  14. I'm sorry, I didn't understand what it was stuck on. What is displayed on the screen ?
  15. all the changes that you make are reset when you power on C2 ?
  16. Try using a USB flash drive and these lines in (boot.ini). By the way, after editing (boot.ini) and starting the system , what was changed is saved ? DROIDC2-UBOOT-CONFIG usb start fatload usb 0 1020000 s905_autoscript autoscr 1020000
  17. Run grep -r "boot.ini" * Should show the location where it is being restored from
  18. Try searching for files (boot.ini) on the eMMC module, there may still be a place where they are located
  19. That is, after deleting (boot.ini) from the /boot section of the eMMC module, Android started normally ?
  20. Connect only the eMMC module, you need to check whether it uses the edited one (boot.ini) or uses other data.
  21. Make a backup copy (boot.ini) on your PC, and try removing it from eMMC. If Android starts, it means that it uses other settings to start.
  22. So you remove the eMMC module, connect it to a PC, and edit it on a PC ?
  23. Does this flash drive have an indicator that blinks when you access it ?
  24. Do you have a UART console ? What media do you use for Armbian ? Try changing the string. fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr source loadaddr to fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr autoscr loadaddr and fatload mmc 0 loadaddr boot.scr.aw autoscr loadaddr and fatload mmc 0 loadaddr s905_autoscript autoscr loadaddr I think the launch is possible, but you need to find the right parameters for your conditions.
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