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Posts posted by paul75

  1. According to https://linux-sunxi.org/Xunlong_Orange_Pi_Plus#SATA this should work,

    if you provide sufficient power of good quality.

    There seems to be no 2TB limit mentioned in the gl830 sata bridge datasheet

    here: http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/207044/GENESYS/GL830.html


    best, gnasch



    Thanks but i mean not in sata but in usb device.


    I test with HGST 3To it works with GPT mode and ntfs but when restart with HHD conect allthe system failed. nothing appear in screen.


    Alqso if i debranch HDD not start.


    I must reinstall all the system ....


    Perhaps logram size is too small for your scenario ... disable or debug the ram logging service.

    systemctl disable log2ram.service 



    Thanks not works without do :  apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install apache2


    after it works.


    Strange because in my other than have 5.23 and upgrade to 5.25 (apt-get upgrade) it not do this .....




  3. Hello,


    I test to prepare a sd with the fresh install with the last image in the website 5.25. I installed Apache2 php5 mariadb and it works but when I reboot the system apache don't start it tell that /var/log/apache2 not found. The I created the directory apache2 and restart apache manually => ok it start.

    I reboot the system and again it failed withe the same message !*I go to /var/log/ and not see the apache2 created ....



    Thanks for help


    I used this information for Booting with eMMC and with or without SD-Card insert




    I tested this on Orange PC Plus and works fine


    - installation Armbian on sd card (first) / boot / update ...

    - then nand-sata-install (copy from SD-card to eMMC) and boot from eMMC without SDCARD

    - then cp /boot/script.bin /boot/script.bak (for safety)

    - then "bin2fex /boot/script.bin /tmp/script.fex" (or to another directory e.g. /root ...)

    - then Change sdc_detmode from 3 to 1 in the script.fex
    - then "fex2bin /tmp/script.fex /boot/script.bin"
    - then boot systen with e.g. reboot
    and now the system booting from eMMC with or without SD-Card.
    I use this to greatly expand the home directory. (System on eMMC and Home (User) on SD-Card)
    and works fine.




    But with sdc_detmode=1 the sdcard not mount ?

  5. If you want use free space on you microsd you need to creta ext4 filesystem on it. Copy boot folder from your emmc, change root= folder in boot.scr in boot folder and compile new boot.cmd (I hope there is same filename convention) with command at the end of first file. And than you need write uboot to microsd.


    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk



    But I'm nove can you explain more that ? Compile boot cmd ? when ?


    Because When I format sdcart into ext4 and insert to orange pi after boot into emmc it not detect it ....



  6. Hello


    I want to do a special sdcard to my use of multiple card without reconfigure all the time.


    If I install into a 4gb sdcard after can I write a iso and copy to another sdcard and write to 128gb and when can I resize it into the new card?


    The minimum size of sdcard is 2gb or 4gb to do use desktop environment?

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