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Posts posted by nef

  1. 23 hours ago, Igor said:

    Images are not the same as from @balbes150 - he build them from a different source.

    Thanks for reply @Igor. One more thing, could you take a 1 post per day limit from me? It is hard to discuss with this restriction.

    20 hours ago, balbes150 said:

    No, this is not the correct order. This won't work.


    What would be the correct order? Are these the correct images to start with? https://yadi.sk/d/-MwoNitZonsRCg/Armbian/20.05.3/20200506

  2. On 5/15/2020 at 10:42 AM, balbes150 said:

    Specify which addresses you are referring to.

    The ones specified by dd commands.



    No, this u-boot is intended for new versions of Armbian and LE (which have different partition placement).


    So, let's say I want to test your image with Armbian. Do these steps are correct?


    1. Download current EOS Armbian Buster for C1 https://www.armbian.com/odroid-c1/

    2. Flash SD card with it

    3. While SD card is still in Linux PC, run DD commands with your kernel image.

    4. Replace boot.ini on SD card with the one from you

    5. Test prepared SD card in my C1+.


    If something is wrong, i.e. you are starting from different Armbian image, please let me know.

  3. Looking forward to feedback from Armbian! I'm currently running Pi-Hole on C1+ with Armbian Buster and legacy 3.10 kernel from Jessie. Current working kernel would be a huge relief.


    Short question, since I'm new to u-boot. Does these commands will work regardless of state of Armbian on my SD card? I was starting with Armbian Jessie long time ago and went through upgrades to current Debian Buster. Does these rely on specific addresses from specific images or they can be used for any u-boot bootloader? TLDR: can I safely run them on my system to replace my kernel (together with new boot.ini)?


    dd if=u-boot-s805-odroid-c1.img of=/dev/<you_sd_card> conv=fsync bs=1 count=442

    dd if=u-boot-s805-odroid-c1.img of=/dev/<you_sd_card> conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1

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