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Posts posted by bad_img

  1. I'm putting this here because I'm not sure where else - mods please forgive me if wrong.


    The instructions say

    # download public key from the database
    gpg --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key DF00FAF1C577104B50BF1D0093D6889F9F0E78D5

    but sks-keyservers have apparently closed.


    I found 3 alternatives:

    • pgp.mit.edu - searching with fingerprint doesn't work. "igor.pecovnik@gmail.com" does. Good key, couple of other sigs on it. Can we update the Armbian website to this?
    • Index apt-Armbian, mirrors (e.g. I am probably not naming it right) - I only found these sites (index pages, really), when I clicked on a DDG search result labelled igorpecovnik.com while using my VPN. (See below). In any case, these mirrors offer "armbian.key". I compared 3 mirrors and all provided keys with the same signature.
    • keys.openpgp.org, but its problematic. Search by igor.pecovnik@gmail.com doesn't work, but fingerprint does. Its a very short .asc file. There is absolutely no biographical info attached to that key, on the web interface or the file:
    $ gpg --show-keys Downloads/DF00FAF1C577104B50BF1D0093D6889F9F0E78D5.asc
    pub   rsa4096 2015-03-16 [SCEA]
    sub   rsa4096 2015-03-16 [E]


    I'm not as fluent with gpg as I'd like, but this has taken over a day for me to figure out. It could be easily corrected in the documentation to save others the hassle.


    I'd like to know what's happening with the "magic redirect" to apt-Armbian via Igor's page. It only happened using my VPN: search DDG with "Igor Pecovnik", igorpecovnik.com is the first hit, click -> apt-Armbian index on a mirror. Everything is legitimate there?


    Changing VPN exit nodes just changed apt-Armbian mirrors. Without the VPN the browser loads up Igor's blog page, as you would expect. I sometimes get Firefox complaining about a bad certificate, but I think that's the VPN connections. Not all mirrors seem to offer https connections (e.g. http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-apt/) - is that adequate for key exchange and OS?


    Also, I noticed that these forum pages were misformatted for about 24 hours yesterday. They would load, but all the bits were in the wrong places - javascript blockers didn't seem to be important. I finally hit an upgrade notice last night, but there's nothing on status.armbian.com that I can interpret. Is that just me? Now the forum loads fine.


  2. Thankyou all, that's answered a lot of my questions.


    A couple of simple, constructive suggestions:

    • it would be really helpful to have notification of "no uninstall feature" right up front. It just helps to strategize how to use your images, SD cards and backups etc. (I think).
    • the term "softy" doesn't come up in a search of the documentation, yet its right up top in Armbian configuration utility > Software. I confess I missed that completely. That's a problem if you pick up on softy by reading forum posts: "What the hell IS this thing everyone's talking about? Where IS it???" (italicized for a little bit of theatrics).

    I guess the only thing left to do is apologise for not having the skills to contribute to any of this.


    But also, thankyou. I'll be making a donation.



  3. Hi. Finally have the time to get into this, and find the biggest problem i am having right now is conceptual.


    • What is Softy?
    • Why is it needed?
    • Why is it better than installing from apt with a repository?
    • How is its installed software managed, including updates?


    Also, I understand that there is no uninstall feature. In which case, how do manage system recovery? Say I install docker and omv and I've set up other bits and pieces like wifi and ssh, then I mistakenly install desktop. I want to uninstall desktop... It looks like I need to bust back down to a clean image and start again. Do wiser heads have a good strategy to handle this?


    This isn't criticism, its genuine puzzlement. (I cannot find documentation no matter how I search)

  4. Hi

    Trying to install docker (arm64) via the debian documentation on Docker's website, but running into persistant problem with dpkg on docker-ce. This is a fresh install (good  SD card) of Armbian_20.08.1_Nanopim4_buster_current_5.8.6.img. (Made with dd, I confess).


    No ssh yet, so I'll handtype the some terminal output:

    Job for docker.service failed because the control provess exited with error code.
    See systemctl status docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
    invoke-rc.d: initscript docker, action "start" failed.
    - docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
        Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exite-code) since #time stamp
    Process: 15803 ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=run/containerd/containerd.sock (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
    Main PID: #tired of typing, just says it exited status=1
    dpkg: error processing package docker-ce (--configure):
        installed docker-ce package post-installation script subprocesses returned error exit status 1

    systemctl status docker.service show problems with restarting:


    ..    docker.service: start request repeated too quickly
        docker.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'
        Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.

    journalctl says:

        docker.socket: Failed with result 'service-start-limit-hit"

    I have removed and purged (apt), deleted relevant files in /var/lib, cleaned and autoremoved, reinstalled all the recommended packages. I still just get the same.


    Nothing quite the same in existing forum posts, but having read them I have also:

    • run `ambianmonitor -u` output: http://ix.io/2CnN
    • Tried the instructions here for a diagnosis with docker's check-config.sh. It suggested I need to install apparmor. I did: no difference.
    • It also said I needed CONFIG_NF_NAT_IPV4 and CONFIG_NF_NAT_NEEDED. I don't know what to do about that. (It also suggested several optional items were missing, but I don't think they are relevant if they are optional).


    Does anyone have some insights? Or - better - solutions?


  5. EDIT: I hate to have to admit this, but I completely forgot that the nanopi m4 v2 needs external antennas for its wifi to operate properly. (I bought just before the coronavirus hit, and it was several weeks before I got back to setting up the board. First board I've had that needs that.)


    Having terrible troubles getting a working wifi on various Armbian OSes on nanopi-m4v2.



    • Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_bionic_legacy_4.4.213_desktop.img
    • Armbian_20.02.7_Nanopim4v2_buster_legacy_4.4.213_desktop.img
    • (Armbian_20.05.2_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img - just won't boot, as of 24h ago)
    • Armbian_20.05.2_Nanopim4v2_buster_current_5.4.43_desktop.img


    I run off a cellphone hotspot. It seems it has to be an inch away to get a reliable first authentication, and any functional data rate after that.


    The connection can drop if I move the phone to the other side of the desk, definitely if I put the phone a couple of feet out the door.


    The laptop has no such problems, so its not the phone.


    I compared the devices with `sudo iwlist wlan0 scan`



    Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11)
    Quality=23/70  Signal level=-87 dBm 

    Nanopi M4: bionic (Linux nanopim4v2 4.4.213-rk339 #7 SMP Sat May 30 13:20:02 CEST 2020...)

    Frequency=2.462 GHz (Channel 11)
    Quality:1/5 Signal level:-87 dBm Noise level:-92 dBm
    IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 1


    I tried the DietPi image for the device, but it couldn't even complete a firstrun login/config because it couldn't detect any wifi hardware. (Reported here).


    Also, I note that some have had wifi troubles over at the Openmedia forums with this board, although presumably this is the first version.


    Could a firmware/driver issue cause this? A bad batch of boards? Its not as if the whole internet is awash with complaints.


    I don't have the technical skills to pursue this myself, (compiling, builds, swapping kernels, etc), but if it helps, I could try things at your instruction.

  6. I cannot verify a gpg signature for your Focal image. It could be my error, of course. But for Buster, all works perfectly by the same methods.


    Something about the Focal download is different and undocumented, or something is just plain wrong. (Buster and Focal are zipped with different programs. What's up with that?)


    Yesterday, attempting to verify the Focal image from the main download by similar steps led to a runaway output (symbols, code) in terminal. That scared me. I shut down the virtual machine, then deleted it.


    Tried again today (below). All done in a fresh virtual machine. Files for checking (.asc, .img) downloaded by wget from links at base of Downloads page.


    Public key downloaded according to your webpage https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-check-download-authenticity.


    1. Download from Denmark mirror:

    [user@d-nanopi-m4-v2 focal]$ wget http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-dl/nanopim4v2/archive/Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img.xz
    --2020-06-02 15:30:38--  http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-dl/nanopim4v2/archive/Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img.xz
    Resolving mirrors.dotsrc.org (mirrors.dotsrc.org)..., 2001:878:346::116
    Connecting to mirrors.dotsrc.org (mirrors.dotsrc.org)||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 771774000 (736M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: ‘Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img.xz’
    Armbian_20.05.1_Nan 100%[===================>] 736.02M  3.94MB/s    in 3m 14s  
    2020-06-02 15:33:53 (3.80 MB/s) - ‘Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img.xz’ saved [771774000/771774000]

    2. Unzip (as per instructions) and list folder contents

    [user@d-nanopi-m4-v2 focal]$ xz -d Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img.xz
    [user@d-nanopi-m4-v2 focal]$ ls

    3. Fail gpg verify

    [user@d-nanopi-m4-v2 focal]$ gpg --verify Focal_current_desktop.asc Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img
    gpg: Signature made Sun May 31 06:59:23 2020 AEST
    gpg:                using RSA key DF00FAF1C577104B50BF1D0093D6889F9F0E78D5
    gpg: BAD signature from "Igor Pecovnik <igor@armbian.com>" [unknown]

    4. Trying to test .asc file - fail

    [user@d-nanopi-m4-v2 focal]$ gpg --keyid-format long --list-options show-keyring Focal_current_desktop.asc
    gpg: WARNING: no command supplied.  Trying to guess what you mean ...
    Detached signature.
    Please enter name of data file: Focal_current_desktop.asc
    gpg: Signature made Sun May 31 06:59:23 2020 AEST
    gpg:                using RSA key DF00FAF1C577104B50BF1D0093D6889F9F0E78D5
    gpg: BAD signature from "Igor Pecovnik <igor@armbian.com>" [unknown]

    5. Change name and try to verify again - fail. x2

    [user@d-nanopi-m4-v2 focal]$ cp Focal_current_desktop.asc Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img.asc
    [user@d-nanopi-m4-v2 focal]$ gpg --verify Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img.asc Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img
    gpg: Signature made Sun May 31 06:59:23 2020 AEST
    gpg:                using RSA key DF00FAF1C577104B50BF1D0093D6889F9F0E78D5
    gpg: BAD signature from "Igor Pecovnik <igor@armbian.com>" [unknown]
    [user@d-nanopi-m4-v2 focal]$ gpg --verify Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img.asc
    gpg: assuming signed data in 'Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img'
    gpg: Signature made Sun May 31 06:59:23 2020 AEST
    gpg:                using RSA key DF00FAF1C577104B50BF1D0093D6889F9F0E78D5
    gpg: BAD signature from "Igor Pecovnik <igor@armbian.com>" [unknown]


    Board: Not on the list
  7. I can't post more than once per 24 hours, so its 1am and I am struggling to account for everything i did ~14h and (one restart) ago. Basically my terminal went nuts trying to verify a file, and I'm wondering if its corruption or malware.


    Downloaded the images for V2, as per /u/piter75's advice.

    Tried to `gpg --verify` with Focal. First, it was this:


    [user@d-nanopi-m4 Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop]$ gpg --verify Focal_current_desktop.asc Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img
    gpg: Signature made Sun May 31 06:59:23 2020 AEST
    gpg:                using RSA key DF00FAF1C577104B50BF1D0093D6889F9F0E78D5
    gpg: BAD signature from "Igor Pecovnik <igor@armbian.com>" [unknown]


    I futzed around zipping and moved some files (can't remember). I think I unzipped Buster package and verified it no problems.


    Came back to the focal package and tried to verify again.


    My terminal output went beserk. Just screens and screen of symbols and code - I think there is some English text blocks in there, but I can't be sure what because of the scrolling. 


    I was fortunate enough to do it in a separate virtual machine, so I paused the VM. (I've had to restart the host. Haven't opened the VM again). I don't know what to think. Malware? A stray "verbose" command?


    My last 2 commands were (as close as I can remember it exactly):


    gpg --verify F*asc A*img


    I truncated it because I was trying to save typing effort. It threw an error (couldn't find file or something?)

    gpg --verify Focal_current_desktop.asc Armbian_20.05.1_Nanopim4v2_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img

    and that's when things went crazy. 


    Some points: I had to newly import the public key on this VM for this exercise, using the instructions on the Armbian website: 

    gpg --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key DF00FAF1C577104B50BF1D0093D6889F9F0E78D5

    This is probably down to my confusion about which file to verify and where to keep files, but I got a lot of BAD signature from "Igor Pecovnik..." messages and I didn't understand why. 


    I unzipped the Focal .xz to give a 3.7GB file, and moved the .asc and .sha files (both apparently modified yesterday) into that folder.


    The .asc and .sha files were downloaded from the website with wget. The image files were direct downloads from the V2 webpage through the browser.


    I note many of the integrity check files were very recently modified. I also note that gpg malfunctioned only after I unzipped the focal download.


    I really don't have the knowledge to understand what's going on, but I'd be grateful if someone could look into this and provide insight. I am always suspicious of malware, (but I really thought if it was any good it would be better hidden). 

  8. Hi guys, thanks for quick response. I had a forced 24h wait before I could post a reply.


    @martinayotte Thanks, but the space-bar trick simply Does Not Work. I notice orangepower had similar problems.


    @werner Tried two different SD cards (one brand new), a couple of different .img files (buster, bionic). Copied to the SD cards with dd and Fedora's built-in disc writer. Just not working.


    Update - SD cards now booting. Somehow. However, still stuck.


    1. got a boot from Bionic on SD (Armbian_20.02.1_Nanopim4_bionic_legacy_4.4.213_desktop.img, shasum double checked), but its got troubles. 

    Every keystroke elicits an error message, e.g. typing "r" for "root" default login (retyped here by hand):


    Armbian 20.02.1 Bionic tty1
    nanopim4 login: r[  43.559332] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 800000000, Current 856000000
    r[  43.667278] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 800000000, Current 856000000


    This (or similar) pops up throughout shutdown dialogue, too. 


    2. Buster now boot from SD, but 


    a) wifi connection performs only sometimes, and 


    b) does not seem to recognize the eMMC module when I plug it in, so `nand-sata-install` only offers reinstalling U-boot on (what seems to be) the SD card - I only have menu option 5. The eMMC does not show up with `lsblk`, `fdisk -l` or in `~/proc/partitions`. I don't know how to force it to find the module.

  9. Hi - trust this is the right forum.


    I have forgotten the login password to my Arbian installation on the nanopi m4 V2. It boots from the eMMC just fine, but I am stuck at the prompt.


    I had only just installed it a few weeks ago (then things got hectic), so nothing really invested - I could just install again via the SD card, right?


    Unfortunately, it looks like the SD slot is no longer working. In the last 2-3 days nothing seems to boot from it.


    Which leaves me with an eMMC module loaded up with an Armbian - I think its bionic, because it does have wifi (buster never worked with wifi).

    In other 'vanilla' flavours of of linux, I could recover via grub or mounting on a liveUSB, but here I don't know what to do. Is there an Armbian equivalent. I read somewhere that hitting 'space' during boot up would get a menu, but can't find it and it doesn't seem to work, anyway.




    1. SD reader has died, apparently. (not happy...)


    2. eMMC module is loaded with an Armbian (?bionic?) and I don't have passwords anymore


    3. Should I just wait (a Covid-19 wait!) on a eMMC reader to reflash directly from my computer. Has anyone actually done that?


    Further question: does anyone have a recommendation for eMMC-USB reader/writer? The Friendly module seems to have a special socket? Not sure if it fits in standard readers.

    Board: Not on the list
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