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Posts posted by redjr

  1. I've been hopelessly trying to get Armbian(Buster) and OMV to work together properly.  But alas no luck.  I decided to start over using a fresh and latest image on the SD card.  I believe I may have unwittingly screwed up the eMMC boot process because I added an M.2 SATA drive in yesterday and have since removed it.  Hence my quest to simply get the SBC up and running from the SD card.


    I have tried everything this morning, I cannot get an image to load at all.  One of my questions is; do the hard drives need to be installed just to get the SBC working?  I have tried with them in and out to no avail.  Are there some lingering config files residing on the HDs that are necessary for the SBC to boot up properly.  I hope not!  I want to do all of the HD configuring and setup from within OMV once I get that reinstalled.  But, I can't even get the SBC to come alive.  Is there switch on the Helios64 mobo that will reset it to factory defaults?


    I'm at at a loss at the moment, as I can't even Putty into the board, and nothing comes up on my screen (USB-C).


    Any help and advice would be appreciated.



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