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Posts posted by jimg

  1. On 5/24/2024 at 7:39 AM, YevhenK said:
    valid interface combinations:
                    * #{ managed, AP } <= 1, #{ P2P-client, P2P-GO } <= 1, #{ P2P-device } <= 1,
                      total <= 3, #channels <= 2


    `{ managed, AP}` indicates these are mutually exclusive.  You cannot simultaneously have managed (aka STA) mode and AP mode operating at the same time. `total <= 3` means you can have at most (managed OR AP) AND (P2P-client or P2P-GO) AND (P2P-device). 

  2. The build instructions `README` suggest it's possible to build an image using Github actions.  So, I created a new repository and created the following file under `.github/workflows/orangepizero3_build.yml`


    name: Build Orange Pi Zero 3 server image                                                                                                                                                           
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest                                                                                                                                                                    
          - uses: armbian/build@main                                                                                                                                                              
              armbian_token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"  # GitHub token                                                                                                                        
              armbian_release: "bookworm"                        # userspace                                                                                                                      
              armbian_target: "build"                        # build=image, kernel=kernel                                                                                                         
              armbian_board: "orangepizero3"                   # build target                                                                                                                     
              armbian_ui: "server"     


    But when I tried to run this action, I received this error:


    Error: Could not find file '/home/runner/work/_actions/_temp_52217267-7314-4a20-996d-95b7097793e8/_staging/armbian-build-de030c7/patch/kernel/rockchip-rk3588-collabora/dt/rk3588-nanopc-cm3588-nas.dts'.


    Am I doing something wrong?  Is there some aspect to building an image using Github Actions I'm missing?

  3. On 6/16/2024 at 2:56 AM, burger242 said:

    I have recently bought an Orange Pi Zero 3 4gb (its my first approach to any IoT so im quite noob), and i cannot make it work using armbian. Ive read a lot of users having troubels regarding the 4gb one, but I couldnt even make it reboot by following the "chinese" github. Generally, it boots the first time fine, but from then it has errors.


    I was wondering if you could please help me. Ive tried different armbian versions but nothing seems to work.


    What exactly have you tried so far?  How are you determining it's not working?


    What kind of SD card are you using, and how are you installing Armbian on it?


    What are you using for a power supply and USB cable for power?  What's the behavior of the status LEDs?


    Are you using a keyboard and monitor, or are you connecting to the board via SSH?  Have you tried attaching a serial cable to it and reading the output over a serial terminal?

  4. The "create access point" utility in `armbian-config` has several bugs that prevent it from working, due to changes in the default installation since it was written:


    - hostapd does not install a default configuration file at `/etc/hostapd.conf`
    - hostapd is installed masked by default
    - dnsmasq fails to start because systemd-resolvd launches first as the default DNS resolver


    I can write patches to fix this utility, but I'm wondering if it will ultimately be worth it.  I noticed this access point utility doesn't exist in the `armbian-configng` repository.  Is that because Armbian is dropping this utility, or no one has gotten around to it yet?  (There's not even a placeholder for it.)  What's the status of `armbian-configng` anyhow?  Will it eventually replace `armbian-config`?

  5. On 5/13/2024 at 5:04 AM, TRay said:

    I'm asking about this because I have a problem with using overlay for w1-gpio for OZPI v3, so I am looking for the source of the problem in various places


    I don't think the Orange Pi Zero 3 supports w1-gpio.  The only 1-wire overlay that I know of is for H5-equipped boards. 

  6. On 3/31/2024 at 11:33 AM, TRay said:

    dmesg don't show ttyS5 only ttyS0 and ttyS1 so UART5 on PIN26 header is ttyS1 not ttyS5 ?

    Yes, that appears to be correct. 


    I couldn't figure out why the UART on the p26 pin header wasn't working.  Found your post and tried ttyS1 instead.  Working beautifully now.  Thanks 🙂.

  7. On 7/14/2020 at 9:20 AM, Werner said:

    I guess they rebranded an armbian image which includes alternative drivers for xradio and added the temperature fix....

    It looks that way to me.  It has 'orangepi-config' and 'orangepimonitor' commands that look and behave exactly like the Armbian equivalents.  I'd feel a little more comfortable downloading the images from Armbian's torrents, though, than a server in China....

  8. I haven't tried setting up AP mode using the unmodified driver, but I was able to get a hotspot set up on Orange Pi PC Plus and Orange Pi Plus 2E by enabling concurrent mode in the wifi driver and recompiling it.  This will give you two wifi

    interfaces, one of which can be used as an AP. 


    The advantage of doing this is it allows you to use the board as a wifi repeater if you want, or to make it easier to set it up as an IoT device.  However, it also cuts the transmission rate in half, since the wifi module is concurrently switching between STA and AP modes.


    Let me know if you're interested and I'll write up how I did it.

  9. 3 hours ago, sergiigladchuk said:

    Yes, same thing happened to me - wifi worked but not bluetooth, that is why I switched back to legacy kernel. 

    Bluetooth works for me, but only if I completely power off and do a cold boot.  It doesn't work on a warm restart. 


    Note that firmware updates currently will overwrite these changes, so be careful when doing an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.

  10. This got wifi working for me (but broke bluetooth :( ):


    $ cd /lib/firmware/brcm

    $ sudo mv brcmfmac4356-sdio.bin brcmfmac4356-sdio.bin.old
    $ sudo mv brcmfmac4356-sdio.txt brcmfmac4356-sdio.txt.old

    copy drivers from this post to ~/Downloads:


    $ sudo cp ~/Downloads/brcmfmac4356-sdio.* .
    $ sudo chmod g+w brcmfmac4356-sdio.bin
    $ sudo chmod g+w brcmfmac4356-sdio.txt

    then reboot



  11. I apologize for asking such a basic question.

    I have recompiled the wifi module on an Orange Pi PC+ to operate in concurrent mode so it can act in both station and AP mode at the same time, allowing it to be a wifi repeater.

    The problem is, this feature is lost on every kernel upgrade, requiring me to recompile the module each time I upgrade the kernel.  The kernel module driver often changes slightly between kernel versions, and I have to track down and fix new bugs in the source code that prevent it from compiling when concurrent mode is enabled.

    I'm happy with how the wifi module performs now, but don't want to lose the ability to get needed kernel updates in the future.  Is there any way I can keep the wifi module I have now without losing the ability to upgrade the rest of the kernel?



  12. Thanks for the advice.  I just updated the kernel, and am in the process of installing the new (dev) source and header files.


    I also did an `apt update`, and see that now the linux image for the "next" branch is back to 4.19.57!

    $ apt-cache search linux-image | grep next-sunxi
    linux-image-next-sunxi - Linux kernel, version 4.19.57-sunxi

    So the problem has apparently been fixed. :-)

  13. Armbianmonitor:

    I'm trying to add concurrent mode to the wifi driver on an Orange Pi PC Plus running the latest stable distribution of Armbian, but running into an "invalid module format" error due to the kernel version not matching the source version I'm using to recompile the wifi driver.


    I installed both the source and header files from armbian-config.  The kernel version is 4.19.59 according to uname -r.  This apparently is the linux-image-next-sunxi image, according to `apt-cache search linux-image | grep 4.19.59`.  However, the source for the next-sunxi branch in the repository is 4.19.57, not 4.19.59, as `apt-cache search linux-source | grep next-sunxi` gives:

    linux-source-4.19.57-next-sunxi - This package provides the source code for the Linux kernel 4.19.57

    `apt-cache search linux-source | grep 4.19.59` returns no results. 


    How do I get the 4.19.59 source version?  Would it be safe to upgrade to the dev branch (v 5.1.0), since both the kernel and source there are the same version?


    FWIW, here's my sources.list:

    deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free
    #deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free
    deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-updates main contrib non-free
    #deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-updates main contrib non-free
    deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-backports main contrib non-free
    #deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-backports main contrib non-free
    deb http://security.debian.org/ buster/updates main contrib non-free
    #deb-src http://security.debian.org/ buster/updates main contrib non-free


  14. Sorry, attached is the output from armbian-hardware-monitor.log.  The first half is with the SD card in the board's card slot, the second half is with it in a USB adapter.  It's a Samsung EVO 16 GB card.


    I checked htop but did not see anything unusual.  The processes consuming the most CPU were the same in both cases.


    I had a PNY 32 GB card I wasn't using, so today I reformatted it and tried using it instead.   This card worked normally, so apparently the problem is related to this particular SD card.


  15. I have an Orange Pi Plus 2E I'm using as a cheap desktop computer/kiosk.  I want to run Armbian on eMMC but use an SD card for file storage.


    If I boot off the eMMC, then insert an SD card (formatted as ext4) after boot, the system works well.  But if I boot off the eMMC with the SD storage card in the card slot at boot, the CPU load increases and performance lags.


    Here's the output of armbianmonitor without an SD card, with two Firefox windows and a terminal window open while streaming audio using Audacious:

    Time        CPU    load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq   CPU  C.St.
    06:18:26: 1296MHz  1.10  25%   3%  21%   0%   0%   0% 54.1°C  0/9
    06:18:31: 1296MHz  1.01  22%   2%  19%   0%   0%   0% 53.8°C  0/9
    06:18:36: 1296MHz  0.93  21%   1%  19%   0%   0%   0% 53.8°C  0/9
    06:18:41: 1296MHz  0.86  21%   2%  18%   0%   0%   0% 54.7°C  0/9
    06:18:46: 1296MHz  0.79  24%   2%  21%   0%   0%   0% 53.6°C  0/9
    06:18:51: 1296MHz  0.80  26%   1%  23%   0%   0%   0% 57.8°C  0/9
    06:18:56: 1296MHz  0.74  23%   2%  21%   0%   0%   0% 55.9°C  0/9
    06:19:01: 1296MHz  0.68  22%   2%  19%   0%   0%   0% 54.8°C  0/9


    Here's the results running on eMMC, with the data SD card installed at boot, running under identical conditions:


    Time        CPU    load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq   CPU  C.St.
    06:27:47: 1296MHz  2.33  87%  14%  72%   0%   0%   0% 64.3°C  0/9
    06:27:52: 1296MHz  2.38  87%  10%  76%   0%   0%   0% 62.9°C  0/9
    06:27:57: 1296MHz  2.35  79%   8%  70%   0%   0%   0% 63.2°C  0/9
    06:28:03: 1296MHz  2.41  80%   8%  71%   0%   0%   0% 64.5°C  0/9
    06:28:08: 1296MHz  2.12  77%   7%  69%   0%   0%   0% 65.0°C  0/9
    06:28:14: 1296MHz  2.03  77%   9%  67%   0%   0%   0% 61.3°C  0/9
    06:28:19: 1296MHz  2.18  75%   7%  67%   0%   0%   0% 63.8°C  0/9
    06:28:25: 1296MHz  2.17  75%   9%  65%   0%   0%   0% 65.5°C  1/9

    The load and CPU usage is 3X higher and temperature is 10C higher.  This is even without the SD card mounted!


    I get similar results using the eMMC on an Orange Pi PC+, too.


  16. I'm trying to configure the RTL8189FTV module on an Orange Pi+ 2E in SoftAP + STA mode so I can use it as wifi hotspot.  According to this old document from Realtek (http://www.ofeixin.com/downloadRepository/8da8dda7-6721-4ac8-a7db-47cc4d9b218c.pdf), it's possible to do so using an RTL8189ETV, so I'm assuming it's possible on the RTL8189FTV, too.


    The default driver doesn't allow concurrent connections like this, tho, so it must be recompiled.  I downloaded the source recommended on the sunxi wiki (http://linux-sunxi.org/Wifi#RTL8189FTV):

    git clone https://github.com/jwrdegoede/rtl8189ES_linux.git
    cd rtl8189ES_linux
    git checkout -B rtl8189fs origin/rtl8189fs

    I edited the file ./include/autoconf.h to turn on concurrent mode:


    then compiled the driver using the repository's Makefile:

    make -j4 ARCH=arm KSRC=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build

    I renamed the old module, copied the new one to the proper directory, removed the old module, and inserted the new one:

    cd /lib/modules/4.14.70-sunxi/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtl8189fs
    sudo mv 8189fs.ko  8189fs.ko.orig
    sudo cp ~/rtl8189ES_linux/8189fs.ko .
    sudo rmmod 8189fs.ko
    sudo insmod 8189fs.ko

    After doing so, I have two wifi interfaces, wlan0 and wlan1.


    The trouble I'm having is I cannot get wlan0 to authenticate when configured as a wifi client, nor accept clients when configured as a wifi hotspot.  It attempts to make a connection but always fails, even when the hotspot is configured as open (no password).  wlan1, however, works fine when configured either as a wifi client or hotspot.


    FWIW, I'm using the latest version of Armbian Bionic.


    UPDATE:  The problem was both devices had the same mac address.  I solved this by running the following script at boot:


    # Set up access point
    if [ ! $(nmcli -t con show | grep "$CON_NAME") ]
        nmcli con add type wifi ifname "$AP_IFACE" con-name "$CON_NAME" autoconnect yes ssid "$AP_NAME" mode ap
        nmcli con modify "$CON_NAME" 802-11-wireless.cloned-mac-address 12:34:56:78:90:AB 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless-security.key-mgmt wpa-psk ipv4.method shared 802-11-wireless-security.psk "$AP_PASSWORD"
    nmcli connection up "$CON_NAME"



  17. Thanks for all your work.  I really appreciate it.  FWIW, I need uart C more than I need BT.  


    I don't suppose using the newer 4.17 kernel instead of 4.14 would help, would it?


    I'm currently using the UART on an Odroid C2 (different board but same SoC), but that's using the legacy kernel.  I really like the features and performance (and cost!) of the Nano Pi K2 better.

  18. Thanks!  Would it have been possible to resolve this as a DT overlay?  I found an overlay that enabled UART_C on the nano pi k2, so I tried:

    armbian-add-overlay uart_c_on.dts

    I first got the error"Overlays are supported only on A10, A20, H3, H5 and A64 based boards", so I commented out the test for the sunxi boards in the scirpt.

    I then got the error "Overlays are supported only on mainline kernel based images".  I thought I had a mainline kernel, so I commenented that test out, too.

    The final error was "Error: dtc does not support compiling overlays".  I don't know how to get an overlay-compatible device tree compiler, so I gave up.:(

  19. How do you enable the UART GPIO serial port (i.e., the one on pins 8 & 10) on a Nano Pi K2? The only active serial port I see from `dmesg | grep serial` is ttyAML0, which I'm assuming is the serial port on the debugging pins.  FWIW,  I'm using the 4.14.69-meson64 kernel on a Nano Pi K2.

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