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Nofan Tasi

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Everything posted by Nofan Tasi

  1. FYI : avl6862 in kszaq LE comes from a separate media_build driver repository (i.e. not the linux kernel repository itself).
  2. Thanks! Does Yocto image also include support for running Kodi smoothly?
  3. long time since I ran debian but I believe it was username : user password : 1 and username : root password : 1234 I think ssh only accepted user (not root) sorry if this did not help
  4. Hi Balbes, congratulations! What is the magic behind running KODI in Ubuntu? - kernel? - libraries? - else ...
  5. Reason why I asked is: one can find which libraries, for example, ffmpeg uses and then see if any of these are known to be responsible for the hw encoding. For example on my amd64 desktop with nvidia hw acceleration, the library is 'vdpau' and ffmpeg uses it. gentoo@desktop ~ $ lddtree $(which ffmpeg) | grep vdpau libvdpau.so.1 => /usr/lib64/libvdpau.so.1 But for arm64 I actually do not even know if the graphics is nvidia, I guess it is arm. Perhaps 'mali' But then my ubuntu and gentoo ffmpeg do not use it (ubuntu) root@minimx-g:~# lddtree $(which ffmpeg) | grep -i mali (gentoo) minimx-g ~ # lddtree $(which ffmpeg) | grep -i mali The ubuntu arm64 ffmpeg does use vdpau but I kind of doubt if that is proving anything.
  6. @pszab do you now which shared library is supposed to have the code for hw acceleration?
  7. Thanks Oleg, Which .config do you recommend for main kernel 4.12 ? Would the config-4.12.0-next-20170516+ I found in the Armbian (Test\20170516+) first partition be fine or do you propose another one? Have a nice day.
  8. Great to have HDMI USB networking 4.x kernel working! Is there a technical reason why model S905 is not included? I suppose the code is from amlogic branch in your kernel repository, right? I also see kernel 4.12.0-next in Armbian (Test\20170516+) ... can you tell something about it?
  9. FYI: on S905 MiniMX G, I used S905.dtb as dtb.img (size 20728) and s905_autoscript (size 935) using toothpick (as I always do to boot from SD card) but the system booted into recovery. Is Amlogic_s905-kernel.git up to date? If so which config file shall I choose? Thanks for the great work !
  10. I notice in first boot partition following files are present (after I added s905_autoscript and dtb.img) # ls -alrt total 15876 drwxr-xr-x 50 root root 4096 Mar 18 19:43 .. -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16073280 May 2 13:59 uImage -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18053 May 2 13:59 meson-gxbb-vega-s95-telos.dtb -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18049 May 2 13:59 meson-gxbb-vega-s95-pro.dtb -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18049 May 2 13:59 meson-gxbb-vega-s95-meta.dtb -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18928 May 2 13:59 meson-gxbb-p201.dtb -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18992 May 2 13:59 meson-gxbb-p200.dtb -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18650 May 2 13:59 meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dtb -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 19028 May 2 13:59 meson-gxbb-nexbox-a95x.dtb -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 935 May 2 17:15 s905_autoscript -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 20728 May 2 17:15 dtb.img drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 16384 May 2 20:53 . Is that correct amount of files? I ask because usually I also see files like (with kernel version appended) zImage aml_autoscript initrd.img config System.map Just to be sure ...
  11. congratulations, looking forward to run latest linux kernel on amlogic
  12. You could perhaps attempt to continue assembly by linking, say ln -s m450/libMali.so /home/buildroot-openlinux-20170310/output/mesongxm_q200/build/opengl/lib/arm64/r6p1 I recall I did something similar for S905x.
  13. That's nice. It seems 4.9.4 does not provide this module (yet).
  14. I get similar error when I build in gentoo. But when I build same way inside a minimal ubuntu chroot all goes fine. Not sure how to troubleshoot this. Perhaps python 2.7 is required. If I google "RuntimeError: Bad magic number in .pyc file", I do get a lot of hits. Which linux distribution do you use? And which python version? My gentoo has python 3.6 selected active. The ubuntu chroot has python 2.7 selected active PS: I built mesongxl_p212_kernel49.
  15. Thanks a lot for the update. openlinux.amlogic mentions: Note: xxxx_kernel49_release is under development , and not completed yet. so it is very cool you get it to work. I just finished to build buildroot and kernel (for using in gentoo) myself, but I guess without monitor I may need some more patience to enjoy fully :-) questions: - in your /boot I see android linux.img ... Is that file needed for armbian? - are other files like aml_autoscript and s905_autoscript etc... fundamentally different from, say the 3.14.29 ones? note: I see no mali.ko in /lib/modules (not in my build either).
  16. It seems transition to repo correctly is imminent, but for now one can still download from http://openlinux.amlogic.com:8000/download/ARM/filesystem/buildroot-openlinux-20170310.tar.gz Then one can go from step: % source buildroot/build/setenv.sh no password needed. I am doing this right now...
  17. That would be interesting indeed. ... somewhere (perhaps here) I heard about a recent mali driver code tarball: TX011-SW-99002-r16p0-00rel0.tgz https://armkeil.blob.core.windows.net/developer/Files/downloads/mali-drivers/kernel/mali-midgard-gpu/TX011-SW-99002-r16p0-00rel0.tgz but I don't think it has a driver for S912 (but then I am not familiar with all terms) balbes150 also mentioned Mali T830 GPU (s912) is not licensed.
  18. @pel.hu one could perhaps classify kernel/aml-4.9 as 'interesting stuff', or, at least, 'new stuff'.
  19. @Blop : I built libMali.so from buildroot and tried it on gentoo arm64 (s905(x)). It worked. But as you say, there might very well be nothing new.
  20. @mdel I tried 4.10 (own built from default config) but it would not show anything on HDMI screen. In gentoo arm64 forum someone says mainline kernel support for normal usage may come with 4.12 ... Not sure what other people experiences are.
  21. about building the amlogic buildroot : is it as simple as say make <my>_defconfig e.g. make mesongxb_p200_defconfig make Or does one have to tweak every single option in config ? So what would be a good config for s905(x) or s912 ?
  22. 20170303 kernel does not crash indeed when going over 70 thermal trip ! Congratulations.
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