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Noah E. Koeppel

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Posts posted by Noah E. Koeppel

  1. 13 hours ago, goosh said:

    Thank you! Unfortunately, the board doesn't boot with the img. It hangs at H6 logo bootscreen and doesn;t advance any further.


    How did you fry the board if I may ask?

    i plugged it into the wrong power supply

  2. 40 minutes ago, zador.blood.stained said:

    Regarding PCIe on H6 - I would recommend reading this whole thread (including quoted text since not everybody CCed the linux-sunxi ML) to adjust their expectations regarding usability, mainlining status and possible performance of this PCIe host implementation.

    Lame, I was hoping to get to use a PCIe SDR on it, looks like it will be a while if ever before it's even usable

  3. 2 hours ago, joaofl said:

    Compiled and tested, but it seems more buggy than the image they provide. Haven't tested much, but Ive noticed for example that it doesnt go Idle. Should test a bit more, but it seems that they dont include their tunning on the image they distribute.

    Yeah, i tried to warn you, it's not configured at all for anything specific, hopefully we'll get an actual repository for the modified source at some point.

  4. 4 minutes ago, joaofl said:

    There is another tip I found on the PineH6 forums to get GooglePlay working on it.


    Consists of replacing /system/priv-app/GmsCore with the /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore from the Zidoo OTA. After that play services is said to work fine.

    yes, only for the pine image, the orange pi image is missing the rest of the framework but there are ways to fudge it

  5. 1 hour ago, joaofl said:

    This is not on ubuntu's  16.04 repositories.. How could you get it?

    You're right, now I'm super confused, maybe it's in one of the other packages? Try building the kernel without it, if you don't get an error that says mkbootimg not found then it's all good.  Otherwise I can try reinstalling 16.04 and track down what i did to make it work.

    edit: you can also try 'android-tools-fsutils' but I can't verify that it has that file at the moment


    as for new lichee I haven't tried it but it might work better (or worse) and i wouldn't even bother with the 4.9 BSP as takiser said

  6. The sdk download from pine doesn't seem much different than the orange pi one, they're both only really usable as a starting point.  The Android image for pine runs really nicely on pine and I wouldn't bother trying to build it from source at this point.

  7. Here's what I did, I guess i skipped some irrelevant parts: (I've done this in Ubuntu 16.04 and 17.10 must be x64 )

    1.  Extract the sdk and bsp into a directory, no spaces. (Get it from OrangePi MEGA or PineH64 Wiki page) You'll have an 'android' directory and a 'lichee' directory

    2.  Install gawk, awk will give you an error otherwise,  mkbootimg(the included one didn't work for me), and java if it's not installed, as well as the android build requirements

    $ sudo apt-get install gawk openkjdk-8-jdk
    $ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip


    3.  cd to lichee and run:

    $ ./build.sh -p sun50iw6p1_android -c 7.x -k linux-3.10
    $ ./build.sh config
    then select 2 - 0 - 2 for H6 android 7.x

    note: if you get an error such as 'mkbootimg not found' and you're on 17.10 try 'sudo apt-get install android-tools-mkbootimg' and running the config again.

    4. cd to ../android and run (must be in android root directory):

    $ source build/envsetup.sh
    $ . build/envsetup.sh
    $ lunch

    I've had luck with petrel_*_p1 eng number 22-26


    5. Extract the kernel

    $ extract-bsp

    6. Make!

    $ make
    or optionally
    $ make -j#
    where # is number of cores for multi-thread (faster)

    Now you'll have a populated 'out/' folder, your android rootfs is in here if you want to do stuff to it before packing.


    7. Pack for phoenixcard

    $ pack

    this will create an image in ../lichee/tools/pack/sun50iw6p1_android_petrel-p1_uart0.img


    8. Flash and boot! Transfer the image to windows and burn it in startup mode using phoenixcard 4.


      Congratulations, you have a very buggy allwinner stock android build but hopefully you can make it work for you.  

    A default settings image will probably work on the orangepi one plus but the further from that you get the more you'll have to configure it.

  8. 20 hours ago, joaofl said:

    I tried for some half an hour to compile it, but like @tkaiser said, the tutorials are so outdated that even I can see there are things going wrong. So I gave up, and went trough the dirty way directly.


    I guess they keep it hard to build on propose, maybe to make hard for their competitors to use their image.

    strange, i never had any issues, i'll try and make instructions for what worked for me.

    edit: now that I say that i have issues reproducing what I did, figures...

  9. 12 hours ago, alexPixel said:


    @Xalius any instructions how to do this? Or is there an image you can share? I recently got an orange pi lite 2. The orange pi one+ image boots, but without internet net connection it's useless. I'm also especially interested in usb 3, which is the reason I bought this board.  

    What Xalius is doing is getting Linux to boot and run on the PineH64, this probably won't be helpful for Orange Pi users anytime soon.  The pine is configured a bit differently and won't boot using the default Allwinner settings.

  10. 11 hours ago, Maurice Vroegop said:



    Yesterday i decided to skip the Zidoo H6 rom and have tested the Beelink GS1 H6 rom.

    This rom is faster, feels stable and plays 4K60FPS with no problem in KODI. Only problem is that with this rom i cannot get audio passthrough from KODI yet worked.



    I tried that, for me I needed supersu and zidoo had it pre-installed and beelink didn't.  I think beelink also bumps the os to 7.1.  I'll mess with that ota at some point and try and get su to work.

  11. I compiled my own from the source on the website but it was even less stable.  I think we either have to work with what we have or wait until more serious developers have a chance to work out some of the bugs. Personally i disabled all the Zidoo stuff with titanium backup and I don't get any errors.  Aditionally I pushed a different systemui that I compiled from aosp that replaces the annoying zidoo one, i'll attach it.  it goes in syste/priv-app/SystemUI/


    So far i'm still having issues with play services but i'm able to use a browser on my PC to trigger apps to install so it could be worse.  If you're getting errors you can try pushing an updated play store, search google, it goes in /system/priv-app/Phonesky/Phonesky.apk


    you can push Launcher2.apk in to /system/priv-app/Launcher2 for a functional launcher



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