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    NicoD reacted to yam1 in Recommended SBC below 20USD range.   
    Here are some of my SBCs that are under $20 (see photo below).  I have divided them into two categories, with hdmi and not. The ones on the left are without, and on the right are with. The ones without are mostly orangepi's and nanopi's. Just do a search on their web sites and if it is under $20, I have it. One thing to consider is the ones with two spi channels (e.g. nanopi core 1 - note core 2 is better but its over $20), this would allow connecting two spi screens. If you connect two relatively big 3.2 ili9341 screens, with the browser stretched across them, your experience would still suffer but it would be okay in some extreme situations. The ones with hdmi include, raspberrypi zero w (double spi), nanopi A64 (double spi), pcduino4 nano (double spi), nanopi m1 - same as pcduino4 nano (double spi), and the other three orangepi's. Bananapi zero is slightly over $20, I have it connected to a lap dock. Of these, the best is pcduino4 nano (get it on ebay between $5 to $16), supported well in software (armbian), and nanopi a64 ($19.99?) is my second choice, software support is getting there (may be?), at least double spi works with pine64 image (latest kernel). Raspberrypi Zero W is only $5 from my local store, and dual spi screen with camera works, you really can't beat it in price.

  2. Like
    NicoD reacted to TonyMac32 in New official Raspberry Pi 3 Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Beta   
    I mean, I have 2 RPi 3's collecting dust.  I'm not even mildly interested in trying this image...  Let them sleep...
  3. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from manuti in New official Raspberry Pi 3 Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Beta   
    About time. Thanks for the info. And it's Arm64.
    I'll check it out, maybe I can make a video about it.
  4. Like
    NicoD reacted to adafruit in Use GPIO on C2 with Mainline Kernel   
    thanks folks - if y'all can help with getting the uart/spi emabled (sounds like its possible), we will do all the documentation so people can use the odroid c2 w/armbian with a wide variety of gpio/spi/uart/i2c devices including parts like DHT sensors, gps, servos, IR, etc. good for home automation, IoT, etc!
    that will relieve ya'll from trying to do that kind of support.
  5. Like
    NicoD reacted to Igor in NanoPI M4   
    I agree with that. As it was initially written someone would think that this is our fault. Which is not the case. NanoPC T4 doesn't have this problem when powered with 12V.
  6. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from Seasalt in NanoPI M4   
    You need a USB voltmeter. They are cheap and easy to find. Something like this. Just put it into a usb port, and it will show the voltage. If it's 5V while the cpu is maxed out, and maybe a 1A load on the USB, then you're ok, if it's a lot less. Then it's no good for powering a hard drive.

  7. Like
    NicoD reacted to Jerry Jyrer in NanoPI M4   
    Right, 3.5 ones have their owned power supplies. They are 8TB MyBook. 2.5 one is powered via USB. It is a Tohisba one.
  8. Like
    NicoD reacted to Igor in Rock64pro   
    ooo, It's alive  Will add images ASAP.
  9. Like
    NicoD reacted to martinayotte in Rock64pro   
    What I found by digging Ayufan build script and comparing Rockchip Wiki, is that Ayufan doesn't place the u-boot-itb at sector 0x4000, but at sector 0x200, probably to avoid waste of space ...
    I'm about to do final commit in Armbian script, you will then have to simply do a build of the image.
    My commit will use "flow #2", but maybe the glitch in "flow #1" is maybe related to sector location too ...
    EDIT : Here is the commit https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/c3e46a5d863ebc4d00d666b3a19eed00e3d0c17d
    EDIT2 : I've tested the "nand-sata-install" on eMMC, and it is working fine too ...
  10. Like
    NicoD reacted to martinayotte in Rock64pro   
    I think I got it working ... But doing it manually, not within Armbian build scripts ...
    I will check if I can integrate that into them ...
  11. Like
    NicoD reacted to Tido in Kickstarter: Allwinner VPU support in the official Linux kernel   
    Both the API and our driver were merged in time for...  more over at: 
  12. Like
    NicoD reacted to JMCC in over-heating while playing video with VLC/mpv   
    Seems like the community is seriously demanding 64 bit versions of the RK media script (3399 and 3328). Give me some days, I'll work on it.
  13. Like
    NicoD reacted to martinayotte in Daily (tech related) news diet   
    @chwe I've read your post before souper , I didn't read the whole story ...
    During souper, watching TV, the same subject comes there in the news ...
    In summary from Canadian's news, this chinese scientist is braking ethic rules a lot, the reportage says that if he would do what it did in Canada, he could ended-up with 10 years of prison.
    I hope those "newly baken childs" won't become "monsters" since "crisp" isn't safe at all !
  14. Like
    NicoD reacted to chwe in Daily (tech related) news diet   
    or frozen for cryonics... Well, we may should care sometimes a bit more.. We got this nice little ball with a thin little film of atmosphere for a limited time - means basically we rented it.. Normally you should give back rented stuff in a good shape and don't fuck it up. Not sure if humans are trusted renters... (yep there's a bit of sarcasm in it)
    It's clear, only the experiment can tell us if those researchers assumptions work. Question is, are those assumptions worth to start such an experiment? Experiments were partly made on animals, for me it was obvious that the 'ultimate goal' will then be to  go to humans as well. Do I think it's a god idea? I assume I didn't thought long enough about it but I tend to say no at all. Genetics is a lottery.. you get it partly from your mother, partly from your father, the whole cocktail is mixed up and then you've to deal with what you got. With such a modification there's a third party involved which might be right or completely wrong with his or her assumptions what should be beneficial for you. There are genetic combinations which don't fit 'well'. E.g. couples with enhanced chances that their kids won't be healthy. Is it fair? I don't think so. Should we try to 'fix' it? I don't think so either... Well, it's easy to say that as long as you're not affected (or at least not knowingly affected) by such a 'mismatch'.
    But 'playing' with life before it was even born just sounds wrong to me.
    Even a baby can partly express itself if it agrees on certain actions you take as parents. A cell can't - it dies if you messed the cell up too much but otherwise there's no way for the cell to say no to your modification. Okay, there are a few 'repair mechanisms' but I would assume that such a big modification can't be 'reverted' by the cells.
    [this part is 'a bit' speculative]
    At the moment there's only the statement from the researcher claiming what he did, but as far as I followed the news, there's no proof that he actually did it. With proof I mean independent check of his research. It could also be a 'bad joke' - means he just claims he did it. It might need some time until the situation is more clear. In case they did it, I hope the Chinese government may overthink their stand point on genetics. Their laws allows much more than western countries accept but even there, such an experiment was never approved and I assume if the researcher would apply for such an experiment it would be rejected. But their 'more open' standpoint on genetic modification ended in an atmosphere where someone thought he could try it. Maybe they should make it more clear where the "red line" is so that such experiments don't happen again...
  15. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from rooted in Daily (tech related) news diet   
    You can see it positive, but also negative. For example...
    First these twins are human lab rats. We don't know enough of the process to ensure their health. Taking away that gen (that prevents HIV from attacking the system) makes them voulnerable to other diseases. We know this from many people who don't have this gen. But those people got so on a natural way.
    Second. Is this something what will devide the world a lot more? People who can affort it will modify their baby's in their benefit. This will make them "better" than "normal" people, and they may believe that too. We all know what happens when people think they are better than others.
    Third. Should we even do this? Don't we first need to find out what the effect will be on the long term. These changes will also be present in their children. They have children with others also with modified dna. We don't know how these will mix. What will become of them? Will they still be human?
    What with the mistakes the gen programmers will make? We all know programmers or far from perfect.

    Just a thought.
    It's one person making the choice for the world to do this. Now the genie is out of the bottle. The debate has gotten useless.
    I don't care much, too old to be able to profit from it(I'm born since a while). And by the time there could be problems because of it I'll be sleeping under the ground.
  16. Like
    NicoD reacted to Cr4z33 in Rock PI 4   
    Well I linked the top product, but you can find all other (cheaper) variants of it.
  17. Like
    NicoD reacted to balbes150 in offically support Khadas VIM?   
    I decided to go back to the question of integrating the build options for TV boxes into the overall git. Alternatively, at the first stage, you can make an additional branch (for example, "tv-box") and put all the code from my git "Build-Armbian/master" into it (with minimal fixes author, etc.). I am ready to support a set of basic images (which I am currently releasing) for a number of models that I have in stock (Khadas VIM\VIM2\EDGE , MVR9 etc).
    If there are other options - I am ready to discuss them.
  18. Like
    NicoD reacted to morfane in No sound on nanopc t4   
    Update: I switched kernels from armbian-configi after reading at some forums and aplay -l gave the device list. Started i3 and opened chrome, tested a youtube video and it was working automatically. 
  19. Like
    NicoD reacted to balbes150 in Armbian for RK3399   
    To start the system enough to download, unzip, burn the image to the SD card. Connect the SD card to the EDGE and turn the power on.
    The system starts automatically. Details on the initial setup of the running system can be found in these topics.
  20. Like
    NicoD reacted to balbes150 in Armbian for RK3399   
    I got my EDGE this weekend. And in the coming days plans to start assembling and testing Armbian for Khadas EDGE.
    By the way, according to Robert, this model plays well videos up to 4K on Ubuntu from Youtube.
  21. Like
    NicoD reacted to balbes150 in Armbian for RK3399   
    Good news. I'm managed to find a variant of u-boot with which can run Linux from external media on EDGE. This is the important step for creating Armbian and other systems for Khadas EDGE. 
    There are images from Ubuntu to write to eMMC and to run from external media. I tried a quick test image with LXDE, and it works. I recorded the image to an SD card, connected it to Khadas EDGE and when I turned on the power, the system started automatically. You do not need any manipulation with multi-boot, it is already by default, when you disable the SD card , automatically starts the regular Android from eMMC.  I tried the combined version of the launch LE, the system starts, but while the KODI interface does not start, there is something to work on .... 
  22. Like
    NicoD reacted to f8n in No sound on nanopc t4   
    Managed to get a massive ear bleeding screech out of the audio jack after flipping bits around to enable/disable the microphone inputs folled by toggling rt5651 asrc enable/disable in the alsa mixer.  Trying to hone in now on how to get audio without mic feedback.  On the right track at least.
  23. Like
    NicoD reacted to dogshome in NanoPi M4 and overheating running BOINC   
    Copper shims make about 15C difference :-)
  24. Like
    NicoD reacted to mboehmer in Thanks for the fish!   
    It is a research program, one of our professors from TU Muenchen cooperates with the Canadians (who operate the sub sea infrastructure).
    The goal of this setup was to measure water quality in North Pacific (more specific, this special site) by deploying some light emitters and light detectors on two strings.
    We want to learn about bioluminescence and radioactivity induced light, which both are kind of noise for the measurements intended later.
    Let's say it like this: it's dark there, really, you have a perfect stable temperature, and it's easier to get things there (and back again) than going for deep holes in ice.
    Moreover, we had to learn all necessary things about sub sea technics in a short period of time, including deployment technis (thanks to one guy supporting us, we made the job).
    The setup is still operational (which I call success), and with some luck we will extend it with a third string next year, including some Odroid C2 based setups and (as we go for real fibre that time instead of good ol' copper lines) some more sophisticated electronics.
    As soon as our paper is published, I can give more details (while I "just" did the electronics, there will be some more physics included )
  25. Like
    NicoD reacted to mboehmer in Thanks for the fish!   
    Hi guys,
    some months ago I implemented an Odroid C2 as readout controller for a scientific instrument.
    Lot of people were kind and helped me with some problems with Armbian, especially eMMC and PWM.
    Today, finally, we managed to have our instrument (two strings with several Odroid C2 and other stuff) deployed.
    It is sitting now at 2628m depth in the Pacific Ocean, and will go operational the next days.
    Here we are... I think I can announce the deepest Odroid so far (cry loud if I'm wrong :) )
    In the picture you just can see the Titanium housing with two glass covers attached to the string.
    Again, thanks for the fish :)

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