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  1. Hi, Is there any instruction available for upgrading a orange pi+ 2e from stretch to buster? I have found Jessie to stretch instructions. Can I use them? Change .list files stretch to buster? Do I need to uninstall any packages? What packages in that case? Thanks
  2. Im trying to connect WaveShare 10" Touch Screen LCD (HDMI) to OrangePI Plus 2E but the problem is that I got greeny picture on the screen. If I connect this display to Raspbery PI 3 I got good clear picture. Any ideas what could be wrong and how to fix it?
  3. Hello, Unfortunately as I read from forums mainline kernel has no driver for gc2035 and v4l2 driver. I have tried Armbian_5_65 and Armbian_5_59 debian stretch but they are not contains these drivers and eventually modprobe command fails. As I understand, I have 2 different solutions to run camera on my system; 1- Going back to legacy build. But I do not know how to go back the legacy build which is last supporter these drivers. 2- Installing required drivers. (Also I want to prefer this solution because going back to legacy build may cause some bugs) How can I install required drivers to mainline stable build and where can I find them ? I am a very very newcomer to this side. This is my very first experiment about Orange pi, soc and armbian OS. Finally, I have Orange Pİ Plus 2e and CSI interface camera. I need to run this device with current hardware. Thanks in advance.
  4. Kinh nghiệm mở shop đồ chơi trẻ em? Đồ chơi trẻ em là luôn luôn cần thiết và là sở thích tất yếu của con trẻ ,giúp con trẻ phát triển các kỹ năng trí tuệ toàn diện, nhất là những sản phẩm mang tính giáo dục. Các bậc phụ huynh ngày càng có nhu cầu cao về những sản phẩm, đồ chơi an toàn cho con,, giúp con phát triển về tinh thần, trí tuệ và thể lực. Chính vì lẽ đó mà cửa hàng đồ chơi đã ra đời và thu hút nhiều khách hàng. Đầu tiên để kinh doanh thì bất kì mặt hàng nào chúng ta cần có nguồn vốn ổn định và đồ chơi trẻ em thì cũng không ngoại lệ. Nếu bạn cảm thấy thiếu vốn thì có thể Vay tin chap tại các ngân hàng, lãi suất cũng rất thấp. Bạn phải dự trù,tính toán được chi phí cố định như thuê mặt bằng, quầy, kệ, thuê nhân viên, vòng quay của vốn …v.v.. Vay tiền nhanh với lãi suất thấp Thứ 2 chọn địa điểm mở cửa hàng: có thành công hay không thì cũng do lựa chọn địa điểm. Bạn phải xác định được thành phần dân cư sinh sống, mức thu nhập và mức sống của người dânà Giúp lựa chọn phân khúc khách hàng : bình dân hay cao cấp, để giúp chọn lựa mặt hàng cao cấp hay bình thường giá rẻ tí. Mà cho dù như thế nào cũng chọn sản phẩm chất lượng, loại bỏ hàng Trung Quốc. Đồ trẻ con cũng rất nhiều loại, nhiều cấp bậc, nếu như phân khúc khách hàng là những gia đình có thu nhập cao thì mặt hàng phải đẹp và chất lượng cao. Thế nên cần 1 nguồn vốn lớn Vay tín chấp ưu đãi đặc biệt tại Vaynhanh24h.com sẽ hộ trợ bạn thêm nếu như bạn cần, có nhiều chính sách ưu đãi cho bạn. Thủ tục vay đơn giản nhanh chóng Thứ 3 Sự đa dạng về chủng loại sản phẩm cũng cần được ưu tiên tại các cửa hàng trẻ em. Chủng loại sản phẩm khác nhau có thể nhằm phục vụ những sở thích khác nhau, không phải đứa trẻ nào cũng có sở thích giống nhau, đứa thích búp bê, đứa thích ô tô, đứa thích máy bay, đứa thì lại thích siêu nhân….v..v…Đặc điểm của các phụ huynh khi mua đồ cho con là luôn chọn những sản phẩm có xuất xứ rõ ràng, và thương hiệu uy tín,chất lượng tốt. Do đó, để phục vụ được nhiều đối tượng của khách hàng, shop phải làm cho cửa hàng của mình giàu có đa dạng các sản phẩm. Thứ 4 thiết kế trưng bày sản phẩm cho bắt mắt, ngộ nghĩnh , dễ thương 1 tí. Vì đối tượng khách hàng là trẻ em nên là phải có bố cục sinh động,phù hợp với tầm với của trẻ, hiểu được đứa trẻ 3 tuổi thích gì, 5 tuổi thích gì… để trưng bày cho phù hợp với độ cao của trẻ. Thứ 5 phải lựa chọn và đào tạo nhân viên. Chọn những nhân viên yêu con nít, biết cách trò chuyện, lấy lòng con nít thì là 1 điểm cộng rất lớn. Ngoài ra họ còn phải là người cẩn trọng, có trách nhiệm, giao tiếp tốt, nhẹ nhàng, cởi mở. Và đặc biệt là người biết cười, luôn xem khách hàng là đặc biệt là duy nhất. Để thực hiện được những điều trên thì vốn quả là một điều quan trọng Vay tín chấp Đà Nẵng, Hà Nội, TPHCM ưu đãi lãi suất . Vay tín chấp luôn có mặt ở mọi nơi để hỗ trợ mọi người, vì để kinh doanh thành công thì còn phải thuê người bài trí cửa hàng nếu như bạn không thể tự làm, thuê người chạy quảng cáo để thu hút lượng khách hàng. Vì mới mở khách hàng không tự biết mà đến được.
  5. Hello, Hello, I have connected a pcf6523 RTC module to my OrangePI plus 2E and I can not get it to work. The i2cdetect -y 0 command gives me the following answer: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: 20 21 22 23 24 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40: 40 41 42 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 68 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: 70 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The next thing I have to do is insert the sudo echo pcf8523 0x68 > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/new device command to activate /dev/rtc1 but this does not work. I think the problem is that my system does not have the driver for the module because in the folder /lib/modules/4.19.17-sunxi/kernel/drivers/rtc I do not have the file rtc-pcf8523.ko y have rtc-pcf8563.ko How can I add the correct driver for my rtc module? Thanks for your help Miguel
  6. Hi, ARMBIAN 5.70 4.19.13-sunxi orangepiplus2e journalctl -xe output ... янв 26 21:58:03 orange rc.local[1356]: cat: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/online: No such file or directory янв 26 21:58:03 orange rc.local[1356]: /usr/local/bin/sun8i-corekeeper.sh: 14: [: =: unexpected operator янв 26 21:58:08 orange rc.local[1356]: cat: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/online: No such file or directory янв 26 21:58:08 orange rc.local[1356]: /usr/local/bin/sun8i-corekeeper.sh: 14: [: =: unexpected operator ... every 5 second error. root@orange:/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0# ls cpu_capacity cpufreq hotplug of_node power subsystem topology uevent root@orange:/usr/local/bin# armbianmonitor -m Time CPU load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq CPU C.St. 22:02:05: 1296MHz 0.07 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 43.8°C 0/15 22:02:10: 1296MHz 0.07 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 41.9°C 0/15 22:02:15: 480MHz 0.06 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 41.9°C 0/15 22:02:20: 480MHz 0.06 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 42.5°C 0/15 sun8i-corekeeper.sh errors is normal?
  7. hi orangepi 2e+ with ARMBIAN 5.65 stable Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 4.14.84-sunxi syslog I want to mount my external hard disks with cat /etc/udev/rules.d/91-intenso.rules KERNEL=="sd?1", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{serial}=="31700000000000007023", SYMLINK+="Intenso", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/mount /dev/Intenso /mnt/Intenso" Normally no problem, tested with Armbian_5.65_Orangepiplus2e_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113 and Workstation PC Linux 4.15.0-43-generic #46~16.04.1-Ubuntu. With my current version, I have a problem. The udev-rule is/seem ok LINK 'Intenso' /etc/udev/rules.d/91-intenso.rules:1 RUN '/bin/mount /dev/Intenso /mnt/Intenso' /etc/udev/rules.d/91-intenso.rules:1 But orangepi@orangepiplus2e:~$ ls /mnt/Intenso/ orangepi@orangepiplus2e:~$ But If I mount manually orangepi@orangepiplus2e:~$ sudo mount /dev/Intenso /mnt/Intenso/ orangepi@orangepiplus2e:~$ ls /mnt/Intenso/ Filme FRITZ lost+found Musik recup_dir.86 Serien Where is my fault ? Bye nepo
  8. Hi all, I'm puzzled how everybody is building clusters of cheap SBC's, but nobody is implementing HA, redundancy, resiliency, failover, etc. They're just SBC's networked together. The SBC's are underprovisioned for Ceph, so I think that even if a Ceph configuration was managed to be shoehorned in, it wouldn't perform well. I don't know if DRDB is an option. How are people actually doing implementing real clustering technology on Orange Pi, for example? I'm using OPi+2E. Kind regards, Andrew
  9. Hi I am having issues getting an external RTC (DS1307) to work properly on the OrangePi + 2E I am using the current version of ARMBIAN 5.6.5 (Stretch) The hardware side of things works perfectly. If I use i2cdetect -y 0, I see the I2C bus transaction on an oscilloscope and I also see the device as shown 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 68 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The problem is when I try and attach a driver to this device permanently, it seems to work until I have to reboot or power down. When I reboot, the device is again displaying as above. I do not see "UU" as I would expect. I followed the steps here, but it doesn't work. It does seem to work, however on older versions of Armbian. https://forum.armbian.com/topic/4074-real-time-clock-ds3231/ I have done all the steps as per the thread, I also made changes to rc.local, but none of these work. All that happens is the OrangePi boots up to some arbitrary time until it can get the correct time via NTP. So obviously the driver is not being loaded at boot and the rest of the system fails to get time from it so it falls back to NTP. Any suggestions or perhaps the correct way of doing this?
  10. Hello. Sorry for my bad English. I have just acquired an Orange Pi plus 2e. Armbian Xenial is installed on emmc. I wish my SD card to become my /home. Can you help me? Thank you.
  11. I would like to grab a desktop img of armbian for my orange pi, I did download 1 that said desktop and have logged in and with password and created a account but as far as I can go is to the lunix prompt how do I get desktop install of can any only please point me to download the desktop img for my orange pi plus 1 2e. Thank you Sneaky
  12. I have installed Armbian Stretch mainline kernel 4.14.y on Orange Pi +2E. After shutdown the board, it seems that the network led is still on (yellow) and the green led keeps blinking. Is this normal? Can this be turned off?
  13. Hello all, I cannot get stereo output from the headphone jack on this device. Until last august I had an image of debian jessie (kernel 3.x) and this was working fine (IIRC stereo was OK). I used mycroft AI to read the microphone and play sounds, also used MPD music server, blablabla etc a great configuration. Something happened during one upgrade operation and I lost my boot so I thought "why not take this opportunity to flash a new image". Mistake. BIG mistake. Now I cannot get any application to output stereo audio and also I cannot get any application to use the microphone. Can someone please help out at least getting stereo sound from the audio jack ?
  14. hi Orangepi plus 2e; Armbian 5,38 with Ubuntu xenial 16.4 Normally my OrangePi works pretty fine, but today I tested lirc. I activated lirc by armbian-config, changed something in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf and now my Orangepi don't started correctly - Stopping with Starting Kernel ... What I can Do ? I can start my system with a SD-card, and mount the hole emmc-content. It is possible to diable lirc only by remove/edit a (config-)file ? Bye nepo
  15. I have an Orange Pi Plus 2E I'm using as a cheap desktop computer/kiosk. I want to run Armbian on eMMC but use an SD card for file storage. If I boot off the eMMC, then insert an SD card (formatted as ext4) after boot, the system works well. But if I boot off the eMMC with the SD storage card in the card slot at boot, the CPU load increases and performance lags. Here's the output of armbianmonitor without an SD card, with two Firefox windows and a terminal window open while streaming audio using Audacious: Time CPU load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq CPU C.St. 06:18:26: 1296MHz 1.10 25% 3% 21% 0% 0% 0% 54.1°C 0/9 06:18:31: 1296MHz 1.01 22% 2% 19% 0% 0% 0% 53.8°C 0/9 06:18:36: 1296MHz 0.93 21% 1% 19% 0% 0% 0% 53.8°C 0/9 06:18:41: 1296MHz 0.86 21% 2% 18% 0% 0% 0% 54.7°C 0/9 06:18:46: 1296MHz 0.79 24% 2% 21% 0% 0% 0% 53.6°C 0/9 06:18:51: 1296MHz 0.80 26% 1% 23% 0% 0% 0% 57.8°C 0/9 06:18:56: 1296MHz 0.74 23% 2% 21% 0% 0% 0% 55.9°C 0/9 06:19:01: 1296MHz 0.68 22% 2% 19% 0% 0% 0% 54.8°C 0/9 Here's the results running on eMMC, with the data SD card installed at boot, running under identical conditions: Time CPU load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq CPU C.St. 06:27:47: 1296MHz 2.33 87% 14% 72% 0% 0% 0% 64.3°C 0/9 06:27:52: 1296MHz 2.38 87% 10% 76% 0% 0% 0% 62.9°C 0/9 06:27:57: 1296MHz 2.35 79% 8% 70% 0% 0% 0% 63.2°C 0/9 06:28:03: 1296MHz 2.41 80% 8% 71% 0% 0% 0% 64.5°C 0/9 06:28:08: 1296MHz 2.12 77% 7% 69% 0% 0% 0% 65.0°C 0/9 06:28:14: 1296MHz 2.03 77% 9% 67% 0% 0% 0% 61.3°C 0/9 06:28:19: 1296MHz 2.18 75% 7% 67% 0% 0% 0% 63.8°C 0/9 06:28:25: 1296MHz 2.17 75% 9% 65% 0% 0% 0% 65.5°C 1/9 The load and CPU usage is 3X higher and temperature is 10C higher. This is even without the SD card mounted! I get similar results using the eMMC on an Orange Pi PC+, too.
  16. I'm trying to configure the RTL8189FTV module on an Orange Pi+ 2E in SoftAP + STA mode so I can use it as wifi hotspot. According to this old document from Realtek (http://www.ofeixin.com/downloadRepository/8da8dda7-6721-4ac8-a7db-47cc4d9b218c.pdf), it's possible to do so using an RTL8189ETV, so I'm assuming it's possible on the RTL8189FTV, too. The default driver doesn't allow concurrent connections like this, tho, so it must be recompiled. I downloaded the source recommended on the sunxi wiki (http://linux-sunxi.org/Wifi#RTL8189FTV): git clone https://github.com/jwrdegoede/rtl8189ES_linux.git cd rtl8189ES_linux git checkout -B rtl8189fs origin/rtl8189fs I edited the file ./include/autoconf.h to turn on concurrent mode: #define CONFIG_CONCURRENT_MODE 1 then compiled the driver using the repository's Makefile: make -j4 ARCH=arm KSRC=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build I renamed the old module, copied the new one to the proper directory, removed the old module, and inserted the new one: cd /lib/modules/4.14.70-sunxi/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtl8189fs sudo mv 8189fs.ko 8189fs.ko.orig sudo cp ~/rtl8189ES_linux/8189fs.ko . sudo rmmod 8189fs.ko sudo insmod 8189fs.ko After doing so, I have two wifi interfaces, wlan0 and wlan1. The trouble I'm having is I cannot get wlan0 to authenticate when configured as a wifi client, nor accept clients when configured as a wifi hotspot. It attempts to make a connection but always fails, even when the hotspot is configured as open (no password). wlan1, however, works fine when configured either as a wifi client or hotspot. FWIW, I'm using the latest version of Armbian Bionic. UPDATE: The problem was both devices had the same mac address. I solved this by running the following script at boot: #!/bin/sh # Set up access point AP_IFACE=wlan0 AP_NAME="MyAP" AP_PASSWORD="abcd1234" CON_NAME=hotspot if [ ! $(nmcli -t con show | grep "$CON_NAME") ] then nmcli con add type wifi ifname "$AP_IFACE" con-name "$CON_NAME" autoconnect yes ssid "$AP_NAME" mode ap nmcli con modify "$CON_NAME" 802-11-wireless.cloned-mac-address 12:34:56:78:90:AB 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless-security.key-mgmt wpa-psk ipv4.method shared 802-11-wireless-security.psk "$AP_PASSWORD" fi nmcli connection up "$CON_NAME"
  17. Hi, I have an Orange Pi Plus 2e and I've installed Armbian_5.59_Orangepiplus2e_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113_desktop. I need to play four hd videos at the same time. I could do it with Raspberry pi3 model B with 720M GPU memory. I played videos with MPV with X11 but couldn't play with VPDAU. It is just played only one video. What can I do? Can I set GPU memory? Thank you.
  18. hi, i'm trying to run docker on an orange pi +2E, using armbian xenial well, using default legacy kernel, i can see /dev/spi* and /dev/i2c* and the like BUT i can't have docker-ce running with this kernel... so i swapped to the DEV kernel, now i've setup docker-ce but lost completely the hw support... which is the best setup to have both, so i can pass local hw devices to docker containers and have access to gpio and serial? thanks
  19. Hi Brand new (stretch) setup - armbian-config does not seem to want to change keyboard or allow hardware setup for i2c etc. I recall in the past using this board with Armian and having no issues. grabbed latest armbian-config update - that didnt improve things. Under system and wireless options in armbian-config - toggle hardware configuration is empty - ie nothing on left or right. Ideas anyone?
  20. OrangePi Plus 2e. Used Etcher to write Armbian_5.38_Orangepiplus2e_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.14.img to an Evo+ 32GB. Connected via USB serial (putty). Boot process hangs loading the ramdisk: U-Boot SPL 2017.11-armbian (Jan 25 2018 - 07:57:17) DRAM: 2048 MiB Trying to boot from MMC1 U-Boot 2017.11-armbian (Jan 25 2018 - 07:57:17 +0100) Allwinner Technology CPU: Allwinner H3 (SUN8I 1680) Model: Xunlong Orange Pi Plus 2E DRAM: 2 GiB MMC: SUNXI SD/MMC: 0, SUNXI SD/MMC: 1 *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: phy interface7 eth0: ethernet@1c30000 starting USB... USB0: USB EHCI 1.00 USB1: USB OHCI 1.0 USB2: USB EHCI 1.00 USB3: USB OHCI 1.0 USB4: USB EHCI 1.00 USB5: USB OHCI 1.0 scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning bus 2 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning bus 4 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found Autoboot in 1 seconds, press <Space> to stop switch to partitions #0, OK mmc0 is current device Scanning mmc 0:1... Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr 3708 bytes read in 210 ms (16.6 KiB/s) ## Executing script at 43100000 U-boot loaded from SD Boot script loaded from mmc 152 bytes read in 169 ms (0 Bytes/s) 5070083 bytes read in 518 ms (9.3 MiB/s) 6968976 bytes read in 625 ms (10.6 MiB/s) Found mainline kernel configuration 32985 bytes read in 1082 ms (29.3 KiB/s) 4179 bytes read in 1303 ms (2.9 KiB/s) Applying kernel provided DT fixup script (sun8i-h3-fixup.scr) ## Executing script at 44000000 ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 43300000 ... Image Name: uInitrd Image Type: ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed) Data Size: 5070019 Bytes = 4.8 MiB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 43000000 Booting using the fdt blob at 0x43000000 Loading Ramdisk to 49b2a000, end 49fffcc3 ... Also tried with a couple of legacy images: Armbian_5.38_Orangepiplus2e_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113_desktop.img, Armbian_5.30_Orangepiplus2e_Debian_jessie_default_3.4.113. With legacy it also hangs - e.g. with 5.38 xenial 3.4.113 image: U-Boot SPL 2017.11-armbian (Jan 25 2018 - 07:57:02) DRAM: 2048 MiB Trying to boot from MMC1 U-Boot 2017.11-armbian (Jan 25 2018 - 07:57:02 +0100) Allwinner Technology CPU: Allwinner H3 (SUN8I 1680) Model: Xunlong Orange Pi Plus 2E DRAM: 2 GiB MMC: SUNXI SD/MMC: 0, SUNXI SD/MMC: 1 *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: phy interface7 eth0: ethernet@1c30000 starting USB... USB0: USB EHCI 1.00 USB1: USB OHCI 1.0 USB2: USB EHCI 1.00 USB3: USB OHCI 1.0 USB4: USB EHCI 1.00 USB5: USB OHCI 1.0 scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning bus 2 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning bus 4 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found Autoboot in 1 seconds, press <Space> to stop switch to partitions #0, OK mmc0 is current device Scanning mmc 0:1... Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr 3708 bytes read in 202 ms (17.6 KiB/s) ## Executing script at 43100000 U-boot loaded from SD Boot script loaded from mmc 154 bytes read in 154 ms (1000 Bytes/s) 5179171 bytes read in 516 ms (9.6 MiB/s) 4752384 bytes read in 509 ms (8.9 MiB/s) Found legacy kernel configuration 36808 bytes read in 544 ms (65.4 KiB/s) ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 43300000 ... Image Name: uInitrd Image Type: ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed) Data Size: 5179107 Bytes = 4.9 MiB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Starting kernel ... [sun8i_fixup]: From boot, get meminfo: Start: 0x40000000 Size: 2048MB ion_carveout reserve: 160m@0 256m@0 130m@1 200m@1 ion_reserve_select: ion chipid [0x2c00081! ion_reserve_common: ion reserve: [0xb0000000, 0xc0000000]! With an older 5.30 jessie 3.4.113 image (different uboot version) it also hangs at "io_reserve_common": U-Boot SPL 2017.05-armbian (Jun 13 2017 - 15:36:38) DRAM: 2048 MiB Trying to boot from MMC1 U-Boot 2017.05-armbian (Jun 13 2017 - 15:36:38 +0200) Allwinner Technology CPU: Allwinner H3 (SUN8I 1680) Model: Xunlong Orange Pi Plus 2E I2C: ready DRAM: 2 GiB MMC: SUNXI SD/MMC: 0, SUNXI SD/MMC: 1 *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: phy interface7 eth0: ethernet@1c30000 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 38518 bytes read in 142 ms (264.6 KiB/s) Unknown command 'bmp' - try 'help' switch to partitions #0, OK mmc0 is current device Scanning mmc 0:1... Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr 3565 bytes read in 192 ms (17.6 KiB/s) ## Executing script at 43100000 U-boot loaded from SD Boot script loaded from mmc 115 bytes read in 152 ms (0 Bytes/s) 3795385 bytes read in 448 ms (8.1 MiB/s) 4750952 bytes read in 511 ms (8.9 MiB/s) Found legacy kernel configuration 36808 bytes read in 483 ms (74.2 KiB/s) ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 43300000 ... Image Name: uInitrd Image Type: ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed) Data Size: 3795321 Bytes = 3.6 MiB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Starting kernel ... [sun8i_fixup]: From boot, get meminfo: Start: 0x40000000 Size: 2048MB ion_carveout reserve: 160m@0 256m@0 130m@1 200m@1 ion_reserve_select: ion chipid [0x2c00081! ion_reserve_common: ion reserve: [0xb0000000, 0xc0000000]! I have previously had this plus2e working (on an older legacy kernel image from 2016/7 - can't recall which one). I thought I might have done a nandinstall on that image, but booting with no SD card gives: so I'm guessing either I didn't complete the nand install, or its broken in some way! Any ideas what is wrong and what I can do to diagnose/fix?
  21. Hi everyone, I'd like to ask and confirm: is there any working HDMI method with proper resolution currently for the Pi+2E, as of 5.59? I'm asking because I have tried next, I have tried dev, and I have tried the legacy kernel. None of them gave any satisfactory result at all. Mainline Kernel 4.14 -- There is HDMI graphics, but the resolution is stuck to no more than 1024x768. I read many times that this is the case when the HDMI was not detected. Kernel 4.18 -- Same thing as for 4.14. Though, as far as I know, the 4.17 should have support for HDMI. Has HDMI for H3 really landed in 4.17, or have I read wrong all over the place? Reading from http://linux-sunxi.org/Xunlong_Orange_Pi_Plus_2E: the HDMI is still WIP ... is HDMI indeed still a WIP? Legacy Pink screen I have tried to use different cables, HDMI-HDMI, and HDMI-DVI ... both cables display exactly the same Pink screen on 2 different monitors, having done all possible cable swapping scenarios As far as I know, the U-boot should detect the HDMI monitor first, but none of these above kernels/images worked. What's a bit of a shame is that I had success with the same monitors + cables and this same device in the past with Armbian, at least getting a proper resolution. Unfortunately, I have no backup of the images. So, my next question would be: is there a link to download older releases of Armbian? At this point, I have no usable graphics, texts are all big because of the resolution, and graphics performance is terrible. I'd appreciate any help from you guys. I have marked all the relevant questions in bold, hopefully that would make helping-out faster. I sure would like to help-out in investigating this regression, but I first just want to make sure that I'm not hitting a known issue. Thanks all.
  22. Hi all, My Armbian hangs (freeze) after 1-2 hours. Below dmesg Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.194984] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 693 at lib/iov_iter.c:695 copy_page_to_iter+0x21d/0x35c Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.194987] Modules linked in: tun xt_nat xt_tcpudp iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_conntrack iptable_filter snd_soc_hdmi_codec rc_cec dw_hdmi_i2s_audio dw_hdmi_cec evdev sun8i_dw_hdmi dw_hdmi cec ir_lirc_codec lirc_dev pl2303 usbserial sun4i_i2s sunxi_cir sun8i_codec_analog sun4i_gpadc_iio sun4i_codec sun4i_tcon sun8i_mixer snd_soc_simple_card snd_soc_simple_card_utils snd_soc_core snd_pcm_dmaengine snd_pcm snd_timer snd soundcore sun4i_drm uio_pdrv_genirq uio 8189fs cfg80211 rfkill ip_tables x_tables pwrseq_simple sy8106a_regulator uas realtek Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195093] CPU: 0 PID: 693 Comm: nfsd Not tainted 4.14.18-sunxi #24 Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195095] Hardware name: Allwinner sun8i Family Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195117] [<c010db15>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c010a0d9>] (show_stack+0x11/0x14) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195128] [<c010a0d9>] (show_stack) from [<c0868f69>] (dump_stack+0x69/0x78) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195139] [<c0868f69>] (dump_stack) from [<c011a233>] (__warn+0xaf/0xc0) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195148] [<c011a233>] (__warn) from [<c011a2f5>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x19/0x1c) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195156] [<c011a2f5>] (warn_slowpath_null) from [<c0565759>] (copy_page_to_iter+0x21d/0x35c) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195170] [<c0565759>] (copy_page_to_iter) from [<c01d8543>] (generic_file_read_iter+0x303/0x740) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195183] [<c01d8543>] (generic_file_read_iter) from [<c024e2ab>] (generic_file_splice_read+0x83/0xd8) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195193] [<c024e2ab>] (generic_file_splice_read) from [<c024e68d>] (splice_direct_to_actor+0x89/0x17c) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195203] [<c024e68d>] (splice_direct_to_actor) from [<c03271e9>] (nfsd_splice_read+0x59/0x74) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195212] [<c03271e9>] (nfsd_splice_read) from [<c0327671>] (nfsd_read+0x22d/0x234) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195222] [<c0327671>] (nfsd_read) from [<c0325825>] (nfsd_proc_read+0x81/0xe8) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195231] [<c0325825>] (nfsd_proc_read) from [<c032424b>] (nfsd_dispatch+0x83/0x114) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195243] [<c032424b>] (nfsd_dispatch) from [<c084f66b>] (svc_process_common+0x29f/0x440) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195252] [<c084f66b>] (svc_process_common) from [<c084f8df>] (svc_process+0xd3/0x138) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195259] [<c084f8df>] (svc_process) from [<c0323e55>] (nfsd+0xad/0xfc) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195271] [<c0323e55>] (nfsd) from [<c0131a91>] (kthread+0xfd/0x104) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195282] [<c0131a91>] (kthread) from [<c0106719>] (ret_from_fork+0x11/0x38) Aug 17 19:10:39 localhost kernel: [ 1666.195286] ---[ end trace 8b890c497145bf7b ]---
  23. Hello everyone, I have OrangePiPlus2E and I use Debian Jessie default 3.4.113-sun8i I was download and install Debian Stretch Next on second card and NFS don't work. I installed nfs-kernel-server and nfs-common. Next I copy exports file from older Debian and I can't connect to my Armbian via NFS protocol. Log file tell mi device trying connect, but I get answer from Armbian: can't get hostname. I don't know whad I did wrong. If I change CF card, NFS works fine on Debian Jessie. Could you help me? Regards
  24. hello everybody, I am new on the linux world but after some search and work , I managed to start my Orange Pi plus 2E with a stretch image armbian 5.38 and everything is working well. Recently after successfully installed several domotic solution like Jeedom and Zwave, I start to work on the integration of a 3G card, but I need to use some CLI to change parameters and it is when I discovered that I completely forgot Root password and the other SU abled user account. Since everything is running from the eMMC, i cannot access to any fils in the OS as explain in some other discussion with card using SD card. Is there a way to recover the forgotten password? THank you in advance
  25. I'm pretty new to Linux, so it could just be me doing something wrong, but I downloaded Armbian_5.34.171121_Orangepiplus2e_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.13.14_desktop.img, put it on an SD card, and load it in the orange pi. The legacy installs fine but not this version. Before I even make it to the login prompt I get these codec errors: sun4i-codec 1c22c00.codec: ASoC: /soc/codec/analog@01f015c0 not registered sun4i-codec 1c22c00.codec: Failed to register our card Then after filling out the login info, adding a new user, it goes to boot to the desktop, but nothing happens, just returns me to the command line. After some mucking around, and using ntmui or whatever it was to get my ethernet working, I updated to see if that might fix anything. Unsurprisingly it didn't. Then I tried to start the desktop manually running startxfce4 and found another error which I'm guessing is why the desktop won't start, apparently a missing video driver? gbm: failed to pen any driver (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:${ORIGIN}/dri:/uselib/dri) gbm: Last dlopen error: /usr/lib/dri/sun4i-drm-dri.so: cannot open shard object file: No such file or directory failted to load driver: sun41-drm EGL_MESA_drm_image required. (EE_ Fatal server error: (EE) AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0 I'll keep mucking around and see if I can fix it.
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