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"Authentification failure" - when trying to access superuser on bash


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hello dear all,


i am running Armbian on a Banana Pi for more than one month - all goes well


No i wanted to do some checks - and i wanted to check the version of the kernel on bash  - with /etc/armbian-version


but this is only accessible when logged in as superuser


At the moment i do not remember the credentials for the super user


so i enter su

and then a passwd - but i get back "Authentification failure"


BTW: with password 1234 i do not succeed.


question: What can i do now!?

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hello dear guidol - many many thanks for the quick reply . I am glad to hear from you



but while trying to achieve data from the system i get back the following>

see what i have done


Note - as mentioned above: i  Just wanted to get info bout the kernel:



in latests Armbian we can find armbian specific info in following file



see what i have got back...

bash: /etc/armbian-release: Permission denied
martin@bananapi:~$ su
root@bananapi:/home/martin# /etc/armbian-release
bash: /etc/armbian-release: Permission denied


i will try to go ahead and find out more. I will come back later the day and report all the findings.


Have a great day.


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you cant start /etc/armbian-release as a script, but you shouldnt could do more /etc/armbian-release


You also can put the following lines in a show_packages.sh (after saving submit a chmod 755 ./show_packages.sh):

ARMBIAN_bsp=$(more /etc/armbian-release|grep VERSION|cut -f 2 -d '=')
ARMBIAN_kernel=$(dpkg -s linux-image-$BRANCH-$LINUXFAMILY|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')
ARMBIAN_uboot=$(dpkg -s linux-u-boot-$BOARD-$BRANCH|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')
ARMBIAN_dtb=$(dpkg -s linux-dtb-$BRANCH-$LINUXFAMILY|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')
ARMBIAN_firmware=$(dpkg -s armbian-firmware|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')
ARMBIAN_config=$(dpkg -s armbian-config|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')

printf 'package bsp-kernel[\e[0;91m%s\x1B[0m] u-boot[\e[0;91m%s\x1B[0m] dtb[\e[0;91m%s\x1B[0m] firmware[\e[0;91m%s\x1B[0m] config[\e[0;91m%s\x1B[0m]\n' "$ARMBIAN_kernel" "$ARMBIAN_uboot" "$ARMBIAN_dtb" "$ARMBIAN_firmware" "$ARMBIAN_config"
printf '\n'

and the kernel should also be shown with the command uname -a

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