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armbian-live-patch error


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Hi, since a few weeks I get these errors in multiple Orange pi-s


unattended-upgrades-dpkg.log:3:E:Sub-process /usr/lib/armbian/armbian-live-patch apt returned an error code (127), E:Failure running script /usr/lib/armbian/armbian-live-patch apt
unattended-upgrades.log:7:2024-04-11 11:00:58,211 ERROR Installing the upgrades failed!


I have a  local repos for debian and armbian, and the Orange pi-s have no internet access.


Has been working fine in the past years


Did a fresh install having internet access : ok


then changed to offline, using my local repos

as example tried to install ntp and docker.io

All failed, with above like errors


Q1 : is it no longer possible to work offline using local repos ?

Q2 : Or is there a work around for this ?



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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Thanks for the quick reply


tried it , but got on my running hosts ( debian_12_bookworm_6.6.16-current-sunxi )

--> Failed to disable unit: Unit file armbian-live-patch.service does not exist.


I am not aware, that I uninstalled anything like that.


my next steps:

Let me try with a fresh new image Armbian_24.2.1_Orangepione_bookworm_current_6.6.16.img.xz


Update/upgrade online, then go offline and use local repo

check every step with I guess " systemctl show armbian-live-patch.service" ?


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1 hour ago, Set3 said:

check every step with I guess

In recent images, this patch service should not be preset by default. If service is not there, then you should be fine. Also check / remove this file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02-armbian-preupdate if it exists.

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Well, that was interesting

Online update / upgrade : ok

install/purge ntp :ok

offline, changed in etc/apt/  the sources.list and armbian.list to local repo

Suddenly got a signature error, never seen before

W: GPG error: http://.../mirror/apt.armbian.com bookworm InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 93D6889F9F0E78D5

wget armbian.key

apt-key add armbian.key
Warning: apt-key is deprecated. 

normally I use signature references in /etc/sources.list and armbian.list, but as a test it is ok

anyway I count install / purge ntp

needs further investigation, perhaps my repo was damaged a few weeks ago when there were mirror problems ?

I think I renewed the armbian repo


Have to do more checking/testing, Ill keep you informed.


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Yes : removing 02-armbian-preupdate did the trick !


Since I automatically modify/override/repair some files in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d, on an regular basis, the preupdate file got restored, while it is not there in the standard install




Still wondering about the certicifate, but that is another issue now ;-)



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