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How to install ARMBIAN on mxq pro 4K 5g with All Winner H3 processor

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

thanks sicxnull for the image. It served me well as I tried it on a tvbox of brand "Tourobox".
However the Wi-Fi problem also happened to me and for what I can tell, it's because of lack of compatible drivers for the network module. 
As said by Devmfc, 


Especially the wifi modules are a lottery

On my perspective, Bigal Linux would need to identify the network module ( I think it's the one between the PPT and SKhynix that I couldnt identify) and search for the driver corresponding the chipset on /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless. If found, then it should be loaded as a kernel module with "sudo insmod <driver.ko>". After that, if the "wlan0" interface is visible as an output of the command "ip a", then it worked.
If the driver can't be found on the path given, maybe the only two possible ways of getting WiFi to work are:
1. Being lucky finding an image file with the driver you just need, or
2. finding the driver on the Internet (some github repo) , compiling it yourself and then loading it as a kernel module (nice and friendly) or recompiling the kernel (very nice, but kinda hard).
Nevertheless, I sure wish luck on Bigal Linux journey to thrive upon the problems of his cursed hardware. I will be doing it myself for the Tourobox.

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