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GPIO Buttons does not work


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Hi. I have made a system with O Pi Lite and Armbian to automate an aquarium from where to control the light, the bubbles and with a webcam I can see the system through the web, everything automated from Cron. From a web page I can turn on and off the lights and bubbles from web buttons. Everything is fine.

The problem arises when I want to put some phisical buttons for 3 things: turn off the system, change the state of light and bubbles. I have used a code in Python and the PYA20 library. This is the code. It works very well, but when I start it with the system, the program stop working soon and the buttons stop to work.


#!/usr/bin/env python
from pyA20.gpio import gpio
from pyA20.gpio import port
import subprocess
import time
import os

# PIN 29 - IN Light (luz)
onoff = port.PA7
# PIN 7  - IN Bubbles (burbujas)
luzboton = port.PA6
# PIN 8  - IN Shutdown
burbujasboton = port.PA13
# OUT Pins
luzvivo = port.PA8
burbujasvivo = port.PA9

#Button ON-OFF
gpio.setcfg(onoff, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(onoff, gpio.PULLUP)
#Button light
gpio.setcfg(luzboton, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(luzboton, gpio.PULLUP)
#Button bubbles
gpio.setcfg(burbujasboton, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(burbujasboton, gpio.PULLUP)
gpio.setcfg(luzvivo, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.setcfg(burbujasvivo, gpio.OUTPUT)

while True:
    # PROCESS ON-OFF need 5 seconds to avoid mistaken shutdowns
    if gpio.input(onoff) == 0:
        #start counting pressed time
        print ("pulsado")
        if gpio.input(onoff) == 0 :
            os.system("shutdown now -h")

    if gpio.input(luzboton) == 0:
        print ("pulsado luz")
        estadoluz = gpio.input(luzvivo)
        gpio.output(luzvivo, not estadoluz)

    # PROCESS bubbles
    if gpio.input(burbujasboton) == 0:
        print ("pulsado bubbles")
        estadoburbujas = gpio.input(burbujasvivo)
        gpio.output(burbujasvivo, not estadoburbujas)
        # To avoid bounce

If i check the procces, i can see it, but i can also see that consumes a lot of CPU:


ps aux | grep botones
root       652 95.1  0.6   8552  3412 ?        Rs   10:53   2:36 python /etc/init.d/botones.py start

What i am doing wrong?


Thank you in advance.

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Well, now the consume of CPU lower to 0,1%... thank you very much.


BUT... still dying. The file is in /etc/init.d/ and have +x permission. The file starts but after a while dies.... The Python file is called "botones.py". In syslog:


Nov  7 16:31:03 localhost systemd[1]: botones.py.service start operation timed out. Terminating.
Nov  7 16:31:03 localhost rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 17' suspended, next retry is Tue Nov  7 16:31:33 2017 [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2007 ]
Nov  7 16:31:03 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start (null).
Nov  7 16:31:03 localhost systemd[1]: Unit botones.py.service entered failed state.

If i run from the monitor, never dies....

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I can not make it work from rc.local... i tried to launch with:


nohup python /home/orangepi/scripts/botones.py &

and with and without sudo but nothing never runs. I tried too to run from /etc/init.d/....


What am i lossing?


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By the way, in my rc.local i have other scripts that runs normally:


#!/bin/sh -e

# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.

# Cámara GEMBIRD
nohup python /home/orangepi/scripts/botones.py > /tmp/botones.log 2>&1
exit 0


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BTW, you have an ampersand missing :

nohup python /home/orangepi/scripts/botones.py > /tmp/botones.log 2>&1 &

And you don't have any /tmp/botones.log created ? Strange  ! Add some print() in the python script ...


Try also to change the first line from " #!/usr/bin/env python" to " #!/usr/bin/python"

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Yes!. It was the "&" at the end of the calls to the scripts. The 3 of them... Now i have too a "/tmp/botones.log".


With that and the "sleep.time(0.1)" at the end of the while, all works fine.


Thank you both!!!

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