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MOTD Jessie


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after upgrading from Wheezy to Jessie (Legacy, i followed the documentation), everything is ok, except MOTD does not show TEMP, and other data as used in Wheezy, is this a known problem and how can i get back the old MOTD?
Another question im struggling setting up slovenian keyboard layout any info on that?
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration gives me an warning:
root@bananapi:~# dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults
insserv: script ramlog.uninst: service ramlog already provided!
update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults
insserv: script ramlog.uninst: service ramlog already provided!
Thanks, Rok

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Those upgrades are critical but if this problem is the only one ... I would suggest you to wait until next update which will be in 1-2 weeks. The reason is that this update changes this MOTD part to more resilient / compatible way and bring some new stuff.




If you want to DIY:


- download those files

- place them into /etc/updated-motd.d

- create this symbolic link: ln -fs /var/run/motd /etc/motd

- logout / login


Regarding keyboard try:

dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
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Ok, great thanks.

placed the files /etc/update-motd.d (note the lack of D, ubuntu/debian documentation)

chmod +x /etc//etc/update-motd.d

ln -fs /var/run/motd /etc/motd

... stil same old MOTD.


in fact i fugured out it reads from /var/run/motd.dynamic

...how can i solve that?




p.s. keyboard and locales solved ...

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So you do get output if running scripts manually? ./30-sysinfo 


Edit /etc/init.d/armhwinfo 


Remove this part:

echo "" > /var/run/motd.dynamic
toilet -f standard -F metal  "$ID" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic
echo -e  "Welcome to \e[0;31mARMBIAN\x1B[0m ($DISTROID $DISTROCODE $KERNELID)" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic
echo "" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic

and remove /var/run/motd.dynamic and /etc/bash.bashrc.custom


Try restarting ...

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Please help!


How I can include Cyrillics (Russian) in consoles?
I need keyboard layout pattern and the console on Cyrillics.


apt-get install console-setup keyboard-configuration console-cyrillic
dpkg-reconfigure locales

dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
dpkg-reconfigure console-cyrillic
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration


It doesn't help.
Problem with console-cyrillic.

Such package is absent.


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