Anyone has the following box and managed to find the correct dtb?The box is being sold under "Android 9.0 TV Box A95X Z2 4GB RAM 64GB 2.4G 5G Wifi RK3318 Quad Core..." name on aliexpress and ebay.
I tried copying armbian to sd-card and it refuses to boot. I checked various DTBs with no luck. Anyone else got it to work?
Use image from @balbes150 from this topic
RC2 of 5.5 mainline kernel works best (haven't tried rc6 yet, but with rc5, USB3 stopped working.
When you burn the image to your SD-card patch it up following this procedure:
System works pretty well, except for Wi-fi and bluetooth. The system is not fully optimized and it has issues playing video clips, especially at higher resolution. I hope GPU support will also get polished if that's the issue.