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  1. Thx for your reply. I changed it like you said and now i got (changing) values, even without a sensor on any channel //edit: with this new code i still get random values but the channel i am looking for, channel 0, is some kind of accurate. is this normal to get some "ghost" values? channel 1-7 are not wired up but keep changing between 0 and 118 #!/usr/bin/python import spi import time import os # Open SPI bus status = spi.openSPI(device="/dev/spidev1.0", speed=1000000) # Function to read SPI data from MCP3008 chip # Channel must be an integer 0-7 def ReadChannel(channel): adc = spi.transfer((1,(8+channel)<<4,0)) data = ((adc[1]&3) << 8) + adc[2] return data # Function to convert data to voltage level, # rounded to specified number of decimal places. def ConvertVolts(data,places): volts = (data * 3.3) / float(1023) volts = round(volts,places) return volts # Define delay between readings delay = 1 while True: print(ReadChannel(0)) print(ReadChannel(1)) print(ReadChannel(2)) print(ReadChannel(3)) print(ReadChannel(4)) print(ReadChannel(5)) print(ReadChannel(6)) print(ReadChannel(7)) time.sleep(delay) -------------- 1023 27 23 17 14 11 10 10 -------------- 1021 0 10 31 36 45 63 107 -------------- 1020 62 72 69 68 68 74 92 -------------- 667 7 13 11 8 3 2 0 -------------- 264 25 36 41 48 55 75 118 -------------- 281 69 73 62 54 48 45 54
  2. Hello, i want to read from a mcp3008 on my orange pi zero with armbian and python. Sadly i can't read any data from my moisture sensor on channel 0 over the mcp3008. Anyone got an idea or a tutorial for the mcp3008 with orange pi zero? This is what i got right now: pi@orangepizero:~/spi/SPI-Py$ ls -la /dev/spidev* crw------- 1 root root 153, 0 Mar 20 13:17 /dev/spidev0.0 crw------- 1 root root 153, 1 Mar 20 13:17 /dev/spidev1.0 Vdd / Vref on 3,3. Agnd / Dgnd on ground. CLK on SPI1_CLK/PA14 Dout on SPI1_MOSI/PA15 Din on SPI1_MISO/PA16 CS/SHDN on SPI1_CS/PA13 Code: #!/usr/bin/python import spidev import time import os # Open SPI bus spi = spidev.SpiDev() spi.open(1,0) # Function to read SPI data from MCP3008 chip # Channel must be an integer 0-7 def ReadChannel(channel): adc = spi.xfer2([1,(8+channel)<<4,0]) data = ((adc[1]&3) << 8) + adc[2] return data # Define sensor channels # (channels 3 to 7 unused) swt_channel = 0 vrx_channel = 1 vry_channel = 2 # Define delay between readings (s) delay = 0.5 while True: # Print out results print "--------------------------------------------" print(ReadChannel(0)) print(ReadChannel(1)) print(ReadChannel(2)) print(ReadChannel(3)) print(ReadChannel(4)) print(ReadChannel(5)) print(ReadChannel(6)) print(ReadChannel(7)) # Wait before repeating loop time.sleep(delay) Result: pi@orangepizero:~/spi/SPI-Py$ sudo python spi-test.py -------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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