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So first I want to change my Armbian STB IP settings to Static with the command source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* #Network is managed by Network manager #auto lo #iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address subnetmask gateway broadcast hwaddess ether MAC Address and i save the setting when i reboot the config i cant access the IP address in SSH nor CasaOS Web UI. i need help
TX95 Max - Allwinner H618 Quadcore Cortex - A53
Mark Waples replied to Mark Waples's topic in Allwinner CPU Boxes
Hi Nick, thank you for the reply. The LED driver chip is a AIP650E0 and here is the LED Display - wifi/network - clock - USB -
Can't flash Armbian to EMMC on Orange Pi 5B
Andrius Vainorius replied to sns1081's topic in Rockchip
Probably no. And don't you dare to ask, unless you want to hear a long sermon about global warming and hunger in Africa :D -
(Please ignore, this doesn't apply to the NanoPC T4) You can try if the LEDs show up after "sudo modprobe pinctrl-rk805". The switch from rockchip64 kernel 6.6.x to 6.12.x included a change that made the "pinctrl-rk805" being built as a module instead of compiled-in. That module does not get autoloaded, so it has to be added to /etc/modules. On the Klipad50, the gpio-leds are attached to the rk805 gpio bank, which is not known to the system without that kernel module. Only after loading that module, the LEDs appeared under /sys/class/leds and started working. Edit: - Board is NanoPC T4 - sorry, I haven't seen the label - The NanoPC T4 does not have the rk805 controller, so this posting does not apply. Edit#2: Do "sudo gpioset 0 13=1" or "sudo gpioset 0 13=0" change the LED state?
Unless OP is using EDKII there is no bios on RK3588 boards in general. We include this driver already?
A fix was recently implemented to avoid kernel panic. Try building an image by yourself or use automated images from or
Ok, finally found a solution! Turns out that if you install Android you cannot boot Armbian Image. So, using coreelec I use dd to zero the partitions mmcblk0, mmcblk0boot0, mmcblk0boot1 and mmcblk0rpmb. After that, I inserted the SD card and armbian finally boot up. Thanks!
Below is the brightness file I found in the /sys folder. Unfortunately, I can't turn off the pwr_led light no matter what I try. I have been able to turn off the light on devices such as raspberry 3b and king3399 before, so I don't know if it is a system problem? # root @ nanopct4 in /sys [12:13:15] $ find . -name "*brightness*" ./devices/platform/gpio-leds/leds/status_led/brightness ./devices/platform/gpio-leds/leds/status_led/max_brightness ./devices/platform/fe330000.mmc/leds/mmc2::/brightness ./devices/platform/fe330000.mmc/leds/mmc2::/max_brightness
Thanks @Nick A I have already extracted the DTB file from Android and converted it to DTS, which I have attached as "X96q_v1.1.dts". Since the box uses LPDDR3 Micron memory, I applied the attached 'u-boot-sunxi64-1.patch' to start the U-Boot process. Without this patch, I encountered an "unsupported DRAM type" error. For the kernel patch, I have tested multiple configurations. Currently, I am using the 'kernel-sunxi64-edge.patch' (attached). I placed the patch files under the userpatches directory as follows: userpatches/kernel/archive/sunxi-6.12/kernel-sunxi64-edge.patch userpatches/u-boot/u-boot-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi64-1.patch Then, I built the image using the following command: ./ build BOARD=x96q BRANCH=edge BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=yes KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no RELEASE=bookworm KERNEL_GIT=shallow After burning the generated image to an SD card using dd, I attempted to boot. However, there is no HDMI output at any time of the boot & no network. attached 'Boot-message.txt', Could you please guide me on what additional modifications are needed in the kernel DTS file to get HDMI working? Thanks for your support! Boot-message.txt kernel-sunxi64-edge.patch u-boot-sunxi64-1.patch x96q_v1.1.dts
Maybe it's secure boot that's enabled in the bios why the unsigned module won't load?
- Yesterday
Efforts to develop firmware for H96 MAX M9 RK3576 TV Box 8G/128G
Pavel S replied to Hqnicolas's topic in Rockchip CPU Boxes
Hi, after the Armbian test, I returned to Android 14, I have problems with AI VisionPQ and the serial number has changed. Do you have any thoughts on how to restore the serial number? -
Hi, hope you're all doing well. I have this Odroid HC2 (XU4 without video output) that was running an old Armbian version. I intended to update to the latest one (o something close to it) but it seems it won't boot with the newer releases. The board seems to power up ok, leds apparently blinking in a normal fashion, but it seems it gets stuck somewhere. It doesn't acquire any IP address. Not having video output leaves me with little to no way of knowing what is failing. No logs seem to be created in the sdcard. I also tried DietPi images, which I believe are based on Armbian but the same thing happens. I does, however, boot the previous Armbian installation and an Ubuntu image I got from somewhere (but it's a desktop version which doesn't seem to include remote ssh access by default). So my guess is that I can mostly rule hardware or sdcard issues. I created "armbianEnv.txt" to include "board_name=hc2 # or xu4, xu3, hc1, hc2" boot.ini didn't show anything suspicious and the UUID in there matches the one of the sdcard I'm using. These are all the images I tried (with Etcher) (in no specific order) : - Armbian_25.2.1_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.75_minimal.img - Armbian_25.2.1_Odroidxu4_ubuntu_noble_current_6.6.75_minimal.img - Armbian_24.8.1_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.47_minimal.img - DietPi_2025-02-17_OdroidXU4-ARMv7-Bookworm.img - DietPi_2025-02-17_OdroidXU4-ARMv7-Bullseye.img - DietPi_2025-02-17_OdroidXU4-ARMv7-Trixie.img This is the only new image that did boot: - ubuntu-24.04-6.6-minimal-odroid-xu4-20240911.img Any ideas about what could be happening? Also, I could find an older image to try out, i.e. something with a 5.X kernel, is there anywhere I could get one? Thanks in advance. MK
TX95 Max - Allwinner H618 Quadcore Cortex - A53
Nick A replied to Mark Waples's topic in Allwinner CPU Boxes
Can you look for the display controller chip on your board. This will at least give us a starting point. Then we can find other boards with a similar chip. Also, a picture of your front display would help. This README describes the values better. I forgot about the command armbian-add-overlay. When I was playing with openvfd I didn't use an overlay file. I added the openvfd node directly to my boards dts. I didn't need to make any changes because I used the original openvfd settings. -
Downloaded the latest build Armbian_25.2.1_Orangepi5_bookworm_vendor_6.1.99_minimal.img Cloned the git repo for rtl88x2bu Built the new module with cd /usr/src/linux-headers-6.1.99-vendor-rk35xx/arch/ ln -s arm64 aarch64 cd /rtl88x2bu make KVER=6.1.99-vendor-rk35xx -j8 make KVER=6.1.99-vendor-rk35xx install modprobe 88x2bu.ko Looked at dmesg, and I see that it gives a message that the kernel is tainted and the module will not load. No working wifi. This same procedure worked fine with the 6.1.75 kernel of a previous release.
Hi jimw, Glad you have made progress. Its interesting that you got such a quick setup by amending the boot.cmd file, I will need to try that approuch myself for my other issues. I havent previously had reason to touch the boot.scr. Either I missed remember the last parameter or it may have changed, reviewing the binding it should be 'default-state = "on"; '. I mostly just watch youtube such as: Bootlin also provide a lot of good resources: Hope this help Ryzer
TX95 Max - Allwinner H618 Quadcore Cortex - A53
Mark Waples replied to Mark Waples's topic in Allwinner CPU Boxes
Hi Nick, that didn't work but thanks for the suggestion. I now have a clock of sorts just showing the basic 12:15 format with a flashing cursor but I do not get the WIFI, ETHERNET, OR BOOT Where I was going wrong was that I should have recompiled the dts file after making any changes and then rebooting the box /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/openvfd.dts recompile using this command armbian-add-overlay /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/openvfd.dts and then reboot My contents of /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/openvfd.dts /dts-v1/; /plugin/; / { fragment@0 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { openvfd { compatible = "open,vfd"; dev_name = "openvfd"; openvfd_gpio_clk = <&pio 8 11 0>; openvfd_gpio_dat = <&pio 8 12 0>; vfd_gpio_chip_name = "0300b000.pinctrl"; openvfd_chars = [03 01 02 03 04]; openvfd_dot_bits = [00 01 02 03 04 05 06]; openvfd_display_type = <0x03000001>; status = "okay"; }; }; }; }; I don't understand the logic of : openvfd_Characters = openvfd_dot_bits = openvdf_display type = It seems to have a mind of its own, I think this gives me a display.type = 1, display.controller = 3 openvfd_display_type = <0x03000001>; I can't get my head around the logic #chars: # < DHHMM > Order of display chars (D=dots, represented by a single char) vfd_chars='0,4,3,2,1' #dot_bits: # Order of dot bits. Typical configurations: # Display Type 0, 1 usually has Alarm, USB, Play, Pause, Col, Ethernet, Wifi dots # Alarm = 0, USB = 1, Play = 2, Pause = 3, Col = 4, Eth = 5, Wifi = 6 # Display Type 2 usually has APPS, USB, SETUP, CARD, Col, HDMI, CVBS dots # APPS = 0, USB = 1, SETUP = 2, CARD = 3, Col = 4, HDMI = 5, CVBS = 6 # Display Type 3 Power, LAN, Col, Low Wifi, High Wifi # N/A = 0, N/A = 1, Power = 2, LAN = 3, Col = 4, Low Wifi = 5, High Wifi = 6 vfd_dot_bits='0,1,2,3,4,5,6' #display_type: # [0] - Display type. # [1] - Reserved - must be 0.. # [2] - Flags. (bit 0 = '1' - Common Anode display) # [3] - Controller. vfd_display_type='0x01,0x00,0x00,0x03' I assume the other characters can be shown but I cannot work that out at the moment - and I am assuming the word "Boot" is loaded to the screen - How it achieves that I don't know - I would have thought that would have been contrrolled by the driver. I may be out on a limb on that theory. Ah well a little more progress today... -
I am not sure if you have fixed the problem with your raid. But here is a way to recover a raid using mdadm: I had to do this once and it worked flawlessly for me. Let me know if it helps. nexusguy59
thanks for your support i will try tomorrow with MAX98357A is i2s work
This already has AXP806. You just need to modify the deconfig with the settings that worked for you. u-boot: kernel: Also, edit /boot/armbianEnv.txt and set verbosity to 7 to get full boot logs. Your directory layout might be different. You can browse the folders. Find the correct path. sudo adb shell su cd /dev/block/
CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
Jean-Francois Lessard replied to jock's topic in Rockchip CPU Boxes
@paradigman it looks like an issue with your kernel build system, not the display driver. The kernel build system is either packaged with the kernel source code or the kernel headers of your very specific kernel version. Since the compiled module is once again specific to your kernel version, sharing compiled objects won't be of any help. Try to fix your kernel build system first. -
So I finally tried to install Armbian on emmc and I can confirm it works flawlessly. Thank you SteeMan for your help!!! Regards
I wrote a small guide for customizing the status LED's behaviour on the MKS-Klipad50 board. The available LEDs and their names in "/sys/class/leds/" will be different on other boards, but the general behaviour should be the same. Just make sure to change the filenames like "firefly:blue:user" in the examples to those available on your system.
Hi @fdd, Is your board also V1.1? Which Armbian image worked for you? The V1.1 board includes an AXP305 power management chip. However, when booting the original Android ROM and monitoring via the UART terminal, it is detected as AXP806. Yes, it uses LPDDR3 RAM. By modifying the X96Q LPDDR3 device defconfig, replacing axp313a with axp806, I was able to successfully complete the U-Boot process. However, it gets stuck at the "Starting Kernel..." message with no HDMI output. I suspect that the kernel device tree (DTS) needs modification. Could someone guide me on how to extract the DTS from a working Android box? Thanks!
Ryzer, Thanks a lot for your help with this. I tried a number of things and found a very simple solution that got the time down to 6 seconds. I added "gpio set 224" in the boot.cmd file and rebuilt the boot.scr file. That was it! If you happen to know any resources I could use to learn DT programming, I'm very interested in pursuing this. Thanks again, Jim