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James Jones

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  1. Thank you! I was going over the details of my project, and realizing this is indeed outside of all my skill set. I would love to post the details, and know that in theory all the technologies i'm considering are completely possible. I will follow up with your friend, and if it works out that what i want is feasible I'll be sure to offer you first peak, and developer keys to the project i think you will find it immensely help in any type of software engineering workflow.
  2. I understand a little about sandboxing, mach ports, IPC, and virtualization with respect iOS, and I understand the emulators dont have low level access outside of userspace without some sort of heap based attack, dangling pointer or what have you. My point was a sub-system type could be _emulated_ ontop of XNU kernel in sandbox'ed env. This strays from my original question slightly, which is best approach. Luckily with the power of google and perseverance i found a solution built in Rust that seems promising. I did a test run last night, and successfully compiled to my iPhone7. They even have a Rust OS too! I'll post my GitHub repo for anyone interested.
  3. I was going to proudly say, "nu uh!" until i went back and re-read this: http://www.emdebian.org/release/squeeze.html Clearly i've been up too long as my brain transfigured ISO to IOS... However, you are still partially wrong a microkernel perhaps not "linux based" can run as an app in a sandboxed environment on top of XNU kernel as you can run emulators on non-jailbroken iPhones. According to this article atleast: http://lifehacker.com/the-non-jailbreakers-guide-to-emulation-on-ios-1536403860 I know this probably breaks some Apple decree, but arm is infact built with the capabilities to do this already atleast according to this documentation: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0092b/ch04s03s04.html Despite apple's best efforts to keep processor details secret from the user... Unless i'm missing something?
  4. Already some views, no comments... Perhaps someone can answer some simple questions, so I have a better frame of reference as to my approach. Can someone point me to a resource, or advise on loading a custom sub-posix system on top of iOS (android too), or if this is even possible. I know Apple forbids it, but ideally i want to load a custom minimal arm kernel through an app, the kernel should natively work with arm architecture, and should have the ability to be extended giving me the capability of adding/modify existing low level system calls for a new virtual env... I'm 80% certain this approach is ideal for my requirements, but am open to suggestions.
  5. I hope this is the right section to post my inquiry, and I hope it doesn't breach any forum policies I'm excited to have learned about this community for the current project I've dreamed up. Some background on me: So, professionally I'm a software engineer with ability to self-teach, solve weird problems, and innovate. Personally, I am annoyed, and amazed that what i dreamt up doesn't already exist, and the versions that do exist are very crude, and unimagined. Yes, I know I'm being cryptic, but bare with me for a moment though. I have a vision for a completely untouched modern take on OS design, and completely possible. _Versions_ of it even already exist right now, but nothing that can be mass consumed, nor mobile platform agnostic how I envision it to be. I have endlessly searched google, before finding this community as the closest step (or leap) into how this platform can be constructed. We all know Apple and its proprieties towards their "intellectual properties." Making this platform I envision all the more necessary to be build the "arm" up (pun intended). In summation, I have a beautifully crafted, branded, vision, and some corporate resources (funding sometimes included) to move forward with this product (which I fully intend to have initial releases completely open source and free for the open source development community), but I lack a 'Steve Wozniak' so to speak. Dont get me wrong, I'm also an engineering, but not to the details of building a custom kernel, fully optimized, and built to my distinct vision. If you are slightly interested, made it this far in reading, and have the skillsets to build atop an existing arm based kernel send me an msg on here, so I can expand more on what I'm needing. Keep in mind, the initial RC's for this "mobile-visor" (a small clue) will benefit your fellow developer community immensely. Thanks
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