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Posts posted by lukaszbzyk

  1. Igor, Sir... Thank you very much... You can call me an irritating idiot but I copied & pasted like a dumb and i did Armbian_5.30_Orangepipcplus_Debian_jessie_default_3.4.113 whereas i mean Armbian_5.30_Orangepiplus_Debian_jessie_default_3.4.113... for Orange Pi Plus, not Orange Pi PC Plus...  And i even wrote a word "exactly"... What a shame...

    Would it be too much to ask you to take a look on tapes once again? I am very sorry...  Thanks a lot in advance... 

  2. Dear All,


    Does anybody have the IMAGE like one listed above: Armbian_5.30_Orangepipcplus_Debian_jessie_default_3.4.113 and could share it with me anyhow? 

    I have got exactly the same issue like described by  gerotm and had the very same (very old) version installed,   but i do not have the genuine image to burn it to the SD card... I have searched over the Armbian website but it seems that such old archives are not available anymore.

    Normally i would not mind installing new version, but all three currently available for Orange Pi Plus result in immediate crash when I set up hostapd AP on wlan0 (integrated wifi). My OrangePi Plus serves as MPD/Shairport player and router/access point and now i cannot use it as I fail to fix the MMC boot (i tried copying the /boot from SD installed Xenial Legacy Kernel 3.4 image and changing the boot device UUID but with no success) and on the other hand I fail to configure any of new versions as wifi immediately crashes (and I mean crashes, the system reboots almost immediately)...


    So please... help, if anyone has the old image of Jessie for Orange Pi Plus, please share.  It would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

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