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Posts posted by axzxc1236

  1. I know I need to somehow transform AC power to two cables which I then connect to a 5V in and GND pin..... what is the gadget named?

    Or do I need to make one myself? If so how?
    (In Chinese) 在台灣有賣這樣的東西嗎? 我要用怎樣的名稱去Google或是問電子材料行? 還是這個需要DIY?

  2. so......... about my previous setup.


    That forced me to scramble with my Tinkerboard system this whole day, a lot of system re-flash happened.

    And I finally figured out what broked it.


    Good news is that I am able to get xrdp+xfce working now, and no lightdm-gtk-greeter cpu problem.


    The new instruction are:

    1. Download Armbian_20.05.1_Tinkerboard_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop.img.xz

        (Now I think about it you might be also make xrdp work in the newer image with slightly different instruction, but that (5.4.43) is the version of image I am having success with, so I recommend who ever doing this also use the same version)

        (I am not going to re-flash my system with newer version of image to just test it, so I recommend you stick with 5.4.43 version)

    2. Flash it to your Tinkerboard (S)

    3. Boot it and complete basic configuration (create an account)

    4. Install/Enable xrdp from `sudo armbian-config`

    5. Reboot and try to connect to Tinkerboard, RDP should work at this moment. (Or I might be missing important details after the whole afternoon's testing, I am sorry if that's the case)

    6. do `sudo apt update`

    7. do `sudo apt install linux-focal-root-current-tinkerboard=20.05.2`

    8. do `sudo apt-mark hold linux-focal-root-current-tinkerboard` (that package will break xrdp somehow in 20.08.1 version (DON'T ask me why, I don't know, this is the package that I isolated the issue to), this command will block all future upgrade to this package)

    9. do `sudo apt install sddm` (change your display manager to sddm!!)

    10. reboot just in case

    11. test your RDP connection, it should work

    12. do `sudo apt upgrade` to upgrade rest of the system.

  3. Edit:

    My system broke over the after an update that comes after I have written the instruction.

    You should skip over to my other comment!

    Or apply the fix in my other comment (step 7-8 and maybe 9, I don't really know if that fix is applicable though)


    I found a solution that suits me (might not be ideal for others)

    Basically I started from server image and installed what I want/need and it works well in the end.


    1. Flash Focal Server image to your Tinkerboard (S)

    2. Boot your Tinkerboard (S) and connect it to internet/LAN

    3. SSH into your board with root/1234 (default account)

    4. Setup your account as instructed by Armbian.

    5. (optional but very recommended) do command

    screen -S install

    (We want to do following things in a screen session because if you somehow disconnect from your Tinkerboard it won't interrupt installation/updates of apt packages.

    In following steps we will install a lot of packages which will take a lot of time

    If you disconnected from Tinkerboard in following steps, re-login as root and do "screen -rx" to go back to your screen session)

    6. do command

    apt update
    apt upgrade
    apt install --install-recommends kubuntu-desktop xrdp

    In apt upgrade system will ask you if you want to replace config files or not (twice), it just decides if your Tinkerboard will show Armbian (N) or Ubuntu (Y), shouldn't affect other functionalities, I personally choose N.

    in apt install... You will see it takes 2.7GB of spaces and install >1300 apt packages, which will take a lot of time and storage spaces and make you question if this is insane or not.

    It ultimately comes down to personal preferences, if you don't install recommended packages you will see there is no terminal, no browser, not file manager... which you expect to be installed by default. (Armbian tells apt to not install recommended packages by default)

    If you ultimately do cherry picking what packages to install, please at least install xrdp and xorgxrdp (as this guide is telling you how to have a functional KDE environment and xrdp service)

    (Yes, I don't consider a desktop environment without a browser, a terminal, a file manager as functional, it's unusable!)

    (Not to mention you need fonts to display texts if you want to switch system languages later on, which is included in recommended packages)

    7. do command

    su <the new user account you created in step 4>
    cd ~/
    echo startplasma-x11 > .xsession

    Your Tinkerboard (S) should reboot itself after the reboot command

    8. You can now RDP into your Tinkerboard in user account (don't use root account!!)

    You can setup KDE's language translation, timezone...etc

    Note that never login to RDP session when you already hooked up the monitor and login locally.

    I tried, things break horribly until reboot.

    You can try the commend mentioned here to logout local user in SSH, I didn't if the command really works or now.






    Addendum: I've tried xubuntu-desktop to setup xfce in server image, I couldn't get xrdp+xfce combo to work.

    I prefer KDE over Xfce anyway, so win-win for me.

    I ran htop in SSH while having a RDP KDE desktop running, it shows 518MB, not bad if you ask me.

    (Should be lower after I disabled services that I don't want, e. g cups and samba, I don't have a printer)

  4. I recently reinstall my Tinkerboard with Focal Desktop to start over.

    I installed xrdp in armbian-config, and RDPed in, there was no wallpaper, no desktop icon, no mouse icon and windows I opened looks weird (but xfce taskbar shows up)

    I came to the conclusion that it has something to do with auto login, so a quick google leads me to this instruction, I commented the line in "/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/22-armbian-autologin.conf" out, reboot, and the RDP environment works great.

    Except now there is lightdm-gtk-greeter process in the background that is taking 100% CPU usage in full clock speed, the board became hot (>70 degree Celsius) very quickly.

    Killing the process with root does nothing, lightdm greeter keeps showing up.


    I then disabled xrdp systemd service, re-enabled auto login, hook the board to my monitor, keyboard and mouse and then do a reboot on SSH.

    It seems like the login screen just.... doesn't exist?

    When I manually log out, the exact same thing (lightdm greeter making the board hot) happens.


    How do I install a login screen?

    (I've tried installing xubuntu-desktop but package conflict happened, I re-flashed the board after that, still can't figure out how to get to login screen)




    Today I flashed Armbian_20.05.4_Tinkerboard_focal_current_5.4.46_desktop.img to a spare SD card, boot to SD card in maskrom mode

    Can confirm the problem exists after initial setup (didn't do apt upgrade or anything, just setup the account system told me to setup), black screen after logout, can see lightdm-gtk-greeter eating a CPU core. (by running htop in tty)

  5. I'm late to the thread....


    If you really want to make your current adapter work, first look up what chip the Adapter is using...


    There are V1, V2 and V3 of Tl-WN725N, TP-Link released Linux driver code for V3, and there is manual on how to install drivers on Linux, read it. (And you want to install kernel header through `sudo armbian-config` first)


    I am not sure if the driver code will be usable on the Armbian kernel, you really have to try it to find out.


    As for v1, I can't find a driver for it.


    As for v2, there is lwfinger/rtl8188eu, I also use this driver for different wireless adapter which is also produced by TP-Link,



    I'm trying to compile Qt5 on my system, following this guide, got the "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list" message.

    After some Google, I know you have to enable "Source code" in software-properties-gtk to use "apt build-dep", but I can't check the source code options in there.


    ps. armbianmonitor -u didn't gave me a URL, it detected some sort of networking problem.


  7. Nevermind, somehow I fixed it myself, I'll share what I tried/done here.

    After I posted, I also tried "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic", but it doesn't work.

    Then I started to click on 2nd and 3rd google search result of "armbian install linux headers", this is what helped me.

    It mentions you can install kernel-header in armbian-config.


    I opened armbian-config and found that kernel-header option, removed and reinstalled kernal-header.

    (It shows "Remove kernel headers" at first, I was skeptical on removing kernel headers but I tried it anyway)

    After re-installing kernel headers, I am able to build the driver and get it working.

  8. I bought a Tinkerboard S and Tinker Aluminum case yesterday, but because of the case, it's Wifi function is almost non-exist, so I bought a TP-LINK TL-WN722N v2 two hours ago.

    I was hoping to get a V1, which has a lot of information on Wikidevi, and looks like it's going to work out-of-the-box, but I got a v2, and now I'm trying to get it to work.

    Wikidevi provided a link to driver repository, I downloaded main branch and type "make all" in terminal, it says /lib/modules/4.4.166-rockchip/build does not exist.

    I tried to search how to install kernel header and tried this command "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)", it doesn't work/help.


    Now I really need help.


    System information:

    Hardware: Tinkerboard S

    Wifi adapter: TP-LINK TL-WN722N

    OS: Armbian Boinic with legacy kernel (4.4.166)

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