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  1. Hi! I've reinstalled armbian 24 from the archives (Armbian_24.8.1_Odroidhc4_jammy_current_6.6.47.img) and this reboots fine... since Lyrion Music Server also wouldn't run, and my attempt to build it failed... THANKS for the help though! I'll try your solution, @IBV and let you know whether it did the trick! At the moment my nextcloud database is restoring...last time it took 12 hours...
  2. Hi! thanks for your help! I've attached the stock dts and the modified one (before I converted that back into dtb). @c0rnelius: PR = pull request? meson-sm1-odroid-hc4.dts meson-sm1-odroid-hc4_modified.dts
  3. Hi! installed the recent armbian 25 server image on my Odroid HC4. Used armbian 22 before, but microsd was physically damaged. Unfortunately, the board can't reboot! I already tried to apply this solution, which was prescribed for armbian 24 reboot problems, yet it does not seem to help. Any help is appreciated. Although I do not want to downgrade... what is the last stable (=rebootable) armbian for the Odroid HC4? Does anyone know?
  4. tried this for Armbian 25.2.2 noble on Odroid HC4 and no success, unfortunately... any ideas? I really would not want to downgrade, since I have already finished my nextcloud installation :-(
  5. Hi everyone! For about a week now, I have been using armbian 22.11.1 on my new Odroid HC4, which is my Nextcloud server. As alway, armbian is rock solid 😉 I have just a little question: Can one modify the information presented in htop? I'd like to have "CPU temperature" and "TX today" (meaning sent bytes) showing. The welcome screen already shows "CPU temperature" and "RX today". I know that the CPU temperature can be read here /etc/armbianmonitor/datasources/soctemp and but I can't find it in the htop-configuration under "available meters".
  6. I received my new Odroid HC4 today and ran into the same problem. I used the recent armbian, but I booted into petitboot (with an attached display and keyboard), and erased the flash storage from there. This worked just fine! As far as I can tell, this has no downside when compared disabling petitboot via ssh, other than having to have a display and a keyboard. @Igor: Thank you for providing armbian!!!
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