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Posts posted by Kimberly

  1. Igor,


    Thanks for the reply. The problem is I want to remove both the screen message and the serial console message from ttyS0. With this patch it seems that there still be a serial console message. I think the message below should be removed from u-boot.


    U-Boot SPL 2017.05-armbian (Jun 15 2017 - 02:10:40)
    DRAM: 1024 MiB
    CPU: 912000000Hz, AXI/AHB/APB: 3/2/2
    Trying to boot from MMC1
    U-Boot 2017.05-armbian (Jun 15 2017 - 02:10:40 +0200) Allwinner Technology
    CPU:   Allwinner A20 (SUN7I)
    Model: LeMaker Banana Pi
    I2C:   ready
    DRAM:  1 GiB
    MMC:   SUNXI SD/MMC: 0
    HDMI connected: Setting up a 800x480 dvi console (overscan 0x0)
    Error: no valid bmp image at 66000000
    In:    serial
    Out:   vga
    Err:   vga


  2. I'm testing with bananapi m1 plus(ARMBIAN 5.31 stable Debian GNU/Linux 8 jessie 4.11.6-sunxi)


    I want to remove booting output both in the lcd screen and the serial console(because I am using the ttys0 for other purpose), so changed /boot/boot.cmd.

    I found these two line,

    if test "${console}" = "display" || test "${console}" = "both"; then setenv consoleargs "console=tty1"; fi
    if test "${console}" = "serial" || test "${console}" = "both"; then setenv consoleargs "${consoleargs} console=ttyS0, 115200"; fi

    and changed it with those two lines below.

    if test "${console}" = "display" || test "${console}" = "both"; then setenv consoleargs "console=tty3"; fi
    if test "${console}" = "serial" || test "${console}" = "both"; then setenv consoleargs "console=tty3"; fi

    I was able to remove booting output after kernel, but I wasn't for the u-boot booting output.


    I also tried setenv stdout from serial,vga to vga. By this, I could remove some part of the booting output in the serial console, but I still have this in the serial console.

    U-Boot SPL 2017.05-armbian (Jun 15 2017 - 02:10:40)
    DRAM: 1024 MiB
    CPU: 912000000Hz, AXI/AHB/APB: 3/2/2
    Trying to boot from MMC1
    U-Boot 2017.05-armbian (Jun 15 2017 - 02:10:40 +0200) Allwinner Technology
    CPU:   Allwinner A20 (SUN7I)
    Model: LeMaker Banana Pi
    I2C:   ready
    DRAM:  1 GiB
    MMC:   SUNXI SD/MMC: 0
    HDMI connected: Setting up a 800x480 dvi console (overscan 0x0)
    Error: no valid bmp image at 66000000
    In:    serial
    Out:   vga
    Err:   vga

    I want to also get rid of this. I tried searching in the web about this, and found that I should set these and compile the kernel and make patch




    However, I cannot find which file I should insert those three lines to.

    Can anybody help me how to disable u-boot serial console output?



  3. I was using usb otg(microusb) as host mode in kernel 3.x. I was using this port to connect banana pi to touch&PWR in LCD.


    With kernel 3.x, there was no problem, but in the kernel 4.x the touch did not work.


    I was searching about the structure of usb port, and found out that to use micro usb as a host mode, the forth pin(sense) and the fifth pin(GND) should be connected. I checked this had been causing a touch problem by trying soldering the forth and the fifth pin of the usb otg port in banana pi, and the touch worked.


    Isn't there any way I can handle this situation in software-wise, not by soldering? I had also considered buying a microusb wire which has a host end and the slave end, but it seemed quite expensive, so concluded I should either make the micro usb wire by myself or find a software-solution.


    So basically, I just need to connect the forth with ground. Maybe I can put the GND gpio for the forth pin.... but I don't know how I can do this....

  4. Hello,


    I'm building a device driver which controls gpio pins.


    When I developed one in the kernel 3.x, I could get the proper gpio pin number from script.fex(converted from script.bin in /boot/bin/ folder) For example, if the pin I'm using is PB03, I was able to use 3 to control that pin in device driver program.


    gpio_pin_1 = port:PH10<1><default><default><0>
    gpio_pin_2 = port:PH20<1><default><default><0>
    gpio_pin_3 = port:PB03<0><default><default><default>


    However, from kernel 4.x, script.bin file is not used anymore. Instead of this, there is a dtb file, but I have no idea where I can get the relevant number of a certain pin....

  5. Hello,


    I'm using armbian debian Jessie server, kernel 4.6.3 for banana pi m1+.


    Before, I built device driver with kernel 3.x and was working well, but decided to higher the kernel version because of SPI.

    (cpu isolation for the thread with SPI communication did not work in kernel 3.x)


    In the kernel 4.6.3, cpu isolation was working perfectly. When I used bcm2835 library, SPI also worked.

    However, when I tried to use the same device driver code in the kernel 4.6.3, it just crashed and froze.

    I had to turn it off and on again to use the pi again.


    After debugging, I found out that the point of the crash was the method


    gpio_direction_output(pinNumber, false);


    I double checked that the all pin number is correct. I have no idea what is the problem..


    Need help..

  6. Hi,


    I'm using banana pi m1+ with armbian legacy kernel. I'm building an application with c sharp and using mono to run in in the banana pi.


    My application needs to change gpio output levels multiple times while running, so I installed bcm2835 library in the banana pi to control the output level from the application. Using the library, I was able to control those as I want, but I'd noticed that there are default gpio output levels, which are different from each gpio pins. I'm using CON3-P36 and CON3-P38. Right after the boot up, CON3-P38 goes high, while CON3-P36 goes low. I want to adjust the CON3-P38 to go low in the boot up, so that both two have low output as default.


    I tried changing fex configuration in the script.bin file. In the [gpio_para] section, there is configuration for each gpio like this.

    gpio_pin_38 = port:PE01<1><default><default><default>

    I guessed the last <default> would be for the output level, so tried changing it to <0>, but did not change anything.


    Is there any way to set the default gpio output level?

  7. Hi

    Could you tell us more about the application you have in mind ?

    I wonder why there are so many UART in that chip.

    I once tried, on other devices, to use the UART of a working one to debug another

    and was blocked by the same problem of disabling the boot console use.



    Application in mind? I'm building an application with c sharp and trying to run it in banana pi with mono.

    I was able to disable the serial console with this.

    cd /etc/systemd/system
    systemctl mask serial-getty@ttyS0.service
  8. As far as I know, you can disable the boot console output in the /boot/boot.cmd file. There is a line like

    setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 ...
    Try to remove the console= entry. Afterwards you have to compile the boot.cmd file, for an example see here:




    I don't know if there is a way to disable console output after booting has finished.




    Hope that helps :-)



    I could not find this line

    setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 ...

    in /boot/boot.cmd file.

    However, I could be able to turn off the serial console by masking serial-getty

    cd /etc/systemd/system
    systemctl mask serial-getty@ttyS0.service
  9. I'm using banana pi M1 plus and armbian legacy kernel. I wanted to use uart0(ttyS0), uart2(ttyS1) and uart3(ttyS2), so I tested those three uarts with an echo server in banana pi and a program sending a data in a PC.


    When I tested uart2 and uart3, I was able to get the data that I had sent without any problem. For the uart0, however, there was some error messages. I was also able to get the data, but I want to deal with the error message so that I can prevent any future problem. It seems that the error is caused because the ttyS0 is sending some console messages. 


    I've found some articles about getting rid of console output from ttyS0. Most of them said to modify etc/innitab, which does not exist in armbian image.


    When I entered


    ps -ef | grep agetty


    I could be able to get this output


    root       561     1  0 09:20 ttyS0    00:00:00 /sbin/agetty -L 115200 ttyS0 screen.linux

    So, i guess the board is sending messages from ttyS0 with the baud rate of 115200


    Can anybody help me to disable this output?


    Thanks in advance.


  10. Hello,

    I'm currently working on embedded and now I need to connect my banana pi A20 with lemake LCD.

    Because of chromium issues and bugs for lower kernel, I want to use vanilla kernel. What I want to do is to run a server suing asp.net and start a kiosk mode chromium and check in the LCD.

    I've checked you posted this link


    ​I also heard that I might deal with this problem by kernel compile, but I'm pretty new to Linux, and actually a little bit overwhelmed about the sources and information.

    ​Can you give me any suggestion about kernel compile, where to start or useful information?




  11. Using nodm unfortunately this is possible. Just set NODM_USER=root in /etc/default/nodm and the mess is already done. That's the best way to get a compromised system in shortest time possible when one takes care the OS has Internet access too.

    This was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!!

  12. Hi,


    I'm working with bananapi M1+ and downloaded a raw image for banana pi A20 from armbian.com

    Now I want to work in a root account so that later, I possibly remove the pi account and use only the root account.(for embedded)

    Is there any way to boot as root?


    Thanks in advance!

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