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  1. 240 fps is only available with the simple opengl app glxgears. For the globs opengl benchmark, the more normal 19-24 fps is the average. It will be heavier if it is a game. Although switching to panfrost does not improve performance, but rather it lowers the fps value with glxgears, it does not mean that midgard is such a high performance.
  2. I tried to merge panfrost(from linux-next,supports opi3 gpu mali midgard) as a test to test midgard. Mesa also compiled panfrost compatible version. Kernels with panfrost enabled did not improve performance with glxgears with an average of 50 fps. I nomally use armbian-dev with megous/linux-5.1 kernel, it is an average of 240 fps with glxgears. The megous/linux-5.1 vanilla kernel is more efficient. The video performance seems to be lower CPU load with panfrost, but panfrost still did not show its performance if it was still under development. I have not yet investigated whether there is a problem with the panfrost-compatible code in mesa or with a kernel panfrost.
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