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  1. Yes no need to rcy normally. I took out the info from my m1 and a copy with cat of the mtd partitions. Maybe it will be useful to you (at your own risk) Maybe wait for a confirmation if the command I made is functional. I made a backup of the partitions with cat /dev/mtd* > name.bin (once for each partition) In info you will find what I have as version and kernel. If it can help you. Moderator, the 16mb overall is too heavy to insert directly (error uploading). I hope the cloud link is not a problem here. (valid for 48 hours) https://quickshare.samsungcloud.com/cu9Cj7XDCZwy
  2. I searched without finding. Did you try to do as I did. By flashing a uboot of a previous version via an old image?
  3. I don't need help anymore. As said. I used the uboot present in an earlier version. I didn't try the serial, because there weren't even any screens (I thought there wouldn't be a serial either). The card seemed to just do a reboot Every 5 seconds (depending on the LEDs on the network card and the LEDs on the SSD which flash 1x. I'm not going to try again now that I have a working installation. I just wanted to share with you Other beginners who are not used to this kind of tools and not have the serial cable.
  4. Hello, sorry for the tag (no odroid m1 tag) and if I'm in the wrong place. I downloaded the image Armbian_24.8.3_ordoidm1_jammy_current_6.6.51_kde-neon-kisak-desktop The image does not start without pressing rcy, so far normal. After flashing the mtd with armbian-installer and copying to SSD. The image still does not start. No display. After trying several things and without success, I decided to try an old image: Armbian_24.2.1_ordoidm1_jammy_current_6.6.16_xfce_desktop. I here rcy boot, install, copy to SSD, flash mtd and reboot. And it works. So I tried image 6.6.51 kde Again. But without flashing the mtd. And there it boots without problems and no need for rcy. So it seems that the last image and also the 24.2. 4 that I tried. We have a probably corrupted uboot. I have the odroid m1 8gb. I hope this will allow others not to waste hours trying because of a corrupted uboot. (This was my first attempt with armbian on this card. Before I had petitboot.) Sorry for my bad English. I used Google translate. PS: I tried to make a bug report form. But you have to provide an armbianmonitor -u output or something like that. And that doesn't match the fact. The card doesn't even boot.
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