I intend to use opipc's as appliances,with a simple cordova application which is started upon boot.
The app uses web services to communicate with the backend, very small database locally.
I had very positive experience with openelec/librelec kodi distributions where all the os+app were in squashfs.
During more than 5-6 years of usage, I never had corrupted filesystem on those systems.
Because of ro access to the squashfs, there's less posibility of corruption of rootfs.
I tested several times to cut of power on the opipcplus, and managed to corrupt the system, so it will not boot.
With squashfs, the rootfs should be more resilient.
The data corruption of the local db is handled by the cordova app.
Meanwhile I think I found a solution, I should put a script to mount the squashfs in the initrd scripts folder(unpack,recreate initrd with my script inside).
All the tmp,proc... folders should be mounted on persistent storage (I intend to use ext4, on a separate partition).
The /usr/bin+/usr/sbin folder should contain all the needed libraries + executables.
It seems that the script should go in scripts/init-bottom.
This is what I researched today, by learning about the boot chain of linux.
Unfortunatelly, I will be away in the next days, with no time to try.