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  1. There could be a variable to define, but you can just remove the patches from the respective patch/kernel subfolder. Once you want them back, do git restore.
  2. I just tried running fstrim on my HC1 which has a Samsung 860 EVO in it and got no errors. I was not aware that fstrim support is device-specific. As mentioned by @Igor, try the official ubuntu image and report the issue to https://forum.odroid.com/viewforum.php?f=225 if you can reproduce it. Other than that, do you mind sharing a link to the bug you posted? Are there any specific errors you are seeing?
  3. Hello, for quite some time I have noticed that it seems impossible to build just the kernel, an image is built every time. I am using the following command: ./compile.sh BOARD=odroidxu4 BRANCH=current RELEASE=bullseye BUILD_MINIMAL=yes BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_ONLY="kernel" KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no USE_CCACHE=no KEEP_KERNEL_CONFIG=no DEB_COMPRESS=xz Additionally, output/debs seems not to be cleaned, despite documentation indicating this should happen with default CLEAN_LEVEL. Am I doing something wrong? Or does documentation need updating? Thanks!
  4. As I mentioned above, it is really a lot of work: I neither have the time nor the skill to do this unfortunately.
  5. I have now checked the rebase path and there are over 14k commits to go through. At 142nd commit I have arrived at 4th merge conflict. At this rate there are going to be 400 merge conflicts to go through. Given that my knowledge of C is non-existent, I think we might need a new plan.
  6. @rpardini, thank you for the detailed explanation and for clarifying where 5.4.228 is coming from. I incorrectly assumed it comes from the git tag. As far as odroidxu4 is concerned, your description of the current update process is correct. I was not aware it is an exception in terms of how this kernel is kept up-to-date. Knowing this, I think my preference would be to invert the patching order as well. Please note that I have not tried it yet. Having said that, almost all of the point release updates did not require manual fixing, which gives hope that rebasing could potentially work once initially set up. The solution with the variable would only realistically fly if we can generate the said variable automatically. Otherwise, someone is bound to forget to update both at some point leading to misleading version numbers.
  7. $ dpkg --info output/debs/linux-image-*.deb neues Debian-Paket, Version 2.0. Größe 28852376 Byte: control-Archiv= 1284 Byte. 710 Byte, 10 Zeilen control 807 Byte, 16 Zeilen * postinst #!/bin/bash 612 Byte, 13 Zeilen * postrm #!/bin/bash 891 Byte, 21 Zeilen * preinst #!/bin/bash 608 Byte, 13 Zeilen * prerm #!/bin/bash Package: linux-image-current-odroidxu4 Version: 5.4.228-S3043-De511-P2c81-C951fH6842-Bb436 Source: linux-5.4.234 Architecture: armhf Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com> Section: kernel Provides: linux-image, linux-image-armbian, armbian-current Description: Armbian Linux current kernel image version "5.4.228" git revision "3043e57d9fe81d5031c98da852e84e7956b4a953" codename "Kleptomaniac Octopus" drivers hash "e511b9159daace9f" patches hash "2c81c7c1a0a42d1f" .config hash "951f7fdd7fb40928" .config hook hash "68429bb5c7c735ac" framework bash hash "b436f1853a32cf25" This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other files, kernel_version_family: 5.4.234-odroidxu4. With the new scheme the package version appears to come from the git tag, not from the makefile. I am applying a lot of patches to change the kernel version because hardkernel only update their tree irregularly. If you check the git history of the patches folder, this is what the other maintainers have been doing before as well: https://github.com/armbian/build/commits/main/patch/kernel/archive/odroidxu4-5.4
  8. Yes: https://github.com/armbian/build/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Abelegdol+is%3Aclosed The issue of versions not going up consistently is bound to affect official packages as well. Until hardkernel tag a new release, the kernel version is not going to change. Patches hash (Pxxxx) will change, but hashes cannot be guaranteed to go up. Until now I was adding another element to the VERSION file (,, etc.). This way my local builds will not get updated by the system 23.02.2 unless armbian shipped a larger update.
  9. @going it is predominantly about local assemblies. I often update kernels to a new point release and knowing which package is the newest one helps a lot. Not having local update overwritten by the distributed one is a welcome bonus but i understand that there is going to be some churn when switching from one scheme to another.
  10. I agree regarding the one-time change. I also agree that the old scheme was not ideal either. Having said that , with the old version I could either edit the VERSION file or use a variable (was it sublevel?) To get the versions to go up consistently. With the new versioning scheme this does not seem to be possible, saving for forking the hardkernel repo, tagging kernel versions myself and telling the compile script to use that instead.
  11. Would I get the old version scheme if I checkout v23.02 branch? I tried building with LIB_TAG=v23.02 but it still got me the new scheme: ./compile.sh BOARD=odroidxu4 BRANCH=current LIB_TAG=v23.02 BUILD_ONLY=kernel KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no USE_CCACHE=no KEEP_KERNEL_CONFIG=no DEB_COMPRESS=xz
  12. I understand what is happening, the comment explains it well. I am merely asking if what is happening can be overridden.
  13. Hello, the new kernel versioning scheme consists of the latest git tag and several hashes: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/lib/functions/artifacts/artifact-kernel.sh With boards like odroid-xu4 for which the upstream git is only updated occasionally, this leads to two problems: 1. the generated version is lower than what is currenty getting shipped: `5.4.228-S3043-De511-P0a53-C0750H6842-Bb436` vs `23.02.2` 2. it cannot be guaranteed that the versions go up reliably: 5.4.232 is `5.4.228-S3043-De511-Pc02c-C0750H6842-Bec1c` and 5.4.233 is `5.4.228-S3043-De511-P0a53-C0750H6842-Bb436` While I can understand using the kernel version than armbian version is better, this currently only works if every version is tagged. Is there a variable which I could use to get the old behaviour back? Thanks.
  14. I hit another problem today. I tried updating to my local 5.4.199 build, but the free space ran out during the uInitrd conversion. I was able to rescue the system by putting the SD card in my Fedora machine and doing the conversion there, but the 58 MB boot is slowly becoming an issue. Is this still the default? If not, what is the current default? Can I just increase the partition size with gparted and be done with it?
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