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Anna Vahtera

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Posts posted by Anna Vahtera

  1. 1 hour ago, Igor said:

    I login via mUSB or serial console and connect via Network manager. 
    When board reboots it reconnects to my wireless network automatically.

    How are you able to use Network Manager via serial console? Mine just outputs garbled junk when trying to view anything that has an interface. And how would you use arrow keys or any other special keys via serial console for that matter? 


    22 minutes ago, Igor said:

    I have OPi Zero Plus 2 H3 and H5 devices in the test rig (3,4)


    and so far they never failed to connect to the wireless network without any changes to the network stack. Network manager, WPA2 network, ... 



    From Armbian point of view, there is nothing wrong but I can understand your frustration.


    Check your router and always go the way we recommend. Not every how-to from the internet will always work ...

    so.. how do you input your SSID and passphrase if you don't have to modify anything?


    And what do you mean by router? What has THAT got to do with ANYTHING in this? 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Werner said:

    No idea what armbianmonitor -U does but -u gives you a nice link that can be shared.

    armbianmonitor - u says this:


    Network/firewall problem detected. Not able to upload debug info.
    Please fix this or use "-U" instead and upload whole output manually

    this is why I used "-U"


    EDIT: nvm, got armbianmonitor -u to work. My bad.

  4. Armbianmonitor:

    I'm trying to set up an OPi Zero Plus 2 with Armbian Buster. As the board has no soldered USB connectors and mine is still in the mail, I was forced to do all this via the serial console via the three pins on the board. (So no nano or nmtui or anything that has an interface.)


    I run into a problem where a) I couldn't join my WiFi network and b) NetworkManager refused to believe I don't want to use IPv6. So I had to disable NetworkManager and go the wpa_supplicant route.


    So now I'm in the position that I got everything to work BUT I have to *manually* enable wpa_supplicant and then issue ifdown and ifup - all via the serial console - at every boot before it works.


    Basically I have to do this at *every* boot:

    > login as user
    # sudo su
    # wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    # ifdown wlan0
    # ifup wlan0

    After that I have a working IPv4 address and everything works, I can use ssh to connect to the OPi and it connects to the internet like it should (can 'apt update' etc.)


    The thing is, I REALLY don't want to keep it connected to another computer 24/7 and issue those commands every time it reboots. 


    systemctl: https://pastebin.com/y8tk0DaN


    At this point, what should've been a 5min job (install armbian on the eMMC on the board) have turned into a 4h+ series of problems after problems after problems. I have followed some eight tutorials and advice that I've found on the subject and NONE of them have worked fully. Some at all. 


    If I had the USB port, I'd most probably just re-flash the SD and start over and keep network manager and deal with whatever that comes with (I don't like NM, it gets in the way FAR too often if you want to manually do something), but I don't and it's impossible to use nmtui via the serial console.


    And it more or less works right now, only it doesn't start fine at reboot. There must be some easy way to get this to work from this point onward, right?


    ps. I can't paste armbianmonitor -U anywhere as it exceeds all limits on every paste site I have tried.

    EDIT: Managed to get armbianmonitor -u working, my bad for forgetting to "sudo" it. sorry.

  5. On 4/28/2020 at 12:01 AM, Igor said:


    Not an display expert but AFAIK this is only for LVDS displays. FBTFT displays are mainly SPI/I2C. 


    They didn't go anywhere https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/kernel/linux-sunxi64-current.config#L6135-L6166 but you need to find latest manual how to use them.

    I mean this:

    "fbtft_device and flexfb are gone in 5.4"

    from https://github.com/notro/fbtft/wiki


    meaning now you have to you DT and cannot just use the fbtft device (like every tutorial out there says). That's the problem. "You have to use it with DT", but nowhere does it say HOW to do that.

  6. I want to control a fan via a script. I found a bunch of tutorials for pwm, but they were either for older version of Armbian, or for another board. I could not find a tutorial for Allwinner H6 boards.

    Apparently simple overlays=pwm doesn't work anymore.


    Anyone have any pointers as to how to go about it?


    my goal is to do something like

    $ ./setfan.sh 50
    Setting Fan Duty Cycle to 50%...

    Nothing more complicated. I have a 5V fan for the system and I just want to tune how fast it should run - now it's going full 100% and it's louder than I'd like. I planned to do this with a trimmer but because the world situation and distances, the trimmers will arrive only after several weeks. And while I was thinking about it I figure why not just use the GPIO pins for driving the fan with pwm? Should be easily doable, I think. I just don't know how :)




    EDIT: I've been trying with WiringOP (now that I found a recent version that had support), but I've bumbed into another weird problem: The PWM pin on the OPi3 board is (physical) pin #7. If I do "gpio readall", it even lists that pin as "PWM.0" (It has WPi number 2), but when I try to put it into pwm mode (via 'gpio -1 mode 7 pwm' or 'gpio mode 2 pwm'), I only get an error that says:

    the pin you choose doesn't support hardware PWM
    you can select wiringPi pin 42 for PWM pin
    or you can use it in softPwm mode

    There is no WPi pin number 42. If I try to enable pwm on that ('gpio mode 42 pwm') I get an error "[pinMode:L1384] the pin:-1 is invaild,please check it over!"

    So no dice there either, unfortunately. 

  7. Hello. I feel like this is a really basic stupid question, but for the life of me I can't find an answer. Every thread that I read about getting a display XYZ to work in Armbian references using fbtft. But apparently fbtft is now deprecated and cannot be used anymore. So.. what do I do now?


    I'm mainly looking to get ILI9341 -based 3.2" TFT and MPI3508 3.5" TFT to work with Armbian. Mainly testing with an Orange Pi Lite2 and Orange Pi 3 currently.

    I've read this: 


    downloaded, compiled and installed the .dts.


    Also modified/added line to boot.cmd to use lcd as display according to https://docs.armbian.com/Hardware_Allwinner/

    that page also mentions that a kconfig setting of CONFIG_VIDEO_LCD_MODE is required, but nowhere does it say how to do it, nor can I find it via Google (that might be on me, but "armbian kconfig CONFIG_VIDEO_LCD_MODE" does not result in any meaningful answers, except OTHER people asking the same question.


  8. I cannot get the screen to rotate 90 or 270 degrees. Inverting it works like it should, but not "sideways".


    uname -a:

    Linux orangepilite2 5.4.20-sunxi64 #20.02.1 SMP Mon Feb 17 02:37:37 CET 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux

    xrandr --version:

    xrandr program version 1.5.0


    Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192
    HDMI-1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
    1024x768 60.00*
    800x600 60.32 56.25
    848x480 60.00
    640x480 59.94


    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor0"
    Option "DPMS" "false"
    Option "Rotate" "right"
    Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "BlankTime" "0"
    Option "StandbyTime" "0"
    Option "SuspendTime" "0"
    Option "OffTime" "0"

    Screen is in "normal" orientation regardless of the rotate right option in the xorg conf.

    xrandr -o inverted

    works like it should and is noted in the xrandr output. Similarly with "normal". "right" and "left" however, do nothing. Or more precisely, they turn the display black for 1-2 seconds and then it returns to "normal" and displays the normal xrandr output, no "right" or "left" after resolution.

    echo <number> sudo tee /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/rotate_all

    works perfectly for all rotations on the console however. But of course it does not rotate X.



    xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 848x480

    works perfectly and sets the resolution like it should.

    xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 848x480 --rotate right

    does not. It blanks the display for 2 seconds, resets rotation to normal and resolution to 1024x7688, regardless of what they were before.

  9. 19 hours ago, MacBreaker said:

    Maybe you will think a other way/solution.


    I used that for a project years ago with a OPi Zero, webcam and GPIO to detect a signal.
    (Doorbell with front door video and motion detection)


    I used a passive poe adaptor like this: passive poe



    It's working pretty good till now with only a network cable...


    I looked at those solutions earlier (my plan is quite similar to your doorbell thing), but I'm concerned about it being 5V and the length of the cable. How long is yours? I'd need to use 20m+ long cable, I'm afraid the 5V can't travel that far (that's why the standard really is 48V - to allow longer travel for the voltage).


    That's perfectly usable for shorter lengths and I think I'll order a few pairs of those just for trying them out and maybe even using them on shorter lengths - some places are just a pain to route another cable where one already is. 

  10. That's a dang shame, really. POE would be an ideal way to power an SBC, if it's connected to a wired network. It's actually kinda weird now that I think of it, why there aren't many SBC that could be powered that way.


    Thanks for the answer though, appreciated. I guess I'll go the "dongle way" then, or come up with some other stupid solution... (knowing me, very probably the latter...)

  11. Hello. I've been playing with several low-cost SBCs for a couple of weeks now and I'm totally hooked on these incredible little things. Most of my boards are Orange Pi's simply because of the low cost (but I do have ODROID XU4 and a couple RPis too).


    Somehow one of my favorites seem to be the little OPi Zero (H2+), I'm using it as a "shell account" for if and when I need access to linux command line (most of my "big machines" are Win-based).  However the Zero's POE implementation is... kinda non-existant really. You can read more about it elsewhere, let's just say it isn't usable without additional hardware.


    For my purposes, the OPiZero H2+ is powerful enough (I have the 512Mb version), so I don't need much power (however more memory wouldn't hurt). But for placement and usability, I'd REALLY like to have one that I can power with POE so I could just connect one cable and be done with it. 


    What are my options for getting a new SBC for my purposes?


    Let's list some features:


    Absolutely needed:

    a) Gigabit Ethernet with Power Over Ethernet

    b) Small Size (well it's an SBC, but anyway)

    c) Must work with/be supported by Armbian [Mainline]

    d) Allwinner H2+ or faster, 512Mb RAM or more.


    Nothing really much else, but it would be nice to have::

    e) 1Gb RAM (or more, this is one where more doesn't make it worse)

    f) Allwinner H5 -level power (and preferable 64bit)

    g) RPi-compatible GPIO header (at least the first 26-pins)


    Won't need: display output if it has serial connection header.  Any audio capability, WiFi, BT.


  12. On 3/30/2020 at 2:11 PM, rauscharm said:

    Hello everybody,

    the images from armbian for my Orange Pi 3 work very fine and stable.

    Thank you for that.


    I came to armbian by links form orangepi.org.

    When I tried to get an Android image from there I got
    an Xutuntu image. (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Urh9-yljq9Mrrafp7ZWRVf_s_AdjUoTQ)


    Do you know where to get an Android for my Orange Pi 3?


    Thanks if you have information for me about that.





    Also, note that OrangePi Android images cannot be flashed to microsd cards with a simple Etcher or WinImager (or whatever it was called). You need to use PhoenixCard v4.1.2 I'll type that out again; 4.1.2. I know, google tells you that the latest version of PhoenixCard is 3.1.x, but you can find the 4.1.2 from orangepi's site somewhere, I forgot exactly where. At least for me, the 3.1.x did NOT work at all. Once I found the v4.1.2 everything worked. 

  13. Hello! I've just recently gotten a few (okay, several. I might have a problem here.) small single-board computers and I'm thoroughly in love with them. I also purchased a few small LCDs so I could make small independent thing that wouldn't require a huge display - perhaps even portable ones.


    While I do enjoy using the terminal for practically anything (give me lynx, rtv, byobu and the likes and I'm happy), there are certain advantages in a graphical user interface. But let's face it, the default UIs with modern window managers are... not exactly designed for small, low-res screens. With a 800x480 screen it's plausible to use just a normal WM and be rather fine with it. 


    But let's take the more common 3.2" and 3.5" screens that have either 320x240 or in my case 480x320 resolution.

    Trying to navigate and use a computer with a 480x320 resolution with a normal  window manager is not exactly the most joyous activity in the world. I can drive mine at 720x480 and that is almost usable with LXDE, but I'd prefer to run it at 480x320 because text is better at that res.


    So, anyone got any suggestions? 

    Requirements are that it runs on ARM (of course) and is lightweight, preferably. Bonus points for being designed for touch screens (as most of the screens do have touch), but is not necessary (I don't have touch drivers installed on most of them, I prefer mouse + keyboard). But I admit having the advantage of being designed for touch use would be nice.

  14. Wait.. both pins, 2 and 4 are +5V pins, you can't use a cooler between to positive pins, you need a ground.  Pins 6, 9, 14, 20 and 25 are ground. Connect the cooler wires so that one goes to any of them and the other to pins 2 or 4.  (The manual calls those two DCIN, but as far as I know, they work perfectly well as outputs also.  Just be aware of that. YMMV.)

    Also do note that some coolers drain quite a lot of power, so be sure your PSU can power the cooler AND the OPi3 at the same time.

  15. Hello. I have a couple of Chinese 3.5" TFTs, model MPI3508. I'm trying to get it to work with my Orange Pi 3.

    The module supports either connecting via GPIO or HDMI, either is fine for me.


    I'm using Linux orangepi3 5.4.20-sunxi64 #20.02.1 SMP Mon Feb 17 02:37:37 CET 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux


    I'm trying to get it to display the console - no GUI installed, just the console is enough. The module also supports touch, but I don't care about that - I just want to use it as a monitor..


    If I use HDMI, I can get a picture, but the resolution is all wrong. It's a 480x320 display but because Chinese manufacturers, it reports itself as having a maximum res of 1920x1080, which obviously is unusable (at this resolution each line in the console is about 2 pixels tall - no way to read text).

    I've tried following a dozen or so tutorials dealing with changing the resolution via boot.cmd, but up to this point I haven't gotten ANY of the advice to work. 

    I've tried all of these lines in boot.cmd (obviously just one at a time):


    setenv video-mode sunxi64:480x320-24@60,monitor=dvi,hpd=1,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi64:480x320-24@60,monitor=dvi,hpd=0,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi64:480x320-24@60,monitor=hdmi,hpd=1,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi64:480x320-24@60,monitor=hdmi,hpd=0,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi64:480x320-24@25,monitor=dvi,hpd=1,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi64:480x320-24@25,monitor=dvi,hpd=0,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi64:480x320-24@25,monitor=hdmi,hpd=1,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi64:480x320-24@25,monitor=hdmi,hpd=0,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi:480x320-24@60,monitor=dvi,hpd=1,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi:480x320-24@60,monitor=dvi,hpd=0,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi:480x320-24@60,monitor=hdmi,hpd=1,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi:480x320-24@60,monitor=hdmi,hpd=0,edid=0

    setenv video-mode sunxi:480x320-24@25,monitor=dvi,hpd=1,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi:480x320-24@25,monitor=dvi,hpd=0,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi:480x320-24@25,monitor=hdmi,hpd=1,edid=0
    setenv video-mode sunxi:480x320-24@25,monitor=hdmi,hpd=0,edid=0


    and saveenv at the end of the file.


    recompiled with 'mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr'

    and rebooted twice after any change in the files.


    Nothing has worked. With HDMI connected it always displays the picture, but with that resolution everything is really small carbage - unreadable.


    So I disconnected the HDMI and tried via GPIO, but each and every tutorial with these displays deals with fbtft, which apparently has just been removed, so no dice there.


    I'm okay with either approach: HDMI with resolution set to 480x320, or via GPIO (and of course same resolution, but at least there shouldn't be any auto-detect via that)..


    armbianmonitor -u: http://ix.io/2fEY

  16. Did you ever figure this one out? I have the same problem on my Orange Pi 3 - it boots with the official image just fine, but HDMI output isn't working.


    Funnily enough, it boots perfectly well with the same Armbian version, if I use the Orange Pi Lite 2 image... there has to be something different with the OPi3 image that makes HDMI not work...

  17. 6 hours ago, martinayotte said:

    No, since all Allwinner's SoC has boot priority on SD.

    I know it is a bit weird, but in my case, HDMI is working ...

    Mine too, HDMI *is* working, perfectly. With Android 7/9 AND the same Armbian version with the Lite2 image - that's why I said I highly doubt it's the monitor. HDMI *is* working, it's just the OPi3 image that won't display anything. It displays everything just perfectly if I boot it with the Lite2 image (since the hardware is pretty much identical, the OPi3 just has the option for eMMC and it has more ports, that's pretty much it)


    EDIT: Here's too captures (via serial) of the board booting:

    OPi3 booting Lite2 image: https://pastebin.com/tRgtehHA (HDMI Out IS working with this image)

    OPi3 booting OPi3 image: https://pastebin.com/4yig6Pd9 (HDMI Out is NOT working with this image)


    The Lite2 has UART3 enabled, otherwise it is the same. I noted that there is a bunch of voltage info at the top which is missing from the OPi3 image. I don't know if this is relevant.

    I also don't know what to make of this, but just noting that both of the boards boot well with the Lite2 image and neither of the boards boot with the OPi3 image. There's GOTTA be a difference there, it's not hardware.


    EDIT2: Here's 'dmesg' from the two images booted on the OPi3::

    Image "Lite2", Working HDMI: https://pastebin.com/gNrFBj1G

    Image "OPi3", No HDMI: https://pastebin.com/MBiueDe0

  18. 1 minute ago, martinayotte said:

    OPi3 has eMMC while OPiLite2 doesn't .

    HDMI is working fine on my OPi3 using 5.6.0-rc3, although I don´t have "desktop" and stay at "headless".

    So, maybe try another HDMI monitor ...

    Well, the OPi3 has the option of having an eMMC, it doesn't necessarily have it - mine doesn't. I don't even have a slot for it, just solder markers on the board. So maybe that's the problem? If the OPi3 image assumes the board has eMMC when it doesn't, and then that doesn't work?


    It would be too weird if it was the monitor, as both the boards work well with the same monitor when booting the Lite2 image. It works on the OPi3 when booting either OPi3 Android 7 or OPi1+ Android 9. It works with RPi and Rasbian, RetroPie. I highly doubt it would be the monitor if the Lite2 image works with both boards just fine. It's just the OPi3 image that doesn't work.


    ps. The Lite2 does not boot with the OPi3 image either, just tested. 

  19. I hope I can ask here (I'm new so it won't let me post a question on the main H6 page).


    What's the difference between the images for Orange Pi 3 and Orange Pi Lite 2?

    I have both boards, downloaded both images. The Lite 2 image (Armbian_20.02.1_Orangepilite2_buster_current_5.4.20.img) works on both boards, flawlessly (well as flawlessy as Armbian and Orange Pi ever do). Both boards boot just fine with that image.

    However the OPi3 does not display anything with the 3 image (Armbian_20.02.1_Orangepi3_buster_current_5.4.20.img). I can connect to the board via serial console and I can see it booting fine and I can interact with it, but it does not display anything at all.  So there's some difference between those images that prevents the OPi3 from displaying anything.


    I haven't yet tried to boot the Lite2 with the OPi3 image, will get to that later.

  20. Armbianmonitor:


    I have a small problem: I can't change the language on my OPi Zero. I have successfully done that with OPi Lite 2 and OPi 3, but for some reason on the Zero when I go to change it, the module fails to load and just quits back to the same "menu page". (essentially does nothing). The only thing I can think of, is that both of the other boards have 1Gb RAM and this only has 512Mb and thus it runs out of memory? That doesn't sound too plausible though - a list of keyboard languages shouldn't take tens or hundreds of megs of RAM. 


    As far as I know, each board is running the same version of Armbian, so that shouldn't be a problem.




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