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  1. @Meestor_X thx for all of this, could you please show find /boot/overlay-user/ -type f Or wherever you stores pwm.dtbo I am not sure if this has the same prefix issues (I've tried both with and without rk3308- in armbianEnv.txt and neither works)
  2. Have you tried it with debian minimal image or the noble CLI ?
  3. armbianmonitor -u https://paste.next.armbian.com/hoyonuruye I installed the newest fresh debian minimal image for the RockPi-S and no matter what I do overlays do not apply. I've followed and compiled spi1 and spi2 rk3308. I've also tested the external antenna device tree as I have installed an external antenna: However neither the external antenna is being used nor spidev are present. I have diffed dtc -I fs -O dts /proc/device-tree and they are identical before and after enabling the overlays in armbian-config and rebooting. I was able to confirm the "overlays" work by manually copypasting their changes in linux's source dts and generating a patch file, placing it in armbian's linux patch folder and recompiling from scratch, so if I do change the options spidev works, just I somehow can only do this by editing the source. Here is the `/boot/armbianEnv.txt` file generated: verbosity=1 bootlogo=false console=serial overlay_prefix=rk3308 fdtfile=rockchip/rk3308-rock-pi-s.dtb extraargs=cma=16M rootdev=UUID=036c1484-611d-470e-b2ef-775fe550149b rootfstype=ext4 fdt_overlays=rk3308-s0-ext-antenna rk3308-spi1-spidev rk3308-spi2-spidev usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u Also after editing the overlays in armbian-config this error pops up: /boot/armbianEnv.txt: line 9: rk3308-spi1-spidev: command not found
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