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  1. There's "SD card and PSU issues" category. It's not about armbian (software), it's about hardware. Maybe introduce "general hardware discussions" or so? It's not entirely off-topic (it's a SBC-related talk), but it's not exactly armbian-related.
  2. Beginner category implies questions about armbian I guess.
  3. People rarely talk about it, but it's pretty common to replace stock libc memory allocator with jemalloc or alternatives. Stock libc allocator really doesn't like to free the memory and require special handling (calling malloc_trim() from time to time), which most applications doesn't do. Most of the time this seems like a memory leak of the application itself, while in reality this is a combination of not-very-memory-friendly stock malloc libc implementation and memory fragmentation. Using jemalloc is usually as easy as LD_PRELOAD'ing it. This could be done in systemd service drop-in.
  4. It's been several years since I started looking for a forum to discuss various general aspects of SBCs, such as "recommend me the board for X", SoC software support state, pricing, deals, etc. All not armbian-related per se. Neither of current categories are exactly suitable for such questions on this forum. Off-topic category doesn't receive much attention as I would guess. Proposal: create "general discussions" category.
  5. If you're looking for a result, and not trying to learn how to create the images manually, then I could recommend mkosi: https://github.com/systemd/mkosi It supports creating both container images (no kernel or bootloader) and real bootable images.
  6. @VishnuDas Step 0: apt install overlayroot echo 'overlayroot="tmpfs"' > /etc/overlayroot.local.conf Then follow the steps above and reboot.
  7. There's a small bug in overlayroot package: it requires grep to be in initramfs, but by default it is not included. To fix this, you need: 1. Install busybox-static: apt install busybox-static 2. Enable busybox in initramfs: set BUSYBOX=y in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf 3. Regenerate initramfs: update-initramfs -c -k all Now it should work. P.S. the logs of overlayfs is in /run/initramfs/overlayroot.log
  8. There's a small bug in overlayroot package: it requires grep to be in initramfs, but by default it is not included. To fix this, you need: 1. Install busybox-static: apt install busybox-static 2. Enable busybox in initramfs: set BUSYBOX=y in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf 3. Regenerate initramfs: update-initramfs -c -k all Now it should work. P.S. the logs of overlayfs is in /run/initramfs/overlayroot.log
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