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Posts posted by Rodrigo

  1. Dear Igor,
    Thanks for trying to help, I know I made little information available for a new problem, when I wrote it I thought someone had already gone through it and was just going to send the link with a solution but with the research on the network I understood that I was in an area still not explored. I'm gathering more information to add to this forum if I think it's an operating system problem, or i still write in the Citadel forum if I think it's his problem. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong because there were a few steps I followed, it was just the installation of the operating system on the memcard, followed by the update / upgrade commands and then the installation of Citadel, as I did in version 16.04



    On first attempt a followed this steps:
    1º-I install Armbian_20.05.4_Nanopiduo2_focal_current_5.4.45.img.xz on a memcard with 4Gb (using 25% of space) for system and 4Gb for data (100%free);
    2º-I run Update/Upgrade command;
    3º-I run: "apt-get install citadel-mta citadel-suite -y" for install Citadel;
    4º-I reestart de citadel with command: "service citadel restart". I tinhk it is necessary;
    5º-I get de status:
    root@nanopiduo2:~# service citadel status
    ● citadel.service - LSB: control citadel server start at boot time
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/citadel; generated)
         Active: active (exited) since Sat 2020-08-01 14:27:48 -03; 13min ago
           Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
        Process: 5876 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/citadel start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

    Aug 01 14:27:48 nanopiduo2 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: control citadel server stat at boot time...
    Aug 01 14:27:48 nanopiduo2 systemd[1]: Started LSB: control citadel server start at boot time.
    Aug 01 14:27:48 nanopiduo2 citserver[5882]: db: cursor still in progress on cdb 00: attempt to write during r/o cursor

    On the second attempt I used the script to compile the source code:
    1º - I run the command for install dependencies for compille: "sudo apt install build-essential curl g++ gettext shared-mime-info libssl-dev zlib1g-dev";
    2º - I run the command for get and compile de source code: "curl http://easyinstall.citadel.org/install | sudo bash";
    During this step the compiler shows some warnings of unused functions without interrupting, then there comes a time when the installation of the 43Mb Berkeley DB begins (there is more than enough space for that), so many similar error messages appear. I put below:
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/aclocal/options.m4: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/aclocal/clock.m4: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/aclocal/tcl.m4: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/aclocal/ltsugar.m4: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/configure.ac: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/s_csharp_swig: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/s_symlink: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/events.in: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/buildpkg: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/s_crypto: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/configure: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/s_csharp_doc: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/wince_config.in: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/configure.orig: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/vx_config.in: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/gen_inc.awk: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/s_javadoc: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/s_csharp: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: db-6.2.32.NC/dist/db_provider.d: Cannot write: No space left on device
    tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
     Citadel Easy Install is aborting.
     The last few lines above this message may indicate what went wrong.
     Linux Debian bullseye/sid( 5.4.45-sunxi armv7l)

    So the problem is apparently happening both on the first try (look at citserver[5882]) and the second try on the database.
    I started researching on the web and it seems that there are many people with problems in this Berkley DB but I still haven't seen that someone has found a solution, and the discussion posts have been around for a year.

    I think I'll have to wait for Oracle to create a compatible version of Berkeley or if someone have a working version and reply this topic.

  2. Dear Igor,
    Thanks for trying to help, I know I made little information available for a new problem, when I wrote it I thought someone had already gone through it and was just going to send the link with a solution but with the research on the network I understood that I was in an area still not explored. I'm gathering more information to add to this forum if I think it's an operating system problem, or i still write in the Citadel forum if I think it's his problem. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong because there were a few steps I followed, it was just the installation of the operating system on the memcard, followed by the update / upgrade commands and then the installation of Citadel, as I did in version 16.04


    Hello every body,

    I need some help, I can't install Citadel mail server on my Nanopi duo2 board. Previously i try to install ISPconfig mail server on default armbian-config but not work, then i try Citadel because I already have a little familiarity with this program. After write IOS on mem card and updade/upgrade command I followed the guidelines of the Citadel website which is to execute the following commands: "curl http://easyinstall.citadel.org/install | bash", but after downloading and starting the installation, many error messages appear due to lack of space. Below is some information from my system:

    IOS version: Armbian_20.05.4_Nanopiduo2_focal_current_5.4.45.img.xz write in a 16Gbytes microSD (13% for IOS and about 7GB free);

    Board: NanoPi Duo2 512Mbytes RAM (usage of 21%);

    CPU: Allwinner H3, Quad-core Cortex-A7 Up to 1.2GHz;

    Citadel guidelines:http://www.citadel.org/easyinstall.html.


    Then I made some attempts using the binary package already compiled through the command "apt-get install citadel-mta citadel-suite -y" available on some sites with Citadel tutorial, in this case it appears to install correctly but in the end it doesn't start a server. (If there are mistakes in my English, forgive-me because English is not my native language).

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