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  1. Here is some details from the firmware. Maybe that helps # begin build properties # autogenerated by buildinfo.sh ro.build.id=NHG47L ro.build.display.id=TV-BOX 11.1 905LE 20211015 8.128 ro.build.version.incremental=20211015 ro.build.version.sdk=25 ro.build.version.preview_sdk=0 ro.build.version.codename=REL ro.build.version.all_codenames=REL ro.build.version.release=11.1 ro.build.version.security_patch=2017-12-01 ro .build.version.base_os= ro.build.date=Fri Oct 15 15:58:32 CST 2021 ro.build.date.utc=1634284712 ro.build.type=userdebug ro.build.user=tan ro.build. host=Amlogic ro.build.tags=8.128 ro.build.flavor=TV-BOX ro.product.model=TVBox ro.product.brand=Amlogic ro.product.name= TVBox ro.product.device= TVBox ro.product.board=p212 # ro.product.cpu.abi and ro.product.cpu.abi2 are obsolete, # use ro .product.cpu.abilist instead. ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi ro.product.cpu.abilist=armeabi-v7a,armeabi ro.product.cpu.abilist32=armeabi-v7a,armeabi ro.product cpu.abilist64= ro.product.manufacturer=Amlogic ro.product.locale=en-US ro.wifi.channels=11 ro.board.platform=gxl # ro.build.product is obsolete; use ro.product.device ro.build.product=p212 # Do not try to parse description, fingerprint, or thumbprint ro.build.description=TV-BOX 11.1 905LE 20211015 8.128 ro.build.fingerprint=Amlogic/p212/p212:7.1.2/NHG47L/20211015:userdebug/8.128 ro.build.characteristics=mbx,nosdcard # end build properties # # from device/amlogic/p212/system.prop # # Set display related config ro.platform.has.mbxuimode=true ro.platform.has.realoutputmode=true ro.platform.keepbackground.app=com.droidlogic.PPPoE #camera max to 720p ro.camera.preview.MaxSize=1280x720 ro.camera.preview.LimitedRate=1280x720x30,640x480x30,320x240x28 ro.camera.preview.UseMJPEG=1 #for bt auto connect ro.autoconnectbt.isneed=false ro.autoconnectbt. macprefix=00:CD:FF ro.autoconnectbt.btclass=50c ro.autoconnectbt.nameprefix=Amlogic_RC #if wifi Only ro.radio.noril=false #if need pppoe ro.net.pppoe=true #the prop is used for enable or disable #DD+/DD force output when HDMI EDID is not supported #by default,the force output mode is enabled. #Note,please do not set the prop to true by default #only for netflix,just disable the feature.so set the prop to true ro.platform.disable.audiorawout=false #Dolby DD+ decoder option #this prop to for videoplayer display the DD+/DD icon when playback ro.platform.support.dolby=true #DTS decoder option #display dts icon when playback ro.platform.support.dts=true #DTS-HD support prop #ro.platform.support.dtstrans=true #ro.platform.support.dtsmulasset=true #DTS-HD prop end # Enable player buildin media.amplayer.seekkeyframe=true media.amsuperplayer.enable=true media.amplayer.enable-acodecs=ac3,eac3,rm,dts media.amplayer.enable=true media.amsuperplayer.m4aplayer=STAGEFRIGHT_PLAYER media.amsuperplayer.defplayer=PV_PLAYER media.amplayer.thumbnail=true media.amplayer.dsource4local=1 media.ampplayer.dropwaitxms=100 media.arm.audio.decoder=ape,flac,dts,ac3,eac3,wma,wmapro,mp3,aac,vorbis,raac,cook,amr,pcm,adpcm,aac_latm,rm media. wfd.use-pcm-audio=false media.wfd.videoresolution-type=1 media.wfd.videoresolution-group=0 media.wfd.videoframerate=24 media.wfd.video-bitrate= 2000000 media.html5videowin.enable=1 media.decoder.vfm.defmap=decoder ppmgr deinterlace amvideo media.decoder.vfm. drmmap=decoder amvideo persist.sys.dts.edid=false #add for video boot, 1 means use video boot, others not . service.bootvideo=0 # Define drm for this device drm.service.enabled=1 #used forward seek for libplayer media.libplayer.seek.fwdsearch=1 #fix hls sync libplayer.livets.softdemux=1 libplayer.netts.recalcpts= 1 #map volume ro.audio.mapvalue=0,0,0,0 #By default, primary storage is physical #ro.vold.primary_physical=true #Support storage visible to apps persist.fw.force_adoptable=true #add livhls,libcurl as default hls media.libplayer.curlenable=true media.libplayer.modules=vhls_mod,dash_mod,curl_mod,prhls_mod, vm_mod,bluray_mod #Do note send inactive cmd when disable cec service sys.ignore.inativecec = true #Hdmi In ro.sys.hdmiin.enable=true mbx.hdmiin.switchfull=false mbx.hdmiin.videolayer=false #adb service. adb.tcp.port=5555 sys.open.deepcolor=true ######## UBOOTENV VARIBLES - r/w as system properties ########## # # Now we can load ubootenv varibles to system properties. # We use a special prefix ("ubootenv.var" as default) to indicate that the 'property' # actually is an ubootenv varible. # # A ubootenv 'property' will be initialized during system booting. And when user set # a different value, it will be written back to ubootenv device immediately. # ## prefix of ubootenv varibles - should less than 16 chars. #UBOOTENV MTD NAME #ubootenv.var.bootcmd= #ubootenv.var.cpuclock= #ubootenv.var.gpuclock= #ubootenv.var.memsize= #ubootenv.var.ethaddr= #ubootenv.var.ipaddr= #ubootenv.var .gatewayip= ubootenv.var.outputmode= #ubootenv.var.screenratio= #ubootenv.var.oobeflag= ubootenv.var.480p_x= ubootenv.var.480p_y= ubootenv.var.480p_w= ubootenv.var.480p_h= ubootenv.var.480i_x= ubootenv.var.480i_y= ubootenv.var.480i_w= ubootenv.var.480i_h= ubootenv.var.576p_x= ubootenv. var.576p_y= ubootenv.var.576p_w= ubootenv.var.576p_h= ubootenv.var.576i_x= ubootenv.var.576i_y= ubootenv.var.576i_w= ubootenv.var.576i_h= ubootenv.var.720p_x= ubootenv.var. 720p_y= ubootenv.var.720p_w= ubootenv.var.720p_h= ubootenv.var.1080p_x= ubootenv.var.1080p_y= ubootenv.var.1080p_w= ubootenv.var.1080p_h= ubootenv.var.1080i_x= ubootenv.var.1= ubootenv.var.1080i_w= ubootenv.var.1080i_h= ubootenv.var.4k2k24hz_x= ubootenv.var.4k2k24hz_y= ubootenv.var.4k2k24hz_w= ubootenv.var.4k2k24hz_h= ubootenv.var.4k2k25hz_x= ubootenv.var.4k2k25hz_y= ubootenv. var.4k2k25hz_w= ubootenv.var.4k2k25hz_h= ubootenv.var.4k2k30hz_x= ubootenv.var.4k2k30hz_y= ubootenv.var.4k2k30hz_w= ubootenv.var.4k2k30hz_h= ubootenv.var.4k2ksmpte_x= ubootenv.var.4k2ksmpte_y= ubootenv.var. 4k2ksmpte_w= ubootenv.var.4k2ksmpte_h= ubootenv.var.digitaudiooutput= ubootenv.var.defaulttvfrequency= ubootenv.var.has.accelerometer= ubootenv.var.cecconfig= ubootenv.var.cvbsmode= ubootenv.var.hdmimode= ubootenv.var.is.bestmode= ubootenv.var.disp.fromleft= ubootenv.var.edid.crcvalue= ubootenv.var.colorattribute= # # ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES # ro.com. android.dateformat=MM-dd-yyyy ro.config.ringtone=Ring_Synth_04.ogg ro.config.notification_sound=pixiedust.ogg ro.carrier=unknown net.tethering.noprovisioning=true ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Classic.ogg debug. hwui.render_dirty_regions=false ro.hwui.texture_cache_size=64.0f camera.disable_zsl_mode=1 rw.camera.usb.faceback=true ro.app.optimization=true ro.product.firmware=00502001 ro.product.otaupdateurl= ro.hdmi.device_type=4 dalvik.vm.heapstartsize=16m dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit=192m dalvik.vm.heapsize=512m dalvik.vm .heaptargetutilization=0.75 dalvik.vm.heapminfree=512k dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree=8m ro.addon.type=gapps ro.addon.arch=arm ro.addon.sdk=25 ro.addon.platform=7.1 ro.addon. open_type=pico ro.addon.open_version=20170427 sys.fb.bits=32 persist.sys.hdmi.keep_awake=false ro.sf.full_activemode=false wifi.interface=wlan0 config.disable_bluetooth=true drm.service.enable=true ro.platform.has.pppoe=true ro.adb.secure=0 persist.sys.app.rotation=middle_port ro.sf.lcd_density=160 persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2=libart.so dalvik.vm.isa.arm.variant=cortex-a9 dalvik.vm.isa. arm.features=default dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold=500 net.bt.name=Android dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt ro.expect. recovery_id=0xe7cb330c727a2c91d50c550586a8188535f5df1800000000000
  2. Can't find where to download the specified files, read all the posts but no download links! Also my box is bricked, do you believe that with this dtb can run coreelec or armbian? Thanks
  3. I have tested every possible solution, always getting the error : [0x10105002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error Any advice, anyone!!! Thanks
  4. The error i am pretty sure that has to do with invalid firmware file, maybe wrong partition parameters. I tried all usb tool editions and also tried to win10, win7 and winxp! Always box is disconnecting when flashing begins at 2%. Any idea where can i find firmware files to try? Thank you Update: I removed the heatsink and the cpu is the S905L-B, maybe this helps for a firmware file. Update: I found theese firmwares https://github.com/ioannis-poulianitis/AmlogicS905LFirmwares
  5. Will try, thanks. Any idea where can i find firmware files to try? I googled a lot but most links are dead.
  6. Using amlogic USB_burning tool i tried to flash a firmware, unchecked the erase bootloader option and downloaded the firmware. After 100% the box was dead. Now i can connect to the usb tool using a jumper on nand pins but usb burning tool alwaays gives me that error message.
  7. Any ideas why i keep getting the error while flashing? I am trying various firmware files. After the first one that flashed without bootloader option box is dead and i am starting the procedure with board jumper at nand pins I can here the box that connects and after a second i hear the disconnect sound [16:15:45 787][HUB4-1][Err]--[0x10105002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error
  8. Will try that, thank you very much.
  9. Based on this info can you tell what android firmware to use, can't find one for my box. The first screen comes after a factory reset and after rebooting boots to android. Also can you tell what type exactly of cpu it has and what img and dtb should i use for a bionic distribution. Thank you very much.
  10. Yes i read that, didn't install coreelec, run it from SD card so all i did is a factory reset. The bin i remamed to ext was the s905 and now i will try all the dtb one by one. Thanks
  11. Thanks for your answer, i have already read the how to, what can't figure out is what dtb to use. With coreelec the gxl_p125 works fine, is the dtb of coreelec compatible with armbian, if no what dtb should i try? Thanks
  12. Hello to everyone, i have a China no name tv box with s905 cpu. I try to install armbian but no success, don't have any experience in amlogic procedure. Can anyone point me to the right img file and some instructions please. My box is named as mxq pro 4g but i know its a fake one. Thank you very much.
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