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Posts posted by WidHorn

  1. On 6/30/2020 at 2:08 AM, Adrián Rivelli said:

    Hello Folks,

    So, I have a bananapi m3 too, and I tried armbian focal and buster succesfully from a sd card but I couldn't boot from emmc... I used nand-stata-install,  dd and all the things aroung with no success... the output from uart from emmc is this:

    HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
    boot0 version : 4.0.0
    rtc[1] value = 0x00010000
    rtc[2] value = 0x00020000
    rtc[3] value = 0x00030000
    DRAM Type =7 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3,6:LPDDR2,7:LPDDR3)
    DRAM normal_mode value: 00000001
    DRAM CLK =672 MHZ
    rsb_send_initseq: rsb clk 400Khz -> 3Mhz
    PMU: AXP81X
    ddr voltage = 1200 mv
    using ic A83T
    using axp AXP813
    DRAM zq value: 00003bfb
    dram size =2048
    card boot number = 2
    card no is 2
    sdcard 2 line count 8
    [mmc]: mmc driver ver 2015-04-13 16:05:39
    [mmc]: ***Try SD card 2***
    [mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 8 err 00000100
    [mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 8 err 00000100
    [mmc]: mmc 2 send if cond failed
    [mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 55 err 00000100
    [mmc]: mmc 2 cmd 55 err 00000100
    [mmc]: mmc 2 send app cmd failed
    [mmc]: ***Try MMC card 2***
    [mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
    [mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
    [mmc]: 8bit ddr!!! 
    [mmc]: mmc re-update_phase
    [mmc]: MMC ver 5.0
    [mmc]: SD/MMC Card: 8bit, capacity: 7456MB
    [mmc]: vendor: Man 00150100 Snr 0032bbf4
    [mmc]: product: 8WPD3
    [mmc]: revision: 5.2
    [mmc]: ***SD/MMC 2 init OK!!!***
    sdcard 2 init ok
    ERROR! NOT find the head of uboot.
    ERROR! NOT find the head of uboot.
    read all u-boot blk failed
    Ready to disable icache.

    PD: thanks for your great job with this

    I'm have exactly the same problem and I have solve it.

    The problem is in bootloader on eMMC. It's locked by default and armbian-config does not unlock it while install on emmc. And the old BOOT0 bootloader can't load new kernel. But we have new bootloader in armbian image. It located in /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-current-bananapim3_20.08.1_armhf/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin in my case. Check your image and fix pathces in further instruction before wiping anything!



    1. Flash armbian image to SD, boot normaly and log in (through SSH or phisycal keyboard and monitor - does not matter).

    2. We have two boot section on eMMC (mmcblk1boot0 and mmcblk1boot1). I don't know "who is who", so I flash both of them.

    Unlock it: echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/block/mmcblk1boot0/force_ro && echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/block/mmcblk1boot1/force_ro
    Two zeros in output says it unlocked.

    3. Wipe it: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1boot0 bs=1k count=1023 seek=1 status=noxfer && sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1boot1 bs=1k count=1023 seek=1 status=noxfer

    4. Now flash new u-boot bootloader into boot partitions:
    sudo dd if=/usr/lib/linux-u-boot-current-bananapim3_20.08.1_armhf/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk1boot0 bs=1024 seek=8 status=noxfer && sudo dd if=/usr/lib/linux-u-boot-current-bananapim3_20.08.1_armhf/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk1boot1 bs=1024 seek=8 status=noxfer

    5. Run "sudo armbian-config" and go to: System>Install>Install/Update the bootloader on SD/eMMC (just in case)


    Now you can install armbian through armbian-config as usual. After reboot bootloader partition lock by itself. You can check it's blocked by typing: cat /sys/block/mmcblk1boot0/force_ro && cat /sys/block/mmcblk1boot1/force_ro
    Output must be like "1 1" in two lines.

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