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Posts posted by EduardCH

  1. 2 hours ago, gprovost said:

    Sound a bit strange to put ZFS on top of RAID5, since ZFS has raid feature : RAIDZ

    Thanks for reply. I was talking about raid5 or raidz1. The idea is to have only one drive for parity.


    2 hours ago, gprovost said:

    Using ZFS on ARM is still a bit early days and requires a bit of tuning, therefore you need to understand ZFS a bit better than just on surface. For that you need to allow yourself some time to play around with it.

    I already figured it out. I do have experience in ZFS on x86. But I decided for myself that I can not use ZFS (or btrfs) on ARM and feel safe for data at the same time. Will wait and see. I'm sure that this will change soon.


    2 hours ago, gprovost said:

    If you are looking at checksuming / scrubbing feature just on small portion of your data then there is also Snapraid tool that can be interesting.

    This is exactly where I came to. I've set up SnapRaid and mergerfs. For home usage it's almost perfect.


    2 hours ago, gprovost said:

    It's hard to give a single recommendation that applies to everyone needs unfortunately.

    You right, especially when there are not so much options, since ZFS and Btrfs are not ready yet. But I hope since we now have good ARM based hardware storage solution, like Helios64, this will change soon.

  2. I've got my helios64 recently, and I wonder what type of FS to choose for main storage. I have five 4TB disk drives. I've installed OMV, made raid5 and format it with XFS. I use XFS because I work with this FS on Centos on my x86 servers, I don't use ext4 because I don't like when sometimes it starts to check filesystem during boot process. My setup is working perfect for a couple of weeks. I don't have any reboots or freezes or any issues that I've read on this forum. Now I think about migrating from XFS to BTRFS or ZFS. The main reason is to have file check-summing and scrub. Does anybody have btrfs with raid5 or ZFS with raidz1 on Helios64? Do you have any problems with it? Also, as I know, Synology uses btrfs on top of mdraid. Is it ok to use it like this on Helios64? I've read debates about this filesystems on this forum, but I would like to know if anybody is really using it on Helios64.


    This is my version: Linux helios64 5.9.11-rockchip64 #20.11.1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 27 21:59:08 CET 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux

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