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Posts posted by JCOneTwoThree

  1. I have a NanoPi Neo Core and I'd like to analyse the SPI controller driver and why it toggles the lines the way it does.


    In the overlay file, all I see are mentions to 'spidev'.


    Where can I find out why the data lines shown below toggle the way they do? I.e. chip select goes low way before the clock line. The MISO line has a droop to GND briefly and the CLK line hangs high for a while before toggling...


    Thanks forum :).









    EDIT: I'm sending two bytes, 0xDA, 0x00 at spi mode 3. Ignore the decoder, it was set to read LSB first.

  2. Thanks Igor.


    I managed to find this command which basically solved this issue:


    update-initramfs -v -u


    It seems that for debian based OS the modules get stored in archive. The above basically updates the archive.


    20 hours ago, Igor said:


    Did you tell kernel to use this module you added by hand? Not sure why Armbian kernel would act differently? Perhaps we have better security enabled by default ... not sure, would need to investigate, but that is not possible just like that. Use official build method https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/


    Your turn.




  3. I loaded a kernel module from the official Linux Github repo, compiled and placed it within /lib/modules/.........


    Now if I make changes to this kernel module, and recompile it and reboot, the old one still gets called.


    If I rmmod and modprobe however, the new module gets loaded.


    The module I'm talking about is qcaspi.


    This issue doesn't occur on RPi so I'm thinking it could be an Armbian issue or an oversight by me.


    Any help please?

  4. I have a carrier board from codico: https://www.codico.com/en/carrier-board-h-home-control-evb-for-red-yellow-beet-modul


    I've followed the pdf file from the above link to set up a Rasperry Pi and it all works fine.


    However, when swapping for my NanoPi Neo Core, even though the drivers load correctly, and I see SPI comms going back and forth on the oscilloscope, I am not connected to the internet.


    This is what ifconfig returns:




    What could be the difference between rpi and this board that this happens?


    Any guidance on how to resolve it would be deeply appreciated!



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