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  1. ALIGMSTEN's post in Issue with UART Configuration on OrangePi Zero 2 Board was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Dmytro Lazor, Sorry for responding late.
    Good to see you have found your way around, hopefully the out of the blocks baseline wasnt seen as condescending, was next to establish the prefix, suggest dumping the running tree etc.
    The prefix environment variable, as you have added, is the recomended way.
    Because today's armbian/allwinner associates all h61x soc's under the h616 prefix you have to pay attention to your particular hardware.
    The prefix status quo is less of a bug, and more a standing choice of the present framework, the ideology is that anyone who steps into the domain, should know what they are doing, and therefore as you have shown, will navigate.
    Best of luck...
  2. ALIGMSTEN's post in Facing issues with installing armbian on Orange Pi Zero 2 was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Amol Right now OPIZ2 is community supported only.
    Images that are booting and behaving as one might expect are the legacy images derived from original vendor sources: https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-zero-2/  Kernel 4.9.y, Size: 385Mb, Release date: Apr 8, 2023.
    Mainline based Armbian Edge: https://redirect.armbian.com/region/EU/orangepizero2/Bullseye_edge images are WIP and could have booting and upgrading issues, these and 'features' which might be considered normal may improve as development work happens.
    Good luck with your progress.
  3. ALIGMSTEN's post in Orange Pi 2 Weirdness was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Kiendeleo, 
    The red light on is standard for mainline and armbian edge images, they have a different device tree configuration (Hint, perhaps a change there may signal there is sufficient progress with edge images). The display engine etc is not patched into mainline or armbian edge, do not expect HDMI output.
    Wifi patches again, not there, and will not work atm.
    Not entirely sure of V1.5 hardware changes, haven't looked , and if that will effect development going forward, (maybe something is fixed!).
    Perhaps for what you expect/need working, consider the legacy images.
    The build system has been updated from AR1396...
    Good luck.
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