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Posts posted by MartinKeppler

  1. I remeber I had a similar problem, but do not remeber excatly where... I try to catch my memories ...

    Are you sure, that there is no error at boot up?

    It's possible that system uses the pins for something. You can test this by trying to export the gpio manually. If you can export and set value of gpios, system doesn't use them. When you get an error, you have to search for the useage.

  2. Hi guys,


    I tried to disable console output on uart0 using this guide https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Fine-Tuning/#how-to-toggle-boot-output

    But I still get boot output on uart0.


    Problem is, that I'm using uart0 for a java application. Java application crashes a few seconds after starting. I got the hint, that I should disable console output on this port, to make it working. See here: http://pi4j.com/example/serial.html

    I think that's the problem, because if I unplug my serial device from uart0, java app doesn't crash.


    I'm using Banana Pi.

    Kernel is Verison 4.8.12.

    Armbian is Jessie 5.24 with desktop.


    How can I disable the output?




  3. Hi erazor,


    thats great to read! Just wanna give you an answer, that it propably would be about the pwm isn't working. My display also is flashing for a short moment, but stays black when pwm isn't in the dtb.


    I think thats also good information for all others who try to use Banana Pi and Pro with LCD.




  4. Hi Friends,


    on Banian I was using "xset dmps force off" and "xset dpms force on" to switch display off and on as I need it. Tryed to use this commands in terminal with armbian but nothing happens.

    I'm using LeMakers 5" LCD RGB Display with PCAP Touch. Armbian is 5.24 jessi with desktop and 4.8.12 Kernel.


    Has anyone an Idea, how to turn off and on display form terminal?




  5. Do you know, if there is a PMU on the Board?


    As I know from Banana Pi, you can detect the connection from sysfs. On the Banana Pi there is /sys/power/axp_pmu/vbus/connected file. If you read 1, the OTG is plugged in, otherwise you'll read 0.


    Hope this is a good hint.




  6. Ok, I got the same problem. This happens because compile.sh by default forces the checkout of all sources and also by default cleans the builds you did bevor. So every time you compile, your changes will be overwritten.

    I suggest to set CREATE_PATCHES=yes in compile.sh.

    Now you will be asked in the build process to change some files. Build process is hold, till you press enter. While it's waiting, copy your changed *.dts to the two folders in source. I rember, there must be two folder: /sources/linux-vanilla/master/arch/arm/boot/dts/ and /sources/u-boot/v2016.11/arch/arm/dts/. After pressing enter, the build process automatically detects your changes and creates a patch. So you only have to do this once.


    You can read about build options and process here: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Options/





  7. Hi specialists,


    I'm trying to understand how the axp209 on Banana Pi works with the A20.

    In the Banana Pi schematics I see, that they are connected with only four lines. Two lines are used for I²C (TWSI), one is from axp209 PWROK to RESET# of A20 and another one is connected from axp209 IRQ and GPIO2 to NMI# of A20.


    When system is off and I press my Power Button (K1)  on the Pi, the system is booting. System is running and I long press the Power Button, System shuts down. But can anyone say whats happening? What does axp209 do with IRQ, GPIO2 and PWROK pins? Wich way does the A20 recognize, that it has to shutdown?


    Yours Martin

  8. If I am right, the errors are coming from this two lines

    chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "cd /root/tools/temper/src; make clean" >> $DEST/debug/tools-build.log 2>&1
    chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "cd /root/tools/temper/src; make $CTHREADS" >> $DEST/debug/tools-build.log 2>&1

    in lib/extras/tools.sh.

    But why?


    I was able to build armbian from source till last week. Suddenly I got this error. For building I'm using a VirtualBox Ubuntu 16 64 bit. I setup a new VM, errors still there. I downloaded the lib again, errors still there.

    What can I do?

  9. Ok, so now I can use NEXT witch is 4.7.2 or adding the patch to 4.8.0, right?


    When trying to build NEXT (next, jessie, desktop, bananapi) I get 4 errors:

    sed: kann /home/vanilla-default/output/cache/sdcard/etc/lirc/hardware.conf nicht lesen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    sed: kann /home/vanilla-default/output/cache/sdcard/etc/lirc/hardware.conf nicht lesen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    sed: kann /home/vanilla-default/output/cache/sdcard/etc/lirc/hardware.conf nicht lesen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    sed: kann /home/vanilla-default/output/cache/sdcard/etc/lirc/hardware.conf nicht lesen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    sed: kann /home/vanilla-default/output/cache/sdcard/etc/lirc/hardware.conf nicht lesen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    cp: reguläre Datei '/home/vanilla-default/output/cache/sdcard/etc/lirc/lircd.conf' kann nicht angelegt werden: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
    [ o.k. ] Installing extra applications and drivers 
    [ o.k. ] Installing linux firmware [ 5.21 ]
    [ o.k. ] Building deb [ armbian-tools ]
    [ o.k. ] ... downloading sources [ temper ]
    [ o.k. ] ... downloading sources [ BT utils ]
    [ o.k. ] ... compiling [ temper ]
    [ error ] ERROR in function compiling [ tools.sh:70 ]
    [ error ] Error building [ temper ]
    [ o.k. ] Process terminated 
    [ error ] ERROR in function unmount_on_exit [ debootstrap-ng.sh:576 ]
    [ error ] debootstrap-ng was interrupted 
    [ o.k. ] Process terminated
    What is wrong?
  10. Hi Guys,


    a few weeks ago, I implemented a project wich reads the power sources of my Banana Pi. I was using /sys/power/axp_pmu/. 

    I now made a new build to enable lcd display and such things. But now /sys/power/axp_pmu/ isn't there. Also can't find it anywhere in my system.

    Only /sys/power/{pm_async, pm_freeze_timeout, state, wakeup_count}

    Kernel of new build is 4.8.0


    What have I to do, to get axp_pmu back?





  11. You had a good idea.


    PH7 = 7 * 32 + 7 = gpio231. Correct?



     echo 231 > /sys/class/gpio/export

    I get the gpio231 and can use it. 

    So, if my calc wasn't wrong, PH7 isn't used by anything.


    Is it possible, that 7 7 isn't PH7?

    wake-gpios = <7 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

    Maybe there must be another declaration to make it right.

  12. Got three messages in boot up now:

    OF: /soc@01c00000/i2c@01c2b800/edt-ft5x06@38: could not get #gpio-cells for /clocks/cpu@01c20054
    edt_ft5x06 2-0038: Failed to request GPIO wake pin, error -22
    edt_ft5x06: probe of 2-0038 failed with error -22

    Any ideas?

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