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Everything posted by giga

  1. Hi Fedes_gl! HDMI is working, but I could not play any video or audio due to missing applications and any internet connection.
  2. Thanks for your reply! I am going to give a try!
  3. Hello! I have got the LEMFO RBOX HK1RBOX with rk3528 (https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005006654505780.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.32.7cbf5c5fIj4Quv&gatewayAdapt=glo2deu) I have tried the following image recommended in one thread https://github.com/armbian/community/releases/download/24.5.0-trunk.367/Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.367_Hinlink-ht2_bookworm_legacy_5.10.160_minimal.img.xz I copied the rockchip folder to the boot folder and as well the a armbianEnv.txt adding dtfile=rockchip/rk3528-hlink-ht2.dtb. The original armbianEnv.txt was modified the same way. that did not work. Did you miss any other steps? Later on I tried I tried Armbian_24.5.0_rockchip_h28k_jammy_5.10.160_server_2024.04.25.img.gz from ophub with rk3528-hlink-ht2.dtb, unfortunately the LAN did not work, even I have tried all other rk3528 dtb's. [LAN error: ....... eth0: stmmac_hw_setup: DMA engine initialisation failed , eth0: stmmac_open Hw setup failed] Is there any img and dtb that works with this TV Box? I would appreciate any hint?
  4. Did anyone get the WifI running on the H96Max (s905W2)? the emmc memory is also not visible, it does'nt matter, which dtb file is deployed
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