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  1. Short answer is follow this guide to the letter and it should work. https://wiki.omv-extras.org/doku.php?id=omv7:armbian_bookworm_install
  2. I have finally got mine to work. run these two commands and post the results ip a networkctl list
  3. Ok here it is -- it also generated an error running the script. root@omv:~# armbianmonitor -u Collecting info and sending to paste.armbian.com, wait... /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 976: iostat: command not found https://paste.armbian.com/huqolomoku
  4. Running ODroid HC4 on Armbian bookworm with Openmediavault 7 with docker compose plugin. I've done 2 clean installs to ensure the problem is reproducable and not something I meddled with. I spent time on Docker's forums running sample containers I was asked to try, they viewed my settings logs for docker and were at a loss. The containers go up fine and are running. They just cannot be accessed even from the host machine e.g. curl http://localhost:8080 fails when running a sample container docker hub forums supplied me with as a 'surefire' test. --- services: test_default_bridge: image: nginx:latest network_mode: bridge ports: - 8080:80 Is anyone else having this issue and how do I get it working?
  5. Thanks for the info and assistance. I ended up finding how to DIY install and got it up and running that way. Here's the link I used: OMV Manual Installation for Debian
  6. I was running Armbian Bullseye for a while with OMV 6. I happened to see OMV has gone to v7 and Armbian to bookworm. I went here to get the SBC/IOT bare version of bookworm: https://www.armbian.com/odroid-hc4/ Problem 1: is it said: "You are using an automated version meant only for developers..." Problem 2: it did not come with Armbian-config which I had to install manually Problem 3: Armbian-config 'softy' refused to install OMV saying it can only be installed on Buster (OMV5) or Bullseye (OMV6) Finally: https://wiki.omv-extras.org/doku.php?id=omv7:armbian_bookworm_install states specifically not to use any developer versions of the OS. Is there a stable version of the OS where it comes with Armbian-config and softy will install OMV-7? (If so, url's please) How do I proceed? For now going back to Bullseye OMV6 Much thanks in advance.
  7. Looks like its fixed, giving it another shot now. Meanwhile I have to ask you, from armbian commandline does "reboot" command work and reboot for you? For me it just powers off and I need to power cycle it. I used to use a cron job in omv to reboot once a week but now I can't even do it from the command line. Nevermind, figured it out. And the script fix got OMV6 operational!
  8. It is not limited to Armbian. I tried ODROID's version of debian 11 (See report here: https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=203&t=45228&p=355103#p355103 ). I was able to actually get into omv, configure it (I didn't touch eth0 sadly) and upon reboot = DOA. Also there's an open issue now on github omv (Armbian flavor) https://github.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers/installScript/issues/106
  9. I do not have petitboot installed. I ran the Armbian buster with OMV5 for over a year. I decided to make a clean install and booted Armbian bullseye 11. I changed hostname and rebooted (curiously reboot doesn't reboot the hc4, why?). I used armbian-config to install OMV. Installation completed, brought me back to armbian-config and prompted to reboot. I hit reboot (then was forced to power cycle as hc4 won't come back to life after a soft-boot?). Note that I was able to power cycle and get a good boot BEFORE omv installed but not after. At that point Odroid hc4 never comes back online. I've been through this 3 times today. I gave it as long as 30 minutes but doesn't respond even to pings. It does get the blue led blinking denoting successful kernel load. How do I get past this?! (I've tried with and without armbian-config's update upgrade with firmware, the full firmware option etc) Nothing is working. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
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