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  1. Thanks for replies Will try armbian-config solution when on armbian (and the other on ... other )
  2. d83fr


  3. Hello, I read about raxda zero3E edge support, and because I'm having problems with img-6.12.9+bpo-arm64-16k (wireguard dependency) Do you think I could resonably try the edge version and then, I understand that I have to install armbian-bsp-cli-radxa-zero3-edge linux-u-boot-radxa-zero3-edge linux-headers-edge-rockchip64 Is there more to install ? or less ? And, does I have to remove old (vendor) kernel version before ?
  4. I'm using bookworm minimal, but, my bad, found armbian-config, your are pointing me right by saying that it have to be enable. armbian-config installed will try to go to stable, and see Thank you
  5. OK, perhaps my wrong, got a "Unable to locate package armbian-config", on which repo is it, I got ... ohhh ! by doing an update, armbian repo disappear !! cat you give me your /etc/pat/source.list.d/armbian.list
  6. Hi All, Current running a RockPi4C+, it has crashed after a dist-update (it seems that uboot update not recognize my nvme), then, I reinstall it, on SD card only , but only found a community rolling version, And, now that my system is booting, I want/need to go back to stable, I read about armbian-config to do that, but not enable on RockPi4C+ What is the "cli" way Thank you
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