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Posts posted by damies

  1. 3 hours ago, guidol said:

    Additionally you should setup a DHCP-Server which do assign the IP via MAC-address of the zeros eth0-Interface.


    I have a 1/2 dozen Orange Pi Lite's and have encountered the same issue as vasten,  the only problem with this is that the MAC address is not fixed so if you upgrade with a newer image the mac address changes, so does the cpu serial number, in fact I haven't found any identifying number that remains the same on these devices (any suggestions?), which is a real pain cause I set my image to auto configure the host name based on the cpu serial number and then labeled them all and after an upgrade to the os they all changed names.


    Hopefully the physical mac is constant and this works? unfortunately it doesn't help me cause the Orange Pi Lite has no ethernet.


  2. Hi All,


    I seem to be encountering an issue with setting the MTU for the 8189fs driver on the 4.10.0-sun8i kernel


    I am trying to set the MTU for wlan0 to 1532. Note this works on the 3.4.113-sun8i kernel without issue.


    #uname -a

    Linux orangepipcplus-02c0008115dff7be 4.10.0-sun8i #10 SMP Sun Feb 12 16:51:59 AEST 2017 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet6 manual
            wireless-channel 1
            wireless-essid batnet6
            wireless-mode ad-hoc
            wireless-ap 02:13:13:13:13:13
            mtu 1532
    # ifconfig wlan0
    wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:e0:4c:67:db:86
              BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:12285 errors:0 dropped:3 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:673 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:1693434 (1.6 MB)  TX bytes:63171 (63.1 KB)
    # ifconfig wlan0 mtu 1532
    SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument
    # /bin/ip link set mtu 1532 dev wlan0
    RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
    # ifup wlan0
    sysctl: setting key "net.ipv6.conf.wlan0.mtu": Invalid argument



    SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument

    indicates that the requested MTU was rejected by the kernel. Typically this would be due to it exceeding the maximum value supported by the interface hardware. In that case you must either reduce the MTU to a value that is supported or obtain more capable hardware.


    If this was a hardware restriction It wouldn't work on the 3.4.113-sun8i kernel, so this leads me to think its the driver on the 4.10.0-sun8i kernel.
    Is anyone here familiar with the code of this driver and able to confirm for me if this is a known issue?



  3. @abramq Sorry I don't know the answer, but maybe I can help.....


    the Orange Pi Lite's (and the Orange Pi Pc Plus's, but these are the only 2 models I have, so maybe other models too) both load a module 8189fs,


    Combined with this (https://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1237-tutorial-opi-one-wireless-success/), I believe this is the Realtek 8189fs chipset.


    When I quickly googled for "Realtek 8189fs wifi direct" I didn't find anything that confirms either way, but did find support for wifi direct with the Realtek 8188 and Realtek 8192 chipsets, so there is some hope that it might be possible.


    Hopefully this is helpful and steers you in the right direction.



  4. Hi Joao,


    1) I have never tried playing games on an Orange Pi, but the CPU should be fast enough for most android games. Some of the Orange Pi's can run Android (i'm not sure about all? not really my area of interest).


    I would suggest you get one of the Orange Pi models with H3 processor and 1G ram and existing images for Android and Desktop Linux, you can see here for the android images (http://www.orangepi.org/downloadresources/) and here for a linux Desktop image (http://armbian.com/download/)


    The best bet for you to start out would be to use 2 SD cards, one for the Linux Desktop, one for Android. Use the Android for you games, then switch card when you want to play with linux.


    2) Installing software on Linux is easier than Windows, about the same as Android or IOS, On the Armbian linux desktop use the Synaptic Package Manager (it's already installed, more info here: http://www.nongnu.org/synaptic/action.html)


    3) The Android version on the Orange Pi is Android, so no.


    The following is the same for the Orange Pi as for any other Android box that you would plug into a TV:


    If you are expecting a tablet / phone like experience, you will need a touch screen (I have no experience with this) but from what I understand a touch screen with HDMI and USB would be what you want.


    I would suggest you try just plugging in the Orange PI to your TV with a USB keyboard and mouse first try it out and see how you go. You may also want to try with a USB game pad, but again I have not tried that either.




    Well, Hope I've helped.... Good luck,



  5. @jernej - Thanks for the heads up.




    You can use Arduino with USB port, serial adapter for Arduinos without USB ports, interface cable for some old Nokia phones (you have to Google for exact models that are actually USB-UART adapters) or UART port on another board.


    I quickly looked through your post history, and since you have more than one Orange board, you can install Armbian limage with legacy kernel on one of those, enable one of UART interfaces that are available on 40 pin GPIO header in fex file and use this interface to connect to the testing board.


    I don't have any Arduino equipment either, and just a couple of months back we chucked all the old Nokia stuff (when the wife went on a cleaning spree)


    looks like connecting to another OPi is my best bet, i'll have to find some suitable cables.


    Thanks @zador this is a big help.



  6. Hi zador,


    Thanks, unfortunately I don't have one of those :(


    I do have one of these:



    Will this work If I wire up a serial cable something like this?:



    Given it takes months for anything to be delivered here, when I order on line (the curse of living outside a major city), and there are no local suppliers, so I can't exactly go racing down to the local shop. If I can make up a cable this way I could be up and running much quicker.

  7. In this tread:



    It appears that Hugo has used /dev/ttyUSB0 on a linux machine to connect to his Orange Pi+. Is this something unique to the Orange Pi+? when I connect a usb cable to the otg port of my OPi Lite I don't see the u-boot screen, also I can't see it when I connect to a TV with the HDMI.


    Knowing how to get to see the u-boot screen could help me understand better the issue I' having above.



  8. Hi All,


    I'll start with I know this is a dev image...... but I would like to see the 4.x kernels working on the Orange Pi Lite, so would like to be able to find out why it's not and help get that resolved in any way I can.


    I have 2 images, both were built using the compile.sh:


    I dd'd the 3.4.112 kernel image onto a Micro SD, put it in to my Orange Pi Lite and booted it up and confirmed it was working as expected, the green light flashed, the red one also flashed on first boot, then after the reboot I logged in, changed password etc.
    I then powered off the Orange Pi Lite, removed the Micro SD card and dd'd the 4.7.6 image, then repeated the process, however this time no green light on the Orange Pi Lite even after waiting over 10 min and pressing the power button a few times.
    To rule out hardware, I have in both cases used exactly the same hardware (Same Micro SD card, same power supply, same cable, same Orange Pi Lite).
    After this failed boot, i removed the SD card and mounted on a linux machine to try and figure out what happened, I looked in: 
    $ cat microsd/var/log/dmesg 
    (Nothing has been logged yet.)

    I looked in a few other files but don't know what I am looking for.


    I am not that familiar with the boot process of the H3 boards, but I'm guessing by the content of dmesg and the lack of a green light that the kernel never booted? I was also not able to connect via the OTG port.


    Any suggestions on what I should look at next?

    I also tried Armbian_5.17_Orangepilite_Ubuntu_xenial_4.7.2.raw a while back and had the same result, but gave up there at that time.
  9. Ok, now I understand. It works by default as I wanted not as I expected.


    I was planning to use a battery big enough to power it for 24-48 hours without the solar panel and the location gets 10 hours of sunlight in mid winter so it would take several dark days in a row for this condition to occur, so unlikely but not impossible, maybe a couple of times a decade. I just want to make the system as robust as possible.


    Thanks everyone for the answers here.



  10. First, it would not be possible to differentiate between manual power up and power up after power loss 


    Actually I don't really care, in my case I just want it to power on and boot up the os after the power is restored regardless of the reason for the power loss. I am planning to embed these boards in a solar powered device, so if the battery goes flat I don't want to be visiting the devices to press the button just to get the OS back up.


    So I gather I need to change something in /etc/udev/rules.d/72-power-button.rules ? or should that be /etc/udev/rules.d/71-axp-power-button.rules ?


    Is there some documentation for this file somewhere?



  11. Hi All,


    Sorry if this has been asked before, I haven't been able to find the answer yet.


    I wish to configure my OrangePi's (Lite and PC+) such that they power on automatically whenever the power is restored after a power outage without needing to press the power button.


    I'm not sure where we could configure this as the OrangePi's don't seem to have a bios like a Desktop PC.



  12. Hi,


    I am running a self built image, it's basically the standard Armbian_5.17_Orangepilite_Ubuntu_xenial_3.4.112 with a few extra debs and some pre-configured conf files in /etc.


    I must be missing something but I cant see how/where you get the power consumption from the output of h3consumption -p? 


    So as I have a few boards up and running with this build, here goes, in all cases below I have ssh'd into the board, run sudo reboot, then after the reboot I have ssh'd back into the board and run sudo h3consumption -p. Also in all cases the boards have no heatsinks and are running inside the plastic cases supplied by xunlong.


    Hope this helps,





      ___                               ____  _   _     _ _       
     / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  |  _ \(_) | |   (_) |_ ___ 
    | | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ | |_) | | | |   | | __/ _ \
    | |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |  __/| | | |___| | ||  __/
     \___/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___| |_|   |_| |_____|_|\__\___|
    Welcome to ARMBIAN Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 3.4.112-sun8i 
    System load:   0.21            	Up time:       3 min		
    Memory usage:  10 % of 494Mb  	IP:            
    CPU temp:      65°C           	
    Usage of /:    9% of 15G    	
    [ 5 updates to install: apt-get upgrade ]
    Last login: Sun Aug 28 11:40:31 2016 from 2001:xxxx:219f:xxxx:a65e:60ff:xxxx:933b
    dave@orangepilite-00005e:~$ sudo h3consumption -p
    [sudo] password for dave: 
    Active settings:
    cpu       1200 mhz allowed, 1200 mhz possible, 4 cores active
    dram      624 mhz
    hdmi/gpu  active
    usb ports active
    bat0      no wireless extensions.
    wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"batnet6"  Nickname:"<WIFI@REALTEK>"
              Mode:Ad-Hoc  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Cell: 02:13:13:13:13:13   
              Retry:off   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
              Encryption key:off
              Power Management:off
              Link Quality=67/100  Signal level=76/100  Noise level=0/100
              Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
              Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0
      ___                               ____  _   _     _ _       
     / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  |  _ \(_) | |   (_) |_ ___ 
    | | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ | |_) | | | |   | | __/ _ \
    | |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |  __/| | | |___| | ||  __/
     \___/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___| |_|   |_| |_____|_|\__\___|
    Welcome to ARMBIAN Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 3.4.112-sun8i 
    System load:   0.06            	Up time:       9 min		
    Memory usage:  8 % of 494Mb  	IP:            
    CPU temp:      53°C           	
    Usage of /:    8% of 15G    	
    Last login: Tue Sep  6 06:28:05 2016 from 2001:xxxx:219f:xxxx:a65e:60ff:xxxx:933b
    dave@orangepilite-0435503b0ace14000079:~$ sudo h3consumption -p
    [sudo] password for dave: 
    Please be patient, external requirements are to be installed.
    fex2bin/bin2fex not found and unable to install. Exiting
    Active settings:
    cpu       1200 mhz allowed,  mhz possible, 4 cores active
    dram      624 mhz
    usb ports 
    bat0      no wireless extensions.
    wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"batnet6"  Nickname:"<WIFI@REALTEK>"
              Mode:Ad-Hoc  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Cell: 02:13:13:13:13:13   
              Retry:off   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
              Encryption key:off
              Power Management:off
              Link Quality=94/100  Signal level=76/100  Noise level=0/100
              Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
              Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0
      ___                               ____  _   _     _ _       
     / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  |  _ \(_) | |   (_) |_ ___ 
    | | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ | |_) | | | |   | | __/ _ \
    | |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |  __/| | | |___| | ||  __/
     \___/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___| |_|   |_| |_____|_|\__\___|
    Welcome to ARMBIAN Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 3.4.112-sun8i 
    System load:   0.13            	Up time:       3 min		
    Memory usage:  8 % of 494Mb  	IP:            
    CPU temp:      59°C           	
    Usage of /:    8% of 15G    	
    Last login: Tue Sep  6 05:19:39 2016 from 2001:xxxx:219f:xxxx:a65e:60ff:xxxx:933b
    dave@orangepilite-04355045074e54000078:~$ sudo h3consumption -p
    [sudo] password for dave: 
    Please be patient, external requirements are to be installed.
    fex2bin/bin2fex not found and unable to install. Exiting
    Active settings:
    cpu       1200 mhz allowed,  mhz possible, 4 cores active
    dram      624 mhz
    usb ports 
    bat0      no wireless extensions.
    wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"batnet6"  Nickname:"<WIFI@REALTEK>"
              Mode:Ad-Hoc  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Cell: 02:13:13:13:13:13   
              Retry:off   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
              Encryption key:off
              Power Management:off
              Link Quality=97/100  Signal level=96/100  Noise level=0/100
              Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
              Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0
      ___                               ____  _   ____   ____         
     / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  |  _ \(_) |  _ \ / ___|    _   
    | | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ | |_) | | | |_) | |      _| |_ 
    | |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |  __/| | |  __/| |___  |_   _|
     \___/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___| |_|   |_| |_|    \____|   |_|  
    Welcome to ARMBIAN Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 3.4.112-sun8i 
    System load:   0.09            	Up time:       6 min		
    Memory usage:  4 % of 1000Mb 	IP:  
    CPU temp:      49°C           	
    Usage of /:    8% of 15G    	
    Last login: Tue Sep  6 11:52:38 2016 from 2001:xxxx:219f:xxxx:a65e:60ff:xxxx:933b
    dave@orangepipcplus-000094:~$ sudo h3consumption -p
    [sudo] password for dave: 
    Please be patient, external requirements are to be installed.
    fex2bin/bin2fex not found and unable to install. Exiting
    Active settings:
    cpu       1296 mhz allowed,  mhz possible, 4 cores active
    dram      624 mhz
    usb ports 
    bat0      no wireless extensions.
    br0       no wireless extensions.
    wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"batnet6"  Nickname:"<WIFI@REALTEK>"
              Mode:Ad-Hoc  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Cell: 02:13:13:13:13:13   
              Retry:off   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
              Encryption key:off
              Power Management:off
              Link Quality=96/100  Signal level=100/100  Noise level=0/100
              Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
              Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0



  13. well I found the main.h files with the version numbers:

    • sources/linux-sun8i/sun8i/net/batman-adv/main.h
      • ​2012.1.0
    • sources/linux-sun8i-mainline/orange-pi-4.7/net/batman-adv/main.h

      • ​2016.2

    However when I built the dev version with the 4.7 kernel no batman-adv module was compiled. I went back to Zador's check in and saw that he only updated linux-sun8i-default.config and linux-sunxi-next.config but for my boards there is no next version only default and dev, so hopefully I have understood why?


    I did try messing around with linux-sunxi-dev.config putting in the changes from Zador's check in, but when I compiled again I still didn't get the batman-adv module, so I will probably have to be patient for this, though I might have another crack at it when I am a bit more familiar with the build process....


    Now I understand that compile.sh can be used to create personalised images, I would like to learn more about this as It would be useful for me. From http://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_User-Configurations/#user-provided-patches I think that I need to put my customisations in the userpatches dir, so here are the first things I would like to do in my personalised image and my current guess as to what I think I need to do to achieve them, I haven't tried these yet so would appreciate guidance if i'm on the right track or not.

    1. modify the firstrun script to change the hostname (so each device has a unique hostname)

      copy lib/scripts/firstrun to userpatches/lib/scripts/firstrun and add my changes?
    2. add extra preinstalled packages (e.g. Squid)

      edit customize-image.sh but what do i put in here? apt-get install squid? 
    3. modify the initial configuration of some files (eg. /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/modules)

      copy lib/config/network/interfaces.default to userpatches/lib/config/network/interfaces.default and modify?
      still no idea where to find the source for /etc/modules?

    I hope i'm at least on the right track for something?



  14. Well I had some success, but then not so much, I used compile.sh to build an image "Armbian_5.17_Orangepilite_Ubuntu_xenial_3.4.112.raw" and was able to boot with this and load batman-adv unfortunately it's a really ancient version (2012.1) not the version in Ubuntu xenial on x86 (2015.2).


    I am now trying a build with the dev kernel to see what I will get.


    Does anyone know how I can control what version of the module is included in the build?



  15. tkaiser,


    That's ok, I didn't want to generate a a bunch of results if they were no going to provide value, on the other hand I was willing to generate them if it would be helpful.


    I am not having any issues with the current settings on my devices, probably because of the great work done by people like yourself.



  16. Hi All,


    @tkaiser mentions in this thread http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1193-orange-pi-plus-2e-now-available/ the lima-memtester utility, requesting tests for the Orange Pi Plus 2E.


    Unfortunately I do not have a Orange Pi Plus 2E, I have however just received 10x Orange Pi Lite's and 2x Orange Pi PC+'s.


    Would it be useful to the project if I run this utility on all / some of my devices?


    Assuming yes and noting the comment: 



    No 'spinning cube' --> no heat/load --> no results that matter.

    Do I need to run a desktop image with the HDMI plugged into a monitor?


    Also do I need provide some extra information to uniquely identify each board or will this happen automatically? 



  17. Hi arox,


    No not a school project, just a personal one. I bought a dozen Orange Pi's specifically for experimenting with mesh networks.


    According this "https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=622361"it has been a standard linux kernel module since 2.6 (2011?) era kernels so I was quite surprised that it was not available in armbian.


    on any recent debian distro (x86 or amd64 at least) you can simply run modprobe batman-adv to load this module, I had incorrectly assumed that such a mature kernel module would be available on all platforms.


    I am happy to do the work to compile these modules if I can get some guidance on how to do this.



  18. Hi All,


    I'm new here, well been lurking a while reading heaps, just not posting before now.


    My Orange Pi's arrived a few days ago  :D so I have been playing, I have Ubuntu_xenial_3.4.112 image on both types and am able to connect to home wifi and do apt-get update/upgrade so all good here.


    One thing I wanted to do is use batman-adv, but the kernel module seems to have been disabled on the armbian images:

    @orangepipcplus:~# cat /boot/config-3.4.112-sun8i |grep BATMAN
    # CONFIG_BATMAN_ADV is not set

    It took me a while to figure out how to confirm this was the case but another post pointed me to the /boot/config-3.4.112-sun8i file.


    So this is where I need some pointers on how to move forward.

    I'm guessing it's not as simple as un-commenting CONFIG_BATMAN_ADV and adding =y

    I'm also guessing that at least the kernel module will need to be compiled and maybe the whole kernel? I have never done this so don't really know what to do, but I am willing to learn if someone can give a a pointer or two.


    My understanding from what I have read is this module should already be in the kernel sources so hopefully this won't be too difficult. I am also open to changing to a different build if necessary/easier to get batman-adv working.


    FYI my hardware is:

    - Orange Pi PC+

    - Orange Pi Lite



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