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  1. @TU-Student @jock the board is this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lGo8utI0wxYdYlnLzE0IWuSc7wKuGKW7/view?usp=sharing and the adapter is this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12Nel98lvXN5qfnF5sd0iTR6wE672X70I/view?usp=sharing and is the multitool that don't boot, i got nothing on the screen
  2. Hello, i'm tryin to install on a tv box but when i put the sd card and turn on i got nothing on screen (looks like don't start) * i'm using an usb adapter because my pc doesn't read sd directly so i got the multitool partition in ntfs when install multitool on sd: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_3tEXDWX0zSX68oQRI59JDhIZxtfy-DY/view?usp=sharing specs: TV BOX: Mxq pro 4k 5g with board rk3229-mxq-8723 v1.0 PROCESSOR: RK3229 AIDA64: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s9XvUhTaLg75kg4WvIj4qAauLILRLAnj/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jdp8zLBLdteA7Y2wbEELqi5LPDx1lhKG/view?usp=sharing
  3. Hello everybody!, sorry for not answer your replys but i was very buzzy in this time finding ways to make my tv box mxq 4k working again, and run armbian was just one of the possibilitys, and sometimes i had to stop this journey to calm and put the thinks in order, so.. Yesterday after all this time i found a way to get my tv box working again! FInally! 😀 here is how i solved the problem: a guy called Elias contacted me telling that he have a tv box same as mine, and his room only doesn't work the wifi, he gived me his room called SUPERTV5G and his rk_android_took_2.3.9, so i installed but don't worked!, after a time i decided to merge parts of my old room (that display the logo but was in loop called: MDT V5G PRO+ 8K - RK3229-MXQ-8723 V1.0_Magnum_Som) to see what's happen, and when i write the trust.img over the instaled SUPERTV5G the tv box come back to live again!!! Here is how to unbrick your TV BOX MXQ 4K 5G rk3229-mxq-8723 v1.0: 1) download and extract the file SUPERTV5G.rar 2) open RK_Android_Tool_2.3.9 > upgrade firmwork > load the image extracted and press upgrade. (maybe your device disconect, and you have to enter maskroom mode) 3) when the instalation finish go to the tab 'Download Image' click with the right button of mouse on the space of the left space and load the 'config_16.cfg' file 4) after this unmark all the boxes and let only 'Loader' and 'Trust' 5) on loader put the file 'RK322XMiniLoaderAll_V2.47_MarcosTvBox.bin' 6) on trust put 'trust.img' 7) install and your tv box should work again! the files used are here for download -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1egg9yNIDjJbk7DpPTqWRew6TyfJ97Muq?usp=sharing *if you have any question contact me on discord: cxp6203 *the wifi doesn't work on this room, but you can use a cable for the internet, i'll search for another room and repeat the process, if i found a better i'll update this.
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