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  1. Yeah, I’ll stick with 21.08.2 version until I upgrade my Ubuntu, which I plan to do anyway. Thanks for your time
  2. It rebooted but modules won’t load, this time the error is different though - it cannot find any module: root@cubietruck:~# find /lib/modules/ -iname '*veth*' -type f /lib/modules/4.19.62-sunxi/kernel/drivers/net/veth.ko /lib/modules/5.17.4-sunxi/kernel/drivers/net/veth.ko.xz /lib/modules/5.10.60-sunxi/kernel/drivers/net/veth.ko root@cubietruck:~# modprobe veth modprobe: FATAL: Module veth not found in directory /lib/modules/5.17.4-sunxi
  3. @going I’m trying to install the u-boot package but it’s in conflict with armbian-u-boot package. Is it safe to uninstall?
  4. @going I’m trying to install the u-boot package but it’s in conflict with armbian-u-boot package. Is it safe to uninstall?
  5. Hello. I will check it today, I had a busy end of the week and could not make it.
  6. Thanks, I will do my best to test this today. Do I have to install all packages? Looks like there’s much more than just a kernel.
  7. Of course. I will try to help every way I can. Do you want to build it on my system or you want to build it on the same OS version and then want me to try it?
  8. Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)
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